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„Ahhh“ Gil exhaled the thick smoke she had drawn from the waterpipe and layed back. Being trapped inside one of these phylacteries, wasn´t as bad as she thought first. She wasn´t even sure for how long this was her home now - a decade, a centenary? It was the price she had to pay for eternal life: being trapped inside this weird vessel.

Gil took another pull from her waterpipe, as a grin flit across her face. She was so motivated to study the old sciences of the doomwidows back then. Now, with eternity at her side, she didn´t even bother. In addition to that, she had everything in her realm, it was like being a god, only without true freedom – without freinds or people to talk to.

With a sigh, Gil snipped her fingers to make the Pipe dissappear. It was fun that the Universe inside her prison was granting her every wish, but what are the most prescious things good for, if there was noone to share them with.

With a yawn, Gil layed back and stretched a bit. She was bored and so she started to play around with her tail. Gil liked this tail. She wasn´t sure if her body had changed into this new demonic form, because she parted her soul from her body once, to become immortal. Maybe it was just because there was no real light in here: Her skin was pale white and smooth like some kind of rubber. A pair of horns had grown out of her skull, and her face as a whole had become more reptilian than human these days.

„Hmm, okay, since nobodys watching.. I could even kill some time having fun“ She whispered to herself, as she slowly moved her left hand closer to her nethers. Carefully, her fingers stroke over her slowly swelling vulva, that was starting to get wet, waiting to be pleased. Gil threw her head back, as she started to think about two girls making out. Weirdly enough she needed the help of eternity, to find out she was bisexual, her thoughts revolved around the scenario of persuasion and intimidation between two partners.

She moaned at the thought of a soft-rape scenario she had builded up in her head, as two of her fingers slowly slipped between her labia. Her tight cunt was sucking greedily on the intruding fingers, as Gil tried to feel like the girl in her mind that was used and fingered by her partner. Faster and harder, she rubbed over her now errected clit that was peeking out from under its hood, sending shocks of lust through Gil´s body. The wet sounds of her slime covered fingers sliding in and out her needy hole filled the room... She wanted to be used and fingered by another girl right now! Faster and faster she rubbed, as more lubricant almost squirted from her aching cunt... she couldnt stand it any longer... she pushed deeper, tying to find the perfect spot... deeper... just a bit more... just a bit more...


A loud male voice, suddenly halled through the vessel, louder than anything Gil had ever heard before. From one second to the other, she changed from arousal- into alarmed-mode.

„Someone told me this is a Wishmaster vessel... so.. uhm... I want to make a whish!“

Gil wasnt sure how to feel and was sitting there confused for just one second. A feeling of hate and rage rushed through her, because that guy had choosen the most unfitting time to disturb a Mojinn like her.

„I was told I only got one whish, since you are not a real djinn...! I am indecisive between eternal live, being rich, and having endless additional wishes... I guess the last one does not work anyw-“

„IT WORKS!“ Gil screamed from inside the pot. „Just open the vessel, and I will be so grateful, I will fulfill all 3 wishes at once! … Just break the seal on the top!“

- Of course, Gil knew that there wasnt really a seal on the pod, because there was no way to get out of this unbreakable phylactery. But that guys wishes were just perfect to be the cure for her loneliness. As a Mojinn, she was able to use some of the magic of her vessel to impact the mortal world if a mortal wanted that. Nontheless, she was able to add things to these wishes, the person outside hadn´t thought about. With a devilish grin, Gil concentratedm to focus the energy of her tiny universe to influence the mortal world: „You want eternal life, eternal wealth endless wishes?“ Gil asked.

„Exactly!“ The man replied with a satisfied grin.

„Alright, here you go!“ „GOTCHA!“ Gil triumphed to herself, as she turned the wished of the human into her wish and changed it to her likings.

