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„Oh come on, not again!“ Sakura had just closed the door of the toilet-room as she realized the cabins had not been repaired by the janitor yet. „That lazy Bolgan idiot!“ Angrily, the young female tried to close the door of the last booth that was´t locked up with an „out of order“ sign.

„What the?!“ the hinges of the booth cracked loudly, as Sakura tried to close them. „Cmon, I thought this was a high-tech facility here... stupid Narioks...!“ She pulled harder, but quickly gave up as her urge to take a seat just took over.

„They only care for their own high-tech underwater lavatories... ignorants“ Still swearing to herself, Sakura pulled down her pants and slip to sit down and do her business.

„Subject 046 had entered the in-vitro-scenario...“ The Nariok grinned as he saw the young girl trying to close the door of the toilet booth they had prepared before so they could see the outcome of their experiment. Nero was a little nervous as a red light flashed on the panel in front of him. „releasing the exokin biosuit!“ Tiffany, another Nariok that sat right next to him smiled „Now we will see, if the last months of testing are leading to an success or a failure...“

Nero nodded and let his finger hover over the red button „At first, we will see if our mixture was correct... I am still a bit worried about the ‘totally obedient’-part“

Tiff laughed out loud, before she looked back to Nero with a diabolic sparkling in her eyes „Well... only one way to find out...“He pressed down Neros finger, to release their experiment into the toilet-room they had chosen as their test-chamber.

„What the?!“ Something wet had touched Sakuras foot. „are you kidding me?“ Sakura just wanted to start an angry outburst about the fact that the last toilet in here seemed be broken, as she realized, the substance on her foot had a bright, pink color, amlost like a liquid kind of colored latex.

She looked to the wall behind her and saw that the substance was dripping from a tiny tube, coming out of the discharge shaft. „What the hell is going on here?!“ Sakura tried to pull her foot out of the pool of pink liquids, but only a smacking, farting noise escaped as the stuff crawled further up her lower leg.

It seemed like the substance was even dissolving Sakuras clothes, as she soon saw her bare foot, completely covered in a tight latex-skin. „Oh Gawd, please, no!“ Desperate, she tried to stand up, but she soon realized, that she was stucked in the pool of slime inside the toilet-booth.

„Interesting“ Nero commented, as he and Tiff followed along as the Exokin-slime slowly took over its new host. „I am really curious where this will lead us“ Tiffany whispered „We injected spitbug DNA you said?“ Nero nodded „For the obedience, yes. We already know Exokins run on proteins, so spitbug was the first choice...

we also used a rare breed of these bugs, a breed that stays obedient to the first food-source they encounter“ The male shark squinted his eyes „What was the other DNA you added“ Tiffany asked curiously „The other race was Equinian... A horse race with quite exceptional sex characteristics, to guarantee a maximum-obedience... to a maximum-sized cock if you wish“

Tiffany started to take notes „So... she will be obedient to the first cock she will feed on?“ Nero grinned broadly „that was the plan, yes.... look, her new mouth is already developing!“

„What is this shit!?“ The slimy latex-skin was slowly crawling all over Sakuras body. It had dissolved all of her clothes by now and had started to cover her naked crotch in thick layers. A tiny bit of the substance had already reached her face, as she had touched her foot before.

In horror, Sakura felt as the creature was sliding into her nethers, forming something like a dildo-shape that contiuously drilled deeper into her anus and cunt.

In pleasure, Sakura screamed out, as even more of the slime from her hand touched her mouth. A giant bulge started to form between her legs, slowly forming a giant horsecock. In panic, she grabbed the giant shaft that was hanging in front of her, as her mouth was slowly covered in another thick layer of pink latex.

„Hnnnw... Oh gwwwd!!!“ The latex formed a tight slit over her mouth and nose. Her throat felt like if someone was stuffing a condom into it, as thin layers entered her mouth and nostrils, connecting these orificed with the lewd organ that was forming in her face.

