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„Hm, It has to be here somwhere...“ Joe watched the small display in his hands. His friend Kiley, a quite lively Bolgan girl had lately started to play this geocaching-game with him. Joe had always found Kiley attractive, and her stories of traveling through the outback of south Akrina sounded quite promising. The red dot on the screen flashed up again and again, right at the position Joe was standing.

Annoyed, Joe put it back into his pocket. „Stupid thing-“ He looked around again. The geocaching device had led him right into a pretty desolated valley. Weird geysers covered the landscape around him, creating a thick, wet fog. In the distance, Joe saw the first glass-sculptures of the jagged desert.

A bit concerned, the young man took up the little screen again. „How far have I travelled?“ Suddenly, he stumbled over a step in the stony ground. Joe looked down and saw a patch of quite soft earth right beneath his feet. He grinned „Aha! I guess someone buried the stuff and made it hard to find!“ Euphoric, he turned around to grab a shovel from his backpack, which he had left at one of the geysers not far away, as he heard an unpleasant, snarling noise.

Without a warning, something hit him from behind. Sharp claws ripped open the back of his jacket, as two strong hands grabbed the young male. The snarling noise became louder... closer. In panic, Joe tried to look at whatever was holding him, as he saw the leathery, scaled claws resting on his naked shoulder.

A second, loud hiss whizzed through the air as Joe finally saw what was attacking him. A massive, dark desert snapper emerged from the fog, drooling thick viscous strands from its reptilian snout.H e felt something ripping his clothes open more and more, an excited grunting came closer to his ear as he realized, that another snapper was holding him close.

Disgusted, Joe felt the leathery skin of the reptile woman touching his skin. Her warty aerola excreted a smelly, sticky liquid that formed reeking marks on his back. „H-Help... Please!!!... S-Someone!!!“ Joe tried to escape, but now the other, darker snapper had also started to touch him.

Curious, the lighter snapper pulled down Joes pants and growled in excitement, as his flaccid cock dangled around between his legs. The darker snapper snarled in lust, as her plump claw traveled down her body to touch her massive, leathery sex. Carefully, her claws pushed between the already used an worn-looking lips of her obscene cunt while the snapper that was holding Joe made sure he saw everything.

The massive claws slipped inside the hungry hole of the monster, quickly slipping in and out, creating a farting, slick noise, as more and more milky liquids dripped from the snappers giant snatch. „Uhg... hno... no, please... let me-“ He wasn´t able to finish the sentence. The snapper behind him, had started to lick his cheek with its broad tongue. „No, please, stop... pleaff..“ Joe felt the thick tongue of the Reptile pushing inside his mouth, as the monstrous raptor-girl kissed him.

A digusting, salty taste hit his mouth and nose, as Joe realized the light snapper was using his hand to stroke over her own, swollen dinosaur cunt while he was kissed by the thick tongue.

He felt the slimy labia of the reptile girl slipping over his human skin, as more and more femcum gushed out from the cunt. Suddenly, the snapper stopped to kiss Joe and pushed him down to his knees.

Snarling and grunting, the feral beast forced the young man between its tights, her leathery muscular legs carefully slipping over his shoulders, as Joe sunk into the snappers smelly crotch.

Joe saw the knees of the Snapper in the distance, he was between her legs! From behind his head, a wet, slipping sound grew louder and louder, as he felt warm liquids running down his back „ Stop it... STOP IT!!“

But it was too late. The feral claws of the snapper pushed down what was left of his trousers and started to give his cock a scaly foodjob. Leathery toes slipped over the young man´s penis, as it slowly grew stiff from the touches. „Nooo“ Joe screamed, as suddenly the snapper above him took a small hop forwards.

Joe felt the reptilian cunt engulfing his head, the lewd lips of the feral sex slipped over his ears, as a gush of smelly, viscous cuntjuices ran over his face. Both snappers growled in lust as the head of the young man was slowly swallowed by the scalie cunt more and more.

Joe tried to breath, but only drew in musky air from between the snappers tights. The cuntjuices from above made him feel dizzy, as more and more of them filled his mouth and nose as he gasped for air.

Suddenly, Joe felt like his whole body was extending and growing stronger. It almost felt like his muscles wanted to jump out from under his skin! A strong pressure started to grow in his chest, as bulges started to form beneath his breasts. Still stucked inside the feral snapper´s cunt, Joe didn´t realize, that his old human skin was slowly ripping open, revealing a leathery, scalie snapper-skin beneath.

He gurgled, as something salty was entering his throat. It wasnt the musky taske of cuntjuice he had tasted before... It was like, it was coming from his inside! „Hgrnoooo...!!!“ Joe snarled, as he felt his teeth slowly changing. The slimy sounds of the used Snapper-cunt still surrounding him, Joe was unable to fight his body change anymore.

Finally, The snapper pulled him out of her snatch with a loud growl. Almost disgusted, she threw Joe into the muddy ground, as she squirted a hot gush of femcum over him to mark him as her new pack-member.

Pleased and a bit exhausted, she snarled one more time, before she stumped away. Joe was alone in the puddle now, his skin felt like an old, stretched latex suit, that was going to rip every second. In horror, he watched his hands slowly mutating into disgusting, scaly claws. In plump movements, he started to close the ripping gaps that had formed everywhere on his body, revealing the leathery, brown snapper-skin below.

The pressure on his chest became almost unbearable, as two massive, scaly tits with warty aerola bursted out. „Hgrrnooo... pleeeeaffe...“ Joe begged, as thick veins formed on his new breasts, pumping a hot load of salty cum, produced by the testicles inside them. Soon he would be able to transform his own victims into the same kind of abomination he was becoming.

He tried to stand up, as he realized another snapper was coming out of the fog. Somehow, Joe was starting to like the meaty labia, that slipped between the beasts legs with every step. A growl escaped his mouth, as he suddenly felt his whole head changing!

From his mouth, a massive dinosaur-snout pushed out from his face, drooling thick strands of salty liquids. His once human tongue had become a wet, slimy dinosaur one, greedily licking over his new, sharp teeth.

His former human testicles had turned into a wet mess of slimy lips, surrounding a needy hole.

Desperate, Joe tried to grab his shrinking cock, that slowly slipped back into his crotch, transforming into a lewd, snapper-clit. The needy feeling of a female in heat suddenly hit Joe hard, as his own snatch elongated, as a massive tail bursted out from his back. A feeling of emptiness he wanted to be filled... filled sooon!

The other snapper looked at him, curiously stroking over her own, thick labia. Drool runned down her feral cheeks, as she lowered herself and started to eat out Joes newly-grown snapper pussy.

A few days later, Joe had already accepted his new fate as a Snapper. It was a simple life and it felt wonderful. All the pack was doing was hunting, mating and sleeping most of the day. Their massive, muscular bodies were perfectly adapted tothe desert around them, and Joe was slowly enjoying his new body.

In fact, most of his senses had vastly improved after his transformation, and with his new sense of smell, Joes new partner strangely smelled pretty similar to a bolgan girl he used to know and like in his former life.

His belly had grown round and full after the last mating session and something was telling him, that he should slow down and get some rest for the next days.



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