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A commission for an anonymous patron. They requested a thicker diaper than the reference picture they had in mind, and I maaaay have gone a little too thick in retrospect, but at least she's probably nice and safe and won't be standing up and running away with much dangerous speed any time soon. There were some other variants with the diaper bigger in... certain areas, which I'm not sure if I can really post on here, but might eventually post them elsewhere after some time has passed.




Again I know it's artwork but If I didn't know any better I'd say that was a real person honestly


Parts of the legs might have been from a reference photo, but the rest was brand new!


Wow! The diaper size is basically perfect, IMO! Like when I imagine crawler diapers, that's the kind of thickness I imagine!


Now THAT's how a diaper should be


That'll keep her on her hands and knees like a good baby should be.


I imagine she could pull off a very awkward waddle if she was careful, especially if somebody was holding her hand...


Aww, how cute! I guess that's up to her mommy, but you know that would just be the Amazon's way of demonstrating how much power she has over her baby girl. Then again, I do see a crude baby walker on the right side of the picture so maybe she's planning on teaching her to walk?