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Alex was happy. 

The sun was shining on the farm, as she walked down the small path to the Sora-fields.

Mindy told her, that taking care of the Soras was quite an easy task, since the milking process was fully automated and all she needed to do was spending some time with them and make sure every Sora got milked properly.

The only not so fun stuff was cleaning the Soras barn tho.

As Alex opened the heavy wooden gates she realized, that nearly all of the hay-beds had become flat piles of bended stalks, lying all over the place.

Two hours and a bunch of hay-beds later, Alex finally had time to meet the soras in the meadows. Her whole body was sweating in the hot sun, as she walked along the path and finally saw the first cow-girl.

Friendly, the huge cow greeted her and Alex noticed the huge udder wobbling in front of the girls belly. "don't worry dear, I will take care of all the milk you carry around there!… Uhm, maybe you know where I can find some refreshments out here? I am pretty thirsty and need some water" 

The Sora smiled back moved a little closer to the fence.

"Woo--teer? she asked with a confused look in her eyes "But Soora only got Milk!" The moo-ing in every second word almost made Alex laugh a bit, but she felt a bit uncomfortable to make fun of a girl that was art least double her weight and muscle-mass.

The Sora started to scratch her hoover through the mud "Noorah can give you some milk, if you want! -she pointed to a small table further down the path with a few glasses and a pot on it "Boolgan young often visit Noorah, and they always get milk!"

Alex shrug her shoulders and took one of the glasses: "Alright Nora, give me some of your milk then"

Alex felt weird after she had drunken up. Something wasn´t right with that milk! Her whole body was feeling some kinda heavy and tight at the same time. With every step, it became more and more difficult for Alex to walk down the small path.

"What…, what have you done to me NOOh-rah!" A loud mooing had somehow become part of her voice - " I, NOO!" 

In horror, Alex saw her boots ripped to shreds, as her 2 feminine feet turned into huge, plump hooves. Her whole body started to grow fatter, slowly covered in short cow-fur.

"New-MOO is in heat! She bettor gets new pants!" The Sora on the field smiled "Noorah also gets in the mood when seeing this!" 

Alex looked down her body, as she realized what the cowgirl meant. Her pants had ripped because of her now fat tights and with every movement, she felt her pussy, that was still trapped inside swell bigger. Needy dripping liquids from her new cow-cunt, Alex pants were dripping with female pre.

Desperately, she gave in to all the urges in her head, as a loud Moo escaped her throat.

Her top ripped as her lactating tits grew bigger and bigger. in addition to that, a weird feeling pushed against her belt right beneath her navel. With a feeling of disbelief, Alex pulled on her belt, as she revealed 4 milk-dripping teats growing from her belly. The udder quickly grew bigger and bigger, turning her into a cow more and more.

A few hours later Alex didn´t even remember she was a human before. She was just happy and felt good, standing around in the sun. 



General Cellron XD

Hmm this one seemed a bit too short but oh well XS


Yeah, i put a lot of work into the pictures tho! These are actually high quality, full color pictures rather than sketches ^^

General Cellron XD

True although the noses of the sora now look different than they used to and look a bit strange to me but whatever it's up to you as to how you draw I respect and love a heck load of your art anyway XD oh and having at least two more TF stages would have been nice but oh well XS


ohhh this was great, although the last segment is just flat out sad since the original person pretty much ceased to exist when she forgot a large portion of who she was. :


Better than ending up a moistfever mutant. At least you're still mammalian as a Sora