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Finn woke up in the morning with a happy grin on his face: Today would be a super-awesome day!

His friend Vinoa had offered him a job that sounded very interesting and easy to handle and the best part was: He could work completely from his home!

He sat down in the kitchen and waited for the coffee to run through the machine. Finn had never been that hard-working guy. After he finished school he switched between various jobs more or less easy in the city.

He sat down at the kitchen-table as he took his first sip from the coffe-mug. „Well, 3 pm. already, guess I should fix my sleep cycle at some point... maybe I shouldn´t watch that much porn that late...“ he lays his head back and started to grin to himself „But well, that Necra Girl was just too hot in the chat last night“

The doorbell rang and Fin jumped from his chair. He runned to the door to open it „This must be my package for the job!“. A quite small Zirran postman looked at him, as the door was opened abruptly. „Your package Sir“ He almost squeaked, as Finn gave him a package of cherry-dragees like it was accepted custom in Tinora.

He ran to his tiny room and opened the package on his bed: He unpacked a black box, a letter with „read first“ on its envelope and a camera with a remote. Kinda sceptic about the whole camera-stuff, he opens the leatter and read the instructions:

Dear Finn, welcome to our network. You are a live product-test-person. In times of social media, it is very important to catch the very first impressions of a new product and this is, where you come in for live-reactions! Please set up the camera on your notebook and activate it with the red button. Make sure you are in a comfortable position and all of your body is visible. We suggest a bed or couch for this. Please only start testing the products, after everything works fine and a green light appears on the cam. Have fun testing!

After a few minutes, Finn had installed the camera and sat down on his bed. „alright, here we go!“ He pressed the red button. A „welcome“-sound halled through the room, followed by a window on his notebook that reads „please introduce yourself and open the blackbox to take the first product!“

„Uhm, hello there, I guess you see me now testing some awesome new stuff“ Finn grinned as he opened the box, a pair of softdrinks appeared to be inside. „Energydrinks, Awesome!“

Without thinking further, Finn grabbed the blue can and opened it. A sweet smell entered his nose as he took a few sips of the softdrink. „uhm... yeah its pretty much different than other drinks i have tried... a bit salty maybe“ he turned the can in his hands and read the description which was „male feline“ a bit alienated by the poor naming and logo-design, he grinned into the camera „weird name isn´t it?

Suddenly, Finn felt weird, Why was it so hot in his room out of a sudden. A bit nervous he looked to his laptop, as various messages seemed to pop up everywhere in a chat next to his stream. He looked back into the box „well, next thing is...“ he stopped. Under a thin layer of black paper, the rest of the test-products came to light: a long pair of dark stockings, a pink slip, a long, quite alien looking dildo, some sort of fishnet-clothing and a pack of condoms.

In panic, Finn reached out for the remote and pressed the stop-button, but it wasn´t working. „Gaaah!“ he moaned, as he tried to stand up and get to the camera in front of him. Something was happening to his body! Suddenly, the webpage in his browser turned into a black-pink themed site heself knowed too well: „wait? Gnaahw.. I-I´m on premium-sluts now?“The camera was recording him mercilessly, as his male body became slowly covered in bright-blueish fur. He was unable to move! A pleasure filled his body he had never felt before, as his jeans and shorts slipped over his now female hips.

His cock drooling with pre, Finn touched his face in disbelief: his handsome male face was morphing into a snout with long fangs! His chest felt like it was on fire, as his nipples grew into stiff female teats, each peeking from a huge pair of breasts. The comments of the live-chat seemed to celebrate his metamorphosis „Naaahw, don´t watch mee!“ Finn struggled as more and more of his fear was replaced by an insatiable feeling of lust.

He spreaded his legs. His skin was burning as more and more of the soft, bright fur replaced his human skin. Suddenly, he WANTED to be seen! Drool was leaking from his transforming mouth, as he started to unpack the tight, sexy stockings. Slowly, with a deep gaze into the camera, Finn lifted up his leg as he slowly pulled the fabric of the cloth over his new, furry legs. His toes parted by the lower end of the stocking, as his leg fully slipped inside the sexy garment.

Suddenly, a wet, slurping feeling rushed through Finn´s nethers. In a mix of horror and disbelief, the former human saw his cock being slowly swallowed by a swollen, sweaty membrane. Somehow knowing his audience would enjoy this, Finn spreaded his legs even further to let everyone see how his male parts mutated and transformed into a drooling, aching cunt. His furry balls receded back into his womb, as the naughty, wet hole between his tights drooled heavily, as his dick slowly turned into a small, half-obscured clitoris.

A meow escaped Finns throat, as his tits grew even bigger. Curious, he looked to his notebook screen while his newly-formed ladybits almost touched the camera with its slimy lips. He felt good! This was the best job ever! Slowly, his fingers made their way down to his crotch, carefully splitting his new, swollen sex. Carefully, two of his fingers entered his soaking cunt as he started to finger himself for the first time.

„Faster! Faaster!!“ Finn moaned, as he came in a female body for the first time in his life, his juices squirting all over the place „alright guys, What do you want to see me do next?“

Also: Herm version below in the downloads! :3




camsluts unite~


So I notice a lot of the Monsters in Merra can they become Herms. Can they turn into Herms whenever they want?