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„They have to be here somwhere“ Ashley stumbled through the dark underground tunnel while trying not to fall over any roots or stones in her way. A weak glowing light seemed to come from a cave not too far ahead.

„I just hope there are no Lumoos around anymore“ Ashley thought before she stopped and hold her breath to reasure herself that no chitinous clickering was coming from the room in front of her.

Since the day the Nariok had shown her the magic of brimstone eggs, Ashley was fascinated by them. She finally slipped inside the quite impressive underground cave, that was lit by a pulsing, warm light of a few pheonix-tear-plants.

She pulled out a small sketch from her pocket and started to search the room around her. „Brimsonte egg... rare egg that helps to heaten up a Lumoos´s hive... Lumoos like to feed the majority of their eggs to themselves.... like warm and

soft meals...„ Ashleys eyes wandered through the room until she spotted an orange glow inside one of the slimy clusters.

„Oh yeah baby“ Ashley triumphed as her hand reached inside the slime and touched the hot, pulsing surface of the glowing egg. „Trish and her friends will pay me a fortune for you“ Carefully, she tried to pull the egg out of the slimy cluster – it seemed harder than it looked at first sight! She pulled harder until finally, the warm glowing egg slipped out of its nest with a wet, smacking sound.

Ashley, surprised by the sound, grabbed the egg too hard „oh no, SHI-!“ The soft shell of the egg ripped open and the hot liquid from the inside gushed over her hand. Surprised, the young adventurer dropped the egg and jumped back a few steps – she just hoped the inside of Brimsone eggs wasn´t poisenous „Damnit! Why are these things like jelly?... I hope there is more around“

Desperate, she looked around for another glowing egg, not noticing the slimy liquid on her hand had already entered her body through her skin.

„Damn... there must be more of these” Ashley dug through the piles of slimy, soft Lumoos eggs, searching for another glowing one. „Shit...“ She wasn´t sure for how long the Lumoos of the cave would be distracted by her sugar-trap outside. „I Ugh... damn“ Ash felt dizzy out of a sudden.

Like a sudden fever, the young girl started to sweat while she was still desperately searching for another egg. „hff... damn... too hot“ Ashley tried to not loose her balance as she tried to stabilize herself and leaned against a rock to the side. „What the hell is going on here?“ Her knees felt weak as

Ashley noticed a few wet spots on her tight black jeans. Carefully, she touched the soaked fabric with her hand, noticing the weird pressure of her skin pressing againt the jeans from the inside.

„What the hell is happening to me?!“ Ashley screamed in disbelief, as the fabric of her jeans ripped, revealing the disgusting, slimy new skin that had formed on her tights. Her boots felt funny, like if the bones of her feet had dissolved into a weird jelly mess.

Screaming, Ashley saw her right boot rip apart, as she saw what had happened to her foot: Instead of a human foot, the end of her leg had become a multy-segmented, slime-covered row of multiple, insectile legs that flailed around aimlessly.

„Gawwd, Nooo! Make it Tzzz Stop!“ The waistband of her jeans ripped, revealing that her whole lower body was now covered in yellowish, sticky insect skin. The skin around her human pussy had become stretchable and dripping wet, drooling a thick slime full of relish.

„Tzzz... what is happening tzzzz me? Multiple insect legs broke free from her tights, desperately searching for the ground to crawl over. Two weird looking arms developed left and right her crotch, slowly forming chitinous flaps as they stretch out of Ashleys body. „Tzzz, Noooo, Im becoming one of them!!“

Suddenly, Ashley lost control over her legs as they grew together into a massive wurm-like body. She knew, she was going to become an insect naga soon, but still she tried to stretch out the remainings of her human legs that morphed with the giant centipede of her lower body mercilessly.

„Nohw Tzzzz,, please!!“ Chitinous plates grew over her uncovered ass, as her breasts felt bigger, developing giant, lewd and wet nipples.

