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Georgia gave the bars of the crib a good rattle.

Unfortunately for her they were scaled to her size, and she was on the inside. This was an Amazon Giant's house, and everything was so much bigger here.

Including the oversized wooden rocking horse, and the birch closet full of short dresses, and the baby gate across the doorway, and the stuffed toy boxes, and everything else in the nightmare nursery which seemed like it would be a dream room for her in an almost forgotten time.

And including the diapers, one of which was taped around Georgia's hips.

There was no chance of getting it off. The tapes had proven far too strong for her in the brief moment she'd had to try it, and now she was wearing a buttoned up sleeper with a little tutu sewn around the waist, which she couldn't even reach the snaps on the back of.

She was hot, sweaty, and exhausted, and flopped onto her back in the oversized crib.

The motion produced a loud series of crinkles, from both her own diaper and the protective plastic sheets. Above her, the mobile still spun, with plastic sheep going around in endless circles. Despite the fact that she was already in bed, the halo around the curtain made it all too obvious that it wasn't even dark outside yet. The light crept in everywhere and made it so that she could still make out everything in the room, including the wall above the crib, and Georgia stared up at the cursive, pink, lettering there.

The letters spelled out her name.

How long had this giantess been planning all this?

Georgia gave a little kick around her sleeper and diaper in a vain attempt to make her knees touch again, confirming how hopeless it was, and only producing yet another series of crinkles. There was a baby monitor switched on nearby, and if she made too much noise she might get another spanking…

And ‘Mommy’ had proven that she was very good at giving spankings.

Georgia maybe vaguely recalled her from somewhere. Was it the store aisle? She'd bought a huge soda and some Amazon had told her off for buying such an oversized drink. It wasn’t that giantess, but she was fairly sure she’d seen her in the background, watching… That had been, what, four weeks ago? Had she been following Georgia and planning this ever since then?

Georgia had heard of age mixups and forceful adoptions, but it had never really seemed that likely…She never really talked to Bigs, and the store encounter had been one of her worst experiences. It had almost been enough to make her reconsider adoption as more of a problem, if only she’d considered it a little bit harder… Maybe then the unexpected job interview this morning would have stood out more as far too good to be true.

Of course she was aware that in certain places the Amazonian Giants were more often pushing around strollers with -

Oh god! If Georgia didn’t get out of this soon then she might end up out in a stroller with a visible diaper, being talked to and treated like a baby.

That absolutely could not happen. Georgia would get out of this, and tomorrow. She was fairly sure that she could outsmart a giantess. All this baby stuff was made to contain an actual baby, after all.


“Hello Mrs McGregor. And how is little Georgia today?”

“Oh she’s good,” the giantess said, giving the stroller a little push, “We had a wonderful weekend away, but I really do have to get back to work. A month of maternity leave goes by so quick!”

“Of course. And look at those new diapers! Is she enjoying learning to crawl?”

“You can tell her dear.”

The two women glanced down at the Little in the stroller, who nervously held her thumb in her mouth while her other hand toyed with the short skirt attached to her denim top. With a wet plop she pulled her thumb free.

“Yes Miss Stacey. I crawled all around the house yesterday.”

Mrs McGregor gave a sly smile to the daycare worker.

“She was looking for a way to play outside with the big kids. She doesn’t accept that she’s not ready for that yet.”

“Daw,” the daycare worker cooed as she leaned down to tickle Georgia, “Well we’ll see if you can play with some of the bigger kids today. And if you’re very good I think your Mommy might decide that you’re able to grow up a bit more quickly?”

She glanced up to Mrs McGregor, who nodded.

“I’m helping her grow up properly, so if she’s good then maybe we can try out some waddler diapers.”

Georgia’s jaw dropped, and she blinked several times, ignoring the line of drool which was running from her thumb and down towards the crisp white shell of her diaper.

“Well I’ll take her from here!” the daycare worker practically sang, moving behind the stroller. “Will you be here to pick her up at four?”

“A bit later today, with so much to catch up on at work. Make sure she gets extra naps today since that will mean missing her bedtime. She gets so tired out crawling around everywhere.”

“Of course. Though I’m surprised how often these little ones crawl around in these all-day diapers. Should we change her today or -?”

Mrs McGregor shook her head. “She’s already had her change today. She can wait until tomorrow.”

“Of course,” the worker chuckled, “Well I’m sure she’ll work hard on being good so that she can grow up quicker. Say goodbye to Mommy for now Georgia.”

Georgia’s thumb had already returned to her mouth, and she held up her free hand to wave her fingers.

“Georgia,” the worker scolded, “Use your words. I thought you wanted to work towards being a big girl.”

