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Peter was pushed down to his knees by the giant insect that once was his girlfriend. A weird taste filled his mouth after the creature had pulled out it´s disgusting proboscis, long strands of drool was dropping down his chin.

something was weird. Peter tried to scream: In horror, he realized only a gurgling, almost farting sound escaping his throat, together with tiny drops of spit flying trough the air. A weird urge had obsessed his mind, an urge to suck in air to breathe instead of taking it in with his nose! With every fart from his mouth, something in his nose-area felt excited and turned on! Shocked, he realized that his nose had been swallowed by a soft, sweaty fat-pad and turned into a clitoris-glans, surrounded by the slimy softness of facial labia

the cockroach-creature was holding him tight, as peter realized how his head was sucked into something. Before he knew what was going to happen, the mandibles of the monster were reaching into his face from behind, stretching the squirting hole, his mouth had turned into.

"Hnnnnwoo" He tried to scream, as the creature presented her fat dripping abdomen right beneath him. The hairy cunt at the tip was twitching and oozing liquids, before its puffy labia started to spread and giving birth to a long, dark ovipositor.

Peter heard something slimy, dropping to the ground behind his back. Still trapped in the clutches of the giant insect, he felt something crouching up his body, coming closer to his head.

Amy´s mandibles spreaded Peters new facecunt wide open, as the moistfever maggot slowly crouched closer.

screetching, the disgusting parasite came closer to Peters new gaping opening, before violently entering his new facecunt and drilling down his new vagina-throat.

Soon, he would be just like his girlfriend: A giant, cunt-faced insect, only interested in breeding and extending the hive.



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