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Ethan was breathing heavy as he slithered down the slope to take cover behind one of the countless volcanic pipes. He was hunting the Ituga for days now and it seemed that the scalie monstrosity had finally led him to it´s hideout in the acidic fields of Neberos. He had never been in the south this far and Ethan knew it was a dangerous and toxic place only a few, feral lifeforms were able to adapt to.

He heard the heavy snuffling of his prey as the Ituga dragon dragged itself through the dirt, exhausted by the long hunt. Ethan desperately clenched the heft of his E-lade, as he was ready to pull the trigger and heat up the metal of his blade. With a loud and confident scream, he blew his cover and started to run towards the giant, surprised dragon.

Just a second after Ethan had started his attack, he realized that he underrated the Ituga. With a feral sparkle in it´s eye, the Dragon turned around and quickly changed into a position to counter-attack him.

Coming closer and closer, Ethan knew there was no turning back anymore. He had to kill it now – or never. He only had this chance to proof his father that he was able to defend his village against all kinds of monsters.

With all strength he was able to bring up, Ethans E-lade rushed through the air as the Ituga cried out in pain and the blade hit the shoulder of the beast.

As the dust of the fight slowly started to dissolve, Ethan realized in horror, that the E-Lade had only caused a scratch on the Itugas shoulder. Desperately, he tried to grab the heft of the weapon again to pull it back out and strike anew, but it seemed to stuck deeply into the dragons shoulder.

A deep and roaring sound escaped the Itugas maw, as it builded up itself right in front of him. With the blade still stuck in the dragon´s flesh, the Ituga grabbed Ethan and pulled him close.

The green acid that was dripping out of the Dragons jaw-holes was etching off parts of Ethans armor. He tried to hold his breath and not take in any of the acidic stench of the creature in front of him and tried to fight the Dragon´s grasp, but there was no chance to escape for him it seemed.

„Let me go, you filthy abomination!“ Ethan screamed, as the maw of the Ituga slowly came closer and closer. „What are you doing?!... NO!“ The maw of the dragon slowly opened, as an acid-green, forked tongue slipped out of it. Carefully, the dragon started to lick over Ethans armor, as the young man could do nothing but just watch his armor dissolve and falling into pieces.

„get away from me you monster!!“ Ethan realized what was going to happen next, just as the dripping snout of the Ituga came closer and closer to his mouth.

„you are not going to ki...“ It was already too late, before Ethan was able to finish his protest. The forked tongue of the feral beast slowly slipped inside his mouth, as a gush of disgustingly-salty acid was poured into his throat.

In horror, Ethan stumbled backwards, as the grasp of the Ituga loosened. The Dragon seemed happy and weirdly excited, as Ethan noticed the giant testicles between the creatures legs slowly swelling up. „No... NO,NO,NO! What have you done to me?“ He screamed, as he watched the giant dragon-penis slowly slipping out of it´s scaly hideout, pointing right at him.

Again, he was grabbed, as Ethan felt a weird sensation in his hands and upper body. The cock of the dragon was growing bigger and bigger, as long strands of precum started to drip down from it´s tip. Snarling and breathing heavy, the Ituga dragged Ethan closer, as The human looked on his hands:

His once human hands were slowly turning into plump, strong dragon paws! His soft human skin was replaced by a leathery, green hide, slowly turning his arms into useless, feral legs!

„You...!“ Ethan stopped as a deep and feral growl slowly started to build up in his throat „You are tur.... turning mrreee!“ The deep growl rolled out uncontrolled, as Ethan fell on his fours. His arms had completely turned into clumsy forelegs, not even able to hold a sword anymore.

Something was dripping out of Ethans mouth. Shocked, he realized that his tongue had split and started to dart out in intervalls, pushing out a clear, green liquid his mouth had started to produce.

„Iiiii´m a moonssster!“ Ethan screamed, as the Ituga slowly came closer. Without a warning, the heavy dragon started to climb over Ethan, who was still turning. With a feral grasp, The dragon grabbed Ethan´s buttcheeks, as the crotch of the creature came closer and closer to his face.

The dripping, stiff dragon cock came closer and closer mercilessly, as it finally touched Ethans face.

The smell of feral pre running over his nose and mouth was driving Ethan insane, as he felt the strong, slimy genital slipping over his face again and again covering everything in the feral stench of the beast.

Suddenly, it stopped right in front of his mouth and started to violently drill its glans against Ethans lips. He was fighting. He was fighting the urge of his tongue to dart out. He did not want to give this beast a blowjob... or did he? It seemed, that the smell of the creature had grown on him... suddenly it was not even that bad anymore!

Actually, it was pretty arousing! Carefully, Ethan opened his mouth to slowly give in the urge of his body. In less than a second, the giant, slimy cock violently drilled inside his throat and started to penetrate his insides. The taste was awesome, as Ethan enjoyed the sweaty testicles of the feral bouncing against his jaw with every thrust.

The strange feeling that changed Ethans arms seemed to come back! This time, his throat and face started to feel numb, as something inside him slowly started to shift and fit the swollen, stiff dragon penis that was slipping inside his throat. Ethans skull seemed to change, as his throat grew longer and more sensitive. Greedily, Ethan started to enjoy the feeling of the thick, hot cock in his throat, as more and more muscles formed inside his throat, he had never felt before. Smacking and slobbering, Ethan started to get aroused by the strong Dragon cock slipping over his tongue. The mix of salty pre, pheromones and sweat was so delicious, Ethan started to greedily let his lips slide over the hot, veiny organ.

Finally, a hot gush of salty liquids bursted into Ethans new throat, as the erected dragon cock slowly slipped out his mouth with a lovely smack. Thick strands of dragon cum dripped out of Ethans new maw, as the rest of his body started to turn into a dragon.

The area around Ethan´s crotch started to feel weird. Confused, he tried to stand upright on his new hind legs, to see what was going on: His once proud male cock had retracted inside a scalie shaft, but unlike the other dragon, weird bulges had started to form just above the dripping slit that once was a human genital.

Unable to scream or shout, Ethan started to growl in sensation, as he realized, that he was becoming a female Ituga! Nipples had started to form on the four bulges above his new dripping slit, creating 4 large tits just between his hind legs. His cock was shrinking and still a bit stiff from the dragon-blowjob he just gave, as it slowly transformed into a clitoris, surrounded by plump labial lips that formed his new dragon-cunt.

Being female was awesome, Ethan had never felt any climax like that! After some time he didn´t even remember how a male orgasm felt, because what he got now was just so much better and longer! It wasn´t like before, getting excited more and more, having just 2 seconds of fun, before jerking off, no. It was like there were waves of endorphines now. Multiple waves convulsing his whole body, leaving him in mindless bliss for just so much longer than his climaxes back then.

But he needed a male for this. He needed cocks for this. It was almost all his feral mind was thinking about.

Ethan had tried to use his clumsy front legs, to satisfy himself, but soon had found out, that it didn´t work. Now, he was growing needy every now and then, desperately searching for a male to give him what he needed. His new cunt was aching to be filled with something long and hard, something Ethan found disgusting in his old life. Today, wet erected cocks was almost everything he was caring for.



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