Georgia for her part seemed to be struggling to remove her thumb from her mouth.

“Bhai Mummeeh,” she finally managed, speaking around her thumb.

“Bub-bye sweetie,” Mrs McGregor replied, leaning in to plant a kiss on Georgia’s cheek. “You be good, young lady. I don’t want to have to do another weekend without diaper changes.”

“Yeth Mommy,” Georgia said.

Then the worker pushed the stroller past the gate and into the bright and noisy daycare.


“Heya squirt,” Tonks laughed.

Georgia glared up at Tonks, following where her foot had kicked over the blocks, up her bare leg, at her thick diaper, then her formless denim dress, and finally the pudgy face beneath the blonde pigtails.

She might be a toddler or a woman anywhere up to her forties, Georgia really couldn’t tell. Despite the fact that she was thickly diapered, hers was at least thinner enough that she could stand up. Was that one of the waddlers which Georgia might get to earn?

The dumb giants acted like Georgia didn’t know how to walk. But she used to know how to walk! And probably still did! Even if she’d spent a month laying on her tummy and back with some very clumsy crawling recently… She was hoping to practice crawling in her new diapers more here, but then the last thing she wanted was to be seen doing it and teased for being a ‘baby’ by brats like Tonks…

“Whaddya want?” Georgia asked, managing to pull her thumb from her mouth a bit easier now without the intimidating Bigs around.

“I’m assigned as ya big-buddy for today,” Tonks said with a shrug.

Georgia’s mouth dropped open. No… Anybody but Tonks…

“So that means ya gotta do what I say,” Tonks said with an evil grin, “And I say ya gotta go play outside. You little babies need yur sunshine!”

“But…” Georgia sputtered, “You’ll put dirt in my diaper. And then I’ll get into trouble!”

Tonks shrugged again. “Not my problem. It’ll be a fair game. You can put dirt in my diaper if you can catch me.”

Georgia glared. She could barely crawl in her diapers, and only with a lot of concentrated effort!

Still, she knew the rules. If she didn’t obey her big buddy she’d get a spanking and Mommy would receive her report for the day, which would get her into trouble anyway. If she went along with it then maybe there was still a chance to get out of this…

“Hurry up squirt!” Tonks called, already rushing ahead and sending her short dress flying to reveal her diaper and the barbie branding on it.

Georgia grunted, and pushed herself to roll forward over her thick diaper, then got onto all fours.

It had been a month now, according to Mommy, and she still wasn’t used to all this. Though she herself had lost track of time and it felt more like a year. Had she really adjusted this much in that time? Mommy had put her on a changing table in the mall bathroom a few days ago while several other women were in the room, and Georgia had barely even covered her face, and had focused on the rattle in her hand by the wall. She only got one change a day, if that, so of course the women had seen and commented on the fact that Georgia had -

“Hurry up pooper pants!” Tonks laughed, as if she herself wasn’t in diapers! Hers even had barbie logos printed on them. That made her more babyish in a way!

Georgia grimaced and crawled after her. Her current diaper was still clean, and it would be a shame to get dirt in it. But what could she do? She looked around for any ideas to -

“If you don’t crawl faster right now I’m gonna tell on you for not playing good!”

That got Georgia moving. With a sudden urgency she began swinging her huge backside back and forth while pulling her knees forward against the thick bulk of her diaper. If Tonks got a grownup that wouldn’t help her situation any. Grownups around Littles only ever made things worse.

Bigs. She reminded herself. Not grownups. Bigs.

Georgia was a grownup! Well, maybe. She was crawling across a daycare in a thick diaper, to play with her big buddy out of fear of a spanking and bad report card. And she was starting to wonder how she’d ever managed anything more. She was starting to think that the Littles she sometimes saw in adult clothes were just kidding themselves until -

No, Georgia told herself. She was a grownup! And when she got out of this, and got these diapers off… Oh, then she’d show them. She’d make calls to the daycare about Tonks and claim she was a parent who saw Tonks do all sorts of naughty things, and, and…

Well, no, with her high voice they’d only ask her to put her Mommy on the phone. That had even happened already back before all this… Back when Georgia already had more seeds of doubt about her maturity than she cared to admit… The type which all those Littles in adult clothes must surely be feel-

“Miissss! My junior buddy isn’t playing right!”

Georgia blinked, and realized that she’d stopped, and was sucking her thumb. Why did she keep sucking her thumb?! Was it some stress thing? She -

She saw a grownup turning her way, while their hand moved towards the hairbrush hanging at their belt.

Georgia gulped, and began crawling after Tonks with gusto.

The blonde giggled as Georgia caught up and got another look at those barbie diapers.

