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A commissioned illustrated story for The Dark Dweller. I was given fairly free reign with this, and ended up coming up with this story after about four rewrites.


Hannah stretched her legs in the parking lot beneath the afternoon sun, taking a moment while Darcy had disappeared into the small strip mall which they’d parked at.

The air smelled different here, she had to admit. Though it was hard to rule out how much of the strange sensation was just her excitement - and how much was nervousness - about this vacation.

Darcy had spoken with a glint in her eye about night clubs, water parks, and new places to go shopping. Hannah was excited about all that, but she couldn’t shake the feeling that Darcy had really invited her just to make sure that she wasn’t left alone with Josh, since they only really knew each other through chasing the same guy.

Hannah stepped up onto one of the concrete bars of the parking spots, and began walking along it with her arms out like she was a tightrope walker.

But then, that was the thing, Hannah was sick of chasing a guy who couldn’t make up his mind. Maybe she should see this as a chance to be her true self, to go wild in a place where nobody who knew her would see. She’d packed a set of lingerie which she’d never been brave enough to wear back home, and a two-piece swimsuit instead of the wetsuit top and shorts which she usually wore in the water, and a whole bunch of makeups and mascara to show the world that Hannah was -

“You be careful playing on that. It’s not a toy.”

Hannah froze with her arms out mid-tightrope walk. That voice was deep, like the Amazonian Giantesses she’d seen on TV.

“For your information,” she began, turning awkwardly on the concrete block to face the woman who’d addressed her, “I am -”

She paused. She was going to blurt out her age, but froze upon seeing just how large this woman was.

“Do I need to repeat myself? Or are you stuck on that now, and need help to get down?”

“N-No,” Hannah stuttered, unable to take in the full view of this giant woman while she was so close. There was a blocky bag slung over her shoulder, decorated with party balloons, and sporting three huge baby bottles in pocketed compartments on the side, which Hannah guessed contained some embarrassing items which might even fit her.

She had to look somewhere else, but found herself looking right at the woman’s huge cleavage now instead, which loomed as she leaned forward to get closer to Hannah’s height. Hannah had to look away, but-

“Hey Hannah!” Darcy called.

The ever-fashionable Darcy had returned, with a huge slurpee cup cradled in her arm from which a strawer swung wildly beneath her big, gaudy sunglasses.

“Are we going or-?”

“Coming!” Hannah called back, glad to be able to tear her eyes away from those huge breasts.

She stepped down and didn’t look back. That had to have been the biggest bust in the whole world. Her own stylish pushup bra suddenly felt useless, knowing that there were breasts in the world which were maybe bigger than she herself was. Perhaps that was being a bit dramatic.

By the time she reached the car, Darcy was already in the front seat.

“Dammit,” Darcy huffed.


“It won’t start.”

“Oh no? I thought you said-”

“I did check that it had been serviced. Do you really think I’d pay that much money for nothing?”

Hannah held her tongue. She didn’t think much of Darcy, and had often silently judged how carefree she was with her credit card.

“Well, isn’t the motel only like one street away?”

“I’m not walking! That’s what I bought a car for!”

Hannah glanced out to the street leading away from the mall, deeper into town. The sun was on its way down, but there was still a few hours of light left.

“It’s only one street…”

“Look… If you want to abandon my car, then go ahead. But I don’t even know if I want to go to the dumb motel tonight. I might go straight into the city, and stay somewhere nicer with whoever I end up with there, and if you want to go crawling to the dumpy little hotel then be my guest.”

Hannah worked her mouth through a dozen unsaid words.

“Fine.” she finally said, and climbed out of the car. She fetched her suitcase - economically sized with wheels and a handle, unlike Darcy’s three big suitcases - and walked off in the direction of the motel.

She immediately began to feel a bit guilty. Maybe she hadn’t considered how Darcy must feel about her car not working. Perhaps she should even apologize. But no, she just wanted to get to the motel after this big drive, not some big city nightclub, she wasn’t ready for that yet.

Hannah detoured into the mall’s bathroom to splash some water on her face before making for the motel. Annoyingly, she found that it was scaled for a larger average person than back home, and she had to pull out an embarrassing stepping stool which sat beneath the sink.

As she got up to splash her face, she saw the stall door behind her open in the mirror. The giantess from earlier emerged.

“Oh!” the huge woman said, looking down at Hannah with a… strange expression. “Are you climbing up on more things now? Are you stuck?”

“N-No,” Hannah said, glancing at the woman in the mirror and then quickly back down to the sink, “I’m only going to be a minute, thank you.”

“Do you need help going to the toilet?”

“Wh.. No.”

“I didn’t hear you go. You better not be lying.”

“What? I’m not lying… I don’t need to g-”

“Are you embarrassed? Oh I better help you. Tsk. Typical.”

Hannah wasn’t quite sure what happened. The woman simply picked her up. It all happened so fast. Suddenly she was in the bathroom stall, and the woman was sitting Hannah onto the toilet while lifting up her dress.

“N-No I don’t need to- HEY!”

The woman pulled down Hannah’s panties like it was the most natural thing in the world. Hannah raced to cover her privates, but wasn’t sure if she was fast enough.

“I better hold onto you so that you don’t fall in,” the woman said with a conspiratorial tone, like she was helping Hannah do something which she couldn’t do by herself.

“NO! I… What are you… I don’t need -”

“Honey,” the woman said, suddenly turning stern, “You can’t just rush in, and rush out, too nervous to go to the potty. Eventually you’re going to wet yourself. Who normally cleans up after you?”

“I… Nobody… What is-”

“I don’t hear tinkling!”

Hannah flinched. Sitting like this, and with the woman’s huge fingers squeezing her sides, she almost was ready to go. Would that make the woman stop this?

“Well?” the giant woman asked, raising an eyebrow and not taking her eyes off Hannah.

Hannah, despite herself, found herself spreading her fingers, and letting out a short tinkling noise in the water below.

“Is that all?” the huge woman asked, sounding skeptical. “Are you holding the rest in?”

“NO! I-”

“Hrm, maybe you’re not getting enough fluids. Are your parents here? I’d like to speak to them.”

“What?? No! I’m on vacation! I think you think… I’m actually- Look!”

Hannah reached into the small pocket in the side of her dress - god it was hard to find one with a pocket - and pulled out her ID and bank card.

Only, the moment she brought them forward, she accidentally collided with the bunched up toilet paper which the woman was maneuvering down and between Hannah’s legs.

Hannah gasped as she heard the cards land with a faint splash.

“So,” the giantess said, not seeming to notice, “You’re here all alone, playing at big girl, and running around in these thin little panties.”

Hannah opened her mouth to respond, then gasped as the giantess pulled her hand away from her crotch and began wiping. Thankfully she was able to lean forward and most cover herself, but still, this was totally -

“STOP IT!” Hannah screamed, “YOU KNOW I’M NOT A LITTLE G-”

All at once, Hannah’s world spun around, and she found herself out of the stall, and over a giant thigh and staring down at the tiled floor.

Then a swat landed on her backside. The sound of the giant hand on bare flesh echoed around the bathroom.

“DON’T YOU RAISE YOUR VOICE WITH ME, YOUNG LADY!” the woman boomed, delivering another precise swat. “I have had it with you playing dangerously in parking lots, skulking around the bathroom stalls without going in, and not even managing a proper tinkle!”

More swats rained down in alternating positions on Hannah’s backside. She squirmed and squealed, but it was hopeless while this woman had a giant hand on her back.

“But-” Hannah yelled, finding that it came out with a hiccuping sob, “I’m not a little g-”

“Oh you don’t know when to keep your mouth shut!” the woman boomed. “Well, that’s why grownups had to invent pacifiers!”

Hannah’s world spun again and she found herself on the tiled flood, her legs too trembly to quite respond yet.

The amazon giantess reached down to unzip the blocky bag with the bottles, then reached in and pulled out an enormous pacifier. Hannah felt dizzy at the sight of two rows of huge disposable diapers.

“But I’m not a- MMPH!” Hannah mumbled as she found the pacifier being shoved between her lips.

Then the giantess did… something, involving the front of the pacifier between the pull ring, and Hannah felt the rubber nipple… swell. Her tongue was forced down, and the nipple reached up to the top of her mouth, becoming truly stuck in place.

“Mmph!” she squealed.

“That’s better,” the giantess said, wiping her hands together.

Hannah instantly reached up to try to pull the pacifier out, but a moment later found her hands over her head while more swats rained down on her backside.


Hannah squealed out muffled incoherent noises. She’d managed to get enough of a pull on the pacifier to discover that it was truly stuck in place anyway.

Finally the spanking stopped, and Hannah’s hands were dropped back to her sides. She immediately reached back to rub her smarting bottom.

Then the giantess, she… She pulled a diaper out of the bag…

“Well, I knew you wouldn’t manage a full tinkle,” the woman scolded, kneeling down and bringing the diaper towards Hannah. “Now I’m going to have to Mommy you until we figure out what you’re really ready for.”

Hannah squealed in disbelief, and tried to run away. But her panties were still around her ankles, and frankly the giant woman didn’t have to reach far to hook an arm around her middle.

She was pulled back, right into something thick and crinkly and soft against her stinging bottom.

Hannah tried to run away again, but ended up only leaning forward over the woman’s giant hands while she pulled up the diaper’s front and then taped up the awful thing from above.

“There,” the huge woman said, wiping her hands again, “Mommies know best dear.”

“Mmmph!” Hannah managed to say.

“No honey. That pacifier is not coming out. You’ve lost that privilege after that squealing.”

The giantess reached down, and began lifting Hannah’s ankles to pull the panties off, which she held up between two fingers and looked at disdainfully.

Hannah for her part was struggling to even stand properly in the diaper - it was so thick! Her legs were slowly weakening and spreading around the bulk.

“Now,” the giantess said, “You were obviously trying to act bigger than you’re ready for, and need to be set straight. I will be your Mommy now, have I made myself clear?“

Hannah shook her head frantically, mumbling against the pacifier.

“Oh now don’t you be difficult for Mommy, Hannah.”

Hannah froze. Wait, she never told the woman her name…

She had seen the ID!

And she was doing this anyway! She knew that Hannah was an adult! And yet was going to put her in diapers and treat her like a baby, and keep her silenced by a pacifier so that nobody would know!

“Now-” the woman said, unzipping the diaper bag further while holding onto Hannah’s wrist, then pulling out a short, tent-like, denim dress. “We need to get you dressed properly for how you’ve been acting, and Mommy thinks you will look absolutely adorable in this.”

