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Emina couldn’t believe her eyes. After all these years of traveling, mountain climbing and relic-hunting, the young expeditioner had finally found the hidden city of the Avox: Haven.

The topless mountains always seemed like the perfect spot to hide a city, with all the rainclouds obscuring the sight.

But Emina hand´t traveled the long way to give up because of a bit of rain. Relentless as she was, the young woman eventually found the entrance to the hidden city of the griffins through a small ice crack.

The Griffins seemed to be very surprised, and a few were even angry that Emina had found their hideout. For a moment, she was a bit worried, because the Avox started to argue about what to do with her. She could have sworn they used the word “prison” in one or two sentences and was finally relieved, as all guards agreed to include her into their society.

It was morning already - Emina must have climbed half of the night - as the sun finally rose above the cloud cover. The griffins invited her into one of their houses and told her to rest and eat with them. After the delicious meal, a young Avox girl entered the room, carrying a pile of comfy-looking clothes.

Suddenly, two of the griffins started to suggest Emina, she had to move out to the balcony. A bit confused, the young human girl did as she was told, as she stepped out into the cold air. The view was breathtaking! In the distance, a giant palace-building was sitting at the highest of all the mountains. “This must be Emberglimm, the palace of the Phelonas” Emina whispered in awe.

Without a warning, she was suddenly pushed down to her knees. “ - What the?!” Emina tried to protest as the female griffin that had brought her clothes earlier applied a huge, necklace around her.

“you can stay in Haven” one of the male guards said with the typical avoxian accent “But you must adapt” The blue stone on the necklace started to glow, as a warm feeling seemed to spread from its golden metal.

“Adapt?!” Emina asked. The warmth of the glowing light was feeling great! Curious, the young girl looked on her hands. Tiny yellow scales started to form on the back of her hand and spreaded over her forearm. A feeling of tightness started to develop, as Emina noticed the huge bulks on her back, stressing the fabric of her new clothing that finally gave in, to reveal two feathery wings.

“Gawwwd, this feels great!” She screamed as her tights started to grow furry and muscular “I never knew a body could feel this… hnnnn… this…”

She came, just before she was able to finish the thought. The Avox girl that had given the necklace to her, quickly picked up the shreds Eminas body had left of the fabric. She was naked now. Naked and turning into a griffin more and more. Steamy wetness swelled up from her swollen, slightly enlarged cunt that was dripping with the efflux of multiple climaxes the transformation had driven her into. In ecstasy, Emina witnessed as her jaw opened wide against her will. Something was pushing out of her mouth!

Her lips were slowly pressed back by the huge yellow beak, her teeth had grown into. Screaming and moaning, the young girl touched the hard horn of her bird-maw, drooling, because she was not used to handle her spit without lips. Her whole upper body was covered in birdy-scales now. Her tits had swollen huge, and a thick, feral bush of animalistic pubes had started to grow above her gaping cunt that seemed to drool viscous liquids. Her belly felt heavy, as Emina noticed that it was swelling, too!

“Am I becoming pregnant?!” She whimpered “What are you *Caw* What are you doing to me?!” The pressure was too much. She had to spread her legs further to give her birth canal more room. Clumsy, Emina tumbled backwards as she noticed her feet hat turned into lion-paws. In heat, she spread her legs, as she felt something coming out of her. Her cunt stretched to an extend she lost all control over her climaxes, as the soft shell of her first egg slipped out of her vulva. Thick strands of genital liquids dripped on the ground, as the Egg finally slipped out between her swollen labia, past her ass and onto the ground. “*Caw* Gawwd, what´s happening?! *Caw*” Emina moaned, as the next soft egg started to slowly slip through her vagina.

Emina felt dirty, but she didn´t care anymore. It was the heat that was still taking over her mind after she had pressed out the last of her huge eggs. Now she felt empty and worn out. She wanted something insider her again so badly. Like a feral beast, the once human girl presented her stretched, used pussy to the guards that had forced her into this situation. “I need you *caw*” she moaned “Something inside me, please.. I feel so empty… please… use me *caw*!” With her needy hole stretched wide by one of her thumbs, Emina started to spread her wings, to invite one of the males to mate with her. “Come on *caw* … please… I need you so bad!”

Both guards started to grin and look at each other “What do you say Sy *caw* should we exploit the situation and give her what she wants as long as she is like that?” The other Avox grinned back “Damn *caw* I love it when they are cock-hungry after their ovi-phase”




Quite possibly one of my favorite sequences here. The fact that it's the closest thing to consensual is just icing on the cake

Merv DeGriff

All this needs is a nice follow up of that guard's quality time with the new hen.