“See? You just needah buddy to help you be good. I used to need help tah be good too.”

Georgia shivered. Had Tonks once been like her? No, Georgia couldn’t see herself ever being a bully like Tonks. She once made her play partner ride with her on the seesaw for hours just because Tonks knew she had a used diaper, and had been claiming to be some important lawyer who was better than them all. Of course Georgia couldn’t deny that she found it kind of fitting for that brat to be brought down a peg and to realize that she was just a baby like all of -

“Caught ya!” Tonks laughed, then pulled back Georgia’s diaper and dropped something sandy  inside.

“Hey!” Georgia squealed, spinning around and only managing to fall sideways onto her thickly diapered bottom. Tonks laughed, and raced around her to easily reach Georgia’s diaper while she was stuck on her back like a turtle. A handful of more sandy grit went in the front, and Georgia kicked hopelessly to turn herself over.

Tonks somehow got a handful of mud - with little squirming worms and all - and Georgia finally managed to get herself turned over. She began crawling, looking for an adult. They never seemed to be around when she actually wanted one. Despite her best efforts, she didn’t make it far before Tonks had hooked the back of her diaper and was pouring something slimy in.

Georgia gasped and squirmed, then felt herself getting dragged back towards the mud by Tonk’s hand on the back of her diaper. The blonde girl had to work against her own thick diapers, but she was able to stand up while Georgia slipped over the grass on her diaper.

When Georgia got out of this, then they were… ohhh… then they were in for it!

Of course right now that seemed a rather distant fantasy, and she had more pressing issues, like keeping her diaper clean from her play buddy at daycare…

“Misss!” Tonks squealed, “Georgia put mud in her diaper again!”

“She better not have!” a voice boomed. The deep, booming type which could only mean an Amazon giantess.


“And how is little Georgia enjoying her Christmas present?”

“Oh she’s been in it right through January. Come and see!”

The two amazonian ladies wore big smiles as they moved through Susan’s house. They easily stepped over a baby gate, and came into the living room.

Georgia was suspended in the middle of a plastic walker. Her feet brushed the ground to push the walker around, though the suspended seat was conspiring to lift her up and away from the floor, making her progress slow.

“Oh look at Mommy’s little walker!”

Their amazonian visitor clapped her hands together. “Oh she’s doing so well!”

“She’s growing up very nicely,” Mommy agreed, nodding along, “I think the playdates she has at her friend Tonk’s house are really motivating her. Tonks is a bigger girl you see, who can walk already, so Georgia wants to learn to catch up to her.”

“Oh that must be so good for her, having a role model?”

Mommy nodded. “Some people think a girl like her would take five to fifteen years to teach how to be a grownup. But I think I can do it in one or two.”

“And are you enjoying being a big girl Georgia? Getting to walk around?”

Georgia glanced up from behind a huge pacifier shield, which was visibly wet with drool at the bottom, and simply nodded with a big blush.

“I bet you are. Once babies get a taste for walking there’s just no stopping them. I know some Mommies and Daddies who had to get their little ones little surgeries to stop them from trying before they were ready and hurting themselves. You wouldn’t want that now would you Georgia?”

Georgia’s eyes widened, and she shook her head, sending her little pigtails flying.

“That’s right. So that’s why you’re only going to walk while you’re in your walker, aren’t you?”

Georgia nodded again behind her pacifier.

“Of course,” the amazon said, turning to Mommy, “You probably have taught her all this.”

Mommy smiled. “It never hurts for her to have more lessons. She can be a real little brat sometimes, refusing to finish her bowl or not having all of her milk.”

The guest waved her hand with a smile. “Little ones are going to be little ones.”

The two women turned and left, easily stepping over the baby gate. As they departed their voices trailed away.

“My niece sometimes can be such a brat during diaper changes, even though it’s been three years…”


Georgia lay on her back, watching the clouds pass overhead.

Mommy tugged on her ankles and lifted her hips even higher. Another loud tear announced that Mommy had finally untaped her diaper. The giant hands pulled the front open, revealing Georgia’s soiled state, and slipped the diaper forward before they began cleaning her.

Nearby, some Littles ran around squealing, carefully supervised by adults. They were in diapers, but they got to run around. Georgia hoped to be like them one day.

She… didn’t dare hope to be anything more. Not any more. How would Georgia even handle adulthood now? She’d fill up her panties the first chance she got. She’d made the mistake of letting her potty control drift, since she was always in soiled diapers anyway. But now it seemed like she might get to graduate to waddlers soon. And maybe even potty training soon after.

