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The hot sun was shining on Mia´s head.

She could´t remember anything from last night, the rice whine the villagers had given to her and her party must have been stronger than she had thought. She tried to move and slowly opened her eyes.

Where was she?

Mia noticed, her legs were spreader and tied to a massive stone… some kind of altar or anvil? A thick rope was tied around her arms and upper body, and all of her adventurer armor was removed.

“ugh, thats a very ugly set of underwear” Mia whispered out loud in surprise. Someone had put her into a scraggy bikini-thing that was obviously used a lot before. Mia shuddered at the thought that it was most likely not even cleaned, because it gave off a very weird, sweet smell.

She stopped to move instantly, as she heard a weird hissing behind her back. Something was approaching her from behind, but she wasn´t able to turn her head and see what happened there. Suddenly, a grey, leathery hand grabbed her shoulder. Two strong digits bulled back her body, as a spit-dripping Dinosaur maw came close to her face. The smell was breathtaking, and the girl tried to move her head to the left to not breathe in the musky smell coming from the Snappers maw.

Mia had heard stories of this. Some villages used to sacrifice some of their inhabitants to packs of wild monster-races, so that the packs move on and ignore the rest of the town.”p-please!” Mia stuttered, but the muscular dinosaur-girl had already been attracted by the smell of her pheromone-filled clothes.

The Snapper came closer, as Mia felt the monster´s wet tits pressing against her back. Something hard and erected touched her hands behind her back, as the creature moved its nethers towards Mia`s ass. Slowly, the snapper`s hand moved down Mia`s body, closer to her scraggy panties. One of the thick, clawed fingers carefully slipped between Mia`s spreaded legs, starting to rip away the cover to reveal her lady-bits

Greedily the snapper was drooling liquids, eagerly waiting for the move she would do next: To turn Mia into her personal sex-toy and make her part of the pack.

Mia moaned, as the thick claw of the monster plowed through her slit. carefully, the thick digit drilled deeper between her slowly swelling labia as the Snapper started to finger her.

Somehow, she was enjoying this! The dirty claw of the Snapper slipped inside her, almost fucked her better than any lover before. Suddenly, something wet and smelly touched her cheek. Dripping with thick, milky fuids, the snapper tongue started to lick over Mias face, leaving a thin film of salty liquid in her skin.

The Snapper grunted in excitement.

exhausted, Mia noticed that the snapper used it´s liquid-filled loincloth to turn her human skin into reptilic snapper skin! She wasn´t able to fight the monster anymore, as she felt how everything on her belly turned kinda numb but even kinda strong at the same time.

Patiently, the Snapper rubbed it´s transformative liquids over Mias breasts. A pressure started to build in her throat. something new was entering Mia´s mouth from her inside... something quite salty and

viscous! She puked... no.. squirted something out of her throat!

A second squirt escaped her mouth, as the thick, salty liquid dripped down Mias chin. With a new strenght, she ripped apart the ropes around her hands.

In Horror, she realized that her once human hands and feet had turned into snapper claws.

Her old human skin was hanging from her forearms like some old kind of ripped clothing.

Mia tries to scream, but somehow, just a gurgling sound rolled through her throat, as she noticed how her whole head was changing. The skin around her mouth became tighter, as giant, sharp teeth grew from her jaws. she felt her old skin rip, but already startet to enjoy the feeling.

She wasn´t fighting this anymore, she enjoyed the taste of cum in her mouth, and somehow, even the snapper girl behind her turned out to be more and more attractive.

Out of a sudden, Mia was aware of the needy feeling between her legs. Grunting and drooling, she pulled on her last shackles to break free. Greedily, her Snapper partner welcomed her with a salty kiss.

Mia felt needy, she wanted that delicious snout in a different place... and she wanted it now!



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