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Sina really liked her new job at the tinoran ocean panorama. A few years ago, the governmetn of the city had decided to open the tunnels below the city for everyone and turn the old underwater-bunkers that offered protection back in the days of the turbine wars into a new attraction for visitors.

Once, the bunkers were used to spot enemies from under the water surface, but most of the heavy arms had been removed and the once narrow gangway was turned in to a giant mall-area below the water-level.

Sina took a deep breath. The sun was glistening on the calm water surface of the ocean, and she enjoyed her break while her feet played around with the reflecting surface below her. The diving suit she was wearing was slowly heating up, and so Sina packed her things together to continue her work.

With an elegant move, the girl grabbed her equipment and slipped into the water. As her head dived underwater, Sina felt a vacuum in her throat and she hiccuped. She was used to the implant she got when she was 14 years old, a small device that was able to turn h2o into pure oxygen.

Sina remembered when she moved to Tinora a few years ago. It was such a strange place. Between all the different creatures and races, the young girl from Legacy Island felt small and unimportant. She had grown up in a town with only humans, a floating, mechanical island far out on the ocean. She knew humans had a hard stand in most places on Merra, but she quickly learned that her race was protected by an organization called „The inquisition“

The first huge glass-window appeared in front of her, as Sina prepared to remove the thin film of algea from the transparent surface. Concentrated, the young girl scratched off the plants as suddenly a stabbing pain shot through her right arm. „Shit!“ Sina grumbled, as she noticed the sharp stony edge that had ripped a part of her suit open and caused a little cut on her arm below. It wasn´t that deep, so she decided to finish the window before diving up.

„Done!“ Sina thought, as she noticed a movement behind the window she had just cleaned. A tiny figure was jumping with flailing arms on the other side of the glass. „Awww“ Sina let out a small gush of air as she noticed the Skirran cheering for her. Its tiny nose pressed against the window, the small squirrel-like creature seemed to be very excited about something.

Suddenly something grabbed Sina from behind. Two arms, covered in a soft, brown skin wrapped around her waist, as the girl was paralyzed in surprise. „Im sorry Miss!“ A female voice came from behind. Sina tried to turn around. A maw with razor-sharp teeth grinned at her, as Sina saw the lust-filled eyes of the Nariok. „I, I cant´t control it Miss... Sorry your blood... it makes me...!“ The Nariok wasn´t able to finish the sentence. Lime a feral beast, the Shark-girl ripped open Sinas tight diving suit and pressed her naked breasts agains the cleaned windows.

„Noo, please stop it, try to control it!“ Sina screamed desperately, but the Nariok had already given up to fight her primal urge. Two slimy fingers came closer to Sinas mouth with a viscous, milky substance on their tips. „I Don´t wann bite you Miss, please.. its the only way!“ the Nariok begged, as her fingers slipped between Sina´s lips.

It was a salty, fishy taste. Sina noticed the pedestrians on the other side of the window she was pressed against. „Hn.. Hnwoo!“ One guy pulled out a phone from his pocket and started to take pictures of her. The Nariok girl pulled on the remainings of Sina´s suit violently, while her tongue slowly licked over her cheek.

„I .. I will take you to the inquisition later... they.. oh damn.. they can turn you back!“ The Shark stuttered. „I don´t wanna hurt you.... It was the only way Miss!“

„The only way? Turn me back?“ Sina wasn`t sure what the Nariok was talking about, as a weird prickle started to fill her nethers. An unspeakable pressure was building up in the most sensitive area of her body, in horror, Sina watched the Shark girl pulling down the lower part of her suit.

Her clit has become swollen and huge. It peeked out from her slit stiffly and slowly pulled back the sensitive membrane of it´s hood. Sina tried to scream as her pussy started to swell up and more and more of her labial lips followed her errected clit to form a stiff, thick and hard new organ between her legs.

Sina´s suit ripped as her feet started to change as well. Her legs already covered in brownish shark skin, the girl realized that she wasn´t only becoming a male equipment between her tights – her whole body was changing!

The shark girl had stopped to press Sina against the glass and started to swim around her courious and lust-filled. Sina stared at the stiff organ that was hanging in front of her, a giant, plump cock had formed where once her pussy was placed. The young girl felt something moving in her face. Her jaw was stretching outwards and then, Sina saw her own nose, turning into a long snout.

In disbelief, She touched her face... It wasn´t even hurting at all, it was just feeling... weird. Her fingers travelled over razor-sharp teeth and she realized, her once human face had turned into the face of a Nariok. Her Spine felt funny as well, as She realized, that something like a third leg had grown out of her back.

It took Sina a moment to realize, that the „third leg“ was actually a long shark tail, that weaved around in the water like it was ever there. To swim felt natural in a strange way out of a sudden and the striped shark skin on Sina´s arms actually looked kinda cool.

The other girl revolved around her with a curious and kinda greedy look in her eyes. In a quick movement, she grabbed Sina and pulled her closer. „Damn, that´s a fine looking cock you got there miss“ The shark grinned. Her legs had already moved around Sinas waist, as Sina realized what the sharkgirl wa sup to. „Soo haard and stiff!“ - The red haired Nariok moaned „So strong and manly!“

„No, wait, I don´t know how-“ Sina wasnt able to finish her words. She felt how something very soft engulfed the tip of her massive veiny cock, slipping over its glans and swallowing her shaft bit by bit. „Please... nooo!“

Sina could do nothing but watch as the Nariok girl stuffed her new stiff penis into her tight slimy cunt. The feeling of the labia that had sucked tight around her dripping shark cock filled Sina with desperation.

„You are in me now“ the shark girl grinned with tears of joy in her eyes. „I won´t let you go, until you have given me what I want“ Her fingers fondled the tip of Sinas new jaw. „I wanna feel your dirty fuck moving inside... Its the perfect time to breed...“ The hips of the shark started to move up and down a bit as Sina felt her cock sliding over the tight walls of the Sharkgirls vagina. „Make your cock fertilize my eggs sweetie.... be a good lady-boy“

Sina felt her massive errection inside the slimy walls of the shark-cunt growing even harder. She wasn´t abe to resist the call of nature anymore... With unknown strenght, Sina grabbed the tights of the sharkgirl and pressed her against the stone. The feeling of her slimy member sliding in and out was overtaking her mind – Sina started to drool and grunt – her tits moved in the fast movement of her chest, as she fucked the sharkgirl in a violent, feral mating-dance.



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