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Hey there Patreons!?(???)?

First of all, I want to thank you for your heavy support! As I started this patreon page, I would have never thought, it would ever become this successful! THANK YOU! ?(???)? <3

Thanks to you guys, I keep working hard to generate as much content as I am able to each evening and free day besides my regular agency-job.

I know the last months had been turbulent again, I had to move into a new flat, get my internet installed and had a couple of other problems to deal with, but I am happy to say, that these turbulences are finally over now, and I am planning to sit down and work hard from now on to entertain you all as best as I can.

Nontheless, it came clear to me over the last months, that there is a certain imbalance between my patreon postings, regarding the different tiers. Most of my posts aimed at the 2$ tiers, and I felt bad about delivering only a small amount of content exclusively to my 8$ patreons.

Okay, let´s get to the most important part of this post:

To be honest, I simply underestimated the content of the weekly-TF-sequences, and I thought about either cuttign them into less pictures and less text, OR make them 8$-patreon exclusive. and wrap them up in a nicer, longer story and a pdf-file you can download.

After talking to a few friends, I decided, that cutting the sequences shorter would make no sense to me, since I love them being detailed in both, text and picture.

For that reason, I had to update my tier-rewards, having in mind, that 8$-patreons should get more content than 2$-patreons, simply because the pay four times as much.

In case that you are a 8$-Patreon: Nothing will change, except that you alone will have access to all upcoming weekly sequences and the more detailed story wrapped with pictures in a pdf-file.

In case you are a 2$-Patreon: In the future, you can decide what refsheet will be released next month. There will also be a poll about what kind of character will go through the refsheet-sequence, which you will also have access to each month. You still have acess to all the older tf-sequences I posted over the last months on this page of course!

If anything is till unclear to you, please head over to the tier-section! I changed the description of both tiers, so you can see what you will get for your pledge each month :3

Its hard to do changes like that after a patreon is up and running, but I wanna make sure, the tiers are well balanced and the content comes in a quality that lives up to my own standards.

Thank you for reading through this wall of text, I love you all and hope you can understand that I did this changes to deliver my biggest supporters the best content in the end.

Have a great Halloween! ?(???)?


-Lu :3


General Cellron XD

You're awesome Lu I will continue to admire and enjoy your awesome artwork XD


I think that the old rewards were already "balanced" since i pay my 8$ not because i want to have all the rewards, but just to give you something back for your awesome work.


You make awesome art that I can't find anywhere else. I totally understand you changing the rewards around. I went ahead and increased my pledge to $8 so I can keep seeing the good stuff. :)