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A caption request for Joshua Quinn, who asked me to use some artwork from the artist M2 set in the diaper dimension. I tried to edit the art to fit the setting, and also did a bonus caption for an extra idea I had.

p.s. Sometime ago somebody asked on my community page if I could include the text from captions for people with limited sight. There's no notifications for when people post there so I only just saw it, but if anybody was still interested in that, please let me know.

I've added the text for these below:


A Learning Opportunity:

Alright class,” Miss Filmore called out, “Everybody on the bus. We’re leaving in five minutes.”

There was a round of grumbling as the students began to pack onto the bus. Most of them had been held back multiple times now, and a few had even been sent back to school after making it in the adult world. Frankly Miss Filmore wasn’t sure why she was given this class to manage today, given that she was a Little, but then she had boldly declared that she could handle any kind of student, and so far she was doing alright. These girls still had to worry about the possibility of a letter being sent home to a parent, or being held back again.

The bus pulled away from the school and set off towards the museum. Amelia Filmore looked over her itinerary for today, and wanted to make sure the girls actually learned something. Plus she’d never gotten to go to the museum, and this was a big step up from supervising a school recess. And, well, the museum had a policy that all students had to be wearing their school uniform so that they could be identified, and while some of these young adults got away with wearing regular clothes at school, it tickled her seeing them all lined up along the bus wearing their smart uniforms. The frowns and complaints let her know that they would be remembering their place today.

There was, however, that one group of who seemed quite in their preferred element as they chewed gum and talked about cheerleading practice. They weren’t embarrassed at all as they flounced around in their uniforms and climbed up on seats on their knees to talk to those seated behind them, and repeatedly Amelia had to call out for them to get down. There were always some in every group.

The bus finally pulled up before the museum, and Amelia collected her things.

Remember girls,” she called out, “We represent the pride of the school. Everybody needs to be on their best behavior.”

With that she disembarked, and walked with her head held high as she led them across the pavement towards the front door. Some of the girls began to overtake her, and she had to speed up to match their longer legs. It was a bit of a risky in her extra boosted heels, and she felt herself wobbling while struggling to stay at the head of the pack. Finally they reached the door, and Amelia began shoving her way to the front, when a security guard’s eyes fell on her.

All students must be wearing their uniform,” he said gruffly.

Amelia blinked, and glanced over her shoulder. They all were, from what she could tell. Then she realized that he’d been talking about her.

Excuse me,” she huffed, “But I am the teach-” she paused, and glanced down, realizing that she must have left her handbag and ID on the bus seat.

If any students are out of uniform, then the class will be turned around. You will all obey the rules.”

Amelia was gaping, wondering how she was going to clear this up, when a huge hand fell on her shoulder.

Well handle this,” one of the girls from the social butterflies group said, and began directing Amelia to the nearby bathrooms. “I have some spare uniforms in my backpack from my little sister,” the girl said, smiling proudly.

But I can’t-”

We’re representing the school remember. Everybody needs to be on their best behavior. Rules are rules.”

Amelia watched in mute horror as the girl began unpacking a spare, smaller uniform in her size. Her objections were overruled and she felt rather tiny and nervous as the group of confident giggling students encircled her, and stripped her down to her underwear, before getting her dressed as another of the students.

There!” a student said, taking her hand, “And remember, best behavior.”

With that they set off, and joined the rest of the class, while Amelia tugged hopelessly at her skirt with her free hand, and noticed how much taller they all were without her high heels. Still, the security guard let them through now, and Amelia blushed as she realized that the student wasn’t letting go of her hand on the other side of the door.

They set off, with the excitable group of girls leading the way. Even the other students seemed a bit less embarrassed now. They visited a few exhibitions, and Amelia made a few nervous attempts to tug her hand free, but was only told to stop squirming each time while the girls talked over her. There were other visitors to the museum around them, and Amelia didn’t risk using her teacher’s voice and making a scene.

Then they began into a new section, of ancient and exquisite carpets and tiled floor arrangements from around the world, and a security woman coughed and tapped a sign. “All younger students must be diapered,”  she said, nodding at Amelia.