Long antennas grew out of her skull, as her jaw started to move, morphing her face into a weird snout. Ashley grunted, as she felt the new chitinous mandibles around her mouth. A thick gush of weird viscous liquid slipped over her lips „ugh.. Tzzzzz... I.. I can´t stop... Tzzz hissing like that“ more of the substance dripped out of her mouth.

„Don´t waste your precious semen!“ Suddenly Ashley heard a second voice in her head. „My... My what? Tzzz Who is this?!“ Ash looked down her body and noticed that her lower body had become a giant centipede by now. A weird, numb feeling was spreading from her exposed, stretched cunt, as her new insectile legs started to caress the slimy lips of her sex.

„Im hungry.... I will give you eggs, but you need to fertilize … later!“ In disbelief, Ash saw a pair of mandibles growing out around her tight vagina-opening that seemed to have developed a mind on its own „Ugh, that´s soo disgusting Tzzz... you belong to mee Tzzz, You are not supposed to Tzzz THINK!!“

Her nethers swelled up and drooled instead of giving her an answer. Long strands of thick liquid dripped out of the still growing vulva, as one of the legs started to slowly slip inside her birthing-canal „Uaagh.. Hhhh... Tzzz... Hhhh... STOP IT!... PLEASE!“ Ashleys body was taken over by a feeling of lust, as her tight cunt greedily sucked around the insectile leg that stimulated her.

„I used to be a part of you, but now YOU are nothing but MY toy!“ The voice of her new sentient cunt laughed as Ashley could do nothing against the wave of lust and endorphines flooding her brain. „I will make sure, you won´t forget WHO is in charge from now on!“

With these words, a few of Ashleys new lower leg-pairs picked up a few of the still warm eggs around her. Carefully, they lifted them up, as they came closer her drooling, now giant, hairy vulva. Already assuming, what her lower body was up to, after it had „fingered“ itself with one of her chitinous legs, Ashley yelled: „Hhhh... no... Oh no... Tzzz... please don´t!!!!“ Slowly, the soft shell of the first egg slipped between her cunts mandibles as the insect legs pushed it deep down her greedy vagina. Ashley moaned as she experienced a feeling of climax she had never felt before. The Voice of her cunt halled through her head: „When I´m hungry.... you feed me, understand?!“

Tears rolled down Ashleys cheeks as she still struggled of being reduced to a slave of her own sex.

Her tongue slipped out as her climax flooded her brain with endorphines over and over: It had turned into a weird worm-like tentacle with barbs, obviously to spread her „seed-spit“ over the eggs better. Her upper body had technically become nothing more than a cock for her beast-like lower half. And she was trapped in that body until someone would come and save her.

„Understand!?“ A second egg slowly slips inside Ashleys swollen cunt.

„I Tzzz... Hhhh...yes!...“ - The Egg slipped inside - „Yes What??!... dont be rude to me, ssslut!! You are nothing but a cock to me that I allow to take control sometimes when Im too lazy! “ Ashley drooled and cried, almost passing out from the massive climax of her new giant cunt „Tzzz... Yess, my Mistresss!“ Her cunt drooled heavily, as a thin runnel of lubricant dripped out from between her massive labia “repeat! WHAT are you now?”

Ashley moaned, still struggling with her new role as a living insect-penis. Strands of viscous seed dripped from her mouth “I am nothing but your Tzzz cock, mistress... waiting for your eggs to... Tzzz fertilize”

The last egg slipped inside, as the chitinous flaps started to close over her pussy „Good, I will let you alone once I´m sated.... but remember your place, once I am awake and needy. Never dissapoint me, ssslut... Or I will make sure your worthless brain willl be nothing than a lust-bubbling mess“

Ashley nooded.

Her eyes had become empty while her mind was still overflowing with the feeling of good sex. Her hands started to stroke over the hairs of her giant cunt-mistress „Yesh Tzzz Mistress.... Whenever you call me, I will Tzzzz serve“



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