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The sun was blinding Anna´s eyes, as the rusty gate of the Tizzian arena was pulled up at the end of the long, dark tunnel. She had come to Tyx to be one of the greatest gladiators one day, and she already had won a ton of fights. Anna was famous among the few humans that were allowed to live in the sanctum of Tyx, the great city of snakes that lies deep inside the jagged desert.

Anna had seen almost every region on Merra. She had worked as a bodyguard for Ketoran merchants and therefore had traveled all across the continent of Acrina over and over again.

The quite tall women moved closer to the end of the tunnel, as she remembered her first visit in the city of snakes. As a young girl, most Tizzians ignored her back then. They walked past her only with a sharp hissing on their lips, not even appreciating a look. Anna knew, Tizzians always had looked down on humans and even on the lilocs, a snake-human hybrid race that evolved after centuries of tizzian-human-coexistence. Nontheless, she felt weak and in the wrong position to really „protect“ her customers back then against these superior, majestic reptiles.

Anna admired the Tizzians, and had sworn to be at least as good as a Tizzian warrior one day, to be the best mercenary-bodyguard on the whole continent.

Anna stepped into the arena. To her surprise, the ranks a few meters up were empty. Confused, Anna turned around: The last time she fought against that liloc-guy, the arena was full of cheering and screaming visitors...what the hell was going on?

„I Ssssee you wonder why there are no sssspectators, human“ a deep female voice echoed through the arena. Anna turned around again, as she saw a 7-feet-tall female Tizzian coming out of the other gate.

„What is this?“ Anna shouted a little insecure „Are you THAT afraid to loose to a human?“ The giant snake-women hissed amused as she came closer. „Thisss will not be a regular fight...“ She dug her clawed feet deep into the hot arena-sand to signal she was ready to attack „...Thisss will decide your fate human... are you a weak dirty ssslave or are you one of usss?“

Still a bit insecure, Annas grip around her sword tightened. „We will see who is the weak one here!“

With a sharp hiss, the giant snake-woman started her assault. In a quick move, Anna ducked to the side and turned around, as her sword closely missed the tail of the reptile. The Tizzian turned around so quick, Anna had no time to react. The massive brown tail hit her stomach with the power of a sledgehammer. She tumbled backwards. The feeling of nausea slowly gathered in her lower torso, as Anna angrily removed the damaged breastplate.

Without being able to catch a breath, Anna saw the claws of the reptile coming at her. Again, she dodged the attack and this time, her sword hit the scaled leg of the Tizzian. In a cloud of dust, thrown up by the quick movements of the two fighting females, the Tizzian stopped „Not a ssslave I sssee“ The dust settled down again, and Anna lost the tiny spark of confidence, her successful strike had inflamed: The skin of the Tizzian was flawless, not even a scratch was visible on the muscular tight where Anna´s blade had hit.

„Enough playing thhhen“ The tizzian hissed amused „You won´t need your toys anymore now... It´sss my time to have fun with you now.“ The giant reptile came closer. Afraid and cornered, Anna raised her sword again. Without causing any damage, the sharp blade slipped over the scaled skin, as the snake-woman grabbed Anna´s wrist.

In a quick move, the reptile turned Anna around and pressed her scaled breasts into the back of the human „I sssaid let go of your toyssss... your body isss the only toy we need now....“

With these words, the Tizzian started to pull on Annas top, easily tearing apart the green fabric and revealing her bare tits. „impressssive“ The Tizzian hissed in her ear, as thick, warm drool dripped from the reptiles feral snout. „I wanna ssssee all of you“ Anna tried to fight the merciless grasp around her neck, as the hand of the snakewoman reached around her waist. A clawed thumb slowly slipped into her jeans, starting to pull it down.

„sssh“ The reptile hissed as a gush of drool dripped on Anna´s shoulder. „human cuntsss are so...“ - Anna knew, her nethers had been uncovered by now, as she felt the warm reflection of the sun on her most private parts. - „...tight and ssssoft“ The Tizzian started to let her clawed fingers play over Anna´s small patch of pubic hair that was growing, since she had not found the time to shave herself properly the last days.

