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„Well, well Henry!“ Enikma smiled as the young man was dragged into the spacious but dark cellar room beneath the brothel.

„Hey, what´s going on here?... Let me go... The girl wanted it this way!“ The Doomwidow smiled as the two large human males pushed him forwards: It was a gift to be able to see everything in pitch darkness.

„Where am I?! Im warning you! I know a few guys in high positions in the city... you can´t do this to me!!“ Henry looked around desperately while Enikma enjoyed watching his insecurity in her realm. „And you....“ She whispered with her dominant and strangely erotic voice „...You can´t just betray me again and again in my own house, slap my girls in the face and think you will get away with that forever.“

Paralyzed, the young man started to look around to his left and right „Who are you, where are you?! Think you can hide behind your gorillas, bitch? My friends will close this filthy whorehouse if they ever find out what you are doing to your customers!!“

Enikma leaned forwards and activated the lights with a finger flick, enjoying the shock in the eyes of her prisoners as her dark doomwidow skin was revealed by the neon-lights. „Listen you maggot...“ She picked up something out of a tiny glas on a desk not far from a bunch of chairs „I know these people as well, and they usually pay me for doing them exotic favours... some of them are really into some WEIRD stuff I can tell you...“

With a pleasure-filled look in her eyes, she sticked the needle of a syringe into the strange, slimy ball she had just picked up, as she drew a white substance out of it.

„... Just like these two „gorillas“ you mentioned... Two of my best clients by the way... They love these sub-dom games, but they really think these spitbug-masks can´t beat the real thing“

Henry turned around halfway as he saw that both men had a weird mask strapped in their face. It looked like a perfect replica of a female genital, covering their nose and mouth. „What the?!“ He gasped, as he saw tiny runnels of drool dripping out from between the folds.

„Its a role-play“ Enikma laughed „...looks like they love being sub so much, they like to reduce themself to being just hungry cunts that can´t resist a juicy meal“

She grinned madly „And your debts are high enough to make you work for me, at least for a few days... I will let you play with them and maybe it will also teach you how to behave around girls“

With a quick move, the Doomwidow had grabbed the young man and was holding him tight with her six arms. „OW!“ - Henry felt a sting in his upper arm, as he saw the sleeve she had wrapped around it „You will still be yourself my dear... I dont want the Inquisition to spoil the fun just because you infected my whole club!“ A vial with a clear blue liquid glisteded on Henry´s new attachment.

„An antidote... weakened of course... It will keep your mind intect and prevent you from producing fertile eggs“ Henry tried to fight the grasp of the arachnid-girl „E-Eggs?! What are you doing to me you bitch?!“ Enikma enjoyed her prey struggling like this, she pulled up the syringe and injected the liquid into Henry´s neck. „You will be my sweet little cock-roach attraction down here... You will feed on cum and play whatever sick game your masters want you to play!“

Enikma pulled out the empty syringe „At least for one week, after that, your debts are fully paid back, and we will see If you can still form a proper sentence to get out of here!“ She commiseratively laughed a bit until she added „Well, It could be hard with a drooling fuckhole as a mouth, but stay optimistic, okay?“

Henry felt his whole body slowly becoming warm and numb, as he looked over to the two males that had started to roleplay with each other. In a daze, he saw that one male had dropped on his knees, slowly rubbing his lewd mask over the other guys cock that quickly grew harder.

„Goshhh... tfats fo wrong...“ He started, as he felt his throat swelling tightly together. The guy on his knees was drooling over the stiff cock of his partner, obviously enjoying the taste of spit and pre being rubbed over and inside his cunt-mask.

„Good pet... look at these two and learn!“ Enikma had quickly put a collar around Henry´s neck and tied the leash to a metal plate on the ground. Henry felt his body growing stronger – WAY stronger. His muscles felt like they were made out of iron, as he noticed the gush of warm liquid running down his chin.

