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Hefty Hiatus (Poll #0)

  • Make Benny his roommate! 97
  • Design a New Character! 65
  • 2023-11-15
  • —2023-11-17
  • 162 votes
{'title': 'Hefty Hiatus (Poll #0)', 'choices': [{'text': 'Make Benny his roommate!', 'votes': 97}, {'text': 'Design a New Character!', 'votes': 65}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 11, 17, 18, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 11, 15, 19, 42, 39, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 162}


The results are in from the poll, Dion won and his comic Hefty Hiatus will be made! However, I wanted to do this mini-poll before even starting on the project!

In Hefty Hiatus, Dion will need a roommate. Unlike the other projects, I want to establish two solid characters with motives before beginning the story. This roommate won't play as big of a role as Dion; however, they would act as the supporting cast. Because of his popularity, I wanted to pitch the idea of having Benny as Dion's nerdy roommate. Maybe they were roommates in college or just longtime friends. Regardless, they would have a joking relationship with one another, but still have a lot of mutual respect!

However, if you do not feel like Benny would be a good fit for Dion, I will happily design a new character (Based on another vote) to be his roommate! Here are some potential ideas I have currently that you would choose from in the future:

1. An extremely overweight couch potato. This fur would have been slightly fit when Dion first met him, but over the years he let himself go tremendously (Probably around 300lbs). Dion will constantly tease his friend that he needs to get off his fat butt and join him for the gym (Which could lead to some role reversal).

2. A skinny boyfriend. Someone who loves Dion dearly but secretly has a thing for fatter guys. So when Dion's belly starts to round out, he will help it grow to giant proportions. Depending on the situation he could be the one directly causing the weight gain, or just helping Dion enjoy it! (This could lead to some mutual gaining too).

3. Another fit jock! Slightly smaller than Dion, but still built considerably. This roommate is helping push Dion to new heights! They were likely on the same football team in college and gained that muscle together. So when Dion starts to round out, this fit roommate would tease Dion. (This could lead to Dion sabotaging his roommate's weight).

Those were just a few ideas for a new character, but for now, we are focusing on if you want Benny to be his roommate! Please let me know your thoughts in the comments, so we can have the best story from the get-go!

Please note things could be subject to change as this is still a choose-your-own-adventure story! Depending on how you vote throughout it, will determine the outcome of the story! 


Roary Pachyman

Would love to see more Benny. Hope he gets the vote!


Would love to see Benny, such a adorkable elephant~


As much I’d like to see more of Benny sooner, I think maybe it’s best to save his comic/story for the next vote and just have new support character for now