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For the past month or two I've been trying to get my ABDL AI model working, though for unknown reasons couldn't replicate the success I had early on when I knew far less. I was beginning to lose hope and think that maybe a good quality ABDL model couldn't be created, then three days ago discovered 3 letters in my code which were in the wrong place. 'w, h' was meant to be 'h, w', and there was a '#' symbol in the wrong place.

Since fixing that, my results have drastically improved. It currently struggles with interactions - things like breastfeeding or a big carrying a little - though is improving in those areas, and has managed to generate a few nearly correct images, so it is possible, and may just need more training. Starting over has meant running my PC at 100% for several days and running out of time again while there's still so much to experiment with. I'm seriously tempted by a very expensive piece of hardware to speed things up right now.

I've put together a pack of images I've been working on this month, some from the new model and some from the old, and have some other things coming. I'll make a few individual posts for some of the different things in the pack and link back to here.




The fingers look a bit weird in some, but I probably wouldn't have checked those if I did't know how they were made. This is incredible!


Yeah I just noticed a particularly bad one and reuploaded the zip file after fixing it, sorry about that. Generally I'd intend to do more focused inpainting of multiple subjects into a larger combined piece and get each part right, but for now since these were just mass tests I did very little touching up.


Some of the 'Lace & Grace' series are oddly stretched or squished, because they're from the old model where the training data was stretched to the opposite of its aspect ratio, e.g. a portrait images was stretched into a landscape image. Some of them might be able to be stretched back and might look okay.


This is just so awesome. Great job!


I'm so excited to see what else you come up within the future