Hannah’s eyes widened. If she wore that… Well, it would cover up what little curves she had, and it also wouldn’t even cover the diaper! Oh goodness, with their size difference, and… developmental differences, it might actually convince people! Hannah could be sitting in a shopping cart seat, seeming to just be a mumbling child if she tried to speak up, and nobody would think anything of it!

The woman might even… make Hannah use the diapers…

Hannah curled her nose. No no no, she had to fight back, but the woman had already proven that she could easily lift and spank Hannah. Physical resistance was out of the question.

Hannah reached into her dress pocket for her phone. There was no time to turn it on. Instead she just threw it right under the toilet stalls.

Maybe if she at least left some evidence of what happened…

“Hannah!” the giantess scolded. She turned, and could easily reach the phone with her long arms, except she had the dress in her hand, and let go of Hannah’s wrist to do it…

Hannah waited until her arm was halfway under the stall wall.

Then she ran.

Well, it was a crinkly, awkward stumble, but she didn’t stop moving, and immediately rushed back out into the parking lot.

There were some people far across the parking lot, but she still had the pacifier in her mouth, and ‘Mommy’ could easily catch up and claim that Hannah was just an errant child… And then she would probably spank Hannah again too…

Hannah just kept moving along the edge of the mall, when suddenly a glass sliding door opened beside her.

A giant man walked out, pushing a pram. He didn’t seem to notice Hannah as she slipped into the side of the door behind him. She curled her nose at the sight of the pram, considering she was currently almost on the level of the baby in there.

She continued her odd-shuffling stumbling into the small mall. There was only a short hall with a few shops, which turned right to the other entrance.

Hannah turned left into a clothing store. She kept her face down as she passed a larger woman, and glanced sideways to hide the pacifier, slowing down enough to quieten the crinkles. Thankfully her dress covered the awful diaper.

Turning behind the first shelf, she found a display ring of giant women’s clothing, and dove into the middle.

She waited with bated breath, but nobody seemed to be coming to investigate the commotion, nor did ‘Mommy’ seem to come racing up behind her.

Hannah collapsed onto her backside, wincing as the crinkly diaper shifted around her stinging bottom. It was so thick that it lifted her off the ground! How had any of this happened to her?!

Well she couldn’t wear this diaper, and she could at least go commando for now.

She reached down, lifted her dress, grabbed the diaper tape, and pulled.

It didn’t budge.

Frowning, making a muffled noise through her pacifier, she grabbed the tape, and pulled again.

She wasn’t strong enough?!

Hannah began to whimper. Using all of her strength, and even lifting her hips off the floor and pushing with her feet, she pulled and groaned, but the diaper wasn’t coming off!

She fell to the floor with another loud crinkle, then winced and went motionless, hoping that nobody came investigating.

When the silence around her continued, she reached up and tried the pacifier again. There was… something, in the front bulb of the pacifier, between the ring. Some kind of… impression, which she thought might be an Amazon thumb indent. Despite all her efforts, she couldn’t figure out how to push or turn the pacifier to release it either.

Where had the giantess even gotten this stuff?? Was Hannah just too weak to pull the diaper tapes? But then why did this pacifier seem so… Little-proof?

She spread her legs, bundled her fists, and spent a moment huffing and wriggling in the diaper, but there was no way to get comfortable, and no way to escape the constant reminder of how she was dressed. She was even beginning to reflexively suck on the pacifier just to keep her mouth from drying out.

This vacation was a nightmare.

But then… The vacation! She’d come here with Darcy, who might still be out there trying to get her car working. Maybe she’d even had to call a repair service to fix it. They might even have some tools which could remove the diaper and pacifier...

Darcy might laugh at seeing Hannah’s state, and Hannah would never live it down, but she could hopefully at least gesture to Darcy that it was serious and to keep her voice down while she wrote an explanation.

Except she’d have to get back outside to check…

Hannah made a crinkly journey over to the edge of the hanging clothes, and listened out through the store. Things seemed fairly quiet. The only noise was the crackling coming from her own padded backside, as well as the occasional noisy squelches from the pacifier as air seemed to find its way in.

It was getting late, and the strip mall was on the edge of town, and there probably weren’t many customers.

Hannah awkwardly got back up, discovering how hard that was while in a diaper, and was glad for the enormous hanging clothing to pull herself up on.

Then, after a nervous quick suck on the pacifier, she began a slow crinkly shuffle through the store. The diaper sounded so much louder now. God, she could feel her butt out behind her, swinging way too far too out, and there was an obvious breeze from her dress being lifted far too high. She desperately wanted to run, picturing herself getting out there just in time to see Darcy’s car driving away, but she’d already been this long, a little bit longer to not draw attention probably wouldn’t change anything.

She grabbed a pen and paper from a shelf of birthday cards she passed, which she would have to use to write an explanation for Darcy with this pacifier in her mouth.

Hannah poked her head around the shelf, and saw that the way out of the store was clear. With a shuffling crinkle, she got moving, and made it into the hall without issue. The exit was ahead, and Hannah began-

A huge hand fell on her wrist.

“Where do you think yur going?”

She was spun around, and found herself looking up at a huge woman in a security outfit.

“Shoplifting huh? I know em when I see em.”

Then the huge woman turned around and began marching back down the hall, the opposite way from the exit, and Hannah’s eyes widened as she had to keep up and take three steps for every one of the giant woman’s confident strides. The diaper crinkled awfully as she almost ran along with the amazon.

“Mmphh!” she tried as she turned back to the security guard, but it was hopeless with the pacifier. Hopefully this big woman could at least figure out how how to remove it, and Hannah could start explaining her crazy da-

The giantess stepped into an office and approached a chair, where she sat down, lifted up Hannah, and laid her over the second giant lap that day…

Wait, no… Had the pacifier given her the wrong idea?

Well her impressions were surely reinforced a moment later when she lifted Hannah’s dress and saw the diaper.

“You little brats don’t know how to keep your hands to yurselves!” the giant security woman boomed.

Then, oh hell, she spanked so hard that Hannah felt it through the thick diaper. It probably didn’t help that the tingles of the last spanking were only just beginning to fade.


“Oh you are getting a good spankin’ you little terror! You obviously need it to be taught not to steal.”

Another loud whoomth landed on Hannah’s padded backside, and the plastic crinkled awfully.

“Hrmph. I bet you can’t even feel that.”

Hannah shook her head desperately - she could, she could!

The next spank fell on her thighs, and Hannah screamed around the rubber nipple in her mouth.

“That’s more like it. That’s the sound of a girl who’s getting the spanking she needs. Naughty girl! Stealing is bad!”

The giantess began delivering rapid slaps to her thighs then, switching sides while Hannah squirmed helplessly as she was spanked the second time that day. This time she felt her face grow wet, while the taste of tears and snot leaked into her mouth around the pacifier.

“Naughty naughty naughty! Are you going to shoplift again?”

Hannah shook her head desperately.

“I can’t hear you!” the giantess boomed, delivering another hard thwump on her diaper this time.

“PHNOHH!” Hannah managed to squeal out around the pacifier.

“That’s right! And you know what naughty girls get when they steal, don’t you?” the giantess boomed, still delivering more spanks.

“YETH YETH!” Hannah cried.

“That’s right,” the giantess boomed, and delivered what seemed to be a final, punctionary spank.

Hannah could only lay there sobbing for a long moment.

“Now,” the giantess said, “Yur going to need a full strip search.”

Hannah’s eyes widened. No… But then, maybe she’d take the pacifier out, and Hannah could explain her situation, though that almost seemed too embarrassing after what had just happened.

Maybe when she saw Hannah’s small, neat strip of pubic hair it would be obvious anyway.

“But-” the security woman boomed above Hannah, “I ain’t going to do that here. That’s for the police to do.”

Hannah almost fainted.

“So yur going to wait until closing. Nose against the wall, and hands on your head, do you understand little miss sticky fingers?”

Hannah gulped. Speaking to the police might finally clear all this up, but could she really wait that lon-

A loud whap hit her diapered backside.


Hannah nodded rapidly, sending a few drops of moisture flying from her face.

“Don’t think I won’t spank ya again if yur lying,” the security woman boomed.

She placed the unfortunately diapered tourist on the floor.

“Up against the wall!” the security woman boomed, pointing to a blank, cream wall.

Hannah winced, then waddled forward.

“And what else did I say little miss shoplifter?”

Hannah choked down a sob, then lifted her arms and put her hands on her head.

“Closer! I want your nose right up against it! Yur not going to have any distractions while you think about what you did!”

Hannah shuffled forward, but found the front of her diaper stuck out so far that she had to crunch it to get her nose to touch the wall. Then it was a struggle just to hold the position while the diaper pushed into her crotch.

“One hour,” the security woman boomed, “If I come in and yur nose isn’t up against the wall before then, I’ll take your diaper off and give you a bare bottom spanking myself.”

With that the giantess marched out of the store.

Hannah began to sob. This was the worst. All because that giant witch had put her into diapers and taken away Hannah’s ability to talk back - people actually thought that's what she was!

She tried to shuffle her backside around to escape the stinging heat, but the diaper was rather pressed in place, and she didn’t dare remove her nose. Two spankings today had quickly taught her that the threat was very real, regardless of her age.

Damn these giants! Damn Darcy for suggesting this vacation just to keep her away from her crush! Damn herself for agreeing! And damn this stupid, thick, crinkly, diap-


Hannah tensed up. She recognized that deep, prowling, feminine voice.

“Is this yur missing little girl ma’am?”

“Yes! Oh goodness, I was so worried.”

“Well, I thought that she might be, and gave her a good spanking.”

“Oh, she’s in for another.”

Hannah gulped, and tried to press her diaper harder against the wall, but there was no getting away from these voices behind her.

“Unfortunately I found her shoplifting, so she’s going to have to go to the police.”

“Oh? Perhaps I could pay for whatever she took. She is my little girl after all.”

Hannah closed her eyes. Please no, please no, please no…

If this crazy giant lady got her hands on Hannah again, Hannah might end up stuck as a baby for good!

“I’m afraid not, law is law ma’am. They might determine that she needs to be put into juvie, or even a foster home.”

“Goodness. I won’t let them take Hannah. She’s mine.”

Hannah winced.

“Of course. But you’ll have to talk to them down at the station.”

“Oh,” the giantess said, her voice dripping with fury, “She’ll be home with Mommy in no time.”

“Of course.”

The two sets of giant footsteps retreated.

Hannah listened until she was fairly sure they were gone. She was beginning to grow desperate to turn around, away from this stupid wall. It was crazy to stay here if she knew the way was clear. What if things somehow went wrong at the police station, and she ended up back with this woman? They might just not take the pacifier out, and ‘Mommy’ would be able to steer the whole conversation, until Hannah was back in her house, stuck with a woman who knowingly put adults into diapers…

She had to run. It was stupid to stay. Steeling herself, she built up her courage, and -

“Come along you little sticky fingers.”

