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„Wait for me Toby!“

The young man was too excited to turn around to his girlfriend Liz. These Nariok pills turned out to be awesome! Toby was sure the grey-skinned shark girl on the tinoran sea-marked was mocking him as she tried to sell these „underwater-pills“. With a broad (and kinda dangerous looking) smile, she ensured him the pills would change the way his lungs was filtering air for up to 60 minutes, so he could go for a perfect diving trip with his girlfriend.

Narioks – Toby blushed a bit – These shark-people had been the first kind of non-humans he had ever seen in his life. He grew up on Legacy Island, a swimming Bastion in the middle of the Tinoran ocean, protected by the inquisition. Only humans were allowed to live there and so he was kinda scared as he learned about all the other exotic races of Merra.

At the age of 19, Legacy island itself felt more like a prison than a free town to him. He was sitting on one of those docks that surrounded the heavy armed, metal city walls, as he observed a girl diving and obviously playing with the waves in the open water. He was scared she would drown at first, but Damn – he was even more scared as he noticed her long snout filled with lines of sharp teeth, her back-fin, her shiny, blue skin – and even her yellow eyes that had this animalistic spark.

Toby was never honest to his girlfriend Liz in that regard: He liked the Nariok and found them kinda cute in his fantasies, he always had this hot dream of a Nariok in a fishnet licking her - „HEY!“

Toby turned around. Liz had followed up and looked at him angry. Toby didn´t understand her wild gestures at first, then, Liz pointed to a locatoin to his left. Behind him, something was shimmering in a blue-silver light... something made of metal was stucked between the rocks of the ocean ground!

Carefully, Toby came closer the shiny object. Slowly, he reached out his hand and touched the cold metal. The sea around him was very dark, so he was still not really abe to see what exactly he was touching there. Suddenly, a pulsing blue light appeared from within the object and started to iluminate the area around Toby and Liz.

Scared, Liz hid behind Tobys back, as he carefully pushed and pulled on the weird staff which was still stucked between massive rocks. After a few seconds, something weird happened: Toby was feeling that the pulsing light around the weird object – obviously a scepter or bident of some sort – started to mimic the pulse of his heartbeat. Suddenly, the ground was shaking around the two, as the scepter losened and almost jumped into Tobys hands.

The metal wasn´t as cold as Toby had expected, somehow, the whole sea wasnt´t that cold anymore. Liz hand on his back on the opthe side felt like it was a hundred degrees hot. Like if all warmth had been sucked out of Toby´s body, he felt every hot finger of his girlfriend – even the slightly warmet water around her body.... what was happening to him... what was this weird szepter doing to his body?!

Liz screamed silently and looked at Tobye´s arm in horror. In disbelief, the young man slowly raised up his left hand and was shocked: The skin of his once human hand had peeled up, right where the szepter had touched him. Before Toby was able to scream, he felt something cold, slimy and thick in his mouth, violently pushing out without mercy. A long, dark tongue darted out of his mouth, together with pieces of thick drool, that hovered around in the water.

Liz was paralyzed and staring at him in shock. Desperate, Toby tried to say something but was only spitting out more clear slime. He felt his whole face morphing underneath, hard, bony structures ripped apart the skin around his mouth, as the hole around his new slimy tongue started to form into a feral maw.

A tight pressure on Tobys chest started to rip apart his old human skin,revealling a blueish, slimy skin underneath. Pillows of fat started to build up, slowly turning his once flat male chest into a cleavage of slimy fish skin. His nipples grew bigger and harder in the cold water, as two massive, purple breasts finally pushed through his old skin.

Still shocked what had just happened to him Toby looked to Liz, who had started to cover her face with her hands to hide ther open mouth. She looked down on him and seemed to focus on something... something between his legs!

Toby looked down and noticed th emassive boner in his swim shorts. The glans of his cock was pushing tight against the wet fabric from the inside. With a sensation, Toby had never experienced before, his whole hip started to shake and broaden. His thights swelled up and started to stress the fabric of his shorts up to the point where the material gave in: With a ripping movement that went through the whole piece, Toby was finally able to see what was happening between his legs now.

His still human cock was hanging out from a weird, slimy slit. Where once his sack was hanging, long plump labial lips floated through the streaming, excreting long strands of lubricant into the cold water.

Suddenly, a weird pressure filled Toby´s nethers. The slit was growing! The lips engulfed his ass, his spine elongated and started to form a long, purple tail

Liz had dissappeared. Toby had never felt so good and so weird at the same time before! Almost his whole body was coverd in cold fish-skin now. His face stretched out even more, as the bony structure of his new maw ripped holes in the leftovers of his old skin and finally broke free. Toby felt wondeful... The water around him felt nice and warm, his new hands and feet floated around and displaced the water perfectly between his webbed fingers and toes.

It was like he did not need to think anymore and just go with the flow of urges that filled his mind. There was no wrong. There was no right. Only this moment of dirty bliss. His fingers traveled over his swollen clit until they reached a sensitive hole further below. Slimy lubricant was leaking, as two of his monstrous fingers slipped inside the needy hole and reached deep inside the new vaginal tunnel. It felt so good to just rub there, push deeper and pull the fingers out again. The knuckles on his fingers stretched the slimy walls of his new cunt like a perfect sextoy.

Toby started to moan like a needy animal. All 3 of his fingers had dissappeared inside his greedy fuckhole now. He remembered having a cock and how good it felt to get off, but this was a whole new level! Giving in to the most primitive urges, the movements of his hands became faster and more feral. Toby started to grunt ans moan violently, snapping around uncontrolled in the water with his massive new snout, until finally, a gush of milky female jizz escaped his used cunt.

His cock was still shrinking and started to dissappear between two massive labial lips that seemed to swallow the last proofs of manliness. Carefully, Toby pulled his fingers out of his still aching cunt to let his new fingers slide along his scaled mons. It was so soft and sensitive! Slowly, one of his fingers travelled over the massive hood of his new giant pussy and started to draw small circles just where his cock had been minutes before.

A strong urge started to build up from his insides, as the massive clit slowly pushed out from under it´s slimy hood. Like he had no other chance, Toby spreaded his new, muscular tights and drew in the cold water around him deeply – he was enjoying this.

The pressure inside him grew even bigger... something was inside him... something.. wanted out?! In a mix of horror, sensation and deep, Feral lust Toby´s labial lips parted as the slimy head of a moraine pressed out of the tight hole.

„soooo looong!“ Toby moaned, as the whole body of the creature slipped out the tight birthing-canal. It seemed to him like a minute-long climax until finally his first child broke free.

Two hours later Toby was enjoying his new form. He had given birth to 3 of his moraine-children by now and knew, they would grow into full-sized sea-serpents with the time. Sea serpents that would be able to sink ships one day! His new feral body was feeling strong and like it was made for the water, even his massive new cunt was easy to clean just through swimming. Greedy, Toby licked over his sharp teeth with his stretcheable tongue. Where did the scepter go?

Something in his mind was telling him to pick it up and carry it to a place deep in the ocean... someone was calling him.... he.... or now „she“ would be a guardian of the voice that calls her.

„Apophiss“ The monster, that was once a human male grunted, as it gently stroke one finger through it´s slimy, feral cunt. The Moraines around the creature started to hiss andgathered arounf their mother.

„I´m coming, my mistress“ - She licked over her slime-covered fingers, soaking up her cuntjuices while thick strands of viscous drool hovered through the water arounf her maw. „I have found your key and I will bring my children“.



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