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Jodie clenched the slip of paper in her hand.

“I think there’s been a mistake...”

Her best friend didn’t glance back from the mirror while he adjusted his fitted shirt, and Jodie snuck another look at Leo's tight pants.

“The machines are really clever Jodie. I don’t think they make mistakes. And they’re doing all of this to help everybody - to make us happy. It’s kind of like the reverse of every apocalyptic robot movie.”

“But…” Jodie said, glancing back down to the paper and the name printed on it. "The person I've been matched with…"

“You scored Jodie. Everybody's a bit jealous, even I am.”

Jodie shuffled. This was all wrong, but the way that people praised her matchup did make her feel at least… slightly proud.

“And I didn’t do so bad myself,” Leo said, grinning into the mirror.

Jodie stared. How could the machines have missed the obvious reality about who her ideal partner was? She thought they were going to tell him so that she didn’t have to. And now...

“You better get home to get ready for your date,” he said, thinking that he was being helpful.

Jodie’s mouth was dry. It was date night for everybody in group five, and it was all totally wrong.

She took a deep breath and reluctantly left his house, still betting on the machines realizing their mistake and partnering her with him. Surely they had to.

She barely noticed as she summoned and stepped into the flying cab, despite the wonder it had seemed a few days earlier. Everything had been more exciting before the machines had calculated who was best matched with who…

Showering and stepping into her bedroom, she gulped as she looked at the dress which she'd picked, back when she thought she was going to be partnered with Leo. It ended a little above her knees - just enough to be suggestive. She decided to wear something more mundane to make her intentions clear, and pulled on jeans and a t-shirt, over plain full cut underwear rather than anything lacy.

The entire ride over she was a bundle of nerves. She did at least get a moment of excitement from the view as they approached the enormous, floating restaurant which glimmered on the water. It was speckled with platforms with a dozen tables each, putting a few dating couples together at once. Dim lights sparkled in the gardens and along the bridges which connected each platform.

God, she was actually a bit excited about this date for just a split second. Then she remembered her calculated ideal partner result.

It turned to a paralytic sickness as she saw her table, and her date waiting.

"That is your date Jodie," the robot butler said.

"Yes, thankyou," she said with a tight fake smile. Could the robots read sarcasm?

With tense steps, Jodie made for her table. Her date was dressed up. Great. Now she felt terrible about the jeans and top. Was she being rude? Well, no, she just wasn't into…

Jodie sat down in front of the other woman, with a nervous gulp.

"Savannah." she said, unable to meet the elegant woman's eyes. Only, that left her glancing at a whole lot of cleavage.

"Hi Jodie," her date said with a smile. Of course, she'd probably needed a reminder of who Jodie even was from back in the day, since Jodie had never been super popular and memorable like Savannah had always been.

Come to think of it, she would have thought that somebody like Savannah would be married by now.

"I um," she began, feeling the need to cover herself despite being dressed with the way Savannah was smiling. "So, I think there's been a bit of a mistake..."


"Yes well see, I'm not actually a-"

She gasped as she realized that a robot butler was looming over her. Probably there to fetch their orders. Great.

"If you two would follow me?" it asked, using a masculine voice. "Jodie Potter is not properly dressed for the date. We will review the situation."

Jodie wanted to bury her face in her hands. Other people were noticing.

"Fine," she croaked out, not wanting to seem rude or make a scene.

"That sounds wonderful," Savannah said with a smile on her elegant face.

They stood and walked along the platform, obviously having some sort of issue due to the way Jodi was dressed.

Surprisingly, there were stairs down, and there was a whole basement level to this place.

"This way," the machine said, leading them down a hall.

Jodie gulped, feeling the presence of Savannah and her busty low-cut dress behind her, and even smelling her vanilla perfume, making sure there was no way out.

They entered a room, and were guided to a control panel beside a metal door.

"If you would step in Jodie. Perhaps your date can select what she'd like you to wear. That is after all in the spirit of being a couple, considering what makes the other happy."

Jodie opened her mouth but no words came out. So much for hoping that they'd figured out the mistake.


Perhaps she could dress up a bit, then at least the machines would leave her alone tonight while she could perhaps try to explain the situation to her… to her date.

Jodie huffed and stepped into the other room, then heard a woosh behind her as the door closed.

A moment later the wall turned transparent, and she saw Savannah on the other side holding the control panel which had been mounted outside the door. Wait... She was going to be able to see?!

Jodie panicked, having presumed that whatever her date picked would be delivered to her, to get changed in private. Maybe Savannah would still turn away once it was ready.

"So I tap here to start?" Savannah calmly asked the robot standing beside her.


"I can hear you in here!" Jodie called. Savannah kept her attention on the screen as she tapped away.

"Um hello?" Jodie tried again, waving her arms.