The security woman grabbed Hannah’s wrist from behind right as she was about to lower her hands, and pulled her away from the wall. Seeing how big this giantess was all over again made Hannah almost faint, and she was glad that she didn’t try to run.

The amazon spent a moment collecting her things, then yanked Hannah along and out of the office.

She was forced to waddle-run as fast as she could manage, crinkling terribly and having to ignore her stinging bottom to keep up with the giant woman. The hall was empty and the stores were all shut now, and in the dreary silence and cold glow of fluorescent lights Hannah almost convinced herself that it was all a dream.

Then they stepped outside into the still-warm evening air, and Hannah realized that she unfortunately really was awake. She had to keep running as they crossed the parking lot, while the diaper chafed and crinkled between her legs.

Looking at all the empty parking spots, Hannah suddenly remembered her earlier reason for wanting to get back out in the first place. She glanced across the parking lot, and finally managed to locate where Darcy’s car had been parked. Except, it was gone.

Well, there was a truck parked about where it had been. Could that be a repair truck? Darcy’s car had been on the smaller side, so maybe it was just hidden behind that? Perhaps they were even doing repairs right now! And Darcy was still here! All Hannah had to do was -

A car door clicked, and suddenly Hannah felt two huge hands lifting her, up and up, until she began to come back down, right into a… Wait, what was this?

It had raised edges around her, and there were a lot of straps, and… Wait! This was a car seat!

Hannah’s face turned a new shade of red as the giant security woman started buckling her in. Straps came down over her shoulders, around her middle, and then up between her legs and over the, erm, diaper…

Hannah couldn’t stand this! She instinctively reached to tug at one of the straps, when a huge hand slapped her own.

“Keep your little sticky fingers away from that!”


“No Hannah. Or do you need another lesson about not touching things?”

Hannah shrunk back into the car seat. There was something extra demeaning about the giantess using her name to scold her.

“Good girl. And don’t make me tell you again.”

With that the giant woman finished buckling all the straps together right over the diaper. There was a big red button on the front of the buckle, but Hannah suspected that it would again be too tough for her. Though why would the security woman have Little-proof equipment as well? Unless that was just how tough it needed to be at this size…

With her work done, the giantess closed the car door, and Hannah discovered that she couldn’t see much from the carseat. The window was high above her, and the carseat was tilted back slightly, so she could only look at the ceiling and a narrow slice of the sky.

Feeling terribly naughty, Hannah risked trying the buckle, but again she just wasn’t strong enough. She slumped back into the car seat with a hard suck on the pacifier.

Another door opened, and the car rocked, then the engine started a moment later.

Hannah clenched her fists and wriggled hopelessly. She’d be going further from the car now, if it was even still out there. She was going out into a new city in a thick diaper, with a spanked backside, sucking on a pacifier, and strapped into a carseat. This could not be happening…!

The car made a few slow turns before going over a speed bump, and then they were out on the road, and picking up speed away from Hannah’s ride, her motel, and all of her adult things. She realized that the only proof she even had of her adulthood now was her bra and neatly trimmed strip of pubic hair, but then Hannah had never grown much in either of those places, and wasn’t sure how convincing it would be to these giants. It unfortunately seemed that at their size the effect of the pushup bra was even easy to overlook. Could she perhaps fish it out of her dress? It seemed impossible right now with all the straps, and frankly she wasn’t confident that the giant security woman wouldn’t just toss it away as contraband. Nothing seemed to be going right today.

She slumped back and watched the window, seeing signs go past for fast food, supermarkets, and gas stations. She squirmed on her spanked bottom in the thick diaper, but it was hopeless, and there was no escaping the reminder of what she was wearing. Every little bump made her slip around in the embarrassing underwear, and it crinkled beneath and chafed at her while reigniting every stinging spot from the spanking.

They stopped at some lights, and Hannah heard the next car over blasting nursery tunes, while the parents sang along in an apparent show for the baby in the back. They could only be Amazons, going by how deep their voices were, and Hannah felt dizzy at the thought of how closely she must be dressed to whoever was in the back of the car next to her.

Just to think, right now Darcy was probably somewhere exciting, wearing her riskiest underwear, listening to the beat of music which probably woke her right up, and having the fanciest drinks.

The car lurched forward - which she felt through the carseat and then her diaper - and thankfully they pulled away from those awful nursery rhymes. Hannah couldn’t even imagine spending more than those two minutes listening to that without going insane.

After what seemed like an eternity, the vehicle slowed down, made a few slow turns, and finally the engine stopped.

Hannah closed her eyes. This was it. So far only ‘Mommy’ and the security woman had seen Hannah in the diaper, and there was perhaps still a chance to keep it that way if they at least got the pacifier out first.

The car door opened, and Hannah gulped at seeing the size of the huge security woman again. The giantess leaned right in, close enough that Hannah could smell her sweat, and began unbuckling her.

Then the amazon giantess, she, well, scooped Hannah up, for lack of a better term. Hannah was suddenly resting against a giant chest, and clung on desperately as she glanced down and saw that the ground was a million miles away.

She made a reflexive attempt to push away from the giant boob, but realized she was just sinking her hand in deeper. And this woman wasn’t even as endowed as Mommy

As if reading her mind the giant security woman snorted.

“No Hannah. Does yur Mommy still breastfeed you? Figures.”

Hannah shook her head desperately, but the woman ignored her and began walking. The world began to swing and bounce like a ride. Hannah clenched on tight to what she realized was a bra strap, while she heard her diaper crinkling in the woman’s palm.

It was all a daze as they entered the police station, bright lights glaring, and the world swinging. Hannah kept her head down, just eager for this whole nightmare to soon end.

They approached a desk, and, despite all her plans for how she was going to explain this and gesture for the pacifier to be removed and prove that she was an adult, Hannah closed her eyes and buried her face in the woman’s shirt.

“I caught a little shoplifter. I can’t do the strip search myself.”

“Name?” a deep, feminine voice boomed from behind a desk.

Great, another Amazon Giantess. Hannah had been hoping to talk to a Little police officer, or even a Betweener. And worse, from her position she could likely see the diaper beneath Hannah’s dress.


There was some typing.


“I think it was… Yes, Mallory McKenzington is her Mommy.”

Hannah’s eyes widened and she began to squirm. There was more typing at the keyboard.

“Hrm. For some reason… Well, I’ve added her to our system.”

Hannah blinked. What??

“Do you know her age?”

“No. Been actin like she’s in her terrible twos.”

“Mhrm,” the seated officer said, typing a few more times. “Well, let’s have a look at our little shoplifter.”

A chair scraped the ground as it was pushed out, and then they began making their way down a hall. Hannah looked around in a panic. This wasn’t going how she’d hoped at all. What had the woman typed into that computer??

They entered a silver room with just a steel table and a mirror. With nobody else around to see her now, Hannah risked lifting her head from the woman’s shirt to look around. The policewoman had some gray in her hair and a long, beakish nose upon which sat round spectacles. She was pulling a rubber surgical glove onto her huge hand, and, and…

“Place her on the table.”

Hannah’s eyes widened. She began gesturing to the pacifier, growing desperate now as her feet were placed on the cold metal table.

The policewoman ignored her, and instead grabbed Hannah’s dress on both sides, and began to lift.

“Mmph!” she cried, feeling the straps on her bra snap as it went along with the dress.

“You’re going to be checked head to toe young lady. There’s no point complaining."

Hannah raced to cover her chest, but the two giantesses didn’t even seem to notice as the policewoman placed Hannah’s bundled dress aside and began removing Hannah’s shoes. Though come to think of it, Hannah wasn’t sure if the giantesses even considered there to be anything to notice at her size. Compared to the Amazons’ breasts, hers were, well… a cute imitation…

In a moment Hannah was left in just the diaper and the pacifier, and shivered in the cool room with both hands on her chest.

“Hannah’s a bit shy,” the policewoman chuckled.

“Could be hiding something.”

“Mmhm,” the policewoman agreed, and easily pulled Hannah’s hands away and checked her palms.

They… didn’t seem to think that there was anything worth noticing on her chest.

“Don’t be silly Hannah, it’s nothing which grownups haven’t seen before.”

Hannah felt dizzy. How could this be hap-

She gasped, and realized that the policewoman had slipped two fingers into the legband of her diaper.


Did she really expect Hannah might have used the diaper?!

Hannah was spun around, and the woman pulled out the waistband of the back of her diaper, and then peered right in!

“Clean. Good. I don’t want to have to do a diaper change right now.”

Hannah squirmed in horror at even suggesting that she might have done that in her diaper.

A slap landed on her backside.

“Stand still you naughty girl!”

Hannah immediately stiffened. This was a nightmare… She almost didn’t want to tell these women the truth about her adulthood once the pacifier was out of her mouth, since it was too mortifying for anybody to know.

“Do you need to take her diaper off?”

“No, I don’t think that’s necessary.”

Hannah left out a held breath. At least it was finally-

She felt the woman’s huge, gloved hand enter the back of her diaper, and begin sliding down between her butt cheeks, with something cold and sticky on the end of one of her fingers which was going right for the middle…

Oh no… Hannah had sometimes thought about this, but right now it was nothing like she’d imagined and she hardly felt sexy while-

The policewoman pushed a huge finger up Hannah’s butt.

It was the strangest feeling ever, like she needed to go to the bathroom except couldn’t. Hannah squealed and stiffened, and, unbelievably, the giantess rummaged around!

“Clear,” she finally announced, and pulled her huge hand back out of Hannah’s diaper. Hannah stood blinking at the wall while she heard the woman remove the glove behind her with a snap.

Come to think of it, how had the woman even fit her hand in the diaper which was always pulled up so tight against Hannah? It seemed that it had a lot of room to expand with the right force, and Hannah didn’t want to imagine why.

“Well,” the policewoman said, “That’s probably all that’s needed. I doubt she’s really clever enough to think to hide what she stole anyway.”

“Oh,” the security guard said, “You’d be surprised. My sister has a girl like her. Climbs right out of her playpen and crib by stacking toys. One time even got over the baby gate and was halfway to the door before anybody found her. They had to change their whole house about two years ago because of it before they got her under control.”

“Mmhm. I suppose they can be quite devilish. Should we check her mouth?”

Hannah perked up. Finally! Holy crap, after waiting so long she was finally going to get to explain-

“Nah. Her Mommy said it’s a tamper-proof paci which she’s being punished with for squealing. Isn’t that right Hannah?”

Hannah blinked, and whirled around.