Of course,” a student said, “We’ll handle it.”

Amelia blinked in confusion as she was pulled into a small office which the guard let them into.

I’m not-”

Don’t make a fuss Ami. Remember, we have to represent the school, and follow the rules.”

Amelia watched in mute horror as the girls discussed who had babysitting supplies, and then produced some diapers. Her words failed her as they confiscated her panties, and quickly got her dressed in a diaper. One of the girls was even inspecting her panties, then declared “They’re a bit a wet.”

No they’re not!” Amelia insisted, but the girl pocketed the panties, and Amelia was distracted as another shoved a juice cup into her hand which she had no choice but to hold. Then her other hand was taken again, and she had no choice but to waddle to keep up with them. The security guard nodded, and let them through. “Make sure she’s checked every half hour.”

The girls talked over Amelia the whole time now, and even the more nervous students were looking amused. Amelia nursed the juice cup, glad for some excuse for why she wasn’t talking.

Had it been half an hour yet?” “I don’t know. Let’s just check her.”

Hey!” Amelia yelled as she removed the juice box from her mouth, while they pulled up her skirt in public and slipped their fingers into her diaper.


What?! No I’m n-” Amelia paused, and realized that, wait, she was wet. How had that-

I’ll get her changed,” one of the girls with babysitting experience declared. Half the class came along to watch. “Honey,” the older student was soon saying, holding up a pink diaper cover, “With how much you’re wetting, I think you need extra protection.” Amelia didn’t exactly have a choice as they diapered her again and put the pink diaper cover over the top, which poked out well beneath her skirt.

She found another juice cup in her hand, which she looked at skeptically as she was pulled along to more exhibits. How had she even wet that fast? She’d heard of things, which were used to make a Little-

If your girl is going to keep dawdling,” a tour guide side, “She should really be in a stroller to not hold up the group.”

Of course,” one of the girls said, going to hire a stroller from a nearby kiosk.

Amelia blinked, then stomped her foot. “No! I am not-!”

She let out a confused mumble as a pacifier was shoved into her mouth, and then she was lifted up and deposited in the stroller.

Sorry about that,” the girls said, “She’s a bit overtired trying to keep up with the big girls.” She lifted a finger and waved it in Amelia’s face. “Don’t be naughty Ami.  We represent the pride of the school. One more tantrum out of you and you’ll get a spanking, and I’ll make sure you have detention every day for the rest of the week.”

The tour guide nodded, seeming to approve, and Amelia blinked behind her pacifier. There was no point trying to explain this now, and she didn’t exactly have a choice…

The group tour continued on, and Amelia blushed when at some point, right in the middle of a huge crowd, the girls handed her a bottle. She had no choice but to drink it, not wanting to make a scene…

The next thing Amelia knew, she was gasping as she bolted up in her bed. It had all been a terrible dream! Oh goodness. She could almost still feel the- Wait… Amelia cast back her covers, and almost fainted as she saw a huge thick overnight diaper there. She got out of bed, and waddled with some difficulty to the lights, and flicked them on. Yet when she went to her panty drawers, they were filled with just rows upon rows of diapers.

Dear Ami,” a note on top said, “We know what a little baby you are. You have to wear these diapers every day to school, or else we’ll show everybody else…”

Amelia pulled out a half dozen photos from behind the note, and her eyes widened as she saw herself, passed out in a stroller, her thumb in her mouth, and with her huge, discolored diaper in obvious need of a change drooping between her legs.

p.s.” the note read, “Since you like the milk so much, you’ll be having a bottle every evening before being sent home in your nighttime diaper.  And if you ever tantrum and say No to an older student again, well, the kindergarten might just get a new student...”

Corrective Teachings:

The student at the Waywards Reform School had a definite crinkle as she approached the microphone in front of the class, and raised her written assignment.

Hello. My name is Ami, and I was caught driving my car over the speed limit. I understand now that playing well with others is how I should always behave. And I understand that I was not acting like a… biggirl. I am grateful for all the Reform School has done for me. I look forward to completing my probation and graduating on to becoming a proper young lady one day.”