Thick smoke was leaking from the pot. „I finally get what I deserve!“ Mark thought with a smile on his face. He had found this weird pot hidden at the attic and knew it was something special. The Necran antiquary had told him to be careful with stuff like this, because most Mojinn were either erratic or insane because of their loneliness.

„But how often do you get the chance to make one of your dreams come true?!“ The pinkish smoke was spreading all over Marks bed, as it slowly started to surround him. „Uhm... is that eternal life?“ He asked with a trace of doubt. The voice from the Vessel replied: „Your body needs to fit eternal life, dont worry, I will ony change it a bit!“

… Change it a bit?

Suddenly, Mark was not really sure about all this anymore, he tried to make the smoke go away with his hands, as he realized that his back was feeling weird. Something was pushing against his belt from his backbone! „What the?“ Mark tried to turn around, but the pressure grew stronger. With a twitch, something violently grew out of his tailbone... it was like... it was an actual tail!

The smoke was moving around Mark and started to glow in a pinkish light. He suddenly noticed, that long strands of drool was dripping from his mouth, something was happening to his face! His shirt felt tight and something was pressing against the fabric from underneath, his pelvis felt like it would burst out ouf his jeans soon.

To make the situation even worse, the pink smoke had started to dissolve his clothes. Desperate, Mark catched a quick view of his feet, which had ripped his socks into shreds. His once human feet had turned into weird, digitigrade claws... like animal paws!

Weirdly stimulated, the crotch inside his jeans was feeling numb and kinda wet. The pressure inside his shirt had become unbearable, and so he tried to get it off. With unknown strength, Mark ripped off one half of his shirt, as a huge female breast with a fat, dark nipple was revealed underneath. Confused and dazed by his new female equipment, Mark ripped his whole shirt off his body. His once male, flat chest had turned into a soft, wobbling pair of tits! The impressive, dark aerola around his new swollen nipples glistened in the pinkish light of the smoke around Mark. The drool was still dripping from his mouth as he looked past his breasts, down into his crotch.

His jeans had been dissolved, as Mark saw the tiny remains of his penis slowly shrinking back between his legs „What the...“ his voice had lost all male characteristics - „No, you can´t give me eternal live being female!!! STOP!“ Desperate, Mark tried to stop his shrinking cock from dissappearing, but his hands couldn´t stop what his body had already started: A hole had appeared between his shaft and testicles, forming a vaginal hole, hungrily dripping with liquids. His sack slowly grew around it, forming soft labial lips, as his tesicles merged with his body, to turn into ovaries soon. His still errected but tiny cock shrinked further, as more and more of the shaft-skin turned into more labia. With his uncovered glans sitting at the top of his still unfinished, female genital, a thin squirt of last cum escaped, before it was covered by a hood of soft, slimy skin and turned into a clitoris.

A strange feeling, Mark had never felt before filled his body. The need to be touched... touched on his new breasts, between his legs - rubbing his new slit, on his ass. Every stroke of his fingers over his new skin was turning him on. With his mind dissappearing in a cloudy daze of lust, his face elongated, forming a reptilian snout.

Still amazed by the feeling of his cocktip that had become his new clit, Mark started to carefully push his finger between the newly-grown labia. He shuddered, as his fingertip touched the hard, well-hidden knot, which sended small pleasant shocks through his whole body.

Without a warning, Mark felt something pulling him down. Not only down, it was like the smoke was carrying him away! Still distracted by the bliss of his new dripping cunt, he noticed in horror, that his body was dissolving into smoke and sucked back into the lamp!

Having company was so much fun! Gil rubbed over her new partners slimy cunt while she was giving her a deep kiss „See“ she whispered... „Eternal life... as my slut. Eternal wealth... you can not share. Eternal wishes … to be filled with all kinds of my toys“

Gill snickered as her partner was lustfully drooling from all her orifices, not able to respond because she was carried away by pure extacy „We will make this eternity great, I promise... Im just lacking a few decades of sex I want to chatch up first!“



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