“Mmph!” she tried, pointing to the pacifier. That… evil woman, tricking people that way.

“See. There is the squealing.”

“Indeed. I think it’s time she went to the precinct nanny.”

“You’ll keep her here?”

“Just for tonight. They’ll decide what to do with her in the morning.”

The security woman nodded, then put her hands on her hips and gave a stern look at Hannah.

“Now you be good Hannah. I don’t want to have to catch you shoplifting again. Twice on your record would mean far worse consequences, understood?”

Hannah blinked. Wait. Even if she got out of the diaper and managed to explain all this, she’d still be a criminal with a record? Well, she had stolen the items from the shelves, but she’d needed it to explain what that terrible ‘Mommy’ had d-

Do you understand!” the security woman barked.

Hannah jumped, and quickly nodded.

“Good. Goodness, she’s a naughty little thing, not unlike my niece used to be before her parents sorted her out. I think they even wear the same brand of diapers.”

Hannah frowned. Wait, why would her niece still be in diapers if she was climbing out of things two years ago? What was going on here??

The policewoman scooped her up, and they made for the door. Except Hannah was still in only a diaper with the pacifier in her mouth! She did her best to cover her chest and began to squirm and point to her discarded dress, but the giantess didn’t even seem to notice as she opened the door and held it for the security woman.

“I know you’re tired hon,” she mumbled, as she carried Hannah off the other way down the hall. “But Nanny Gertrude will look after you.”

With that they opened a door and turned into a new room. It was dimly lit, and a huge giantess sat by the wall in a rocking chair, reading a book by the light of a small lamp.

She looked up, looked to Hannah, and nodded.

“Dah” she said, reaching out for Hannah as she stood.

Yet again, Hannah found herself being held by another giantess who slipped a hand under her diapered bottom. Though this Amazon was much more generously endowed, and was more like Mommy was in that department, which made it impossible to avoid the huge bust as Hannah was brought to her side.

“Thanks Nanny Gertrude,” the policewoman huffed. “I know you don’t understand a word I’m saying though.”

“Dah, understand good,” the ‘Nanny’ replied, then she slipped two fingers into the legband of Hannah’s diaper.

The policewoman left, and Hannah found her diaper being checked for the second time, including an embarrassing squeeze on the back.

Then the giantess lifted her hand to the pacifier, did something, and… There was a small hiss of air, almost impossible to miss even in the quiet room, and Hannah felt the pacifier retreating, just like that.

“Ohmahgod,” she began, finding her tongue not quite working right, “I’ve needed to tell somebody-”

“Shh,” the giantess shushed her, “Others, sleeping.”

She nodded into the dark room, and Hannah realized that as her eyes adjusted she could make out cribs in several rows. Though they were giant cribs, like everything else on this awful day.

“You. Hungry?” the nanny asked in a hushed tone.

“No what I was trying to say-” Hannah began, fighting to keep her voice down and from all the emotion bursting out of her now.

“Hungry. Thirsty. Yes No?”

“I… A bit, yes, but what I’m-”

Hannah paused as the world suddenly tilted, and the giantess crouched down to open a small fridge. It glowed yellow in the darkness, and Hannah saw rows upon rows of giant baby bottles. Just like the bottles she’d seen on the side of the diaper bag which Mommy had been carrying.

The Nanny was picking one up, and giving it a small shake, and Hannah watched in trepid fascination. She could not seriously be thinking that Hannah would ever-

A huge nipple was shoved into Hannah’s mouth for the second time that day, moments after she’d finally gotten free.

“Mmph!” she cried out, but found that it was hopeless as the huge nanny held the enormous bottle to her face.

She was tipped back, and found herself laying with her bare torso against the woman’s giant bust, and had no choice but to drink as the bottle began emptying itself into her mouth in gluggy waves. It tasted… odd, and she wasn’t sure what it was exactly. Some kind of milk? It was almost a bit bitter, like a hearty almond milk.

Whatever it was, Hannah had no choice but to drink it while the nanny returned to the chair. She tried making some muffled, indignant noises, which quickly gave way to desperate gulping as the drink kept coming. And coming. And coming. Oh god, Hannah couldn’t drink this much in one go!

The giant nanny rocked and bounced her however, shushing her squirming, and Hannah felt her eyelids growing heavy. She felt her hands slip away from her chest, though it didn’t seem to matter much now, since compared to this nanny’s endowment there wasn’t much there, and nobody had seemed very impressed by what they’d seen today.

At some point the bottle finished, though Hannah was half-asleep and could barely even appreciate the nipple finally being pulled from her mouth with a small pop. She was placed on a table and sat swaying, while the nanny pulled some sort of short gray nightie over her head, which was rather inflexible and unflattering but did at least cover the diaper.

The nanny took her to a small sink, and did something in Hannah’s mouth with a toothbrush and some toothpaste, followed by a small squirt of water, but Hannah was increasingly sure she was dreaming. What a silly dream. As if she’d go on vacation, and end up in diapers, and being treated like a child, it was obvious now that it all couldn’t be real.

As she was carried into the darkness and lowered into a crib, she was almost ready just to lay down and sleep, since she surely needed to get some sleep before Darcy arrived and they left for this vacation. She’d of course never tell her about this strange dream. What would Darcy think, with Hannah imagining herself in giant diapers and getting spankings and getting fingers up her butt?

She drifted off, a bit annoyed at the crinkling as she curled up, and how even in her dream she could feel her legs separated by the imaginary diaper. There was more crinkling coming from the next crib over, and the giant Nanny stopped and reached in to do some sort of inspection there, commenting on something about a present in a diaper…

What a strange dream.


Hannah wandered through the party, pretending like she wasn’t looking for Josh. She was just about ready to ditch her whole saving herself until marriage thing, deciding that it was a stupid rule, and it was only making her feel like a baby.

She paused. A baby?

For some reason there were Amazons here at the party. One of them was saying to another that she was there to pick up her baby. Except they reached down and picked up one of the party guests, who looked a bit nervous as the giant woman slipped a hand beneath her diaper to hold her.

Wait, her diaper??

“Did she make it through the night dry?”

“Nen,” the other giantess said in a thick accent, “I had to change them all during the night.”

The huge amazon in a business suit chuckled at that.

“Well, I hope my little burglar learned her lesson. Come along Jem.”

With that the huge woman carried the guest out of the party, and oddly exited through a giant door which Hannah hadn’t noticed. Why had she worn a diaper and short gray nightie to the party? She didn’t look very grownup at all, and especially when next to these giants.

Hannah wriggled. Something felt odd down below. There was a stinging sensation on her crotch, and she had the faint memory of some cream being wiped in there. But in her memory it was giant fingers, and that couldn’t be right.

She resumed her search through the party. It was getting kind of desperate, in truth, but she wanted to find Josh before Darcy did. Darcy was such a wildcard in all of this, always making moves on the same guy as Hannah was interested in.

Her search paused when a very well-dressed Big man walked into the room. Come to think of it, Hannah had never seen one of them in person. This man truly dwarfed any men she knew, and suddenly her five and a half foot crush didn’t seem so tall.

He approached the fence at the edge of the garden, and the other amazon with the thick accent from earlier helped him lift a guest up from behind the slats.

“How was she?”

“Good. Good. Tells story of being journalist, investigating billionaire. Bah.”

The handsome man smiled.

He slipped a hand under her diapered bottom, and then murmured some sort of compliment to the other giantess.

-very well diapered. Might have a position for you on my staff.

With that he left, and Hannah stood blinking as he used the same door as before despite the fact that she’d made her way through the party.

She kept looking for Josh, though she was starting to suspect that he wasn’t here. Why did so many of the guests seem to be wearing giant diapers and gray nighties?

Then a new amazon giantess entered. This one immediately put Hannah on edge. The woman looked around the party - and Hannah was beginning to realize that the party was really just a few stuffed toys arranged around her on her bed - and then looked at Hannah, and smiled widely.

“Oh look at that little sleepy-pie,” the giantess chuckled, and she began making her way towards Hannah’s bed, her huge breasts swinging.

Hannah wasn’t sure why, but there were bars around her bed. No, wait, this was a crib. Hannah had spent the night in a crib. She gave a nervous wriggle of her hips, and felt that her legs were spread wide apart around some bulk, and there was a noisy crinkling.

Oh no. Yesterday hadn’t been a dream at all. In fact Hannah remembered now that this woman was-

Mommy,” she said in a panic.

“Yes I am,” the giantess said, her grin growing wider as she reached the edge of the crib. “And you are in very big trouble young lady.”

“But you can’t-!” Hannah began, then let out an Mmph as the woman had shoved a pacifier nipple in between her lips, which immediately expanded.

The nanny appeared at the edge of the bars to join Mommy in looking in.

“Was my little shoplifter good?”

“Dah. She sleep deep. Full bottle of milk for every girl in my care.”

“Mhm. I bet she’s probably -” ‘Mommy’ began, slipping two fingers into Hannah’s diaper, then she paused.

“I change all girls during the night.”

“Oh,” the giantess said, looking a bit disappointed, then her frown melted away and she laughed. “Oh good.”

Hannah was trying to make sense of what they were talking about. All she could really focus on though was that the woman had just silenced her, again.

“Mmph!” she tried, pointing desperately to the pacifier, but they ignored her.

“You speak judge?”

“Yes. Hannah will be coming home with Mommy.”

Hannah’s eyes widened, and she began shaking her head rapidly.

“Good to go family. You have more?”

"Yes. One. My daughter. But I will be keeping Hannah separate for now to not be a bad influence with her shoplifting and such."

Hannah felt dizzy. A real girl? Of course the giantess had the diaper bag for a reason. And now Hannah was wearing her things.

“Mmphhh!” she tried one more time, but the nanny ignored her.

“Mommy will need to teach her to mind her manners and wait until the grownups address her,” ‘Mommy’ said coldly, and Hannah wilted.

“Indeed,” the nanny replied.

Hannah felt her objections melt. She still remembered the spankings from yesterday, and the red heat on her backside hadn’t completely faded.

But now that the lights were on why hadn’t the nanny noticed that Hannah wasn’t meant to be here? She supposed that she had always, well, looked kind of young, and especially would next to a giantess, and this diaper and nightie probably wasn’t helping any.

Maybe she’d even overestimated how much of the ID ‘Mommy’ had seen, and she really didn’t know Hannah’s age, and had just gone a bit baby crazy for what she thought was a wild child. Maybe Hannah could still get out of this if she could just be ‘good’ for long enough to explain her situation.

“Arms up for Mommy,” the giantess commanded.

Hannah winced. This was going to be hard.

“Now young lady!”