It was embarrassing to admit that Georgia actually needed the potty training now if she hoped to return to panties. For that she needed to not to do anything which made Mommy cross, though she seemed to manage every other day, from almost knocking over a juice to having a sulky attitude.

Still, Georgia seemed to finally almost be graduated to waddlers, and they would be luxuriously thin compared to the crawlers. Of course once upon a time Georgia might have considered them ludicrously thick, and still did in a way, but it was all relative.

“Oh hello Susan, Georgia.”

Georgia glanced up, and saw Mrs Kleeton standing there, with her daughter Jenni. Jenni had been in some sort of shrinking accident or something. Georgia wasn’t sure if she believed it. Jenni just wanted a story to claim she was somehow once better than all the other Littles.

Right now they were both getting a good look at Georgia as she lay there on the grass. She wanted to cover up, but it was hopeless with Mommy holding her ankles in the air and wiping her down. Mommy didn’t seem to consider it an issue.

“Oh hello Mrs Kleeton. How is the new garden patch going?”

“Good good. The tomatoes were far more fruitful than we expected. You must let us give you some.”

“Perhaps next weekend? Are the girls still having their party?”

“Yes yes. Little Jenni is three. Again.”

She said it with such disdain, and Jenni fidgeted with a blush. For such an age, she was still in very thick diapers, which Georgia could see from her position despite the fact that Jenni was in a longer dress.

“Well I’m sure she’ll have a very special time.”

“And will little Georgia be in the crawling pen? Or has she started walking yet?”

Mommy beamed. “She’s been doing so well in her walker. I think she might be ready for waddlers.”

“Oh! Congratulations! Say congratulations Jenni.”

Jenni seemed to mumble something resembling the word, drifting in closer to hide behind her mother’s leg as best she could while her hand was firmly held above her head.

“We shall see. Georgia is a very fast bloomer, and I think she might be able to be in the toddler group, with extra supervision.”

“Wow, such a big girl! Growing up so fast.”

“Fankyou,” Georgia replied with a blush, finding her thumb slipping into her mouth.

She’d used to know how to walk…! This was all so… gargh!

As they finished their change, and Mommy returned her to her stroller and buckled her in, Georgia had to think about what walking soon might mean. Was she finally going to try to run away? Did she even have any chance? No other toddler-stage Littles seemed to manage it.

And Georgia really needed Mommy to give her the potty training…

It wasn’t like she could ask her friends to help with that, while she waddled around her apartment in a thick disposable diaper. What would her friends even say if they could see her now?

Did they even know where she was? Oh god, could they have found the photos which Mommy took?

But then she’d never given much thought to her friends who had seemingly been adopted over the years. They’d always seemed kind of rude to disappear like that, or it was otherwise kind of scary, but in retrospect, how many of them had been in diapers and a crib, hoping for Georgia to break them out…? How many of them had gotten out of diapers? Only a few had ever come back, and they’d seemed kind of embarrassed, and soon disappeared again.

One time people even said that they saw a giantess marching out of Stacey’s apartment, carrying the girl under her arm and flashing her thick diaper to the world. It was all second-hand accounts, but apparently all they could do was gawk as Stacey was strapped back into a carseat.

No, if Georgia wanted to properly escape this she’d need her potty training. And maybe, well… Maybe it was too late to go back to being a grownup without growing right up the whole way again, but Georgia didn’t want to believe that just yet.


“But Mommy!” Georgia whined.

“No buts young lady! You’re not ready for waddlers yet, and Mommy said that you could only wear them to the party if you’re walking by then. I’ll get your friend Tonks to help look after you, and you’ll have a great time.”


“GEORGIA.. BETHANY. MCGREGOR. You know better than to sass back! I think you must be backed up and cranky, which was why you had so much trouble walking today. I think we’ll put in one of your bottom medicines before we go to the party today.”


“FINE. An enema then! And don’t think that you’re getting out of the horsie rides, you know Miss Janice has been eager to see you again.”


“Welcome to Happy World! And who is our new little swimmer?”

“This is Georgia. Say hello, Georgia.”


“And is she walking yet?”

“No, she’s having some trouble with that. I thought that swim class might be a good way for her to practice kicking her legs.”

“Very good. And we do need to check, do you have one of our listed brands of certified swim diapers?”

“Yes yes. She’s splashed at the beach and in inflatable pools with them before. They’ve stayed completely dry, at least on the outside.”

“Excellent. Then follow me. There’s a place where you can change ma’am. Then go left to join the class at the learner pool. You have fun Georgia.”

“Say thank you Georgia.”


“Of course hon. I bet you’ll be a little expert in floaties in no time.”


“Now,” Susan said, “We can try this again.”