The class clapped, and the teacher Judy joined in as she stood beside Ami. Even the strange new teaching assistant who’d arrived today was clapping, Judy noted, which was a positive sign for how this new education program would be received by those who weren’t yet familiar with it. She wasn’t sure why they’d sent another teacher, since Judy had everything under control here. Perhaps to observe her success? Well, putting troublesome but non-violent young women into diapers was indeed proving wildly successful, but Judy had been reading about how it was apparently done all the time overseas and knew it would be a slam dunk for her career.

Thank you Ami,” she said, resisting an urge to reach down and pat the girl’s diapered bottom beneath her short school smock. “You’ve made such good progress in the last four months. But there were some errors in your report which will mean that you will need to keep working on your school work until you can do better.”

In truth Judy didn’t know what those errors could be, but she’d find some things to circle in red when she graded the written report later, and just found these girls too adorable this way to let out of diapers quite yet.

Yes Ma’am,” Ami meekly replied. It seemed that she’d been holding onto the hope of getting out of diapers right after this, because a moment later there was a small, quiet crinkling from the rear of her diaper, which sounded like it was sagging. Nobody else could probably hear it, Judy thought, as she stood next to Ami with a slight smile on her face.

You may go sit down now Ami,” she said.

Ami winced, apparently having realized her mistake. Normally the girls went earlier in the day if they could manage, when they knew that there’d be a recess diaper change, but now Ami would be stuck sitting on the floor for the rest of the afternoon class. Perhaps Ami considered for a moment that Judy wasn’t really all that much bigger, if not for her boosted high heels, and wasn’t even all that much older, and that maybe she could try fighting her way out… But, well, Judy had one secret weapon. Nearby the robot nanny loomed, and all the ‘girls’ in the class understood that in this place, the robot nanny reigned. It was Judy’s favorite import, and it could diaper a Little in a flash. Thankfully it was set to diaper only the students, and -

Judy blinked, feeling a hand on her butt, not unlike when she checked the girls. “These better be dry young lady.”

Judy whirled around on the teacher’s aid. What was she doing??

Excuse me, but you seem to be confused. I am the -”

Yes yes, I got the memo,” the substitute teacher said, holding up her hand, “You drove the old teacher off, and have been dressing in her clothes ever since.”

Judy’s jaw dropped. “WHAT?? NO! I AM THE-”

Don’t squeal and shriek young lady. Goodness, it’s lucky that I’m here to start teaching you some manners. It seems you really are the worst of the group, just like the old teacher’s note said.”

Judy looked around in a panic. “R-Robot,” she said, “Explain to her that I am the teacher.”

But the robot only stood silently, watching. Almost as if… as if it was confused. Technically she’d only programmed it to recognize one teacher in the classroom, since it was obviously going to be just her and the students. And considering that the other teacher wasn’t dressed as a student, that did make things a bit confusing... And worse, Judy actually had just shrieked and screamed like a brat... Except in her case it was justified, not just because she wanted to not play or eat in her highchair or go to bed at bedtime or any of the other things these girls tantrumed about! “But-”

You may address me as Mrs Mellow,” the substitute teacher said in a firm voice, “And goodness, you are not even in your diaper. I doubt that you can even handle panties.”

Judy’s eyes widened. She’d spent months putting girls into diapers, the last thing she wanted was to join them. “I DON’T need diapers” she said, barely managing to bring her voice down halfway through the outburst.

Okay, fine,” Mrs Mellow shrugged, “We’ll see if you can prove it. We’ll play along with your little charade until you realize that you’re not a grownup. Robot, please put this naughty girl into some padded protection in her undies at least.”

The robot sprung into action. No! It was actually obeying this interloper after not listening to her! Judy shrieked as her professional black suit skirt was hiked up by silvery hands, and the whole class got to see her panties. Although that wasn’t the end of it, and a moment later her panties were tugged halfway down and her bare butt was on display! In another flash the panties were back up, but now there was some obvious padding in them, so much so that the panties had no chance of going right back up over her butt. She had programmed the robot to not put any effort into covering the girl’s underpants either, since she wanted the diapers on display and the girls well embarrassed, since it apparently worked so well overseas, and a moment later the robot had rolled away and left her stiff skirt hiked up to her waist, and half of her butt on display.

