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“Oh,” Marie chuckled, “I don’t know if it’s for me.”

Across the cafe table, Debrah shrugged. “Suit yourself.”

Marie raised her tea to her lips, and glanced to her left at the topic of conversation.

Debrah’s ‘daughter’, currently asleep in her stroller, with a line of drool connecting to the pacifier which was hanging between her breasts. Well, they weren’t real breasts, not like an Amazon had, but with the flimsy little t-shirt she was wearing, the weight of the pacifier and the ribbon it was tied to was enough to reveal their outline.

Marie didn’t deny that it was cute. In fact it was a large part of the reason she’d taken the plunge and finally decided to visit her friend overseas, just to see what she’d heard rumours about. Of course there were those who brought adoptions back home, but it was nowhere near as numerous as in this place. In the cafe alone, there were three adopted Littles in either strollers or highchairs, though it was moderately busy.

“Well,” Debrah asked, “What about the other thing?”

Marie smiled. “I have the job if I want it.”

“Congrats. Not that I know what an interior designer does.”

Marie laughed. “Well I don’t know what a modern artist does.”

“Mostly just drinks coffee at cafes,” Debrah grinned.

To their side, Milli stirred.

“Oh honey,” Debrah sighed, reaching over to wipe away the drool, and returning the pacifier to her mouth. “You need to be more careful with that don’t you?”

Milli blinked, then glanced down at the pacifier in her mouth, and a distinctive frown flashed across her face.

Marie’s heart could have melted. For all her pouting, she was easily constrained by the many straps and would stay where she was told. They’d taken off her skirt after the morning spent at the playground, and her disposable diaper removed any doubt about whether she was the big girl that she’d like to claim.

“Well,” Debrah said, placing down her cup, “I better get going. If you like the apartment, do let me know. I’m sure you’d love to stay around here.”

Marie took another sip from her tea. “We’ll see.”

She watched as Debrah collected her things and pulled out the stroller. Marie considered whether she should give Milli a kiss or something, but really wasn’t sure. She didn’t really like kids, though Littles were something different, and kind of cute in their patheticness. Had that girl really been a kind of woman before Debrah had corrected her? It seemed impossible. Marie had seen the pictures of her nursery and crib.

“I better get this little munchkin to her nap. I think all the adult conversation was a bit too much for her.”

Marie nodded.

“I’ll see you Debrah. Bye bye Milli. You be a good girl for your Mommy.”

Milli’s blush was a wonderful prize.

“Say buh-bye Milli.”

The Little raised a reluctant hand, and gave a little wave with her fingers. It was cute, or kind of pathetic, but that was cute too. Had the girl really been having accidents before all this? Marie could almost imagine somebody just putting one in diapers anyway, if they were as cute as Milli. Who would ever know? A woman walked by pushing a pram, and for all anybody knew, the Littles or Littles in there were just too cute to leave in adult life.

Marie watched Debrah navigate her way out through the cafe, then leaned back into her chair. It was nice here, really. Good weather, good food, nice people, and -

Oh. Debrah had left a bag on the ground. It was long and pink, with long shoulder straps, almost like a gym bag but more blocky. Marie leaned under the table to collect it, then unzipped the top to check if it was anything important.

Diapers. Dozens of them. Powder. Wipes. Ointments. A changing mat. Some bright t-shirts, onesies, and overalls.

Could she catch up to Debrah in time?

She stood, nodding in thanks to the staff who had served them, and made her way out with the bag on her shoulder. Where could Debrah be? The street was packed for the lunchtime rush, and there were a few large women with strollers in every direction she looked. More of the occupants seemed to be Littles than not. One was a somewhat larger cheerleader, who seemed to be diapered and blushing away as she endured some sort of punishment. Was that her mother behind her?

Marie checked her watch. She had to get to that apartment inspection soon. Ah hell, she’d just have to take the bag with her, and would get it back to Debrah later.

How did one carry a diaper bag? She supposed over her shoulder, though it felt wrong, since she hardly imagined herself as a mother.