"Yes yes, we can hear you," Savannah said, not looking up, "Now be still while I select something. I've never used a robot dresser before."

Jodie's eyes widened. Robot dresser?

The floor lurched, and Jodie almost fell over. Then she realized that she was on some sort of conveyor belt, and a new doorway had opened in front of her.

She glanced to her side, and Savannah was walking along with her, though hadn't looked up from her screen.

"Um I'm still dressed, so maybe-"

"Right," Savannah said, then stabbed her finger at the upper corner of her screen.

All at once a dozen long snaking tubes rushed out of the walls. After a moment it became clear that they all had robot hands on the end, and were almost like something out of a cartoon.

And one of them began undoing the front button on her jeans.


"Hold on," her date commanded, seemingly focused on her screen. "I have to pick a wash option. Are you wearing any perfume? Hrm, I bet we can get you smelling nice. I wonder what baby fresh is."

Jodie would have screamed if it didn't risk causing Savannah to look up right now, where she might see that Jodie was stripped down to her underwear. The machines had rapidly lifted one foot and then the other, slipping off shoes like she was a child. Her shirt wasn't even fully off and they were already unclasping her bra, while other hands worked at her panties.

"Hrm," Savannah said, still watching her screen. Don't look up don't look up don't look up. "There's so many good wash options."

"Whichever you prefer!"

"Of course. Though is says here that there's some blockage issue and- There, that should fix it."

Jodie gasped as a machine hand slapped away her attempts to cover herself. It was almost enough to cause Savannah to look up and see Jodie in the full nude, which was not at all how she imagined being seen tonight just minutes earlier.

"Well, that's a wash selected. And now what else…"

Jodie's eyes widened as a full, sudsy tub was rolled towards her. Had her screams caused Savannah to press the wrong thing? A moment later she was lifted up and dumped into the bubbly mess.

She thought for a moment that the noise had caused Savannah to look up, but when Jodie looked again, Savannah was focused back on her screen. Well, she might not have seen any nudity if she'd looked up at that exact second anyway. It turned out to not be very deep, with Jodie sitting in an inch of cold water and a host of bubbles.

The arms rose up around the tub, each brandishing a stiff wash brush.

"Hrm, it says here there's another issue. There we go, that should fix it."

Jodie squeaked as a hand slapped her backside, dropping her concentration as she'd tried to wriggle away from the brushes. For a moment she was quite sure the whole thing was set to some child setting, but no, Savannah just hadn't noticed what she was doing, and Jodie hoped to keep it that way until after was dressed again.

She endured the rough scrubbing all over rather than risk causing Savannah to look up and see what Jodie had gotten into. The former head cheerleader was engrossed with the options on her screen, while Jodie sat with her arms around her shins and had clean water sprayed all over her. So cold!

"Hrm a quick medical check-up is always a good idea," Savannah said.

Finally, the arms were lifting Jodie out on the tub and were drying her off with towels. Unfortunately the towels then got whisked away, though then… Wait, why was the machine laying Jodie on her back?

Her legs were wrapped back in front of her chest like she'd been sitting in the tub, and then she saw… Oh no. A hand sailed over carrying a large glass tube with a round bulb on one end, and a large dollop of jelly on the narrower end, where a red line crept up the edge.

Sure enough, the machines inserted the thermometer right in her butt, and this time she did let out a little scream.

It was like something out of the kind of stories she liked… Was this truly in the program? Could the machines have misread the various literature online? Or was it all more real for checking temperature than Jodie had ever known?

Could Savannah see all this? Jodie's head was backed to the window and she couldn't check.

She moaned as the rectal thermometer was removed with a small pop, and then lay with wide eyes as a mechanical finger worked cream into her sore rear end in an apartment attempt to sooth what had just happened.

"Well it says that you're mostly healthy," Savannah clicked. Her voice carried so well through the glass, probably from all that cheerleader practice, and Jodie supposed that her own whimpers wouldn't be making it through. Hopefully.

"Now," Savannah said, "Let's get you dressed."

Jodie was defeated, but was surprised at how much relief those words gave her. Finally, she could get back into-

Wait. What was that crinkling?

Something slipped under her

Why was she being kept on her back?

A moment later she had confirmation as the thick white bulk of the diaper was pulled up between her legs.

It was a diaper. Like something out of those stories.

Only, it was like a real diaper scaled up, with Sesame Street characters waving on that big white front.

This was…

"You can't do this!" she screamed.

"Actually," the robotic voice of their host from earlier said, "This is the only type of matchup deemed suitable for you, with the amount of diaper fiction you read."

Powerful fingers pressed down on the tapes, pulling the diaper into a tight seal at Jodie's waist and legs.

"And," Savannah laughed, "It fits the kind of stories which Mommy likes to read."