Hannah quickly threw her arms up, and let out a small moan as another giantess slipped her hand under her diapered bottom, then lifted her up. This time she was lifted up to the side of Mommy’s enormous bosom though, which was rivaled only by the nanny, and Hannah was far too awake to not blush as she was pushed against the huge mass. The giantess was wearing a low-cut dress, and Hannah could see straight into her cleavage.

“I think she’s hungry,” the nanny chuckled.

“She can wait.”

What were they talking about, Hannah wondered, unless they meant… Yuck yuck yuck! Fortunately the pacifier would have to come out for that and Hannah could explain her situation. She wouldn’t ever be doing that like this woman’s daughter!

“Thank you for looking after her,” Mommy said to the nanny, then gave Hannah a little bounce. “Wave bye-bye Hannah.”

Hannah felt her face turning new shades of red, and lifted a hand which she’d been using to brace herself against the giant boob, and gave a little silent wave.

Both women chuckled.

“You obey your Mommy, Hannah.”

“Oh, she will,” Mommy said ominously, and her long fingernails bit into Hannah’s thighs, causing her to wince.

Had she overestimated her chances of explaining herself to this woman? Maybe she had seen the ID properly after all…

Hannah fretted back and forth over it, until they were suddenly out of the station, and she realized that she’d lost her chance to signal for any more help anyway. Not that it seemed to have worked very well for her so far.

‘Mommy’ opened a car door, and revealed two empty car seats, facing backwards. Hannah gulped - she’d already gotten an extra car seat?

The giantess wasn’t gentle as she strapped Hannah in, and Hannah found herself soon completely in the big woman’s web. This time she was facing backwards, and when the door was closed she had nothing to look at except some dumb spinning toys on a bar, and she was stuck feeling rather helpless with her legs spread by the thick diaper.

God, Hannah had spent an afternoon, night, and now morning in this awful diaper. It was probably the most insane thing to ever happen to anybody. Luckily she didn’t need to go to the bathroom much still, and that was despite the vague recollection of a huge bottle last night.

Though, come to think of it… No, hadn’t she woken up in a panic, and had to use her diaper? That must have been a dream, unless the diaper had just soaked it all up that well. But no, in her dream it had been more than just a wetting, and there was no way the diaper could have absorbed away that sudden, heavy load. How had she even thought to dream such a thing so accurately?

Hannah began to squirm. Had the diaper she was wearing yesterday had this little Big Bird on the front? She probably just hadn’t noticed it with everything going on…

Another car door opened, and then the car shook as somebody huge climbed in. The door closed, the engine started, and Hannah felt the vibration right up through her diaper. She gave a hopeless wriggle, but no she was rather stuck there with nothing to even see as the car began moving.

She thought about trying the diaper tapes again. Maybe they’d lost some of their stick over the long night, but she wasn’t sure if she was brave enough to -

“You are in very big trouble Hannah,” a voice boomed from the front, and Hannah winced. “Running away from Mommy. Stealing. It’s no wonder I’ve had to Mommy you.”

Hannah wanted to sink into nothing. She glanced over at the identical car seat next to her own. She was really on par with this woman’s daughter now, and being treated the same way.

“When we get home, we are going to have a good, long talk.”

Hannah felt her diaper grow clammy from sweat. Then she realized that it wasn’t only sweat…

The drive seemed to go on forever, and Hanna was unable to see a thing except the stupid hanging toys offering a taunting invitation in front of her. Hannah soon realized that she no longer had the faintest clue where she even was, and was sure she had no chance of her finding her way back to the motel or Darcy’s car now.

Still, once Darcy returned to the motel and discovered Hannah missing, surely the search would begin, and there would be security footage and the mall guard and such. Hannah tried to steel herself with the knowledge that she would get out of this, even if it wasn’t until the end of the vacation, and the giant woman didn’t know about that secret.

The car stopped.

“We’re home,” a deep voice boomed.

Hannah sunk down into her carseat while she listened to the car’s front door open and close. Oh no, she couldn’t manage even another moment of her vacation like this, and all her false optimism melted away. The door opened, and Hannah gulped as she looked at the biggest cleavage ever as the giantess leaned in and began unstrapping her.

A moment later she was back up in the air, against another giant breast.

She looked around and found that they were on a driveway next to a well-kept yard, in front of a two story house. There was a white picket fence around the yard, which Hannah realized would be large enough to keep her inside, and there were playground pieces, toys, and a tipped tricycle scattered across the grass.

Hannah gulped as they passed all that. Then the woman spent a moment unlocking the front door, sending her huge breasts jiggling.

Hannah looked out to the street for help, but saw that there were only Amazon houses here with similar yards. The only other people she saw were two huge amazons pushing prams, and Hannah doubted she’d get any help from them.

Then they stepped inside, and Mommy closed the door, locking it behind them.

“You are in SUCH trouble young lady!” Mommy hissed, placing down her keys.

Then the giantess began marching through the house, and Hannah gripped onto what she was fairly sure was a giant bra strap as they raced ahead, then they entered a kitchen.

Hannah made a face when she saw two highchairs sitting against the wall. Like everything else, they were scaled up enormously, and she would be able to fit in them. The woman had been busy, or did she just happen to have a spare of everything?

She wasn’t placed in the highchairs however. Instead Mommy fetched a huge, wooden hairbrush with a flat back which had been sitting on the table, and sat down at one of the chairs. She wasted no time in laying Hannah across her lap, untaping the diaper, and exposing her poor bottom.

It was only just beginning to not hurt as muc-

“NAUGHTY!” the woman boomed, and brought the hairbrush crashing down on Hannah’s backside.

She squealed against the pacifier, but before she’d even had time to process it another spank had landed.

“Naughty, naughty, NAUGHTY GIRL! Mommy is going to sort you right out!”

Then, to Hannah’s surprise, the woman reached around and somehow released and slipped out the pacifier in one quick motion. In her hands the diaper tapes and pacifier bulb somehow offered no resistance.

Hannah worked her jaw, having almost gotten used to a huge nipple filling her mouth at this stage.

“Now, before you say a word, Mommy is warning you.”

The hairbrush crashed down again, and Hannah screamed.

“Good girl,” the amazon giantess huffed, “Now, you are being punished, and the only words I want to hear out of your mouth today are I do not run away from Mommy.”

“But-” Hannah began, then squealed as the hairbrush crashed down on her thighs this time.

“NO HANNAH. That is not the one thing I said that you will be saying today. Try again.”

Hannah sniffled, and bunched up her fists while staring at the tiled kitchen floor, then dropped her arms down along the woman’s dress.

“I do not run away from Mommy,” she forced out.

“That’s right,” the woman said, then she spanked Hannah again. “But this time I want you to be a liiiittle bit more convincing Hannah.”

“I DO NOT RUN AWAY FROM MOMMY!” Hannah screamed out, then yelped as the hairbrush landed on her backside again, this time right in the middle.

“That’s better. But don’t scream dear. That’s what pushed Mommy over the line in the first place.”

Hannah hiccuped, and took a deep breath.

“I do not run away from Mommy,” she said loudly and clearly.

“That’s better,” Mommy said, then after a moment she gave Hannah a gentle, warning tap with the hairbrush. Hannah couldn’t believe that that actually seemed like a high point right now, given that it still hurt, just not as badly…

“I do not run away from Mommy,” she said again, hiccuping slightly.

“That’s right. Only ninety-eight more to go,” the woman said, delivering another, gentler spank.

“I do not run away from Mommy…”

“Ninety seven.”


Hannah sat in the highchair, fuming. She had a bib tied around her neck, a thick diaper spreading her legs, and her backside was on fire from yet another spanking. Her arms were folded not far above the thick crotch of her diaper, and her lower lip was out, while she listened to Mommy answer the front door in the next room.

“Oh Mrs McKenzington. Did you get your girl back?”

“Yes. We’ve been having a good talk all afternoon. And how was she today?”

“Oh she did well. I think she missed being away from her Mommy for so long, nervous little thing.”

Hannah scrunched her face as she heard some deep laughing and kissing.

“Well she has to start daycare sometime. Thank you for taking her today. I didn’t want her to be exposed to a bad influence.”

“Of course. She probably needs a nap since they were playing tag this afternoon and she’s already eaten. Then maybe I could meet your other girl?”

“Yes, she does look tired.”

The huge feet thundered off upstairs.

Hannah wriggled, and looked down in disgust at the plastic bowl in front of her.

It was shallow, but enormous to her since it was giant sized. There was an oversized plastic spoon sitting in the mush, which had been about to go into Hannah’s mouth when the doorbell rang.

Huffing, she lifted her bib and looked down at her chest. There really wasn’t much there, she supposed, at least compared to the giants. She’d always thought they looked kind of round and cute, but she supposed to the giants it might just look like baby fat…

“Hannah!” a voice boomed, “Put that bib down!”

She jumped, and dropped the bib, but not before a huge teenage amazon had seen her.

“So this is the little runaway?” the girl said, smiling widely. “She didn’t get very far.”

“No she didn’t. Hannah, would you like to tell Miss Bridget what you’ve learned today?”

Hannah squirmed. If she was fast enough she might be about to blurt out the truth, and maybe this ‘Bridget’ would get help and be Hannah’s last chance. But if she messed this up, and got tongue-tied, then it would probably mean another-

“Hannah! What did Mommy say?”

“I… Do not run away from Mommy!”

“What’s that dear?” Bridget asked, leaning in with a big grin.

“I do not run away from Mommy…”

“Mmhmm. And next time you are out with Mommy, what will you remember when you start to have naughty thoughts?”

“I do not run away from Mommy…”

“Good girl!” Bridget laughed, “That’s right! Oh your Mommy is going to make a good girl out of you yet.”

Then, just like that, Bridget leaned in and planted a big kiss on Hannah’s cheek.

Hannah squirmed, how old even was this girl? It was hard to tell with how endowed the Amazons were.

“But I’m an adult! I’m- Mmph!”

“Hannah!” Mommy boomed, jamming a pacifier into Hannah’s mouth. “Don’t tell lies.”

She turned to Bridget, and huffed.

“Sorry about that. She has a wild imagination.”

“It’s perfectly alright. I know she has a behavior problem. I’ve babysat plenty of girls like her before, and they do improve with strict parenting.”

Mommy nodded.

“Well I warned her. She was only allowed to recite her lesson today or the pacifier was going back in.”

“I suppose she’ll have to be fed the other way then,” Bridget said, again flashing that predatory smile…

“Indeed,” Mommy said, going to the cupboard, “She was being difficult about the spoon anyway.”

Hannah watched in nervous confusion as Mommy produced a long, plastic pipe, with a funnel at the top. She took a hook, which she somehow attached to the ceiling above Hannah, and then picked up the other end of the pipe which she’d sat on the highchair tray.