And that was what Debrah was now, wasn’t it? A mother? It seemed slightly different. It was almost like her friend was a dominatrix, with the way she had that Little bound up, and the way that she punished her. The spanking had been quite a surprise, but then Milli had said a bad word. Nobody in diapers should be squealing that out loud, just because somebody pulled on her hair at the playground. And it had done her good, with her apologizing afterwards.

Marie strode through the city, getting a few smiles from other women with diaper bags or strollers. Yes, she definitely felt like a bit of an imposter, though it wasn’t all bad. Earlier in the day she’d noticed that Littles, the types wearing grownup clothes, had seemed nervous around her. Now they seemed to outright avoid her and cross the road or disappear into an alleyway, as if she couldn’t notice them and their silly attempts at being sneaky.

It was nice to feel that she could keep the apparently-guilty on their toes. Maybe she should walk around with a diaper bag more often while she was here. Not that she was ready to adopt and be a mother herself, of course, but perhaps while it was so much fun.

Then she saw something. A girl. Well, a Little woman. She wore a grey suit jacket and skirt, but it seemed poorly fitted, and she was obviously wearing too much makeup. Without her high heels, just how short was this girl really?

Marie saw her take one look in her direction, then spin around and pretend that she needed to walk into the lobby of a building. Only, as Marie walked closer, she saw that the girl couldn’t get through the next door, and the whole act was obviously fake.

She looked incredibly guilty. The little thing understood that right?

Marie frowned, and turned into the lobby. She marched up right behind the girl.

“Are you supposed to be going in there?”


“I asked you a question, miss.”

Slowly, reluctantly, the Little turned around.

God, she was cute.

“Is this, um, your building?”

“Nice try, little miss. Are you trying to break in?”

“N-No. I must have had the wrong building.”

Marie raised an eyebrow. What a terrible liar. Of course, she’d just had a full day of examples for how to properly talk to Littles.

“Telling lies is naughty, isn’t it?”

“I… Yes Ma’am…”

Marie felt a wave of satisfaction. Yes, this was right. The girl had some manners too, so maybe Marie wouldn’t have as much fun with her as she thought. Though, there was a hint of dishonesty about her. Then again, Marie had thought that about Millie too, and Millie had been in diapers and getting trained for how long now?

Marie frowned, and pinched the girl’s jacket at its puffed shoulders.

“Why are these so poorly fitted?”


“Are you playing dress up with something you stole? Are you really a big girl?”

“I… These are mine. I am!”

“Prove it. I can’t leave you here alone if you’re playing dress up and just pretending to be a big girl.”

“I… My tax file number is-”

Marie sighed, and released the diaper bag and dropped to one knee. In a flash, she had the girl’s skirt pulled up, with her fingers against her mature black panties..

“Wet,” she sneered.

“It’s… It’s just sweat!”

Marie took the girl by the shoulders and spun her around, then delivered two quick smacks to her backside.

“Apologize for lying about your undies being wet right now.”

The girl instinctively pulled away, but Marie held her in place, partly to keep her balanced in those silly high heels.

“I’m… I’m sorry for lying… about… my undies being wet.”

Marie huffed. That would do for now, and she spun the girl back to face her, then checked her panties again with her whole hand pressed against them.

“These are even wetter than before!” Marie exclaimed, genuinely surprised. It perhaps wasn’t all pee.

The girl was blushing hard. “You surprised me! And-”

Marie rolled her eyes, and yanked the panties down.

“What are you-”

“Well we can’t take this risk until we find out if you’re a big girl.”

“But I-”

She fell silent with bulging eyes as Marie opened the diaper bag. It was so stuffed that the diapers practically begged to be let out. Had Debrah even used any of these today? Or had she changed Millie earlier with a spare from the stroller?

From the corner of her eyes, she noticed the girl eyeing the door out, but she didn’t try anything.

“Until I determine that you’re a big girl,” Marie announced, fluffing out a diaper, “I’m going to keep you in these. With how poorly fitted those clothes are, it’s impossible to tell.”

Marie worked quickly, to her own surprise, bringing a diaper up between the girl’s legs, pushing two stuffers in both sides, and emptying a bottle of powder into both ends. It had only been a few heartbeats and the diaper was being taped up. Each freed tape echoed loudly through the small lobby.

