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Sally hummed her favorite cristmas-song as she layed the table for dinner. Her friend Pete had to work on christmas, but soon he would come home to spend the holidays with her. She smiled, as she looked at the christmas tree: A few presents layed around it, wrapped in all kinds of paper.

Sally´s best present, wasn´t under the tree tho, she had just ordered a sexy costume to surprise Pete later this evening. The box with the lingerie was sitting on a small desk next to the window already.„Hm, maybe I shouls risk a look and try if it fits me well“

Sally took the box and sat down on the carpet. Carefully, she opened it and pulled out various kinds of parts: A dark lingerie-slip and a fitting bra, a pair of striped stockings, and, probably because it was christmas-season, a pair of antlers on a hair-band.

Sally smiled as she saw the antlers and placed them on her head „moo!“ She lauged, not even sure if reindeers even did that noise. „Hehe, I wonder if Pete likes it a little naughty, I should leave them on later, they are cute“

Sally stood up and took her clothes off, to see if her new lingerie fits her. The house was warm already, so she layed her jeans, hoodie and shirt to the side. The fabric of the dark slip felt quite good, and so she pulled down her underwear and tried it on. 

„Fits perfectly!“ she leaned from one side to the other, the slip was covering up her ladybits pretty well, and in her oppinion, it looked damn sexy! She took on the Bra too, a little worried, that her breasts might be a tad too small for it. „Hm.“ She fiddled around with the fabric „It has a little play tho, lets see how these stockings fit!“ 

The faric of the stockings was a little thicker than the one of the lingerie, but Sally really liked the cute little bows on each of them. Carfully, she shoved her shaved leg inside, as she noticed that it wasn´t a full stocking! „Uhm, why is this open at the lower end?“ Sally looked confused as she pulled the second stocking over her other tight, her bare feet touched the ground.

„Who on merra has legs like that?!“ The cutting of the stockings was a little weird and the general size of the openings was way too big for Sally´s legs. „I ordered the medium size! Looks like they sended me super-large!“ A little angry, Sally pulled down the stocking to put it back into the box, as she noticed a rough feeling on her legs.

„WHAT THE?!“ the shaved skin on her legs was looking hairy below the stockings. Instead of smooth human skin, a short fur had grown on Sally´s tights. „WHATS HAPPENING TO ME??!“

The fur seemed to spread from under her stockings as she tried to pull them down. Her legs slowly started to grow thicker, as her feet became longer, slowly becoming more and more stiff and immovable. „HNOOO! BURRP!“ A loud honking noise escaped Sally´s throat, as more and more fur spreaded over her belly.

In horror, the young woman saw her belly and pelvis expanding: Her ass had become massive, as well as her new, fat tights that startet to fit the stockings perfectly! Her boobs had started to press into the bra, as they grew bigger, obscenely big nipples pushed through the fabric from below.

„Hwhat... is this?“ Sally felt her nethers turning wet and hot. As she tried to look down, she noticed the muzzle that was slowly growing out of her face. Thick drool dripped to the ground in the process, as Sally saw her nethers being soaked in her own lewd fluids.

„HNNGGG! I NEED IT! Again, a loud honk escaped Sallys throat, as a pair of real antlers grew out of her skull. In heat, she grabbed the slip between her legs and felt how wet she was already: The fabric of the lingerie was dripping with her fluids.

The toes on her legs had fused into hooves meanwhile, the stockings on her new, muscular reindeer-legs had wrapped perfectly around them. „*BUURP* My Tits feel so heavy.... Im soo needy!“ 

Sally touched her crotch again, before carefully letting her fingers slip under the fabric. Her former human pussy felt plump and moist, drooling with a pheromone-filled liquid. With every stroke of her thick furry fingers, the slip seemed to become tighter.

Finally, Sally ripped away the fabric to reveal her new, needy reindeer-cunt, dripping in anticipation for a cock that could possibly give her release. „Hnnnggg... I hope Pete comes home fast... Hnngg... need  my head... clear...again“

The sole thought of Pete aroused her new body. Like a needy animal, her pussy quivered in heat, as Sally suddenly released a loud rutting call.



General Cellron XD

Well this one definitely has a sexy kink to it :)


Well, stockings and animal-tf is a nice surprise for Pete when he comes home XD


Pete needs to come home ASAP because if his wife keeps releasing "loud rutting calls", a male renola will certainly answer it... ^^