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Please see the attached file on the post. It has audio so be considerate of any speakers connected or paired.

It's not a full movie yet, more just a proof of concept.

This took so hilariously long but most of the time was in trying new things, to figure out what worked.

There's about twenty more half-finished scenes which weren't quite coming together right, but this has led to the creation of a voice synthesis tool (which will be trialed in another video being uploaded today), as well as a dozen assets for future use like a 3D tricycle, harness and leash combo, some new diapers which are much more flexible, and much more.

Next I need to make a better post-processing workflow so that I can improve frames without having to copy and paste edit layers across as is my current only option in an ancient copy of Paint Shop Pro, and may look into Blender's Grease Pencil.

All in all it might not look like much, but this is confirmation that I will be able to put together proper diaper movies with voices and all, and tell some stories that way. Artificial Intelligence tools for media synthesis are going to explode in the next few years, and may make things even more interesting.




For a first try, it looks not bad. I'm not a fan of the art style, but that's just my personal opinion. Please keep up the good work. I'm looking forward to more such movies^^


Yeah the art style is essentially more what's possible than what I'd prefer. It's very loosely Disney inspired, but it might be time to consider ways of improving it.


Definitely the most ambitious thing I've seen in my almost two decades in the community. If you ever need a clip of a grown woman crying like a baby, I know of an enema movie where the lady sounds so convincing, every comment says stuff like "She sounds like a damn baby" and "had to mute to enjoy this scene."


It could be worth checking out. One of the big problems I've found with sound editing is the background ambience being surprisingly loud and unique per source, though the sources for diaper sounds in clips etc are maybe not the highest quality.


Excellent work, and like everyone else said, very ambitious!


Not sure how much this might help, but I know with Fruit Loop Studios you can edit wav files and remove ambient noise that you don't want, the program isn't free though :(


I love this so much! Especially the Diaper Change!


this is awesome!! i think you are one of my favorites for sure and cant wait to see more. i look forward to an even longer full on movie one time. maybe making one of your comics into a story-land of the giants or something like that.