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Mike smelled her odor, her sweat and also the musky unique aroma of the liquid that was dripping out of the bug-girls face-vagina.

His mouth was overflown with the very same liquid, as he felt a sucking feeling on his tongue. Violently, the girl suddenly moved even closer. It felt like mike´s whole tongue was swallowed by the thick, slimy proboscis inside his mouth.

Suddenly, the creature stopped kissing him deep-throat. Mike´s vision was blurred,and he felt a slight nausea. His mouth was kinda numb and he was a bit paralyzed by the smell and taste of the monster´s disgusting organ.

In horror, mike noticed, that the creature slowly pulled out its slimy proboscis, but his very own tongue had changed! "Nhw..nhwoo!" Mike muffled, instead of his usual, short tongue, something thick and veiny was pulled from his mouth, covered in musky slime:

His own tongue had become a insect-proboscis, greedily sucking on the bug girl



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