She did… something, to the front of the pacifier, and Hannah blinked as she saw the ring holder screw right off. How had 'Mommy done that?! Hannah couldn’t find anything which so much as budged on the pacifier! The nipple was still in her mouth however, so what on earth were they-

Mommy connected the plastic pipe to the pacifier front, then picked up the bowl of mush, raised it high in the air, and tipped it into the funnel.

Hannah watched in horror as the mush began its way down the tube, down towards her pacifier. She’d gotten one drop of the stuff on her tongue before the doorbell rang, and had been planning on kicking up a fuss about not having any more. She could already detect the odor of sour peas forcing its way down the pipe and into the mouth.

Then the sludge hit, and Hannah whimpered. Correction, sour peas and under-ripe broccoli.

The two giants watched in apparent pleasure as Hannah gripped the edges of the tray, but there was no escaping the mush. She reached a hand up towards the tube, then got her hands slapped away.

“Goodness,” Bridget said, “They’re always like this at first. They don’t know what’s good for them.”

“Mommy knows best. I’ll make sure she learns. This is what you get when you’re naughty, isn’t it Hannah?”

Hannah whimpered, and began swallowing the disgusting sludge. Why did ‘Mommy’ even have this tube?! And how did Bridget know this existed??

“If she hasn’t had her bottle yet, this could be a good time.”

“Of course,” Mommy said, and she turned to the fridge. She turned back a moment later with one of the huge bottles, and Hannah looked at it warily. Well she couldn’t give that to Hannah now, since Hannah was already-

Mommy unscrewed the lid, and dumped the bottle into the funnel above.

Hannah’s eyes widened as the liquid quickly pushed a path through the slower vegetable sludge, and added to the awful event going on in her mouth. It had the same bitter taste as the milk from the night before, almost like almond milk.

She had no choice but to eat her entire meal - and drink her entire drink - sitting there in the highchair. The amazons watched with big smiles. The bottles alone were too much for her, and together she wasn’t even sure how she could manage.

Eventually the sludge slowed, then became a final trickle, which Hannah couldn’t believe she forced down.

“Isn’t it nice?” Bridget asked, with a look of almost glee in her eye.

Hannah could only hiccup in response.

“Uh oh,” Bridgete laughed.

Mommy nodded, and removed the tube from the pacifier before replacing the pull ring. Then the busty giantess opened the tray, unstrapped Hannah from the awful seat, and lifted her up and over her shoulder.

Hannah whimpered as she realized that her diapered bottom was being directed at Bridget - not to mention probably a peek of angry red on her thighs.

Then a hand thumped her back. Somewhat gentler than a spanking, but still enough to shake her.

Then another, and another. What on earth were they-

Hannah burped.

The giants laughed.

“She might have more,” Mommy said with a mischievous tone.

She tapped Hannah’s back several more times, producing several more burps around the pacifier.

Hannah was suddenly very drowsy, and was beginning to suspect again that this was all a dream. There was no way this was happening. No way that giant diapers fit her so perfectly. No way that she’d just started to feel-

There was a small, rude noise in the back of Hannah’s diaper. Hannah grunted, bit down on the pacifier, and resisted a sudden overwhelming urge to do something terribly embarrassing. The food wasn’t sitting well with her, and oddly it seemed to have already turned solid. She’d managed to make it so long without actually using the diaper, but she had been increasingly worrying about the possibility.

“Aw,” Bridget said, “I thought I was going to get to stay for a diaper change.”

“I’m sure she’ll need one before tonight.”

Hannah groaned. No way…

“Well, I should probably get going then,” Bridget said. “It was nice to meet Hannah.”

“Of course. I’ll show you to the door.”

The world began bouncing up and down, and Hannah clenched her legs into the diaper.

Hannah grunted. If she… If she could make this happen before Bridget left, then Hannah could point to her last evidence of adulthood below during the change. She wasn’t sure if she could, but it turned out that just thinking about it had been enough.

There was a crinkling from the back of Hannah’s diaper, which began swelling, then sagged suddenly.

“Oh!” Bridget clapped, “It looks like she’s proving that you were right to put her back into diapers.”

Hannah bit down on the pacifier in disgust. Mommy had told Bridget about that? How had she even explained it?

Her thoughts were interrupted as Mommy cupped a huge hand under her diaper, and gave a gentle push. Hannah almost screamed.

“Hrm. It’s not very full. Well, that can wait.”

“Yeah,” Bridget snickered, “And I’m sure it’s not even really what we think, since Hannah doesn’t even need diapers.”

Hannah blinked. What?? She wasn’t getting a change?

“Well, thank you again Bridget,” Mommy said, hoisting Hannah into another position over her shoulder and producing a small gasp, “I would like to call you again. You’ve been very helpful today.”

“Of course Mrs M. And you be good Hannah. Remember no more running away from Mommy or stealing.”

Hannah was still processing the disgusting event which had just happened when she heard the front door close.

Wait, she had messed herself for nothing? And wasn’t even getting a change? Well not a change where Bridget was able to see, which she didn’t exactly want, but it was better than being changed by just Mommy.

“Well little pottypants,” Mommy said, adjusting Hannah into a new position again with a little squelch, “It’s almost five. I think you know what that means.”

Hannah frowned. She had no idea.

Mommy began walking through the house, with Hannah holding on tightly and trying to ignore the horrible situation in her diaper.

They entered a bathroom, and Hannah looked longingly at the toilet. In truth she still needed to go quite desperately. Maybe this ‘punishment’ was finally over.

Instead Mommy took Hannah to the sink, removed the pacifier, and picked up a bar of soap.

“Lesson number two,” Mommy boomed. “You do not tell lies. Every time you tell a lie Mommy is going to wash your mouth out with soap.”

With that the woman jammed the bar of soap into Hannah’s mouth, and immediately began scrubbing around. Hannah cried out as bubbles began to form in her spit, and then dribbled from her mouth onto her bib.

“You will not tell those naughty lies. Do you understand Hannah?” Mommy boomed.

Hannah nodded rapidly, feeling tears stinging her eyes. She knew what ‘lie’ Mommy was talking about. The lie that she was an adult. Right now she was having doubts about that herself.

“Does a girl who goes potty in her diaper deserve to be in panties, Hannah?”

Hannah shook her head, and mumbled something around the soap.

“That’s right. And you remember that every time you start to think about telling tall tales and wasting the time of adults.”

Hannah was an exhausted mess by the time the soap was removed. Mommy rinsed her mouth with water from a small cup, though not enough to fully get rid of the taste of soap, and then the pacifier was returned.

Hannah couldn’t believe that she was sad to see the wet bib get taken away and dropped in a wicker basket, but once it was gone she was in only her diaper yet again. All her adventurous thoughts about lingerie and bikinis from a day earlier suddenly seemed so distant.

They left the bathroom and Mommy began carrying her into the house, passing the stairs and stepping over a baby gate.

“Now I don’t want you upstairs until I’ve taught you better behavior,” the amazon giantess said, “So you will be staying in the guest bedroom and using the play areas separately.”

She stopped before a huge, wooden door. Hannah dared hope for a normal bed, even if oversized. She might actually get out of all this still if there was a be-

Mommy opened the door to reveal a full nursery.

Hannah blinked in horror.

There was a huge crib. A rocking chair. A changing table. Toys on the floor. A huge white set of drawers. A tall tilting mirror.


“Mommy got the nice store people to set up two nurseries at once, so yours is almost identical.”

Hannah balked. The woman had gotten two nurseries set up in advance? Why??

She glanced around the room as they entered, at least glad to have something to focus on other than Mommy’s giant cleavage.

They were approaching the changing table, which had an ominous strap across the middle, and Hannah held her breath as she realized that was getting a diaper change. This would be both good and terrible. She’d finally get out of this messy diaper, but she’d find out if the woman either didn’t actually know that she was an adult during all this, and face the embarrassing result of that reveal, or the woman would discover her last remaining proof of adulthood, and would probably shave it off, leaving Hannah even more stuck this way.

Then she’d have to wait for Darcy to arrange an escape. Darcy would come for her right? She wouldn’t decide to leave Hannah here so that she had Josh all to herself? She didn’t even want to imagine what a good time Darcy was probably having out in the city on her second afternoon now, without returning to the motel to discover Hannah missing yet after their little quarrel.

And worse, even if she did get out of this, Darcy would surely tell everybody back home what had happened, to make sure Hannah was never seen as anything but that girl who wore diapers again, and was no longer a threat to any other girls.

Mommy placed Hannah down on the changing table, and she had to move quickly not to put her weight directly on the wrong spot in her diaper.

Then Mommy walked over to the drawers, and Hannah considered how long it would take for her to climb down from this height. Before she’d even had a chance to try, Mommy had returned with a white, full-body sleeper.

Hannah suddenly realized that she should really get the rest of the accident out that she’d been holding in, before Mommy gave her this somewhat dreaded change. But there was no way that she could… That she could…

Thinking about it had been too much, and with a muffled grunt behind her pacifier, Hannah leaned forward while the back of her diaper began to expand with a slow, noisy crinkle.

She had only been considering doing this before the change, but now that it had started, there was no stopping it. Worse, she realized that a warm trickle in her diaper was quickly building a flood, and soon she well and truly needed a diaper change.

Except Mommy pushed her back with a terrible squish, and began sliding the sleeper up over her feet.

“Mmph!” Hannah cried.

Then Mommy paused, looked at the diaper, and frowned. She brought forth her huge hand, and Hannah gasped as she squeezed.

She looked cross.

Mommy reached up, and began undoing the pacifier.

“Well Hannah, it’s night time now,” Mommy said, even though there was still a clear line of sunlight around the window blinds, “So your punishment day is over. Now what do you have to say for yourself young lady? Does this look like what somebody who should be in panties would have done?”

Hannah worked her jaw.

Mommy… The giantess… She was actually asking Hannah a question? For the first time in two days? Talking to her?

“I… I did it on purpose.”

The giantess simply gave her a long, slow blink.

“You did it on purpose,” she scoffed. “So it wasn’t an accident?”

“No! Well, I - umph!”

Hannah was silenced as the pacifier was pushed back into her mouth, and the nipple again got stuck in place.

“Well, if you did it on purpose, then Mommy might as well just give up on trying to potty train you now. You can stay in that diaper, if you like doing that on purpose, and then in the morning we can see if you can admit to Mommy whether it was an accident. Goodness knows I’ve already changed enough messy diapers today…”

Hannah balked, she wasn’t getting a change?? She could do nothing as Mommy slipped the sleeper up her legs, then threaded her arms through and zipped up the back.