Marie gave a pat to the front of the thick diaper and admired her handiwork.

“But I can barely-” the girl whined, wobbling on the spot.

“Oh for goodness sake,” Marie said, and reached down to guide the girl’s feet out of the high heels. “What ridiculous things. No wonder I have to give you this test. Now hurry up, I have places to be.”

The girl’s eyes widened as she realized that Marie intended for them to go outside.

“But I can’t go out… I run a big firm around-”

Marie shot her a stern look.

“What’s your name?”

“Anastasia Silv-”

“Well, Tasha, you are already in enough trouble as it is. Do we need to repeat our little lesson from before? I thought it would be easy for you to prove that you’re a big girl if you’re given a fair chance?”

The girl fidgeted, which was accompanied by an adorable crinkling, especially coming from a brat who had thought that she could get away with it until moments ago.

“Maybe I can arrange to pay-”

Marie rolled her eyes, and reached into the bag where she’d seen a freshly sealed pacifier still in its casing. Had Debrah really packed it like that?

A moment later, she had the girl obediently suckling, which was much better.

“I don’t want your play money sweetheart.”

The girl looked like she might stomp her foot, which was adorable. Though her bare feet were an issue.

Marie fished out some velcro sneakers from the bag as well. She decided to leave the rest of her silly outfit for now, since they were having a test. Plus, well, it was more obvious now how much the outfit looked like a poorly fitting dressup game, with the diaper poking out from beneath the bunched up grey skirt.

“Now come along,” Marie ordered, taking the girl’s hand, and marched her towards the door. Whatever resistance the girl gave was negligible, and Marie smiled, feeling like she matched the diaper bag on her shoulder a bit more now.


“And this here is the master bedroom. It’s all been renovated.”

Marie nodded, impressed. It was just like in the pictures really.

“One moment,” she told the realtor.

She turned and crouched down. With two fingers, she checked Tasha’s diaper again.

“Good girl. Still dry.”

Tasha was scarlet, but was still silenced by the pacifier. She didn’t seem to dare take it out.

The realtor beamed down at Tasha, as if it were some big accomplishment that she’d stayed dry.

“The next room is the guest bedroom,” he explained. “Though the previous occupants had it remodelled as a nursery.”

Marie’s eyebrows rose. That hadn’t been on the listing. But then they had used the photos from the previous sale.

They opened the door. There were pink, yellow, blues, and whites everywhere. Clowns on the walls. Louvered closet doors wide open. A breeze lifted gauzy curtains. And in the centre…

“Yes as for the crib. Well, the previous occupants couldn’t get it out through the door, and they decided to leave it here until it was confirmed that it needed to be destroyed.”

Beside her, Marie felt the Little suddenly spasm strangely and squat a bit, letting out a small moan from behind her pacifier.

Marie frowned, and crouched down to check the girl’s diaper again. She poked her fingers in, and felt..

“Wet.” she announced. Though it wasn’t a lot. Still, she felt a smile growing on her lips.


“Darla is coming to visit next week.”

Marie nodded, and sipped at her coffee.

“I was thinking…”

Marie smiled. “Yes. Of course.”

“What?” Debrah asked, looking confused.

“Leave a pink bag beneath the table, and pretend to have lost it?”

Debrah blinked, then laughed. “I’d do no such thing.”

Marie smiled again. “Of course not.”

She glanced over to the strollers. Both Tasha and Milli were out cold, their pacifiers having fallen from their lips. Tasha needed a change, but it could wait. They’d just had such a big day at the playground.

And, well, Marie was curious. That new rocking horse was being delivered today, and despite Tasha’s claims, she would want to ride it. But it was a new flat-seated design, which was supposed to do very little for excitable Littles, and Marie was curious to see how much Tasha would try, even in a messy diaper. By the end of it the girl might realize what a silly hopeless brat she was, and that’s when Marie would swoop in, maybe giving her some relief with a horsie ride on her knee. Or, perhaps she’d just clean her up and put her to bed with her hands in mittens, the ones with jangly bells on them so that “Mommy knew she wasn’t playing with any toys she shouldn’t be at night.”


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