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Alright, TS 29 please!

Rodger looked up, as the massive doors in from of him slowly opened. The room in front of him was bathed in glistening light, as the energy handcuffs slowly pulled his body towards the doorsill.
Damn, he only needed the money. Who could have known the Nariok were in such weird experiments these days, hadn’t they learned from their mistakes in the past? Maybe Sera was right all the time and maybe it wasn’t one of his best ideas to sign up for an experiment the Nariok called “new and exciting” theirself. The compensation for the experiment sounded pretty neat and as a student, Rodger had simply no other option than to agree.
He had no problems with taking pills in the past for the sake of studies or research, but this Nariok experiment was kinda different. He woke up just a few hours ago, completely naked and with a temporal tattoo on his chest. Captivated in thigh high-tech Cuffs, he was hanging from the wall, unable to escape. Suddenly, the door in front of him opened, and was pulling him now inside the bright light of the Nariok lab.
He blinked. The light was hurting his eyes after the had been dragged out of the small cell. “Welcome, TS29” a tinny voice halled through the room. “You have voluntarily taken part in the EK-project, thank you for participating, and please enjoy your stay. Your body will soon encounter one of the most advanced bio suits of Lab 38, we want to acknowledge you that the change from endothermal to cold-blooded organism bears a few risks. After the project, you will be released back into society, but please be aware, that a few traits of reptile behavior might still carry over to your old body. The Nariok research group is eager to know what side effects you might develop after our experiment, so please call our hotline in case of that!”

“Are you kidding me?!” Rodger screamed while he was pulled into the middle of the room. “Keep your money you sick fucks, I´d rather work in a Bolgan restaurant, filled with skirran-cooks than…” Rodger stopped as an ice-cold liquid touched his skin without warning. “Please hold your mouth open. The suit needs it to grant access to the energy-input, it feeds on a specific protein that needs to be infused every now and then”
Rodger gurgled as more and more cold liquid was gunned at him. “Okay Zafira” the tinny voice from the speakers said “We can skip all this official stuff now, lets take a look at our subject.

with a loud buzz, the walls around Rodger seemed to lift. Behind a thick wall of safety glass two Nariok scientist stood and grinned at him. “Oh, look how pretty he is for a human Zefira! ” The male shark yelled. “hm, indeed” the female replied with a smile, showing her sharp teeth “too bad he’s not much of a use for us girls in a few minutes, we all know how cock-focussed these exokin-skins are to keep their form with the proteins”
The male Nariok nodded “Yeah, but anyway! You know I do not like tizzies that much, don’t you? why do we need to turn him into a reptile? Wouldn´t something with fur be a greater challenge for this slime blob?” The female nariok looked angry out of a sudden “Shut up Jimbo, you know our exokin still got huge problems to mimic fur, we are in the alpha-phase… look, its already developing!”
Rodger, who had listened to the two narioks argumentation, looked down his body in horror as he suddenly felt a little warmer. The cold touch of the liquid seemed to sink into him, consuming him as the slime started to turn into a darker blue. Slowly, more and more slime gathered on his tights, starting to form something like a second skin, that started to spread over his body. More and more , the substance started to cover him, giving him the feeling of being swallowed by a living hull of opaque latex-like slime.
“Alright, its working Zefira. Since this one will also turn into a cock hungry slut soon, I will better start preparing now… “Stop complaining” the female shark hissed “It wasn’t my idea to sneak in here and use some of the test subjects as personal toys. We can’t use the pump to feed him, so you have to do it the old-school-way!”

