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Becoming a feron elite warrior is quite a difficult process. Over years, the ferons co-operated with the Narioks to mix Feron with Doomwidow DNA using humans as guinea pigs.

After years of research, the Ferons finally got a formular that was able to create one of the most dangerous soldiers: The Feron faceless. The name "faceless" originated from the fact, that the overal head structure and face differs a lot from any other adult Feron and is rather humanoid than insect-like.

But the Doomwidow DNA was a very instable substance, even for the very skilled Nariok, and so the part of doomwidow in the serum was reduced to about 10%. But even this low percentage does not guarentee a perfectly smooth transformation into a Feron faceless.

Once the serum is taken in, the choosen person is not allowed to drink or eat for 3 whole days. To make it even harder, The senses of the soon-to-be Faceless sharpen, and they become far more frail to the pheromones of other female warriors.

If the rule is broken and the person eats or drinks something (even if it is just sexual fluids from one of the females they crave for) The body transforms into a monstrous abomination: A Nameless.

Nameless are thrown down into the "underhive", a sort of sewer-system for ferons, only allowed to feed on what they find there. In addition to that, Nameless excrete a liquid from their proboscis that is able to turn victims into another Nameless, but they cant re-produce on their own.




The Nameless and Faceless TF for the next poll please!! This is awesome.


Yesss maggot person!


The Nymphs are the Maggot“persons“ ... these are more,.. uhm.. Maggot monsters


Well, i guess they already won the refsheet this month, so there will definitely be a short sequence of them ^^


Will the faceless be treated like the banedragons? With limited numbers?


They are limited, but not as rare as banedragons^^ Banedragons are like unicorns im real life, 90% of the merrans believe they are a fairy-tale (thats also because banedragons usually enslave adventurers that cross their way) the faceless are more like swat -soldiers- rarely seen but able to pop up in a squad out of a sudden. They are limited because even feron queens are afraid of them, and they dont have a role on reproduction. Faceless cant have kids at all