„Interesssting“ The snake hissed, obviously torn between horny and disgusted. „I alwaysss wondered, why humanss have these“ -Her fingers started to move in slow circles massaging the patch of hair while moving further down to Anna´s pussy. Anna closed her eyes. Why the hell did she become wet now? The fingers in her crotch started to slowly move over her swollen outer labia as Anna started to moan.

„Sssh I knew you would like that.“ the Tizzian whispered „I knew these hairsss have sssomthing... ssstimulating...“ Her fingers slowly slipped over Anna´s erected clitoris, greedily peeking out from her inner labia. „You humansss are such dirty animalsss“ With a short, high moan, Anna felt two of the Tizzians fingers slipping inside her soft, wet cunt as the rest of her jeans were pulled over her knees.

„Enough with the playing“ The Tizzian hissed. Anna felt interrupted and confused, as the snake women suddenly stopped to pleasure her nethers. Suddenly, she was pulled down into the sand by the Tizzian´s strong hands, finding herself lying on her back now. The clearly aroused reptile-girl was towering over her, as Anna looked directly into a dripping, scaly pussy from below.

She sat down as Anna felt the heavy body of the giant snake pressing her tits together. The still wet pussy of the tizzian glistened in the hot sunlight, as long strands of liquids dripped down on Anna´s breasts. „It´sss time for a change..“ The Tizzian giggled. „...My time for pleasssure“

With these words, the snake took a long lick over her index finger, which then travelled down to her nethers. Carefully, the wet finger parted the plump lips of her swollen tizzian pussy, as the finger drilled inside the hungry hole. In bliss, the snake-woman moaned and hissed, as she pulled her finger back out, slowly moving it closer to Anna´s face.

„You will be a good snake, human.... and a great warrior... be welcome to our kind“ The finger slipped between Anna´s lips as if she wasn´t resisting. Anna tasted a weird, but somewhat sweet aroma , as the finger was pulled back out immideately.

„Time to fasssten up the ritual a bit“ Anna felt her arms being pressed into the hot sand, as the Snake-woman pinned her to the arena-floor. Again, she licked her fingers and started to pleasure herself while more and more vaginal liquids runned over her scaled vulva, dripping down on Annas defenseless, trapped body.

The fingering became faster and harder, as the Tizzian suddenly changed her balance-point and moved her crotch closer towards Anna´s head. Angrily hissing and spitting drool, the aroused Tizzian closed her eyes. Anna tried to turn her head away, but the sweaty, dusty tights of the reptile still pinned her to the ground. „N-No... please.. ugh...“ - The first drops of vaginal liquid dripped on her face „This is... ugh!“ more liquids dripped out of the tizzians tight fuckhole, as her fingers slipped in, out and over her sweaty outer labia, stretching it, so more of the liquids could run down and drip onto her victim. „Noo.... plweagh!!“ Anna had tried to scream, as a massive gush of vaginal liquids dripped right into her mouth. Again, nausea was filling her stomach, but as Anna tried to spit the liquid out again, the giant reptile forced her nethers into her face.

„You sssshhhh lick me...“ In her arousal, the reptilic slit-pupils of the Snakegirl had become perfect circles „...and you will ssswallow!“ With the full weight of her body, the Tizzian rubbed her soaking cunt into Anna´s face fiercely. Anna felt like her mouth and nose were directely connected to the reptiles-fuckhole, overflowing with liquids. The smell of the scaled, outer labia nearly smothered her, as her face was used to wipe clean the cunt of the giant snake.

Anna couldn´t remember for how long she had eaten out the Tizzian cunt on her face. At one point, she let go all of her resistance and simply gave in to her new fate as a cunt-slave. Just in the moment she wondered if she would ever be allowed to eat or breath anything else than scaled cunts in her live again, the Tizzian stopped.

With a satisfied grin, the giant reptile loosened the grip of her scaled tights and released Anna´s head with a smacking sound. Long strands of disgusting liquids formed between Anna´s mouth and the loose, plump labial lips of the Tizzians swollen cunt, as the snake women slowly crawled backwards.

Anna felt weird, the skin on her face was tickling in a funny way, as if the liquids she had just swallowed somehow moistened her skin in a weird way. „I hope I hit your tassste... Don´t worry, licking a Tissssian with the right kind of tongue isss quite some fun.. I bet you will agree on that sssooon!“

Anna looked up to the Tizzan, something was weird. Her nose looked weird... somehow brownish and bigger... Before she was able to care about it, Anna decided to take her chance: In a quick move, she rolled to the side between the tizzians legs and tried to crawl away.

