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In horror, the male traveler watched his girlfriend changing into a feral, horny beast.

He was thinking about running away, but the sphinx-creature had somehow paralyzed him, forcing him to watch as a giant, dripping cock grew from his girls crotch.

She was grunting and drooling, crouching on all fours and changing into a Bigon more and more, while her pre cum was forming pools on the ground.

The male was shocked to see his girl reduced to a horny animal and barely noticed how the sphinx had sneaked behind his back.

Suddenly, her snout came close to his ear from behind "like what you see human? Too bad I got no collar for you, too, I would love to see two dirty bigons doing each other" Something pulled on the mans clothes, something magical: "You won't need your clothes anymore, It will get tight enough for you soon in so many, dirty ways"

He could feel the warm breath of the creature close to his neck. He was naked, his clothes turned into shreds on the ground around him and in the distance, he saw the new form of his girlfriend, needy presenting her massive pre-leaking Bigon penis.

The sphinx grinned, as she turned him around "That cock looks tasty, right? Don´t worry, if I tell you its tasty, you will believe me…. after that, we will make sure, you got the right… *equipment* to satisfy your girls nasty hard shaft"

before he could say something, or even take a breath, the sphinx had looked deep into his eyes. Hypnotized, the male just repeated the word…"her… cock… It looks… tasty"

With all control lost, the male stumbled forwards. His mind was screaming at him to stop, but his body was approaching the new beastly form of his girlfriend. He fell on his knees, unwillingly opening his mouth, as he moved closer towards the Bigon.

The massive beast, that once was his girlfriend grunted happily, as it moved backwards, presenting her stiff, dripping cock to its old mate. Disgusted, the male crawled even closer until he arrived behind the Bigons hind-legs. The veiny penis in front of him was twitching in anticipation, strands of viscous pre cum was dripping from the tip. Slowly, his tongue moved out of his mouth by itself, touching the throbbing organ and licking along its underside. It tastes salty and smelled awful, but something in the males mind was telling him, he should give that beast a blow job!

"Hahaha, looks like you became a Bigon lover!" the sphinx yelled with a devilish grin "c´mon, How many times had your girl done that for you? Its time to pay her back, lay down, be gentle and let her go in deep-throat!"

Still fighting the commands of his hypnosis, the male crouched further between the Bigons legs and turned around. Both of his hands grabbed the massive veiny beast-cock, rubbed it and lifted the dripping organ up, closer and closer to his mouth.

With the needy, pre dripping glans of the Bigon cock right in front of him, the male tried to fight the urge to swallow and suck on the massive sex, but eventually lost all control over his own body:

His mouth engulfed the hard, slimy tip of the beast. The pre of the animal was starting to overflow his mouth and run over his chin. His toungue started to play with the sensitive glans, as his lips let the massive cock slip deeper and deeper into him. A sudden, deep thrust pushed the fat cock deep into his throat, as the Bigon started to enjoy the warm satisfaction his mouth was giving it.

"suck, suck, suck! The Sphinx cheered at the male, as the movement of the Bigon beast became more and more violent. The shaft of it´s penis turned more stiff and started to shiver. Out of a sudden, a giant load of hot liquids was squirted into the mans throat. Suddenly freed from his hypnosis, the guy pulled the smelly animal sex out of his mouth, as he was almost puking rivers of thick, viscous Bigon jizz over himself. "you.. you monster!" the he screamed, as long strands of thick Bigon semen dripped down on his naked body.

The Sphinx looked down on him triumphantly "Don´t take your filthy mouth too full, you are no better than me… in fact… I already infected you, so you could watch over this pretty boring place here. Im happy, you and your "girlfriend are coming along this well, I guess I will leave and let you suck some more Bigon-cock, but tell me first: Doesn´t it feel tight in that boring human skin, sister?"

The male looked at the sphinx in shock. Suddenly he noticed, that his skin was looking weird. Like, something was moving underneath. Still covered in Bigon cum, tiny holes started to appear on his chest. Something was pushing through his skin! All of his body felt itchy out of a sudden… like his skin was somem kind of foreign body… a piece of cloth!

His feet ripped apart, revealing two giant digits, his breasts pushed through from underneath, revealing 2 huge, tits. With disbelief, he touched his face. Parts of it had already ripped into shreds as suddenly a snout formed and stretched his jaw.

Between his legs, his penis retracted, swallowed by two greedy labia, turning it into a needy hole.

more and more skin had fallen off as the new sphinx body was revealed. His once human cock was replaced by a wet, dripping pussy, aching with a strong need to be filled. desperate, the new sphinx was sitting on the ground, still confused and shocked by recent changes.

"Im out" the sphinx said with another laugh. " Have fun you two, I guess this is even better than any couple-therapy… switching to new point-of-views and stuff"

Still aroused, the Bigon slowly came closer the confused new sphinx. Interested, it lowered its snout to take a closer look at the new female parts...

She didn´t know why, but somehow, the once male sphinx turned around to present her new sex to the feral Bigon that once was her girlfriend. "Mmmmh, Okay dear, lets try this out" she hissed, as she felt the hard tip of her partners cock touched her nether lips and gently slipped inside her.




that sphinx is the bomb, hope we see more of her antics soon XD

General Cellron XD

Lu I sent you a few private messages if you can when you have time please read and reply thanks n.n


Damn Lu I can tell you had a fun time writing this two parter ;)