The amazonian giantess held out her arms, and looked at Georgia from across the room.

“Come to Mommy sweetheart.”

Georgia grunted, and pushed herself away from the wall where she’d been standing with both hands to hold herself up.

Carefully, she lifted her left foot, then swung it out and around as much as her huge diaper allowed.

These waddlers were barely any thinner, it turned out. They were just going to make her learn to walk all over again with a necessary clumsy waddle.

“Good. Now the other foot dear.”

Georgia grunted, and repeated the process on the other side. The diapers resisted every attempt to bring her legs closer together, and crinkled as she adjusted her position to bring her foot right around.

“Good girl! What a smart girl! Do you know who is a clever girl Georgia?”

“I am a clever girl Mommy…”

“That’s right. Wow. Two steps. I remember when you couldn’t even crawl. Now, do it again, come to Mommy sweetheart.”

Georgia grunted, and repeated the awkward, difficult step with her left foot again. The diaper was rubbing at her crotch with these wide, awkward swings, and, well, Georgia felt herself growing a little flustered…

“Again sweetie,” Mommy said, as gently as an ever-stern amazonian giantess was able.

Georgia managed four more steps before she fell flat on her bottom, sending a big puff of talcum powder up around her.

“Dawww!” Mommy chuckled, and raced over to help her up. Then she carried Georgia across the room and placed her back where she started.

“Let’s try again. We’ll do this an hour every day until you can get it.”

Georgia gulped. She’d wanted to walk for so long, and yet right now she felt nothing but a tantrum building up about how it was nothing like what she thought.

“Come to Mommy!”

Georgia made it ten whole steps before she fell on her big puffy bottom, and had to start right over.


The woman leaned over to Susan, and whispered in her ear.

“Which one is your girl?”

Susan smiled, and pointed to the stage, where several Littles in pink leotards and tutus - and obvious thick diapers - were putting on a coordinated ballet show under the spotlights of the theater.

Those in the middle were performing the most advanced moves, including small stepping pirouettes with their hands arced above their heads, and even the occasional jumping kicks. The girls on the ends were performing more basic moves, taking small shuffling steps to the left and right with the line, and bowing with a sweep of their arm.

“That is my daughter Georgia on the far right. She’s only been in ballet for five weeks, but this is her first show.”

“Oh that’s wonderful!” the woman praised, as Georgia took small teetering steps to the left and right, and bowed with a spin of her arms. The thick diaper was obviously adding some extra difficulty to the dance. “To be so advanced at only five weeks, had she done some other dancing before?”

“No, but I’ve hired an in-house governess, since work is keeping me busy, and thankfully she’s also able to teach a few extra ballet lessons.”

“How does Georgia like that?”

“She’s a bit pouty. She thinks she’s going to run away and be a big girl when Mommy isn’t looking, and the extra presence of the nanny has thwarted that a bit.”

“Oh so cute. Is she formally adopted?”

“Yes, so the police will bring her right back to me anyway. I have a friend in the clerk’s office who was able to get the documents put through. They know all the bugs in the old software.”

“Wow. Well she’s lucky she has you to raise her.”

“Indeed,” Susan agreed. “And do you have a girl here?”

“Not exactly. I’m here for my nieces, the twins.”

Susan glanced at the pair not quite in the middle, but also not all the way at the left end, and nodded. They did look quite similar, and were probably sisters.

“Have they been in ballet for long?”

“Probably about a year now. Though my sister adopted them longer back. They were tourists from one of those Little countries or something, and were quite argumentative with each other from what I heard.”

“They’re very sweet now. Look at how they dance together - holding hands every time they twirl.”

“Indeed. They get along very well.”

The two women watched in silence with beaming smiles. Their smiles grew when one Little appeared to have a sudden expansion of the back of her diaper, then promptly slipped and fell on it, and had to be taken off-stage while crying. That was why Littles needed diapers.


“Now Georgia, the potty is not a toy.”

Georgia stood with a sullen pout, and just nodded.

“Do you both have to be in here when I practice?”

“Now Georgia. It’s nothing which Nanny hasn’t seen. You say sorry to Nanny for suggesting you don’t want her here.”

“Sorry Nanny.”

“Do it properly.”

Georgia glanced at the pink potty, then turned away and waddled across the room.

“Sowwy Nanny for saying mean things,” she said, then hugged the woman’s leg through her long navy skirt.

The governess beamed and crouched to receive a kiss from Georgia on her cheek. The Amazonian giantess returned the hug and kiss, and used the chance to inspect Georgia’s diaper.

“Still dry. Good girl. Then you’ve earned your potty chance today.”

Georgia was practically bouncing. It was obvious that she was barely holding it in.