Her hands. Anna stopped. Instead of her former human hands, scaled, brown forearms aimlessly moved through the sand. „Stay here!“ The Tizzian behind her comanded in a friendly voice.

„Embrace the sssnake I put insside you!“ In disbelief, Anna still looked down on her hands that had turned into reptile claws. Long strands of drool -or other liquids – dripped from her chin into the hot sand. „What shh... What have you done to me?!“ In Horror Anna noticed the forked tongue that has escaped her mouth in the middle of the question.

„I have just made you better...“ The Snake-woman answered „I made you a sssnake like me“ Carefully, the Tizzian touched Anna´s head from behind and started to pull on her hair gently. In horror, Anna realized that her human face was sitting loose like a mask. The corners of her old mouth started to rip, as a disgusting, scaled snout pushed out from underneath. Rivers of drool escaped the tight tongue-shaft that had grown inside her lower jaw, poisonous fangs had replaced her old rows of teeth. „You turned me into a monssster!“ Anna hissed in desperation, as the Tizzian pulled further on the leftovers of her old human face.

She looked down on her dust-covered tits. Thick scales had grown on her cleavage, as a weird natural feeling of crouching through the sand settled in. The feeling of her scaled tits slipping over the sand was great somehow, like she had ever wanted to do this. „Yeah...“ The Tizzian whispered „crouching feelssss great, right?“

A few moments later, most of Annas old human skin had been replaced by thick, brown scales. Defenseless and still unfamiliar with the new form of her bodyparts, the freshly transformed snake-girl was lying on her back in the hot arena-sand. „Sshh you are nearly done...“ The Tizzian behind her drooled even heavier than ever before. „...Your new hairlessss cunt looks far more appealing, nice and plump and full of naughty liquids“

Anna looked down on her new body, her scaled belly ended in a massive tail that was wiggling through the sand between her legs. Her once soft, human pussy had turned into a scaled, plump slit that looked used and stretchable. „Oh yesss.“ The Tizzian explained like it just came to her mind „The most important thing isss about your new eggsss! That´s also why your cunt looksss like you already had a lot of cocksss... Tisssian cunts are more comfortable than these tight human sssslitss! “

Anna felt that weird feeling in her stomach again, but this time, it was far lower, and came with a sudden pressure. „All you human-sssnakes go through thisss... it repeatssss once every month...“

Anna couldn´t believe her eyes. At first she thought it was because her mutation hadn´t finished yet, but then she realized, that her belly was actually growing bigger! Desperate, Anna lifted her new clawed feet in the air, as her swollen, puffy cunt seemed to overflow with liquids, almost squirting from her slit.

The other Tizzia´s hand softly stroked over Annas growing belly, slowly moving down to her dripping pussy. „All That stuff is just to pressss out eggss more easily“

Anna tried to stand up, but her belly felt heavy and swollen. „Presss them out?!“ She replied. Thin strands of lubricant dripped on the sand below her legs „What do you mean by Ssshhhh!!“ - A sudden urge to press something out of her nethers had taken control over Anna´s body.

„Gaahhh!“ She tried to stabilize her stand, as she spreaded her legs as wide as she could. „Thatsss Ughhh... It´ssss Tight!!“ Her labial lips slowly parted, as thick strands of clear liquid dropped down into the sand. The bright, soft shell of an egg appeared between her stretched pussy folds, as slowly a long and heavy egg slipped out of Anna´s birth-canal.

Breathing heavy, Anna did not have the time to calm down, a second twitching cramp induced the second labor. Her cunt felt stretched and used, but somehow the second egg escaped far easier than the first. Actually, it felt pretty amazing, once it was out. Proudly, Anna looked down on the 2 soft eggs that started to harden in the hot sun, as her Tizzian sister came up to her.

„don´t be too proud my dear, these are no real eggsss... you will produce them once a month from now on, and they will caussse you great pleasssure... I only advissse you to never get pregnant for real... these eggsss are a pain!“ She snickered, which looked a bit creepy on her reptilic face. „come on, It´sss time for you to be introduced to your clan my dear, you will become a great warrior!“



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