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„You sure it was here Mia?“ Zoey turned on her flashlight as she entered the dark tunnel in front of her. Mia was following her with insecure steps as both girls walked deeper into the sewer entrance not far from the city gates. Mia mumbled something Zoe wasn´t able to hear, instead of listening, she pulled out her GPS to see what path they took the last time they were here.

„How could you even loose your ring in here with these gloves on?“ Zoey concentraded on the tunnel, but she knew she was sounding cocky again . „I mean – its inside... Have you put them out at some point or what?“ Mia looked around and seemed a little confused as Zoey stopped at the first corner. „Hello? Is someone there?“

Mia felt miserable. She wasn´t even sure if she had lost her ring in here as they inspected the old Tinoran sewer systems for possible tunnels monsters from the outside could use. All she knew was, that it felt kinda right to be here. The smell and wetness of the sewer made her feel a little bit better somehow, and so she looked up to her friend „Wh-what? Sure I´m here!“

Zoey grinned without turning around „Good, for a moment I though you lost yourself in the here, too!... Well, any idea where you lost it last time?“

Mia shook her head „not really, I think it was deeper down that tunnel.“ She pointed to the left. „Fine, Oh, I called Stacy. I think she will be here too in a minute... 6 eyes see better than 4 y´know“

„wh-what?“ Mia was unable to follow the words of her friend as she noticed a feeling of utter comfort growing in her. This sewer was the perfect place, even if Mia was unable to tell -perfect for what? She tried to follow Zoey, who had almost turned around the corner, but her legs felt like jelly.

Something inside her was wanting out... something big and wonderful. Confused, Mia touched the suit she took on to prevent the dirty water of the sewers touching her skin. Why had she put that on? Her skin was screaming... aching for the touch of these filthy waters.

Something inside her suit was moving, like if a small animal was trapped between her tight and the fabric. Mia moaned, as she carefully started to open the overall, only to see the inside was already soaked in a sticky substance. Strings of slime formed, as the young girl started to open her suit more and more, her once perfectly smooth human skin was glistening in the dim light of the tunnel, oozing viscous liquids.

Mia looked at her arm closer. It was completely covered in a wrinkled, warty slug-skin wherever her taint had shifted into a dark brownish color. Her top was soaked in slime, Mia saw her nippels pushing against the transparent fabric, as she felt her body growing thicker and softer, deforming it into a grotesque slug-form. Slimy tentacles had grown from her waist, one of them was carefully rubbing through her swollen crotch area, sending all kinds of sensations through her spine.

„Ughhh... ZOOOEYY!“ Mia pressed out, as the last parts of her suit ripped from her slimy new body. Her tits had grown into massive, slug-skin covered sacks, her nipples had turned into grotesque, wet mounds.

Zoey turned around to Mia. „Oh my gosh, Mia, what´s happening?!“ In panic, she dropped her flashlight and GPS into the mud „Oh no Oh no... the slerm hive we burned last week... don´t tell me you lost your ring there!“

Mia gurgled, her belly was growing bigger and bigger. Her body was completely covered in wrinkly, slimy slug skin by now „Zoooeyyy!“ Mias tentacles grew bigger, as they sprayed slug-slime all over the walls of the tunnel in her movement. She felt a strange pressure in her nethers, as something carelessly slipped through the insides of her pussy.

„Shhhhllll.... eeeeggs!“ Mia growled, as a long greenish tongue darted out from her mouth. She felt her swollen cunt spreading, as a gush of cold, slimy liquid squirted into the mud below her.

„I need to get out of here!“ Zoey screamed „I will get you help as soon as I can Mia!“

Mia felt her vision fading, as one of her eyes started to transform into a dusgusting slug-eye and grew out from her skull. „shhhllll Nooooo.... you Shlll sssstaaaay!“

Mia wasn´t able to control herself anymore. One of her new tentacles reached out for Zoey and curled around the young women.

Zoey was trapped between the slimy tentacles of her still transforming friend, as she was pulled closer to the giant slug that once was Mia.

Her head had transformed into a giant, slimy slug-head, a long, sticky tongue whipped through the musky air like a lash. Zoey felt how she was pulled closer, directely in front of the monster her friend had become. Her massive tits oozed sticky slime all over her body, as the Slerm pulled the girl into her crotch

A weird mix of slime and eggs was still pusing out from what was left of Mias pussy, as suddenly the inside of her cunt was bulging out, forming a giant, disgusting shaft. A deformed vulva was sitting at its end, as it slowly came closer to Zoeys face.

„Shhhllllll... you..... slug.....“ The slerm pushed out of it´s slimy throat „sssstore shhhhllll... eeeeeggs!“

Zoey tried to move, as the slime started to dissolve her suit. Her bare tits covered in the thick slime that was dripping from the disgusting ovipositor dangled around, as the giant slimy hand of the slug grabbed her face.

The sloppy cunt at the tip of the organ started to twitch and drool, as thick veins appeared on its shaft. It bulged a bit, before it squirted out a gush of clear slime right into Zoeys face.

„Gawd, nooo!“ The claer liquid all over her face, Zeoy tried to get away one more time.

„Shhhhlll perfect Shhhhhlll size...:“ The slug started, as Zoey felt how her throat was growing numb. Her lips felt weird and soft, as she noticed she wa snot able to close her mouth anymore!

„whaf have you done fo mee?! Without giving an answer, the slug pulled her closer and pushed her giant ovipositor down her throat. It was like Zeoy had come multiple times at once, her whole throat shivered, as the thick slimy rod drilled inside her. It was feeling wonderful. Soon, she started to milk and pump over the cock-like organ with pleasure, her lips engulfing it like a perfect sextoy.

Finally, a gush of delicious eggs squirted inside her throat. Zoey looked at the giant slug-cock leaving her new mouth-hole, as she felt the eggs of her mistress slowly sinking down into her belly.

She looked down her body and realized it must have been way more eggs than she had thought! For how long had she milked the slem queen?

At first, Zoey felt utterly disgusted by the changes the slug-slime had caused on her body. But the less she tought about it, the more she enjoyed the simple life at the side of he slug queen.

Carefully, she tried to touch her new mouth and realized, that her hands had transformed into slimy tentacles. „taste... shhhhhlll goood....... shhhllll... mooooore!“ Zoeys slimy belly had transformed into a weird kind of semi-transparent egg-chamber that still felt empty. All she was able to think about now was getting more eggs from her mistress´s giant ovipositor and serve the hive as a giant, living eggsack.

„Mia!? …. Zoey!?“ Stacy entered the dark tunnel. Wet noised halled down from the walls as suddenly a slimy tentacle grabbes her boot. Merciless, the red-haired girl was pulled into th emud, as something drew her deeper into the sewer-system.

The dim light of a flashlight lighted the scene in front of her: a Giant, brown slerm slug was towering over her, trapping her between its slimy limbs. A slimy, stiff ovipositor slowly came closer to he rmouth, as a clear liquid squirted into her face. „Neeeeew shhhhlll ssssluuug!“

Stacy felt how her mouth was slowly transforming into a sucking opening, greedily drawing in the musky air. She smacked greedily, as slime runned over her naked tits... The shaft in front of her was starting to look... delicious...



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