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Adrian just had to give up his old flat due to a rent increase. As interspecies relationships between Neccu and humans are quite common in Merra, Adrian had turned to his Neccu-friend Joanie for help.

Joanie was happy to offer Adrian a place to crash for a few nights and Adrian eagerly accepted.

Adrian curled up on a matress he’d brought from his old apartment and prepared to fall asleep. He started to think about his human ex-girlfriend who broke up with him a few months ago and suddenly a feeling of loneliness emerged.

As Adrian turned on his back, he felt the matress shift slightly. He opened his eyes to see Joanie being close by - VERY close, in fact she was being almost on top of him. He had no idea how Joanie managed to get so close to him without him even noticing - but than again sure the Neccu had their ways with their huge butterflylike wings that could carry them silently through the air.

Joanie gazed deeply into his eyes and Adrian just stared back. They had never been more than friends, but Adrian surely couldn’t deny the attractiveness of the Neccu’s delicate body.

Joanie came even closer an layed her hands on Adrians chest.Adrian still didn’t say a word and caught himself being a little excited of what Joanie would do next.

To his surprise Joanie pulled the blanked down to his hip und brought her mouth close to his. At first Adrian thought she was going to kiss him but he’d never guessed what happened next:

A cock-like proboscis emerged out of her mouth! Adrian pulled back his head and gasped in shock. Joanie had never really let him in on the exact details of the hidden Necca-anatomy.

Joanie ignored Adrians state of shock and and moved her mouth so close to his that her probis came dangerously close to his lips

Without a warning, the hard shaft drilled between Adrians lips, as the veiny male organ was violently pushed into his mouth.

It wasnt a salty taste like he had excepted from a tongue like this. Adrian felt her proboscis-cock filling out his mouth and lowly slipping in and out, like Joanie was carefully starting to penetrate him. He looked deep into Joanie´s eyes, that glistened in a mix of joy and lust. Suddenly, the Neccu´s grasp tightened, as her tongue started to fuck Adrians throat deeper and harder. Growing more and more rapid, the rock-hard cock of the insect slipped over adrians lips, trobbing and dripping with sweet, nectar-like lubricant. Finally, Joanie stopped and pushed her cock-tongue deep into Adrian. She closed her eyes, as the organ started to twitch, as a hot mess was squirted into his throat.

Despite the fact he just swallowed a huge load of cum from a cock that had suddenly emerged from the mouth of one of his oldest friends, the sensation immediately shot down to Adrian´s crotch as his cock grew rockhard in an instant. Before he could even think about it, he swallowed even the rest of the fluid in a mix of disgust and surprise.

Joanie pulled back and brought her head on a level with Adrian’s hard cock. She watched him intently, her eyes cloudy with lust. Slowly, her hard, throbbing cock tongue came closer and closer Adrians own, pre-leaking cock. The glans at the tip of Joanie´s dripping organ slowly slipped along the underside of Adrians hot, swollen penis, until it reached his own, exposed cock-tip. Both glanses met and slipped over each other, soaked in the mix of spit and sweet mouth-lubricant. Joanie moaned deeply, as the Neccu lowered her head even further, to let both hard cocks slip along each other in their full length.

Adrian tried to swallow again but he suddenly felt that something was emerging from the back of his throat. It was like something had stung him inside his throat, but without any pain. Adrian paniced, as his throat grew tighter and tighter, something was clearly starting to smother him from the inside! The pressure in his mouth grew and grew, as suddenly his lips were not able to hold back the masses of saliva that had formed inside his throat. Something hard and slimy, was pushing against his lips from the inside, something hard but quite sensitive! Suddenly, it slipped out of his mouth. A veiny, wet proboscis slowly parted his lips, as it slipped out violently. Before Adrian was able to pull up his hands and cover his mouth, the new, veiny organ had squirted thick strands of viscous nectar over his chest.

In shock he realized that it was just like the thing Joanie had stuck in his mouth... a throbbing, dripping and veiny cock was hanging out of his mouth! He remembered the sweet liquid going down his throat. “Oh god, I’m infected and heading down for a full-on Necca-transformation” he thought, as thick black antennae popped out on both sides of his head.

Adrian knew there was no way back now - already he felt his chest stretch and on it were forming two big purple boobs with grey nipples.

His hands and feet also changed and on his back two huge beautiful wings spread out. These sensations of his stiff new tongue were only overshadowed by the feeling of his penis retracting inside a new wet slit , that was forming between his legs.

Joanie had dropped on her knees in front of him and massaged her cock-proboscis. The sheer look of Adrian’s transformation sent her in a state of pure arousal! She seemed to enjoy that his old cock was slowly dissappearing, giving room to a new opening that would be of better use for her disgusting tongue.

Adrian moaned as best as he was able to with his mouth stuffed by his own, filty cock-tongue. His testicles slowly turned into plump labia, as his pelvis started to grow broader, giving his crotch a more female form. His hard cock was slowly sucked back between his legs, as his genital started to shrink.

With his scrotum almost completely turned into wet-labial lips, a gaping hole started to appear, right beneath his penis-shaft.

Adrian had the urge to touch it. The entrance of the new orifice felt juss as good as the sensitive underside of his shrinking cock. With his transformed insectile hands, he slowly pushed one of his fingers between his new slimy labia to explote the new depths of his body. It slipped in easily, and Adrian felt a lustful shudder running down his back. As he slowly started to finger his newly grown vagina, the glans of his cock started to grow even more sensitive, as it slipped under a soft hood of labia to become his clitoris

Adrian felt the tranformation had finished, he was now undeniably a member of the Neccu race. He couldn’t help but feel a

sudden spark of joy as he sat down on the couch table and Joanie lowered her head down between his legs and take a closer look at his new, female sex. Lustful, Adrian pulled out the finger, he had carefully used to explore himself... If a finger was feeling that good... how would it feel to have Joanies swollen, naughty tongue in there?

Like if Joanie was able to read his mind, the neccu started to get closer. Her throbbing, almost shivering cocktongue, was leaking a massive amount of nectar-pre that dripped down to the ground. The hard glans touched his swollen labia, as it carefully slipped between the soaked fat-pads, inside his needy opening.

His vagina stretched around the hard tip of the cock, as Adrian felt the veiny muscle slowly sliding inside him. For the first time in his life Adrian felt what it was like to be entered in such a way - and he knew he could get used to that feeling. His own, stiff tongue grew hard again, as his nectar started to create a mess on his chest, between his new, soft tits. He had never known it would feel that good at the revieving end he thought, as his fingers clenched to the couchtich to make Joanie fuck him harder and faster. That cock right there was feeling just right, the slipping... the noises... Adrian felt an unknown pleassure that was filling his whole body, spreading from his crotch. He came, as his whole new cunt was twitching, like it wanted to suck the last bit of nectar from Joanies proboscis. Exhausted, the Neccu pulled out her flaccid tongue, as both insect girls curled up on the mattress.

At the end of the night Adrian was sure he was so over his last girlfriend, as he glanced at the sleeping Joanie beside him.



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