“old-school way?” “Pump?” “Cock-hungry-slut?” Rodger was confused and scared out of a sudden, as the slime was pulling him to his knees. Almost his whole body was covered in the thick blueish substance by now, as a huge bulk of slime started to wrap around his face. “A muzzle?!!” The Slime was really forming a muzzle in his face?! Rodger tried not to panic, as something inside the muzzle started to push inside his mouth. violently, something rubber-like entered his gum and filled his whole throat with a thin, elastic film.
Rodger caught. It was like someone had stuffed a condom inside his mouth, with the opening sitting in the forming, reptilic muzzle in his face. He looked down his body in panic, as he noticed the slime had also reached and turned his once human penis into a weird-looking-reptile cock. long strands of semen was dripping from his new member, that seemed to be aroused and growing stiff. The maw in Rodgers face had formed a tongue that was moving on its own. Rodgers mouth had become unable to close, as it was slowly turning into the maws throat-area. Faster and faster, the rest of his head was swallowed by the thick slimy substance, as finally his whole head was covered in it.
“Look, there he is” The male Nariok grinned “Come over guys, its time for a party, we got an alpha-Exokin Tizzian with us!”

The suit was sitting tight. Rodger was unable to fight it anymore, he was trapped inside this weird kind of skin. “cock hungry slut” These words still halled inside his head. Suddenly, a quiet voice whispered these words over and over again. Rodgers face had become a reptile-head with a giant snout, greedily opening and closing. With his last strength, The young man tried to push away the tight, slimy substance and free his mouth again. It was useless… the tight second skin had wrapped around him, his now blue body had even started to mimic layers of thick scales. He had become a snake, a tizzian… and he was hungry…
Without a warning, pictures appeared in Rodgers brain… pictured of thick, trobbing … “dicks?!”
This could´t be real, the creature was manipulating him….He tried to fight the thoughts, but the more he tried, the more pictures appeared in his head. He knew, semen would make him stronger… would make HIS BODY stronger… Dicks had semen…. dicks were good. Again, Rodger tried to fight the thoughts… No dicks… no semen…. think about something cute and beautiful, something female, something NORMAL!
“I love girl” Rodger stuttered… “I love Pussy…nisses”…. “pu..nisses” “oh gawd… I want cocks now!”
Like in a rush, pictured flashed up in Rodgers mind. Pictures of cocks of all sizes and forms, squirting thick strands of semen into his mouth “Bwah, please, please nooo!”

before he was even realizing what he was doing, he already found himself kneeling on the ground.
“Looks like you had faded out a bit and been a hungry cock-slut” A male voice laughed “Yeah, I never knew a tizzian would suck this good, its really refreshing” another male voice answered. Rodger blinked. Something was slipping inside his mouth. “I prefer these, no poison fangs, you know. Its almost like sleeping with a girl, its only a question if you like these weird scales” Rodger realized, that the hip of the Male shark in front of him was moving closer and further away, he seemed to have lost control over his body. Suddenly, her realized, WHAT was moving inside his mouth. with each thrust of the males hip, his hot, dripping cock was drilled deep into Rodgers throat.
It felt so wrong, but he was unable to scream. The Slime had taken over his body and seemed to force him to suck on the thick, shark-penis the male had shoven inside him “eat slowly my dear, we got plenty for you” the male shark grinned. “Zefira isn’t here anymore, I think she is having fun with Kirga in professor Endoras office” the other shark laughed “
I guess girls aren´t your thing anymore huh?! I wonder if the guy inside you can taste all the cum we already fed to him… must be a horrible experience tho!”
With a smack, the stiff member of the Nariok slipped free from Rodgers maw. Long strands of filthy cum was dripping down his chin as he turned his head around. The other shark was towering over him, the shiny glans of his erected cock right in front of Rodgers snout. Slowly, His maw opened, as his new, long tongue touched the underside of the hot, throbbing shaft. The glans slipped inside, as Rodgers snout moved closer towards the male´s crotch. His tongue was leading the stiff penis right into Rodgers open mouth, as something hard and warm was violently pushed inside his throat. The taste of salt was quickly filling his mouth, as Rodger slowly started to enjoy what he did.
”Remember, this is just the alpha-test” The male shark was grinning triumphantly “If we put a bit more work into it, our agents can soon mimic all kinds of races… We need to think about that cock-addiction tho, this one seems to be really greedy”



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