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"Welcome, my lucky sslave!"

The giant Lyran Queen slowly crawled towards Alex.

before he had entered the room, the enlightened had put a leash around his neck and a pair of pretty tight, girlish knee socks on his legs.

with a loud, satisfied hiss, the giant cobra towered over him, her wet forked tongue was slipping out of her mouth, smelling the taste of the air around.

"Sssseems, you are ready my dear… Sssse hive needs to grow fassster, and you will be a great help…. to find the best sssemen to produce more eggs!"

"the best what?" Alex replied, but before he could even react, the maw of the cobra-monstergirl opened wide. Her whole upper body bended backwards a bit, as Alex realized, she was in an attacking position.

He tried to run, but it was too late: a gush of paralyzing poison had already escaped the glands of the queen, making Alex unable to move.

Slowly, the queen pulled up Alex´s paralyzed body. He felt the hard structure of her belly-scales rubbing over his back, as the young man was lifted up like a soft toy. The queen pressed his legs together and proudly bended backwards: Right beneath her navel, a giant bulge seemed to await the contact, as Alex´s feed were slowly rubbed over the soft, wet slit. "No Essscape" the Queen hissed into his ear, as his feet slowly began to sink into the giant cunt.

Alex sunk deeper, greedily, the muscles of the queen sucked to draw him into the giant, swollen sex. Almost halfway in, Alex started to feel his legs again and desperately grabbed the slimy scales around the giant snakepussy to get out. His hands glitched over the slimy lubricant as more and more liquids oozed out around his waist "Sssstop Sssstruggling…. be a good Ssssextoy!"

The queen grabbed his head and violently pushed him deeper into her fuckhole. In horror, Alex saw the slimy opening coming closer with every greedy, sucking noise "unnbirthhh is ssssuch a pleasure!"

The giant cunt started to twitch in some kind of spasm, as Alex was sucked in even faster. He was now able to smell the liquids dripping from the queens scaly sex as his shoulders slipped between the giant labia.

Alex was unable to scream by now. Half of his head had been swallowed by the queens giant sex. It took him a moment before he noticed what was going on right now: The queen had used one of the tf-snakes to create slave-workers and stuffed it into her needy opening as well. disgusted, Alex tried to scream as something was biting him, trapped inside the giant pussy. He faded out, as it became black around him and he fully slipped into the Lyrans birth canal.

Suddenly, something was pulling on Alex neck. He woke up, feeling strangely comfortable inside this warm, tight home. He did not want to go outside now! The pulling grew stronger, something was drawing him upwards, closer to a small slit above his head, where bright light entered the musky, wet hole he was in.

With a wet noise, Alex broke through the tight slit, taking a deep breath: The air out here smelled wonderful! His forked tongue nearly overloaded his brain with new informations and tastes, as the new, still transforming human was pulled out the tight warmth of the giant Lyran pussy.

"Nearly done I ssssee!" His mother looked down on Alex, as the rest of his slime-covered body was pulled out of her. The queen grabbed the tail of her newborn, as she drew him close. Alex blushed, as two of her fingers wiped the long lips of his new giant sex clean "you look good" the queen hissed, time to test the fertility of our slaves then!

Before Alex eyes had even become used to the brightness out here, his head was already changing. His whole skull was reforming, as long fangs turned his mouth into a snake maw. Suddenly, his vision was changing, too: everything was dark out of a sudden! behind the door, he saw warm bodies approach... warm bodies he was able to see THROUGH the door now!

"tie her up, sssshe hasss a lot of breeding to do"

Alex knew his new place in the hive now: She was a breeder-queen, that wa smeant to be fucked by slaves all day to produce more and more Tf Snake-filled eggs. She knew, the more snakes were inside these eggs, the better the semen of the slave was. but, she couldn´´ t care less.... She was enjoying these small dirty human cocks penetrating her massive cunt. everytime the cup jizz of a slave was squirted inside her depths, she was aroused by the thought of the massive egg it would fertilize inside her. Laying eggs was sooo much fun, every time her giant cuntlips spread to push out one of these soft-shelled babies, she felt an orgasm she had never felt before.



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