„I just love how aggressive this infection is“ Enikma looked over to the boys, still lost in their roleplay „Look over here guys, your new fucktoy! I bet he is already craving for your hard cocks to suck them into his lewd slit!“

Henry stumbled forwards a few steps. He realized, that the hot liquid on his chin was a disgusting mix of drool and sexual fluids, leaking from a hole his nose had turned into „*Shrlllrp* Hnow... pleafe...don.. do fis to me!!“

Enikma came closer one last time and whispered in his ear „Try to enjoy it, slut... You need to breath through that slit... what was your nose is a lube-hole now, producing spit so all the tasty things slip inside easily.... you know... things roaches like you love to suck and lick...“

In horror, Henry realized, that his hands had turned into feral insect claws, covered in thick carapace. His throat was growing tighter and tighter, as the fishy smell from his new orifice started to dissolve into a sweet smell of male arousal he catched with his growing antennas.

„I shrllrp I dnt...*srllrp* Hnooo!!“ Henry´s chest started to bulge, as two yellowish breasts pushed out and his cock felt like he had the weirdest and biggest boner ever. He looked down and saw a massive, dripping bulge in his boxers as his cock slowly mutated into an insectile egg-sack.

„Time to let you three alone and have some fun“ Enikma laughed and sat back in a corner of the room. In disbelief, Henry tried to use his new insectile claws to inspect what his face was growing into: A giant hairy slit was dominating his face by now, drooling a constant stream of lubricant while his mind was still fighting against the pleasure it was sending to his brain.

He shivered, as he carefully spreaded his new, lewd lips and tried to draw in air. „Hwnoopfft.... Pffflease“ … His words had turned into farting, smacking noises, as he tried to push them out the tight vagina-canal, only causing a gush of fresh lubricant to squirt out of his lube-hole.

His eyes started to feel funny, as he was still struggling. The scent of male sweat and sexual fluids grew on him more and more, causing an empty feeling in Henry´s facial sex.

His cock had turned into a giant eggsack almost completely, but the young male was too busy to distract himself from the sweet smell of male sex right beside him.

The two bulges on his chest had developed into massive tits as Henry felt another aching feeling on each of them. Moaning and slobbering in disgust, he realized, that his nipples had mutated into additional, wet cunts, sitting right on the tip of each breast.

He wasn´t able to resist any longer. His vision changed, as the once male Moistfever mutant sunk on it´s knees. The massive eggsack slapped onto the floor, as an insectile screetch escaped Henrys disgustin facecunt. The last thing he was able to see was the patches of thick pubic hair, growing over his swollen, drooling cuntface, completing the sex that was his mouth from now on.

Pictures of hot, throbbing penises flashed up in his mind... penises he wanted to rub... suck... „Hnoo“ He screamed in his mind, but his body quickly started to overpower his weak human intellect.

His hairy cuntmaw smacked greedily, aching for a sweaty rod to suck on... to get the reward from the testicles below.. Every single opening on Henrys body was screaming to be filled by now... needy and aroused, he used his insectile mandibles to spread his facecunt wide open.

„Alright boys! Go get your toy... use the real thing!“ Enikma watched the scene from afar, as the two other man took notice of the changes on her prisoner.

„Yeah... take her... give her what she needs, look how greedy she is!“ One of the males grabbed Henrys disgusting head and guided him closer to his already dripping crotch. His cock was standing stiff, right in front of Henrys face, who spreaded his cunt widely to welcome it deep inside his throat.

„NO..., UUUGH... Stop IT, PLEASE!!!!“ Henry felt as the salty taste of the penis filled his tight throat. It wasnt feeling bad at all, but he was disgusted by what his body was doing against his will.

„It.... UGH...“ He started to pump the stiff cock with every movement of his insectile head, sucking it deeper inside more and more „ UGH... ITS SO DISgust... ty..., Ta...gusting UGH..“ his mind was all over the place with the salty organ slipping inside of him ..“UGH... TASTS... Shrllrrp*.... Thats the word.. shlrp TASTY!

Finally, Henry let go of all of his prejudices, as his hungry fold sucked over the males hard cock... He was enjoying what he was now.... noone could judge him... „Shrllrp.... Cock.... Roach“ - He drooled at the thought... he still knew how to be a human... still remembered everything.. but sucking these tasty things „shrrlrp“ was just so much more easy and satisfying... being a cockroach was so much better... feeding on cum all day.



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