"No!" Jodie shrieked, kicking helplessly with the thick bulk sending her legs out wildly. "No No No!! Those are just dumb fantasies! I'm into-"

"Oh," Savannah interrupted, "I know what you're into. Leering at boys, even boys in relationships like the way you used to always look at my boyfriend."

Jodie felt a rush of air, then dropped down onto a soft surface with a loud crinkle.

She looked around, and realized that she was in a crib. Only, there was a glass case around it, and she could see that she was embedded in the wall of somebody's home. Somebody's expensive mansion even. Had they been traveling all that time?

Savannah appeared, with a beaming smile, and led a huge hunk of a guy up to the glass window. She tapped on it, then laughed as Jodie scooted back, only to find that there was nowhere to go.

"Of course," Savannah said, a bit more muffled now, "I had to check how my husband felt about it. But when I explained that it was that creepy girl who was always watching him back in highschool, he was more than okay with this, especially since the machines say it's an ideal matchup."

Jodie gaped between them, seeing the guy nod and then leave his wife there with her new toy.

"You see Jiji, this is all you're good for," Savannah explained, "And even the machines agreed, with all the diaper porn you look at. Now-"

Savannah pressed a button on a wrist device, and the window into the house opened. It smelled like the ocean. And wealth.

"Give Mommy a kiss," she said, pointing to her lips.

Jodie whimpered, then crawled forward in the cramped space and delivered a kiss on Savannah's mouth. Thankfully she didn't seem interested in anything more than a light tap, and there wasn't any tongue. Jodie quickly moaned and scooted back into her crib, not quite believing how easily she'd just obeyed. But Savannah held all the cards here, and had a confidence which Jodie could never possess.

"Mm. I wouldn't be surprised if that was your first," Savannah said, running a finger over her lips, "But then that's to be expected with a useless little dweeb like you."

"So… so that's it? You're going to keep me here as your... lesbian slave?"

"Oh Jiji," Savannah laughed, "Mommy is into men. No matter what stories you might have read. My, what a filthy mind you have."

Jodie blushed, and looked down at her crib filled with dumb stuffed toys. So many were pink… It was like they'd found every pink toy from every major franchise from the last few decades...

"But," Mommy said, pressing a button on her wrist device, "You're not the only naughty brat over the years to have tried to move on my husband. And it seems you have some things in common with little miss prissy lawyer here."

As she spoke, the wall at the end of Jodie's crib opened, revealing another crib like her own. A woman in only a diaper started back at her with wide eyes. Though, her diaper was sagging quite heavily and had a noticeable brown tinge.

"I'll make sure you two get a partner at your own level," Mommy said, pressing some buttons which caused robotic arms to emerge from the ceilings of both their cribs.

Both diapered occupants were whisked up, emerging into some sort of common play space above their cribs, filled with bouncers and a seesaw and highchairs.

Savannah looked up at them through a narrow window above their cribs, and then pressed a few more buttons on her wrist.

The suspended girls were helpless as they were carried towards each other, and- oh no… Jodie's leg slipped through the legs of the other girl, until their diapers were pressed together in a tight embrace, forcefully helped by the machine hands holding them together.

"You girls enjoy your play date," Mommy called out, pressing the button which which began the motion of them pressing their diapers together. "Mommy and Daddy have a real date night for grownups."

The machines picked up speed when she left, humping their diapers together over and over in a suspended scissoring act.

The other unfortunate occupant of these cribs began crying at one point, though those eventually gave way to moans and gasps of excitement as the scissoring picked up speed.

Jodie wasn't quite sure how long it went on for, it was almost impossible to keep track of time there. And when Mommy returned and had them both lowered to cribs, each exhausted and putting up no fight when fed their giant bottles by the machine arms, Jodi realized that she'd have no good sense of time here, since her wall crib didn't have a view of a window outside.

She suspected it was close to midnight, however, when she finally had a bowel movement, since that was when it normally happened every few days. What the machine hand patted the back of her full diaper, unfortunately using a bit of force, she had to wonder if Savannah was behind it and had been awake all this time, or whether, like everybody had always said and which Jodie had refused to believe, the machines had found out what each person was suited to most of all, then made sure they got it.

As she felt the warm reminder between her legs of the suspension act earlier, she had to wonder if the machines hadn't got it right in a way she herself could never have managed. Did she really think she was getting with Leo? No, of course not, he was probably at home right now with a real woman.

As if detecting her cycling thoughts, the machines interrupted by opening a wall and sending her blushing play partner in on all fours. They wrapped themselves in each other's arms at the machines' nudging, unfortunately still only wearing diapers, and Jodi supposed that this was the best she was ever going to do in bringing somebody home. She tried to ignore the distant sound of bed springs where Savannah and her hunky husband were probably going at it like real adults, and told herself that it was probably just the sounds of the machine arms deactivating for the night.



That was a fun and interesting twist on the whole robots theme. Nicely done!