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Lucy giggled as Nora closed the door of the comfy sauna-room. The three girls from a small town that was located very close to Tinora never did a girls-night-out to the great capital of the Ketorans before. After s few drinks in a bar, the 3 slightly tipsy women decided to let their female charm play a bit and get some benefits from the male audience.

After a few hours of dancing and ordering drinks in the name of various admirers, they finally met Stan. The young man was sitting in a corner not far from the dancefloor and seemed to watch the three girls while they were dancing. Nora had soon noticed the VIP-area he was sitting in, together with some excellent food and rare alcoholics he was spending money for to party with his friends and decided to make him her next „big fish“ to catch.

Long story short, Stan invited them to the private party inside his house not far from the club. It was almost 6 am. As the three decided to end the exhausting party evening with a relaxing sauna-session.

„look, Stan had even prepared some drinks“ Nora pointed at the paper cups next to the sauna door. „Ugh“ Lucy replied, I couldnt drink anything now, let´s just do some relaxing and then see if we can find some cigarettes and leave this place before that idiot wants more from us than just dancing around“

„Calm down“ Mary replied „I have seen him leaving the party a few hours ago, I bet he is sleeping somwhere and we have enough time to leave.... remember how much booze he had?“

„Haha, yeah!“ Nora danced around a bit, letting her long blonde hair fly through the warm air of the room „He is totally drunk“ With a quick move, she wrapped a towel around her waist and started to enjoy her softdrink.

„...Haha, yeah, she was totally unshaved there!“ Lucy pointed to her armpits and started laughing „Damn, Jenny is such a stupit bitch!“ Mary agreed „Have you seen her dress tonight? Totally ugly, I bet she found it in the trash or something!“

„uhm... girls?“ Nora tried to interrupt the laughter of her friends as she was starting to feel funny. The drink she just swallowed had been thick and tasted rather weird and salty. The other two seemed to ignore her and continued: „Yeah, she is fat and stupid, too! Remember that day in school when she tried to ask for even more food in the lunchbreak? Hahaha!“

„Girls?“ Nora stared to her hand that was holding the paper cup „Im not feeling right... I think there is *shhhlrp*... there ishh shumphin wron hewe!“ In horror, Nora saw how her dand was changing. Her taint went from a bright beige-pink into a very dark brown, as long, weird bulges grew out from her forearm „grrrrllls!“ a huge drop of liquid dropped on Noras cleavage, as she noticed the huge bulge around her nose, directely below her eyes.

A fishy smell entered her nostrils, as Nora saw a wet, slimy tip emerging from the bulge where once her nose had been. A farting noise escaped her throat, as she felt the insides of her mouth growing tighter together. Desperate, she tried to push out her tongue and pull air into the swollen opening, that once was her mouth, only to realize, that her tongue had already turned into plump, slimy membranes, hanging out of her new mouth in a useless way.

„OH MY GOD NORA!“ Lucy screamed, as she finally noticed that something horrible was happening to her friend. Drooling and smacking, Nora turned around as the two othe rgirls finally saw what was going on:

A huge, wet pussy had grown in Noras face, right where her mouth and nose were before. Obviously experiencing huge pleassure, the transforming girl threw her head back, as something thick ans slimy started to slip out of her new throat.

Her arms and hands were covered in a thick, brown carapace, with her hands transformed into insectile claws. Tears of pleassure runned down Noras cheek, as a thick proboscis slipped out of her new facial orifice.

Before Lucy was able to make a move, her transforming friend had already grabbed her arm in a lightning-fast movement. The grip of the insectile claw that Noras hand had turned into was merciless and strong, as hthe transforming, slobbering cuntface slowly came closer. The slimy proboscis reached out between the new, swollen lips of the creature, aimlessly searching for something.

In panic, Lucy saw the crotch of the creature, that was once her friend growing into a grotesque eggsack with the old human sex at it´s tip, oozing thick strands of viscous liquids that dropped onto the floor. The creature slurped, as it came closer to Lucy´s face, as weird mandibles started to spread the naughty slit to let the proboscis push out even further. „Nora... stop... ugh.. that smell, what is happening to you?! LET ME GO!“

Like if Nora was reacting to the screamin gof her friend, one of Noras insectile claws grabbed around one of he rbreasts. Shocked, Lucy saw, that the once human nipples had turned into greedily sucking holes as well, again looking like female genitals. With a pleasure-filled look on what was left of Noras face, one of her insectile claws slipped between the naughty slit one of her nipples had grown into. Slowly but steadily, the claw started to move in and out the slimy opening, creating a slippig sound of a female fingering herself, as the disgusting proboscis finally reached Lucy´s face.

„GNNNAHW!!“ Lucy tried to fight the strong grasp of her friend, as the slimy organ that had slipped from the naughty slit of Nora touched her chin and slowly slipped over her face until it reached her soft, female lips. Merciless, the two strong mandibles of her friends facecunt pulled open her mouth, as the thick, swollen proboscis drilled into Lucy´s throat.

The smell of the drooling cunt right in front of Lucy´s face was breathtaking, and the thought of a thick, cock-like organ, covered in the exact same, reeking substances sticking in her throat caused a feeling of nausea in her. The clit of Noras blond-haired facecunt touched Lucy´s nose, as she was still fighting to escape the creatures grasp. Slowly, the slimy sweaty labia slipped over Lucy´s nose, as half of her face was covered by Noras sucking, drooling slit.

She felt the thick proboscis inside her throat buiding up pressure, twitching, as she was trapped in the slimy kiss of the creature that was once her friend. Suddenly, a gush of thick, viscous stuff squirted inside her throat, as Nora finally loosened her grip. With a smack, the slimy labia slipped free from Lucy´s face, forming long starnds of milky liquids between her mouth and the monsters facial cunthole.

Lucy wasn´t able to smell anything, and a few seconds later, she also knew why: A bulge had formed right below her eyes. A bulge, that slowly started to grow bigger, pressing Lucy´s throat toghether „Nooooh! *shlrrp* Pleafe!!“ She looked at her hand, that was slowly turning into an insectile claw, as a huge pleasure kicked in. A pleasure that was taking away all her worries and bad thoughts. She felt good how she was now, and all she wanted was to give this feeling to others.

More and more insectile carapace grew over Lucies body, as Nora already took care of Mary, who has watched the scene in pure shock. Long strands of drool dripped from Lucy´s facecunt, that was spreaded by her new, quite useful mandibles. Her old sex was slowly turning into an eggsack between her legs, causing an undescribable feeling of joy and release to her.

„I see, you three had fun tonight“ A voice halled from a speaker not far from the entrance. „I hope this night will teach you a lesson about how to treat others. My sister Jenny told me that you really gave her a hard time in school back then“ Stan stopped „Don´t worry, I will not leave you three in these disgusting bodies, the serum in the drink was punched and the antidote should kick in in a few hours or so. Anyways, enjoy being cunts for the rest of your night and maybe you even learn to accept others as they are.“ The speaker went silent again, leaving only the sounds of smacking, wet genitals and dripping liquids of the 3 monstrous insects in the room.

„Oh, and please remember, the serum you were exposed to is the newest Nariok tech. If you dare to give my sister a hard time again for the rest of her last year, I will make sure that everyone can see what cunts you really are.“



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