Before she could yank down her skirt, the teaching aid had grabbed her hands, and was pulling her over to a chair for a hug. “Shhh, shhh. Come on. Are these what you want? I know that’s what baby girls want. You can rest your head on these.”

Judy was horrified to discover that the teacher had unbuttoned her top! No! She glanced back in a panic to her helper student, Karly, who actually was an eighteen year old from the local school. She’d been held back a year due to bedwetting, on Judy’s advice, and Judy had thought she’d be an excellent tool to help embarrass the diapered students even more.

Karly!” she pleaded, “Tell them that I’m the teacher!”

But Karly just looked confused. “But… Are you? Is what she said true? Did you replace another teacher? I never saw your credentials or anything… And I’ve stopped needing the night time diapers since I stopped taking the medicine that you sent me home with. I’m starting to think there’s something in them.”

Judy’s eyes widened. “N-No! Karly! They just had a little something to help you along a bit, to help you learn. It was you who-”

And it’s in all the bottles too…” Karly said, with a confused frown.

Perfect!” the new teacher suddenly clapped. “Then we’ll give little Juju her bottle with the same medicine all the other students get, since she’s probably not been having it for a while.”

But I’m not -”

Robot. The student is being difficult. Please give Juju her bottle with the medicine.”

The robot sprung into action, and advanced on Judy with its silver mechanical appendages. It produced a bottle in one arm, and the milk fizzed with the tall-tale sign of the medicine which all the girls here were forced to take. With its other arms it easily scooped Judy up and cradled her in the air.

Judy had to stop this! She was the teacher! She-

She groaned as the bottle was shoved into her mouth. The robot nanny was very good at making sure she drank it too, and worked the bottle around so that the milk began to flow into Judy’s mouth. The whole class was able to see Judy’s panties, and her naked butt, and- And… Judy groaned, feeling a wet trickle into the extra padding which had been put into her panties. It was just a little bit, but-

Child has wet herself,” the robot announced.

Tsk,” Mrs Mellow clucked, “Then I suppose this girl’s little charade is over. Robot, please dress the student appropriately.”

The robot whirled into action. Before Judy knew it she was on the same changing table which she’d been sending the girls to for months. Her suit was whisked away to who knew where, and her braided hair was let out and then redone in pigtails. Worse came the flat little shoes which removed all of the height benefit that she’d had over the other students in the room, and finally the same pink and white uniform smock which she made all the girls here wear. It even had the damn rubber ducky badge which the robot used to scan and ID all the students in the room.

Somehow, before long, Judy was finding herself placed down on the playroom floor like all of the other girls she was meant to be the teacher to. Worse, she’d managed to get control of herself while she’d been wetting before, having mostly been caught off guard, and yet now with the bottle finished and the ‘medicine’ to ‘reveal what she was’ having made its way through her system, Judy felt a terrible need to go building between her legs, and then the torrent was flowing...


Mrs Mellow nodded very seriously as the district administrator explained the problem. “This Mai Whitly is a very good con artist. We think she might of somehow got wind that she was being sent to this school, and taken some precautions. Be ready for anything.”

Oh, that,” Mrs Mellow said, with a laugh and wave of her hand. “She was here, but was obviously too much of a problem student. I sent her to one of those Amazon countries, where she can go to a real school and get the care she needs. Yes I made the request very formally and explained our situation, and one of the schools which also runs one of the most successful do-over programs were more than happy to take her. As I understand it she’s even been placed with an adoptive giantess mother, who is making sure she gets all the special care she needs...”




Such classic art.




Yeah, I'd like to request story text be added to the post too. Sometimes it is hard to keep the phone zoomed in enough to read comfortable on the image


Thanks, I've added it for this one, and will try to make a habit of doing it for the others.