As soon as Nanny let go of her, she immediately waddled back to the potty, and did a poor job of hiding her potty dance when she got there.

“Now, Georgia,” Mommy began, “You only use the potty with adult supervision. Understand?”

Georgia nodded.

“And if you’re a brat and prove you’re not ready for big girl things yet, the potty can be taken away. Do you understand?”

Georgia nodded again, faster and bouncing on her feet.

“And even if you do manage to make it to the potty, you’ll still wear your diapers until you’ve managed a whole month. Do you understand? You’ll still wear your night time diapers to bed.”

Georgia nodded again, slightly wincing at that one.

Mommy cocked her head and looked her over, then reached out and began untaping Georgia’s diaper.

The heavy plastic fell to the ground with a thud, in a way rarely experienced since it was usually only opened on a changing table.

Georgia’s hopping increased, and then she darted for the potty.

“Careful,” Mommy warned.

Nanny hovered to inspect everything from a different angle.

Georgia managed to get on the potty, red-faced, finding that like everything else in this crazy house it was scaled up and Amazonian sized, which was the correct size for her to sit on.

She… She’d forgotten how to potty. She knew how to hold it in, but didn’t know how to let go.

After a long moment, there was a small tinkling in the potty, which then grew into a loud stream.

Mommy watched with firm eyes, waiting for any slip up.

But Georgia managed to do it! She’d made the potty! Like some of the others who wore pullups got to do! She’d been in diapers for so long, she almost didn’t know what to make of it.

“Stand up,” Mommy ordered, “And Mommy will wipe you down.”

Georgia obeyed, and the Amazonian Giantess advanced on her with toilet paper squares.

As she was cleaned up, she wasn’t sure whether to feel proud. Some time ago, maybe over one a half years now, Georgia had been capable of far more than that. She… She maybe had bought into this whole new identity a bit much, but now she was seeing a chance to get out, and reclaim her adult life. She wasn’t sure what that entailed yet, but she knew it would involve staying as far away from playgrounds and stuffed toys as possible when she first got out.


“Class. Georgia has something very important to show to all of you.”

Georgia blushed, then walked up to stand beside the teacher. And she walked with far less of a waddle than she had for the past two years.

“Go on,” the teacher instructed.

Georgia nervously lifted her dress, revealing the pullup beneath.

Some of the others looked at it in awe, while others looked jealous.

“You see class? Georgia has shown what happens when you work on your manners and your potty. You may go sit down now Georgia.”

Georgia blushed, and rushed over to sit on the floor, tugging down the short dress which barely covered her pullup along the way.

After assembly, Georgia took a nervous wandering path through the play yard. While she’d been wearing pullups at home for a few days - at least in the day - and had only had a few accidents in them in that time, she still wasn’t quite confident about walking around in such thin underwear.

How had she once done it, in real panties and all? And more importantly, how was Georgia going to plan her escape now? She had to get out of this. It had been almost two years. This was insane. All of her friends must be laughing their asses off once they found out where Georgia had gone. Even in pullups, she was still a laughing stock to them.

But within the daycare, in pullups she was like royalty.

She glanced around, noticing the ‘older’ group playing on the swings and slides. Technically she should go play with them. The pullups and diaper wearers rarely played together for long. But instead she looked around for Tonks. Tonks was still in diapers. Not that it seemed to bother her much. Still, right now Georgia had a physical advantage.

Walking around the yard for a bit, and only slightly dampening her pullups once when she stepped on a slippery bit of ground, she found Tonks with one of the new girls, teaching her how to play diaper drums. The unfortunate new girl was on her back while Tonks played the ‘drums’ by slapping her palms on the front of the girl’s diaper.

Georgia got closer to them. Tonks hadn’t been at class assembly, and had arrived late due to her ‘big’ sister needing to be dropped to school. As far as Georgia could tell, her ‘big’ sister was a five-foot-something woman who’d been returned to the third grade, and who was probably younger than Tonks, if barely having graduated highschool herself.

Today was the only day Georgia could pull this off before Tonks found out about her pullups. As she neared them, Georgia began tugging down her skirt like she always did, acting like she was trying to cover a diaper.

“Um Tonks,” she said, finding it a bit nerve wracking to talk to her even with her advantage.

“What is it ballerina?”

“Um, I got assigned to you as my play buddy today.”

“Huh? I already have a buddy.”

“I think there was a mixup, but that’s okay, because I don’t really need to play outside today any-”

Tonks was up and had her at the wrist.

“Nuh uh. You need to play outside.”

