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The cold october sun was still rising as Nana opened the door to her greenhouse. Still a bit tired, the young Ketoran rubbed her eyes and turned on the light in the small cabinet in the corner. This year she would win.

She wasn´t really into this whole "gardener-contest-thing", no, this year it was all about revenge. Nana remembered Jessy Morrison´s triumphant smile too well to forget it, this year she would make sure that her grin would get stucked in her throat.

She reached for a small vial, filled with a greenish, slightly glowing substance. It was hard for her to get he hands on this liquid, a fertilizer that was impossible to detect by common test procedures. Nana grabbed an empty syringe. Ignoring the fact, that the Bolgan merchant told her to mix one drop of the liquid with a bucket of water and never inject it directly inside a fruiting body, Nana filled all of the concentrate into the small glass cylinder of the syringe.

"Hokay, now show me what you are able to do, sweetie" Nana whispered more to herself than to the syringe in her hand. Quickly she grabbed her white gardener coat and threw it over, before hasting through the greenhouse. She stopped right in front of her pumpkin-field which was filled with a few quite impressive exemplars. In the Middle of the room, Nana had already prepared her masterpiece for the contest: a massive pumpkin with almost the size of a chair. "Okay baby, lasts see how Jessy will deal with you after a small boost!" Impatiently, Nana sat down on the fruit as she injected the full dose of the syringe into it.

Nothing happened. "c´mon, stupid plant, make me proud!" Nana softy slapped over the orange surface of the pumpkin to see if anything was changing. She wasn´t sure was she was expecting, but suddenly the whole fruit started to slightly vibrate. It was like, the plant was coming to life as a weird pulsation started to form random bulges on the smooth, slightly ribbed skin.

Nana started to smile broadly "yes baby, thats how it works!" Still sitting on the pumpkin, she tried to hold it in place, as it started to move and twitch. The bulges on the pumpkin had started to grow bigger. strange veins appeared on them and before Nana was able to realize what exactly was growing from the massive fruit, it was too late.

A massive bulge between her hands suddenly had turned into a long, twitching tentacle. lightning-fast, the new "limb" had found its way right in front of her face, and as if time was standing still, Nana saw the slowly dripping, disgusting tip that was aiming at her. A giant, reddened glans had pushed out of the tentacle-tip, surrounded by veiny, slimy foreskin, squirting a mess of thick jizz right into her face.

With a salty taste in her mouth Nana started to realize that things had went horribly wrong. All over the pumpkin, thick veiny tentacles started to emerge from the soft surface, squirting loads of viscous cum all over the place. Before she was able to turn around and run, the load she swallowed had already started to change her body. She could´t move out of a sudden, like her crotch had fused with the massive fruiting body. the long slimy cock tentacles had started to wrap around her legs and lower body, ripping her pants into shreds and violently searching for the best place to squirt their load.

Nana howled in deep pleasure, as not of the fat cocks finally found the perfect place. The thick muscle slowly pushed between her labia as it started to stretch her pussy and drilled deep into her vagina. Her legs started to slowly disappear and fuse with the fruit below, as more and more tentacles appeared around her. Her lower legs felt numb, and if she was able to feel the pleasure of each tentacle, a warm, releasing feeling was filling her body, every time one of "her" cocks jerked off.

Her body started to fuse with the mutated fruit more and more and Nana felt how the massive cock that had entered her body was filling her with its seed. Slowly, Nana noticed how she was able to take control over every single one of the sweaty veiny cocks, as if they had become part of her own body. Her cunt was overflowing with mutated cum that dripped down on the pumpkin between her legs. In bliss, Nana touched her breasts as she started to enjoy the feeling of her new limbs squirting their viscous substance while she was fucked.

Her nipples had become harder than ever before, forming small bulges on her top. In a mix of disbelief and excitement Nana started to realize, that her they had started to lactate and formed wet spots on each of her breasts. With a loud moan the young Ketoran grabbed the fabric of her top as she tore it apart: Her nipples had turned into slimy cock-glanses, slowly pushing out of her areola, dripping with the same thick cum as her other cocks did.

But her transformation was far from over: In Horror, Nana realized that her once thin feminine arms slowly turned into the same kind of tentacle that were still growing from the fruit between her legs. Desperate, she could do nothing more than just watch her hands slowly changing into dripping-wet cock-tips that soon started to ooze more thick cum. The feeling of pleasure was overwhelming a both of her arms jerked off at the same time, creating a shower of messy thick liquids that sprayed the walls of her greenhouse.

Her lips started to feel numb, as well as her whole upper body. The cum from the fruiting body must have infected her whole body by now. Unable to move, Nana realized that she has now fused completely with the orange pumpkin and it seemed that the tentacle between her legs had stopped to fuck her.

As she tried to take a closer look on her crotch, she saw the massive bulge for the first time, that was growing like a third leg below her navel. "Nhw… Nhw Please!!" Nana whimpered through her swelling lips, unable to stop the next massive cock from growing. Slowly, the massive organ grew bigger and bigger, forming huge balls at its base filled with more of the filthy semen. The tip of the tentacle turned red and sensitive, as the new glans pushed out from the orange foreskin.

Suddenly, Nana felt good in her new body. Like in a daze, she felt happy and unspeakable satisfied with every load of cum leaving her. Hypnotized by her new arms, her now giant lips started to move closer to the squirting cock that once was her left hand. Slowly, her massive lips engulfed the tip of the cock as she started to suck on her stiff, mutated arm-cock. The salty taste of her own cum turned her on, as she pushed the dislocated genital deeper down her throat. Waves of unbelievable satisfaction filled her mind, as her vision started to fade. She was ready to let go of everything, and just embrace the feeling of bliss that was filling her. She was the queen in this greenhouse now, able to form a whole new lifeform. Soon, she would take over this whole building and transform everyone that would dare to enter her realm into one of her servants. Transformed and ready, Nana was eager to wait and turn other bodies into Stems too, serving her as a cock-multiplicator that would soon take over the whole town. "Hokay Jessy" Nana slurped through her massive, cum-drooling lips "you are next"

(…to be continued? )



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