Then the giantess hoisted her up, walked to the crib, and began lowering her in over the edges.

No! Hannah struggled and squirmed, then an almighty wallop on her backside sent her still.

“No! You do not kick and fuss in your crib! It’s bedtime young lady, not playtime.”

Hannah was stunned as she was forced down onto her back, this time unable to ignore the situation in her diaper. It got… everywhere…

“Nap time baby,” the amazon giantess said with a gleeful look in her eyes far above the crib top. “I don’t want to hear the slightest fuss until Mommy wakes you up. And frankly after your terrible behavior over the last two days, you’re probably going to need a nice, long nap until morning.”

With that the giantess walked away from the crib bars, and Hannah heard the door close.

No way. This vacation was a nightmare.

The slightest wriggle convinced Hannah to not dare to move. She most certainly wouldn’t sit up and try to get to her feet, or all of her weight would be on the diaper.

She glanced to the window, and could clearly see that it was still light out. She’d always hated window blinds since they did a terrible job of keeping the light out, but now she wasn’t sure if she was happy to see some evidence that the woman was lying about it being nighttime, or horrified to realize that nighttime for her might now begin while the sun was still up when she was here, and she couldn’t even convince herself that it was dark out.

Feeling sorry for herself, Hannah sobbed, hiccuped, and realized just how exhausted she was.

She began replaying the events of the past two days in her head, thinking about all the things she could have done better. She listened to the traffic, and a TV in the distance, and thought about Josh, and if he could see her now.

At some point, she wasn’t sure how, she actually managed to fall asleep.

The next thing she remembered were birds chirping, the sun shining against the blinds.

Had she slept all night? Or was it still evening?

Well her diaper was colder, and she felt oddly well rested, all things considered.

Then she realized what had woken her up.

“Naughty! Naughty!” a familiar, deep voice boomed from elsewhere in the house.

Hannah winced, and wanted to shrink down into the mattress, but flinched as her attempt instead made her sink into her diaper.

She heard a familiar tempo of slaps on flesh.

So this woman treated her own daughter no better?

Or, Hannah began to worry, was it somebody else like her?

The thought sent a chill down her spine. If the woman had managed this once already, then Hannah seemed well and truly screwed. Though if Hannah’s horrible thought was correct, the other girl didn’t have Hannah’s secret weapon.

But then again, with how wrong everything had gone so far, even if people did come to find her, Hannah couldn’t help but worry that she still might not get out of this.

She heard a now familiar, punctuary spank which seemed to signal the end of the ‘discussion’ happening somewhere else in the house. These giants sure did love to spank. Not that they weren’t good at it, Hannah thought with a wince she as she dared a small wriggle in her awful diaper.

Footsteps made their way down the stairs, and then the front door opened, and Hannah soon heard the sound of toys being played with out in the yard, given all the rattling and chimes and crashing. She was fairly sure she could even pick out the tricycle when it was picked up and began doing slow laps.

Then low, deep voices stopped at the fence to chat and giving what sounded like praise.

Hannah felt dizzy. If Mommy had done this before with another girl, could she have gotten her to the point where she could be taken out in public? No, Hannah told herself, that had to be the woman’s actual daughter. Otherwise, well, what hope did Hananh have?

Eventually the door opened again, and Hannah heard the familiar sound of the highchair tray being pushed into place.

She was beginning to squirm now, despite how awful her diaper was.

Right when she thought she couldn’t take this any longer, the door opened, and in marched Mommy.

She had a bunched up diaper in her hand, and she walked to a diaper pail next to the changing table, opened it with the foot pedal, and dropped her cargo in with a crinkly thud.

Then she turned at Hannah, and gave her a cross look.

“I suppose you’ll need a change too. Even though you do it ‘on purpose.’ Imagine what your sister thought when I told her that you use your diapers on purpose.”

Hannah felt dizzy. She was going to call and the other girl sisters?

“Maybe I shouldn’t even change you…”

Hannah’s eyes widened, and she risked a desperate wiggle while making muffled noises against her pacifier.

“Of course,” the amazon giantess said, holding up a finger, “If you can promise to be good for Mommy, and can behave all day, then maybe Mommy can change you.”

Hannah nodded desperately.

The woman looked her over, and almost looked like she was going to walk away, then the giantess scooped Hannah up and carried her to the changing table.

“Remember Hannah,” she said, “Good all day. Or I can put you right back into this diaper.”

Hannah closed her eyes with a small whimper. If this woman didn’t know that Hannah was an adult, then she was a terrifying ‘parent’.

Still, this was it. Hannah was finally getting a diaper change. She could finally point to her line of pubic hair, and be sure. Perhaps all this time there’d be an easy way out, if she’d just behaved long enough to explain herself to this woman.

She tried to sit very still in her awful diaper while the woman unzipped the sleeper and stripped her back down to the diaper.

Hannah took a deep breath. Finally. The diaper would be coming off.

But then the woman reached up, and did whatever trick allowed her to remove the pacifier.

Hannah gaped as she felt fresh air in her mouth once again.

“Remember Hannah,” the woman said, “Best behavior. Now I want you to ask for Mommy to please change your diaper. I want to hear you sound like you mean it Hannah.”

Hannah gaped. Though it wouldn’t be too hard to sound like she meant it right now.

“Mommy, will you please change my diaper?” she asked politely.

“Good. But with a little less nasally whine Hannah.”

Hannah closed her eyes, then opened them again and forced a smile onto her face.

“Mommy, will you please change my diaper!” she almost sang.

“Why yes Hannah. Mommy will. See? Isn’t it easier when we’re polite and remember to have manners.”

Hannah forced the smile on her face while Mommy pushed her onto her back, and began pulling off the diaper tapes. She wasn’t sure how the woman did it, but the tapes seemed to offer no resistance to her.

Tammy couldn’t help but cover her face when the diaper was untaped. She couldn’t bear to see this. So far she was fairly sure nobody had quite seen her naked there. Soon the woman would see her neatly trimmed proof of adulthood however, and she could find out what exactly was going on here.

There was no comment, and the woman simply began wiping her. Well, Hannah guessed that it was quite a mess down there, and it would be hard to see right now.

The woman lifted Hannah by her ankles, and slipped the diaper out a bit, then began wiping Hannah’s backside. It was, hands down, the single most embarrassing thing which had ever happened to Hannah.

Finally Hannah heard a rustling, and spread her fingers to see the woman bundling up the giant diaper, and carry it over to the diaper pail.

Why had she brought the other one in here? A show of force? Or was the other diaper pail in the matching nursery simply full? Now that Hannah saw just how huge a diaper was in her size when bundled up, she supposed these diaper pails would fill up quickly. Of course to these giants it was just regular sized.

She heard the crinkling thud as her used diaper was dropped into the pail.

Then the woman returned, reached under the table, and shook out a new diaper.

“Somebody looks excited,” the giantess giggled.

Hannah realized that her jaw was ajar.

She’d only just gotten out of the diaper, after so many days, and now was going back into another?

“Now Hannah, I won’t have an ungrateful girl under my proof, who plays silly games. I want you to thank Mommy for putting you in another diaper, and promise that you’re going to be a good girl today.”

Hannah stared at the awful thing. It was so thick, and white, and crinkly…

“But-” Hannah said, pointing to her crotch and glancing down.

Except, it was bare.


“Hannah,” the amazon giantess warned, “You thank Mommy for putting you in your diaper today, and promise that you’ll be a good girl.”


“Or I can go get that other diaper out of the pail.”

Hannah gulped.


“More cheerful Hannah. Stop this sulking.”

“Thank you Mommy,” Hannah blurted out, perking up, “For putting me in my diaper today. I promise to be a good girl!’

If Josh could see her now… Hannah was fairly sure when she got out of this, she was going to move somewhere else and get an entirely different identity, just in case any word of what happened here somehow followed her back. That was, if she got out. The haunting sound of the other spanking in the house still rung in her ears…

“Yes Hannah. Mommy is happy to put you in your diaper. Legs up!”

Hannah flushed red as she obeyed.

The woman gripped her ankles and lifted her hips, and then slipped the thick diaper underneath. As Hannah came back down, she was reminded all over again of just how thick these insane amazon-sized diapers were, with her hips raised several inches from the table.

The woman hummed as she wiped some creams into Hannah’s crotch, and powered her up.

Hannah couldn’t make sense of what had happened with her crotch. Had the woman snuck in during the night and shaved her? No, her diaper had been in a terrible state.

She frowned, and couldn’t help but shake the feeling that this change all seemed familiar. Then she remembered that odd dream, when the precinct nanny had her.

“But I’ma aduhlt,” she had said, her speech slurred, “See?”

“Shh,” Nanny had said, wiping between her butt cheeks with a huge wet wipe, while holding her ankles up in a giant’s grip.

Then the nanny had pushed away Hannah’s hands pointing at her crotch, and had… Gotten a shaving razor, and…

“Will help clean you up,” the nanny had said, then she simply shaved Hannah’s crotch bare.


Hannah yelped as some sort of cream was rubbed over her crotch. It stung!

“Will fix problem,” Nanny said.

And with that, she dropped some powder on Hannah’s crotch and backside from a canister, and pulled up another diaper, which she taped with practicied precision.

Hannah had fainted then.

Back in the present, Hannah glanced down, and saw the final tape of her new diaper being done up.

Had it been a dream? Had she been getting her diaper changed by others and not even known? She couldn’t help but notice that this diaper didn’t have Big Bird on the front, like she’d only first noticed after leaving the police station…

“All done,” Mommy huffed, and patted the front of Hannah’s diaper. “But you can’t just run around in your undies can you? No!”

Hannah blinked. Her undies? Was that what her diaper was now?

Mommy fussed around in the closet, then returned with a short dress. It was an off-white, with a red trimming for the peter-pan collar, skirt, and sleeves, and a yellow sash which seemed to tie around the middle. It was ridiculously short, even if it was obviously from the Amazon junior section of the store.

There were a pair of red buckled mary janes in Mommy’s other hand, along with white, frilly socks. They looked tiny and babyish in Mommy’s fingers, but Hannah supposed those weren’t so different from her own shoes and socks except in design.

“Now I want you to keep this dress clean Hannah,” Mommy chided, as she began pulling the dress over her head. Then she began doing up the multitude of buttons on the front. “You don’t play in the dirt. You don’t splash in any puddles. And you most certainly don’t draw on it with crayons. Do I make myself clear?”

Hannah nodded glumly.

“Hannah, I asked you a question.”

“Yes Mommy,” she replied, making sure to use a chirpy tone.

Then the giantess produced a giant hairbrush, and Hannah gulped. Except this time she used it for its intended purpose, and began brushing Hannah’s hair.

