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A caption for FatherFish. The full text is below:


When Tina saw the photo of her older sister in a diaper, she almost burst out laughing. But why had the photo buzzed onto Tina’s phone as soon as she stepped into the house?

Tina realized that there was a message attached. Had her sister sent this as some sort of weird explanation of why she’d been so quiet lately? Tina scrolled down, still baffled by the odd picture of Anya looking like she was a cute baby playing on the ground, with a stuffed toy and a pacifier and all.

Do you have a big heart? Miss Goodchild’s School for Etiquette and Adoption is always looking to place wayward little ones with loving Mommies and Daddies. They come fully trained, just read our testimonials! p.s. You received this message due to proximity to Miss Goodchild’s Etiquette School. To opt out please text NOADOPTION to this number, or come in and speak to our front desk.

Tina stared, and started. What? Did this have something to do with- Tina paused at the entrance to the living room, where she saw a strange device pointed at the wall and creating a faint silvery rift. Wait, for real? That multiverse thing Anya had been talking about had actually worked? How had plans for such amazing technology just been left in this house before Anya moved in? How many months had she spent tinkering to get it to work??

Tina realized that it was connected to a computer, which woke up as she moved the mouse. What. On. Earth. She saw scribbled notes about a dialing program. Where had her sister been trying to connect to? A world of diapers? Was she… there right now?? It might explain the weeks of radio silence.

But no way would her serious sister ever do that on purpose. Tina remembered the time Anya had once needed to wear a diaper to bed after an accident, and Tina had teased her mercilessly, only for Tina to be punished with needing to wear a diaper to bed as well. Tina had always been… kind of curious, ever since then, but of course never told anybody.

But no way would Anya do it on purpose. Look! There was a plate of half-eaten toast, and a half-filled mug. Something had gone wrong? Anya had made some sort of mistake and was over there currently trapped in diapers?

That was hilarious!

Tina squeed and giggled as she inspected the picture again. From the vantage point of the photo, it almost looked like… like it had been taken by a giant? It might explain why Anya was laying there so submissively like a baby. That was… so weird! And it was so, incredibly, delicious!

If Anya was wearing diapers over there, was she actually… using them? How many weeks had it been? Tina checked her phone, and realized that it had been three weeks since Anya started ‘ghosting’ her. Of course, that wasn’t true after all. But was it up to three weeks of diapers? For real?

Oh what should Tina do? Help Anya? Maybe. It sounded like she’d gotten herself into this mess, and frankly with her attitude it seemed kind of deserving. But first…

Tina texted the number…

Is the girl in the photo recent?” (Was that even the correct phrase to ask with??)

Of course! We show the currently available wayward and lost adoption options, so that people walking by can form a connection and walk right in.”

Tina bit her lip. “And she’s trained? In Etiquette?”

Absolutely. All of our students know their pleases and thank yous, their curtsies and tooth brushing (if they have teeth).”

Tina shivered. Was that common enough to mention? “Does she have her teeth?”

Oh yes. She’d clearly been having a lot of substances which weren’t suited to her, but in the end we decided that she could keep them if she brushes them three times a day and sings the tooth brushing song.”

They decided to… let her keep them? Whoa. Hardcore.

And her diapers?”

She unfortunately had no chance with the potty, and is completely and utterly diaper dependant.”

Tina nodded, gulping, but then giving a nervous chuckle. Served. Her. Right.

And where is she from?”

Oh. She has quite the imagination.”

Of course. But is it far?”

There was a long pause, and Tina tapped her foot. Maybe she shouldn’t have asked so hard about that, given that Anya would have surely made a deal of it. Though perhaps she had had just lost the connection? No… On the top of the screen, it showed that she was actually making a new connection, but then it was gone again.

She has a tall tale, which we’ve all heard before. By the way, would you step slightly to the right to give a better connection?”

Tina shrugged, and stepped to the right. Towards the portal, so that made sense. Wait… The portal… Tina blinked and realized that there was some kind of robotic grapnel poking through, and before she even knew what was happening, it had grabbed her arm and yanked her through.


And here,” the tour host said, “Are the two twins.”

The husband and wife nodded, and glanced in through the nursery window to see two girls playing with blocks on the floor. They looked related, but perhaps weren’t twins. Their diapers weren't identical either, with one looking quite swollen and one girl appearing to be in desperate need of a change.

And these are part of your special new Littles?” the man asked, already deciding that he wouldn’t adopt this pair in particular.

Yes, our first ones. Though we have more going through training now.”

Are these two special in some way?”

Well, they are inseparable. Always to hold hands, always to play together, always to sleep side-by-side in the crib. You could say that their connection reaches out across space and time, and they’ll always be drawn together.”

The wife chuckled, though the husband rolled his eyes. Dramatic tales to entertain the would-be parents. Though he had no doubt somebody would adopt them, and soon. Somebody who was willing to change two pairs of dirty diapers would be just what those girls needed. Of course, sisters quarrelled endlessly, so you could always punish them with extra diapers and fewer changes, and that would surely keep them from causing any trouble.



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