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Vivian was excited. She had waited a long time for this moment to come and finally, she would be one with the lyran hive that had become her family over the last years. She was only vaguely able to remember her life, before she was picked up by the great clan of snakes. She was an adventurer back then, without family or friends and she was searching for valuable things to steal and sell, until she found a new home in the arms of the great hive.

The Lyrans were never bad to her or unfriendly. In fact, being a human with two legs turned out to be an upside in the hierarchy of snakes. Sure, workers and warriors were nothing more than half-way transformed Lyrans and mostly humanoid, but their specific task was to work or train their fighting skills instead caring for the enlightened or the queen. In general, the queen of the hive seemed to have an exotic taste and likes to surround herself with human servants.

Vivian had always been loyal to her queen and worked herself up in the hierarchy of

servants. She had learned, that servants were turned into warriors or workers sometimes and special ones even were turned into one of the enlightened nagas.

She wanted to join the clan so badly, become a part of the hive that had welcomed her and given her a home. And today, her day had finally come!

The sound of her naked feet halled through the empty rooms of the palace, as Vivian walked past the pillars of the long hallway. The ceremonial leash around her neck was pulled by a quite nervous-looking, young enlightened that seemed to be inside the queens palace for the first time. The slithering sound of her massive lower snake body filled Vivians heart with joy: If everything works out well, her body would be as strong and beautiful as hers in a few hours!

The young enlightened stopped as the two reached a big room, surrounded by glas

that opened the view to a beautiful mountain range in the distance. “Ssstay here, I will get the queen” she hissed as she left the room behind Vivian.

Vivian enjoyed the silence and peace that was surrounding her. Her view wandered to the mountaintops in the distance. “Hmm, so peaceful out there, just perfect.” she mumbled to herself.

“Welcome my child, I ssssee, you have come a quite long way to finally be one of usss” A beautiful voice was hissing in her ear. Vivian felt gold, as velvety hands fondled her back.

“Are you ready sssservant?” Vivian took a deep breath. “I am, my mistress”Vivian felt how the massive, naked body of the giant cobra was pressed against her back. Something wet and slimy was touching her neck, as she was wiped through the queens exposed, giant labia and pulled up. The strong arms of her mistress lifted her further and further, until Vivian saw her queens bare, dripping slit, hungrily awaiting her bare feet to enter the giant sex.

Carefully, the queen pushed Vivians body down while holding the girls ankles to slowly shove them down her slimy birth-canal. “Ssssoh, tight, every time!” The giant queen moaned, while more and more of Vivians body disappeared between the greedily sucking, drooling cuntlips.

Vivian catched herself feeling a little horny, as the moans of her queen vibrated through her body. Sucking wet noises filled the empty room, as her body was swallowed by the hungry snake cunt. She was moving in deeper and deeper. The queen grabbed her arms and quickly stuffed them inside her stretched vagina behind Vivians back. With a strong and lust filled push, the giant snake inserted the young girl like if she were a living dildo, that had only been waiting to be stuffed deeply down into her scaly pussy.

“hmm, this feels weird!” Vivian tried to move. Almost he whole body was stucked in the giant Snake vagina by now. “Yessss, ssstart ssstruggling!!” The queen hissed in vicious pleasure “I love it when you little cunt-toys try to fight me!” Vivian saw the wet and slimy lips of the queen coming closer to her face. She hand´t thought much of it until now. Had she really thought, this was a clean and easy process?

The smell of the aroused snake hit Vivians nose. It was a weird mix of sweat and pheromones that slowly came closer and grew stronger. The wet slimy surface of the queens giant labia slipped over her neck, as her chin moved closer and closer the drooling cunthole. Suddenly, the smell had surrounded Vivian. She tried to take a deep breath, but it was already too late. Her wet hairs moved into her face, as the greedy slime-dripping cuntlips of the snake slowly swallowed Vivians head and sucked her deep into the musty vagina.

Vivian had lost her feeling for time and space. Something clearly wasn´t right! She knew, that a transformation into a lyran warrior or enlightened just took a few hours. Even if the queen had decided to make her one of her breeder-queens – what would have been a great honor for her – this TF simply took too long!

Vivian felt strange and weirdly incomplete. she tried to move upwards in the tight canal, she was stucked in. From the outside, she heard weird noises every now and then.

Male voices were talking while her queen was laughing… what the heck was going on out there?

Suddenly, the giant body around her seemed to move. It wasn’t the regular movement her queen was normally doing, it was much faster and more savage this time. Something was hitting the lower belly from outside, as the movement suddenly stopped. Something hot and sticky was flowing down the musty walls around Vivian - something that was forming strands and feeling like: “CUM?! Are you kidding me! No, Hey!! Get me out of here!!” vivian tried to scream, as an even bigger load of filthy cum was squirted down her queens tight vagina.

Extremely disgusted, Vivian almost puked as the salty, viscous liquid entered her throat. She had just eaten the cum of a random horny worker-male, that was fucking the cunt she was trapped in! “No!!, Stop!!” Vivian screamed, as the body around her started to move again.

Vivian had stopped to count the loads of cum that had been squirted on her. She had no idea how many hours she had been trapped inside here and if she would ever find a way out. Strange enough, she started to enjoy it. Cum had become a part of her life now in a weird way. She had nothing else to eat anyway in here, so it would at least keep her alive for a little longer. She felt weird and sticky to a point she wasn’t able to tell the difference between snake-cum and her own body anymore. she only knew she grew stronger with every squirt of jizz that was flowing down on her.

Her day had finally come, Vivian felt the muscles around her contracting, twitching and trying to push her out. She had grown strong! The filthy smell of cum didn´t annoy - not even disgust- her anymore. It was her smell.

She had become one with the filthy, sticky cum the workers had given to her and she was wanting more. Screaming and moaning, the giant snake parted her swollen, used labia, as Vivian slipped out of her tight vagina. Like a long strand of viscous, smelly cum, the once human girl runned over the wet mons of her queen towards the ground. Vivian moaned, as her stinking, viscous body flooded the ground. “looks like you have been too long inssside me…. Far too long my dear! the queen hissed with a devilish grin. “I will have my workersss build you up a bit with some more, fresh jizz!”

Two male workers started to surround the messy smelly pile of cum, Vivian had turned into “Hnoooo!” she tried to scream, as both reptiles started to slowly rub their cocks to prepare a fresh load. “Don´t worry, Im sure it will make you sstronger!... Sssstick to it!” The queen laughed, as she disappeared through the door.

Vivian had problems to keep her mass of cum in form, as she tried to move away from the sweaty cocks of the male workers. Hot pre was dripping down their throbbing cocks already, that started to mix with what was left of Vivians body. A last almost grunting “Cuuum!” escaped her lips as both cocks jerked of their loads to mix with her slimy new body.



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