Georgia gaped as she was tugged forward. She’d thought this would at least be easier in a pullup, but Tonk’s legs were like muscled tree trunks beneath her layer of fat, and she easily tugged Georgia along despite her own diaper.

“Now we’re gunna play a game,” Tonks said, and Georgia nodded along. “If I catch you, I’ll put dirt in your diaper. And it ain’t my fault if you’re a big baby who can’t run fast and you get in trouble.”

Tonks turned away and bent over to fetch a handful of dirt. Georgia got a good look at her diapers, and considered that she’d been lucky to not see as much as Tonks lately, since she tended to focus on the new and most hopeless girls and boys.

Moving with lightning speed, Georgia bent over and grabbed a handful of dirt herself, then sprinted across the yard while Tonks was still dealing with bending over with the awkwardness of her diaper. In moments, Georgia had grabbed the back of Tonk’s diaper and shoved a handful of dirt in there.

“HEY!” Tonks bellowed.

Georgia couldn’t believe it. Wearing a big grin, she reached down and grabbed another handful of dirt.

“Dumb baby!” Georgia laughed, “You’re too slow in your diaper.”

“YOU-” Tonks began, spinning around, but Georgia had already gone. As Tonks righted herself after the rapid spin in her thick diaper, Georgia had grabbed another handful of dirt and appeared behind her. She easily got close enough to yank up her skirt without a noisy diaper betraying her, and shoved it into the back of her bratty rival’s diaper.

“Dumb baby! Dumb baby!” Georgia sang.

She glanced over by the sandpit, where somebody had knocked over a bucket of water. There was a patch of mud there, still wet and slimy. With an eager grin she made for the mud patch.

Somebody else in thick diapers tried to stop her. “Georgia…”

“Out of my way baby brat,” she boomed, not wanting any of Tonks’ lackeys to slow her down now. They were obviously just worried since they could never do this, and to them it seemed like insanity. But this might be her last chance for this, since she was fairly sure she was going to move on and up in the world now.

Grabbing a handful of mud, she spun around, and started racing back towards Tonks, who for her part seemed to be trying to catch some of the dirt which was still at the top of her diaper and pull it out.

“Here you little baby!” Georgia laughed, “Have a diaper which is dirtier a bit earlier than usua-”

Georgia blinked. A huge hand had gripped her wrist while she held the mud high in the air. A drop fell onto her face, and she blinked to keep it out of her eyes.


Georgia gulped. It was a teacher.

Well, she was out of here soon. Now that she was in pullups there was no way this place was keeping her.

“I think we need to call your Mommy!”

Something fluttered in Georgia’s stomach. No, not Mommy…

Why did a grownup have to appear now of all the times they’d played this game?


Georgia sat in the naughty chair by the door to the teacher’s room.

They hadn’t even spanked her, which seemed almost extra bad somehow, but then maybe it was a good sign, showing that Georgia was soon to be out of here and no longer some baby brat who they could spank.

She gulped when she saw Mommy appear through the daycare entrance. The huge woman marched across the playroom, with her huge hips straining against her jeans and her huge bosom jiggling with each angry step. She had the diaper bag over her shoulder, which was momentarily alarming, but then Georgia remembered that all her pullups were in there now, and they’d still taken that everywhere with them even in the days. Then again the wooden hairbrush was also in there…

The giantess gave her a firm glare, but was met by the principal, who shook her hand and then guided her into the head office on the other side of Georgia’s chair.

She sat nervously holding the sides of the plastic seat and swinging her velcro shoes.

“... putting dirt in her diaper…”


“... And poor Tonks has been so good lately…”

“She didn’t need that to set her back, indeed.”

“...Parental discretion…”


Georgia almost gasped when the door swung open, and immediately sat up straighter, away from where she’d been leaning forward to hear more of the conversation.

“Georgia. We’re ending today early. Come with me.”

Georgia slipped down from the seat, even as her dress rode up and revealed her pink princess pullup. She wasn’t sure whether to be relieved, and to hope that they were just ending her daycare enrolment early.

They crossed town - Georgia having to hold Mommy’s hand and her dress constantly riding up in the process - and Georgia winced and blushed the whole way. Somehow she didn’t feel like any less of a baby despite being in pullups now. She was an adult dammit! She forgot sometimes, but now she was getting closer to having it back, and was feeling the outrage all over again.

She felt certainly less like an adult when they went into the pediatrician’s office, and Georgia went through a full checkup. It wasn’t that she hadn’t had them before, and that Mommy didn’t usually keep them a surprise either so that Georgia didn’t fret about going to the doctor, apparently, but she still never felt ready for the rectal temperature checks, the greased gloves inspecting her every nook and cranny, the weighings before and after an enema, and the sugar free lollipop (since apparently sugar would send a Little like her hyper) which seemed to always act as a fast laxative, but which she was always expected to eat since it was a special treat.