„A horse cunt?! Haha, that´s excellent!“ Nero seemed to be happy with what the symbiont was doing to it´s host. „I was curious already, what impace the Equinian DNA would have!... A horse cunt in her face, that is quite classy!“ Tiffany continued to write down her notes „Well, the cock was not intended tho... I guess the symbiont wants to use it to spread... we must take care of that later...“

In disbelief, Sakura bended forwards. Almost her whole body was covered in thick-latex skin by now. Confused, she looked on what had formed right below her eyes: Instead of her mouth and nose, she was breathing through a tight, slobbering and quite messy-looking cunt.

„Hnnwww... *slrrrp* pwease... srllrp“ Her new cock had turned into an quite impressive stallion-penis that was dangling between her slime-covered tights. Suddenly, something was whispering to Sakura... like a sweet, calm voice that was telling her, that everything was okay... as long as she sucked... she needed to find her match... a very special match... long and hard.... and tasty... with big balls full of..

„gnhaww... oh gawd, *slurt* stop iiit!“ Images of lewd, Horsecocks appeared in her mind, whispering to her about their perfect taste and feeling. She felt as her own massive latex-penis started to grow stiff, aroused by her fantasies...

„Excellent, we already found a use for Subject 046s cock... It seems that it gets aroused, whenever it becomes hungry... I hope you had noted that down Tiff“ „Of course Dr. Nero“ Tiffany answered quickly, as she looked back on her tablet. „Now... lets go for the final stage... blind obedience“

Sakuras whole body was covered in pink latex by now, as she had accepted cocks as her only possible mate... The first she could find.... she needed a master... badly! Lewd thoughts of sucking around a tight shaft filled her thoughts, as she carefully played with her new lips.

Her fingers slipped between her lewd horse-cunt lips, exploring he rnew orifice. Her cock grew hard, as she fingered her face with two fingers, greedily sucking on them. „no shrllrt... not.... enough.....!!“

Drool dripped from the vertical slit in her face, as her facial sex grew more and more wet. In bliss, she rubbed over the sensitive bulge, feeling her hard clit that was peeking out from her new lips, sending shivers down her spine... „Cock.... badly... shrlllrt …. obey... cock.... MASTER!!“

A clear substance suddenly shot out of Sakuras new, lewd slit. The slimy lubricant formed a curve, before it slapped onto the tiled ground of the toilet-room. She felt how more and more words escaped her mind, as only a few remained and she tried to press them out through her tight, drooling slit:„*shrllrt*... MUST.... shrllrt SUCK!.... COCK!!“

„Seems like Subject 046 is loosing mental capabilities and also able to spray some kind of pheromone... interesting... it´s most likely an aphrodisiac to garantee access to her masters semen... Something we need to take care of in the next test-phase... we dont want an exokin spraying sex-drugs everywhere“ The Nariok took his ballpoint and noted something on a small pad, before he looked back into the screen in front of him.

Sakura had already sat down on the toilet seat again, caressing her new, tight vagina-throat with its latex-like lips that felt like a rubber toy Her cock was dangling between her legs, leaking thick horse-pre onto the floor „suck... slrrrt cock...* she whimpered, spreading her facial sex with every word, so more of her liquids could escape her lube-hole.

„Lets see what her final stage will look like“ The Nariok sat back into his office chair and set up a timer „Her final stage?“ Tiffany asked „Yes!“ Nero looked at her like she had asked the dumbest question of the year

„You know, the point where the creature completely takes over... the TF becomes permanent and irreversible at that point.... we made this exokin-brood WAY stronger this time!“

The Spitbug-Exokin Sakura had become suddenly felt stronger, the tight latex skin seemed to fuse with her body! Confused, she jumped up, as suddenly her urge to suck became even stronger than before! Her brain melted into a bubbling mess, as she was still trying to fight it with her reduced IQ:

„Stop.... don´t wanna... SUCK.... help.... „ The lips of her cuntface spreaded wide open greedily, opening her new vagina throat, the new organ that was everything to her now.... she WAS a cunt now... a LIVING CUNT.... „Pleas... stop.... SUCK.....c-cant... think... FUCK …. COCK...

Suddenly, everything around her turned black, as her eyes were covered by a thick layer of latex. Everything she was able to sense now were her meaty lips, and her throbbing cock... She was a useless bimbo now, only searching for a master she can serve from now on.




lol the adorable skirran grafiti XD


Lost opportunity. Could have self-sucked.

Yeania Aeon

also nice use of the equinian race dna :D