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„So hot in here“ Julia stumbled through the narrow tunnels. What happened to her? And why was she running around in the sewers like that? It was as if her body was not her own, as the young girl walked deeper into the dark tunnels, only half-aware of what she was doing.

Since she had that drink a few days back with her friend, it seemed like her body was feeling more and more alien to her. As if something had taken over, whispering sweet thoughts and trying to persuade her to give in to these new feelings.

„That... drink“ Julia stuttered „...there was something inside the bottle..“ She stopped to take a rest at a corner to eventually gather her thoughts „It was a very tasty kind of alcohol, it was a test of courage...“ She suddenly remembered something soft and slimy. Something that was preserved by the alcohol inside the bottle, creating the sweet taste of the drink. „They... they said don´t drink the egg... It, it was a test...“

Julia wasn'´´t aware of her surroundings anymore. The sewers had become all dark and dirty, but she didn´t feel lost at all. Julia didn´t even notice, that she was only wearing her bikini and a towel, which was wrapped around her waist, as she stumbled further. The air around her was feeling hot, even if Julia knew, it was cold as ice down here. Her body felt comfortable in this habitat, just like she had finally come home to rest... to spread... to populate... too breed.

She felt weird suddenly, something was happening to her skin! Slowly, the young girl lifted the towel from her waist, as she saw coin-sized, dark spots on her tights. They looked like birthmarks in a way, but as her fingers slowly stroke over them, a thin film of slime sticked on her fingertips.

„Wh- what is this?“ Julia stuttered to herself in disbelief, as the slimy spots on her tights started to grow and infect more and more of her human skin, turning it into a soft, sticky membrane.

Her breasts started to feel heavy, as Julia wasn´t able to go any further. Something was moving under the patches of sticky membrane, her skin had become, and in a mix of arousal and antipathy, Julia started to get rid of her bikini top:

Her nipples had turned into slime-drooling, swollen mounds that seemed to produce a sticky, clear-greenish liquid. As if this wasn´t enough, something was happening in her crotch, too! In horror, Julia witnessed a bulge moving, where her pussy should be.

A pleasure she had never felt before shot trough her body, every time the weird bulge in her pantie was rubbing ober the soft insides of the fabric. It was like... she was able to control the movement of this bulge... like it was her new, moveable sex!

A wet sport started to form right at the tip of the bulge, where her pantie was stretched to a maximum. Like releasing herself, Julia finally tore off her tight bikini-top at the same time as her newly-grown genital ripped her panty into shreds.

Her once well-hidden vulva had turned into a weird kind of tentacle. Disgusted, but also kinda aroused, Juila thought it was a penis first, a thick, hard cock that was hanging betrween her legs.
Instead, the weird, hard organ still was her vagina in a way, only longer now... more stretchable... more... egg-friendly.... her cunt had become an ovipositor!
Almost all skin on her legs had turned into a mollusk membrane, as Julia felt a pleasure, she had never felt before. Something in her now stretched vagina was building up pressure, as a thin gush of slime parted her labial lips, forming a long strand of slime that was dripping from the tip. Julia moaned, as the thick, slimy substance pushed out of her tight vagina, it felt like a long and intensive climax, flooding her with waves of endorphines.

As she moaned, Julia noticed that her tongue had transformed into tentacles as well. Two long and dripping yellow tips emerged from her mouth, as she was carried away from the bliss in her nethers. Mollusk and slowly-moving tentacles had formed on her slimy tights, as Julia noticed, she was not able to move herself anymore. Her legs had become useless, slime covered limbs that started to look like giant slugs, smearing their filthy slime all over the stony ground of the sewers.

Her nipples had darkened and grown even bigger, as the slug-skin finally reached Julias arms and neck. To her surprise, it wasn´t feeling cold at all. Instead, she felt warm, amlost hot, as something thick and heavy started to stimulate the insides of her ovipositor. A soft, jelly egg, slowly slipped out of the tip of her new sex, as an explosion of pleasureful feelings lighted up Julias brain.

She moaned heavily, not even noticing the changes, her new skin was doing to her face. One of her eyes started to feel funny out of a sudden. Like she was able to see more, and even look around herself now.

In disbelief, Julia tried to touch her eyelids, as her hand touched a slimy, stalked eye that was sticking out her face. Frankly, She wasn´t even disgusted by that anymore... She had accepted her body being weird by now.... it was feeling.... right in a way.

She felt like she was one with her body for the first time in her live, she was not caring about what others might think about her, since she would soon be part of a whole new species: A mollusk species.

Delighted by that thought, Julia finally gave in and let her body doing what was feeling just right in that moment. In seconds, every inch of her skin had become slimy and slug-like, but comfortable in a strange way... it was stretchable and feeling like it fitted perfectly. Her once human legs had turned into a squirming mess of slug-tentacles, that reached into numerous tunnels of her new home. With her head finally turning into the head of a giant slug, Julia let go all of the old self-doubts and insecurities other people had given her. She was on a whole new level now, and it was feeling fantastic!

The feeling of her eggs slowly pressing through her ovipositor, before they slip out of the tight lips of her tip! The ultra-sensitive slime skin, that was so much harder to hurt than he rold human skin! She loved being a slug... No... The queen of all slugs! She loved the sewers and she loved to breed... And she was feeling the need to expand her hive quickly, by adding new members to it, making them feel just as great as she did now.



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