By the time the awful ordeal was over, it was starting to get late, and Georgia feared Mommy would take up a nurse’s offer to put her in a diaper, since she would only be going home to bed anyway.

But thankfully Mommy waved it off, saying that Georgia had recently graduated to pullups. Though she said it quite coldly.


Georgia hated being the birthday girl, but at least this year she wasn’t in diapers. In fact she wasn’t even in pullups. Mommy had given her ‘real’ big girl undies to try on the special day. Though they were thick cotton trainers covered in cupcakes, and still didn’t help Georgia feel any more grownup.

She’d been having dreams about being grown up recently, and was starting to remember how it really was. In her dreams she even wore grownup suits, like Mommy did to work, though… Well, all too often her adult panties were on display. Even in her subconscious she’d gotten used to people often seeing her underwear.

Even now her special birthday panties weren’t well covered, with her short dress rising every time she lifted her arms - and she would be expected to lift her arms to receive a lot of presents. She remembered how it was when she turned ‘two’, though for her ‘first’ birthday she’d been treated as far more passive, with simply-wrapped presents. Three would be even older though, with bigger and more complex toys…

Except… When she walked out, all the signs said it was her first birthday. And Nanny was there, with something… which she was preparing on the table. Nanny’s work there had ended a few months ago, when Georgia had been waddling well and on her way to pullups.

“Oh honey, let’s get you fixed up,” Nanny said, and lifted Georgia onto the table.

No, wait, there was a diaper there. That wasn’t right. Nanny didn’t know!

Still, a pacifier was pushed into Georgia’s mouth, and the inflation lock was engaged. Georgia looked down mournfully as her panties were slipped away - and suddenly they did feel like big girl panties, knowing what the alternative was - but she knew better than to struggle and fight back and fuss with Nanny. The woman still had her usual hairbrush on her belt, and Georgia knew how it could sting on her thighs and backside.

Worse, Nanny didn’t just put her in waddlers. Georgia realized that she was being put into full-blown crawlers again! Like she hadn’t worn in over a year, at least not when out of the crib, and even then she’d been in waddler diapers at night for a while. No! What was going on??

“Everybody,” Mommy announced, bringing their attention to the present table, where far more simple present boxes awaited, not unlike Georgia’s first birthday…

“As you all know, Georgia has been very naughty, and needs to start over.”

They all turned to Georgia as she was sat up by Nanny, now wearing her thick diaper.

“But I believe that diaper punishment is very effective, especially when it’s needed additional times.”

The adult crowd nodded along. A few of the Little guests shuffled nervously to loud crinkles, or suckled faster on a pacifier while sitting in a Big’s lap.

“So everybody, say hello to Baby Georgia. As you can see she’s starting to cry and tantrum, just like Littles do when they’re returned to diapers. But in a few years she will be the sweetest little angel, and she will know never ever to put sand in another’s diaper again.”

“Now,” Mommy said, walking across the room and picking up Georgia, who now couldn’t even remotely close her legs. “Let’s use up all this tantruming energy to at least get her smash cake done.”

Georgia’s eyes widened as Mommy lifted her over a giant cake.

“Happy starting over Georgia,” was written on the frosting, in expert cursive writing, and Georgia once again realized that Mommy had been planning this for a while, probably ever since her daycare incident. At least, she was fairly sure that’s what it said, since the next moment Georgia had a facefull of cake, and everybody in the room was chuckling and clapping at her.



This is a story for Daymare in place of several captions, which I decided to try illustrating as a bonus. The second half might need some more proofreading, but I won't get a chance until tomorrow and decided to just post it so that people can have it. If anybody wants to hold out another day, there may be some minor fixes.


I've rewritten the ending on request for a potential sequel. There's some changes starting around the appearance of the walker but are mostly towards the end.


Is Awesome


I think adding a scene of Georgia being a bully would add a lot. It would make things feel more justified and also be quite true. She is helpless always and being treated as nothing so she would evel in the ability to dominate and be in charge of someone even lower than her.


I don't really want a sequel but more so a unabridged version. Like expand those scene's. I want to see her get punished for the mud in her diaper. Feelings of hopelessness and mind numming boredom as during her immobile phase. Stuff that right now is only implied. I'm not saying this version is bad or that an unabridged version should replace it. I think having both would be best. People can enjoy this one and if they wanted more of it they can go to the expanded one.


Maybe you could have made Jenni not even be a crawler yet and so Georgia bullies her and feels great about it. Being above someone and not being the victim whenever something goes wrong.