“Sit still. Don’t fidget. Goodness, I’m going to have to wash this right out at your bath today.”

Hannah felt dizzy. Her bath?!

Finally Mommy gripped her ankles and pulled the socks and shoes over her feet, and stepped back and admired the whole ensemble. Hannah looked down at her dress in despair, which wasn’t even covering her diaper, and just hoped that Darcy had reached the motel room by now.

There was a flash, and Hannah glanced up to discover that the giantess had taken a photo of her. She was beaming from ear to ear.

Hannah felt a small dribble in her diaper.

What… What was the giantess going to do with that picture? Surely anybody who saw it would see that Hannah was… No, of course not, that’s not what anybody had seen since Mommy had put her into diapers…

“Well don’t you look like a little angel,” Mommy said, “You say thank you to Mommy for getting you dressed for the day.”

Hannah looked down at the awful dress, and the diaper peeking out underneath.

“Thank you Mommy for getting me dressed.”

“You’re welcome. Now I better get you breakfast before we go to Aunties.”

Hannah blinked. Aunties?? Somebody else was going to see her this way? Well, that might be a chance for her to get out of this, though where would she even go? Especially dressed like this.

Her mind was reeling as the giantess carried her out of the room, and then stepped over the baby gate.

They approached a living room, which Hannah had briefly seen by the front door on the way in, and stepped over another gate.

There were toys scattered around the room, and Sesame Street was playing on the TV.

As Mommy sat down on the enormous couch and placed Hannah on her right side, Hannah gulped as she realized that there was another girl in the room, who had been sitting watching TV. She only glimpsed the side of her, and honestly could not tell whether she was the woman’s daughter engrossed with Sesame Street, or somebody else like her who was too embarrassed to turn around.

Mommy reached down and picked up the other girl, then sat her at her left.

Then she… reached up, and began…

Hannah’s eyes almost popped out as the huge woman exposed her breasts, which swung out with the most horribly large nipples Hannah had ever seen.

She began to shuffle.

“Remember,” Mommy said, “Best behavior.”

Hannah gulped. Her messy diaper was still upstairs. Was Mommy serious about her threat? Given everything else she’d done, probably. Plus Hannah was free of the pacifier, and if she played her cards right she might get to stay that way until she was out in public. But this…? She could never possibly-

Mommy reached over and scooped her up, and next thing Hannah knew her face was buried in a boob.

She heard the other girl get positioned the same way behind her, hearing a small girly moan, and then one of Mommy’s huge hands moved behind her head and pushed her in.

The nipple briefly brushed her tongue, and Hannah quickly sealed her lips.

“Now don’t be fussy. I’m not wasting time expressing this into a bottle when you can just have it from the source.”

Hannah gasped. Wait, the bottles… With their strange milk…? Could they have been…

Her gasp let the nipple in her mouth, and Hannah’s eyes widened as she found herself in rather a quagmire. She had to know… All those bottles she’d drank… She gave a nervous suck, feeling the milk begin to flow, and a now familiar taste filled her mouth.

No way…

It was warmer, but still the same, bitter flavor. Worse, the milk was flowing now, just like with the bottles, and Mommy was pushing her head in every time she tried to pull away which was only massaging the milk out.

Hannah looked around desperately, but all she could see was the wall of boob, and all she could hear was herself glugging down on the awful stuff. Then it dawned on her that, no, there was another rhythmic sucking going on behind her. They almost sounded like they were kissing Mommy’s giant boobs, if not for the desperate gulps between the suckles.

“There. It’s much better for you from the source. And we want you girls to grow up big and strong.”

Hannah quietly whimpered around her awful suckling. It didn’t sound like Mommy was planning on slowing down any time soon, and if this was going to be anything like the amount in the bottles, Hannah still had a long way to go.

She began pacing herself as she bobbed in and bobbed out, making sure to not drink so fast that she got sick - in a more literal sense than the overwhelming disgust she felt right now - and getting enough breath in. She heard her partner seeming to pace herself similarly on the other side, while Sesame Street droned on in the background.

“- and we learned so many new words today! Mommy. Daddy. And obedience!”

Hannah cringed. What kind of episode was this?

Finally the milk began to slow to a trickle, and Mommy stopped bobbing her head as fast.

She heard her partner slow down beside her, and finally Mommy pulled her hand away entirely.

Hannah felt weak and delirious as she pulled her mouth away from the giant boob. Her mouth hung open, and a long trail of slimy milk ran from her jaw back to the enormous, fleshy nipple.

She felt her face falling back to the giant breast as the closest pillow to rest her cheek on. By now she couldn’t convince herself during these exhausted moments that it was all a dream, and giving up all of her worries and embarrassment, she glanced over at her partner during all of that.

She blinked.

“Darffy?” she stuttered around the sticky milk in her mouth.

Darcy was looking back at her with heavily lidded eyes and a long trail of milk leading from her open mouth while she lay against the neighboring breast.


Their eyes both traveled down, over their matching dresses, to the thick diapers peeking out below.

“Now you girls finish watching Sesame Street,” Mommy boomed, leaning forward to deposit them on the floor facing the TV. “Once it finishes we’re going to see Auntie.”

Hannah landed on the floor with a crunch beneath her diaper, and heard a similar noise to her side.

She dared slowly turning her head to confirm that it really was Darcy beside her. Although she frankly looked like an amazon toddler, and Hannah might not have even suspected she wasn’t if she didn’t know Darcy from before.

“Hold hands, dears,” Mommy said, leaning down and taking their hands closest to each other and placing them together. The girls were too stupefied to resist, and wrapped their fingers around each other as it to confirm that the other was real. “You two are going to be loving sisters. You will share all of your things, from toys to bibs to bedtimes, and if one of you is naughty, then you’ll both get punished. So you two keep each other in check.”

With that the huge woman strode away, and the two new ‘sisters’ were left staring at each other.

Maybe Hannah really was dreaming. There was no way Darcy was here too, wearing a diaper beside her…

“How?” she whispered, with her mouth still not quite working. “You were meanta wescue me…”

“I…” Darcy began, then she gasped and there was a muffled rude noise from the rear of her diaper, which she tried to pretend hadn’t happened. “Momma had her diapar bag, and thaid I wath wude for not wanting to help her wook for her dawfher, and then -”

Darcy grunted, and went silent as the back of her diaper began to crinkle and expand.

Oh no… Hannah could only stare in horror, and looked down at their held hands, but Darcy was too distracted to think to let go.

A moment later she felt the milk’s powerful effect work on her too, and she too grunted and leaned forward while her own diaper began to crinkle behind her, all the while trying to act like she wasn’t doing the same thing. Oh no oh no, she’d just gotten clean too…

Time seemed to slow down as they both sat there together, staring at their held-hands while a mind-numbing song played on the television. If they let go of their hands then it was almost an admission of what had just happened, of the fact that something had changed during that long moment of silence.

Instead they gulped, and turned to watch Sesame Street without a word.

“And that, boys and girls, is why we wear our diapers!”

Hannah frowned, and didn’t recognize the puppet speaking. How did the TV know?? Unless it was just the average time that those who watched this show seemed to be going everywhere…

The show went on and on, and Hannah risked some small subtle squirms in her diaper, while trying to process exactly what this meant. Darcy was meant to be her way out of here, her entire backup plan. And if the woman had decided to ‘Mommy’ her too in the parking lot, well, there was no longer any doubt about whether she knew that Hannah was an adult. And yet, she’d somehow convinced that teen to take Darcy for a day? And she’d even gone to daycare??

Then a girl joined the puppets on the TV. Except she was a Little, Hannah realized, with her hair in pigtails and a diaper which stuck halfway out of her shapeless pink dress, though it was easy to almost miss it. In fact Hannah began to doubt it as the girl spoke with a lisp, thinking that she was just seeing evidence of her new theory everywhere, but no, that ‘girl’ was definitely a little. She turned around to join the puppets with her back to the screen, and more of the diaper was visible.

Oh no, oh no oh no.

Mommy returned, with the huge diaper bag over her shoulder, and Hannah realized that there was no escape now. Her escape plan was sitting right next to her in an identical diaper.

“Shit,” she whispered, and tried to get to her feet to run as far and as fast as she could.

Except it was an awkward, awful affair, with the heavy diaper weighing her down and Darcy still holding her hand. And then Mommy had stormed up behind her.

“What was that word young lady?!” she boomed, then reached down and took them both by the ears. “I warned you. If one is naughty, you both get punished!”


The stroller wheels creaked over the cracks in the pavement.

Mommy looked very pleased with herself as she pushed the double-seater stroller along, and said hello and smiled to a few ladies who she knew.

Inside the stroller, two sisters sat holding hands. They both sat with large pacifiers in their mouths, and both obviously needed a diaper change with how their legs were spread.

Mommy waved, and got Auntie’s attention further down the street.

Auntie smiled back, and turned her own double-stroller around to meet them.



Mommy reached under the stroller, and pulled the diaper bag covered in balloons halfway out, but Auntie held up her hand and shook her head.

“I told you, keep it.”

“Well you said keep it for a month, then two months until I found something better. I have bought my own diaper bag, you know.”

Auntie smiled back.

“I know. But it was because I accidentally left that with you that you found my two nieces, which is the best trade I could have asked for.”

With that the giantess kneeled down, and planted big wet kisses on the cheeks of Hannie and Warcie. They squirmed, but she knew just how to tickle them now to get little giggles.

“Well,” Mommy asked, “Should we go?”

Auntie beamed, and moved back behind her own stroller. The two pairs of cousins looked at each other over big pacifiers and thick diapers.

“Of course. The taxi should be here soon.”

“I just hope my girls enjoy a good, long vacation. They’re often the shyest at daycare.”

“Trust me,” Auntie said, “As soon as they see Cinderella and Belle, their eyes will light right up. Disney World is like candy to these girls.”

Mommy smiled. “Well, it’s going to be a nice, long, family vacation. And Mommy will be there the whole time to make sure they are responsible and get along together.”



Great Story combined with Great Art!


Was too embarrassed to say anything until now, but this story is another one of yours greats man! It also got me looking on DailyDiapers so I could read the stories Dark Dweller has written too- both of you have amazing content, keep it up! <3


It does contain some scene's like the car and the travel and so on that feel a little superfluous. Also I would have liked if you had shown the punishment of Darcy as well.


The car part at the start? Or when she leaves with the giant? It was a bit front-loaded since I ended up running out of time at the back, though also enjoy the setup of stories to help make the result more exciting. Darcy being there at the end almost didn't happen, and was just a fun bonus which I realized fit really well, rather than was planned from the start.