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Elizah glared at the shoppers around her. They were scooping up everything. Who needed that many tampons, seriously.

The shrinking virus wasn’t even real. Well, okay, maybe a few people had gotten a bit shorter, but that happened normally, she was fairly sure. Gravity or something.

Though it did seem to predominantly affect young people, supposedly. Fifteen percent in one place or another, she’d heard.

She huffed, and turned into the aisle to get- Seriously? There was not a single package of toilet paper on the shelves. The whole thing was stripped bare.

A few people were even stocking up on diapers. Wait, they weren’t going to wear- No, the diapers were much too small. So what was their plan then?

Oh to hell with it. She’d go home, and would go shopping again tomorrow. Things would have calmed down by then. Everybody was just being stupid.


“Quarantine?” Elizah gasped. “But I live there.”

“Sorry ma’am. But your roommate is showing signs of the shrinking virus. You can’t go in for two weeks.”

“Oh she’s probably just wearing the wrong pair of shoes or something,” Elizah huffed, and crossed her arms. She glanced back to her townhouse, and realized that her lower lip was out in a trembling pout.

“Can I at least get some um-”

“No. Once the virus has run its course it doesn’t seem to spread. Until then you need to stay away, though you might need to consider what things might be like now with a roommate about… this high.”

She glanced down, and blinked. That wasn’t just a bit of shrinking. That might not even be preschool height.


Well, that would show Neira, she was always a bit hot and snooty.

“Um, ma’am. Has your top always been that loose fitted?”

“Mm?” Elizah asked, and glanced down.

Her top did indeed seem loose, and she frowned.


Elizah stormed through her house.

“I can’t believe this!”

“I know!” Neira replied, stomping around herself. “What am I supposed to do if I need something? Wait for those stupid emergency personnel to deliver it?”

Elizah paused, and stared. Neira really did seem kind of shorter, and her clothes definitely didn’t seem to fit right. It was probably all just a notion put into her head by the panic, and Neira’s clothes had always been like that. After all, she didn’t really spend much time looking at her body, she was more interested in-

“Oh no!” she cried.


“That date I have this week.”

“The guy from the Internet?”

“Yeah,” she blushed, still a bit embarrassed about resorting to that, “He looks real hot too.”

“They’ve gotta let us out,” Neira announced, bunching her fists.

“Absolutely. I’m going to march out there right now, and-”

Elizah paused. Had the doorknob always been that high?

She was blinking at it, when it began to turn on its own. Wait, had she willed-

It opened from the outside, and she scooted back.

In walked a woman wearing a navy blue skirt suit, with a huge bag over her shoulder.

“Hrm,” she said, “Which one of you is Elizah?”

“I… I am.”

Where had the world found such a tall woman?!

Or, wait, was it the other thing...

“And so you must be Neira?”

She glanced back, and saw her roommate half-hiding behind the kitchen door frame. Neira looked fairly normal sized, if not cowardly, so either this woman was really big, or both Neira and her had actually, er...

“Are you here to take us out to get supplies?”

The woman eyed her critically.

“We’ll need to work on those manners I see. Hello, it’s nice to meet you too. I am Missers Sevra.”

“And um, why are you here?”

She smiled with just half her face, then closed the door behind her.

“To help you of course.”

“But we’re, like, in quaran-”

She held up her hand.

“It seems that I am immune to the virus, as many are. My home, however, is temporarily unavailable, due to shortages at the estate gatehouse. Therefore I will be staying here, and helping you two.”

Elizah found herself scooting back for every step the giant of a woman took.

“We don’t need any help.”

Mrs Sevra snorted.

“We’ll see. This kitchen is filthy. Do you girls not know how to do dishes?”

“It’s… We had a lot to deal with the last few days, with the virus and all.”

“I was out all morning trying to get supplies!” 

“Mmmhmm. Are those them in that store bag there?”

“Yes! So you can see-”

“It looks like this is mostly sugary snacks and instant coffee.”

“Well,” Elizah blushed, “There wasn’t a lot available.”

“How do you know you’re immune to the virus anyway?” Neira asked, suddenly stepping forward.

“That’s a good question dear. My boss shrunk, and it seems that by now I would be infected if I could be.”

“Doesn’t it only affect younger people?”

“Mostly, there are exceptions. Though my boss is only thirty-four. We had nepotism to thank for that brat of a platinum blonde. I’m starting to develop a theory about what types of people are affected by the virus, judging by what I’ve seen.”

The girls glanced at each other. Some sort of genetic similarity?

“Well um, can you go get us some stuff?”

“Yeah,” Neira said, “We’re out of toilet paper.”

“Wait, we are?? I thought we um had one more...”

Neira blushed. “The food in my stomach maybe didn’t shrink with the rest of me...”

Elizah frowned, and felt her own stomach rumble.

“There’s no toilet paper, and won’t be for weeks.”

“What?? But what do we-”

Missers Sevra held up her hand.

“We’re going to practice not squealing and minding our manners.”

Elizah glowered. But... Damn, this woman was intimidating at her size. She’d at least never imagined that she’d see breasts which looked so big to her. And that was even with some weird art she’d seen on the Internet because, well, she was very single…

“I have, however,” the woman said, turning to her bag on the table, “Gotten what was available, and which I’ve found is useful after helping with my boss for a week. Thankfully she’s with her sister right now.”

She pulled out a giant pack of toilet paper, still sealed in its original bag.

The girls’ eyes lit up.

“Oh thank goodness. I can go put those in the bathroom right n-”

“These are mine,” Mrs Sevra warned, turning to eye the girls sternly. “I will ration them, and let you use them if you’re very good. With supervision, to make sure that you’re not wasting them.”

Elizah felt her cheeks turn red.

“But what are we-”

The woman reached into her bag.

“There were other options left.”

She pulled out a giant two-hundred pack of diapers, which immediately sold themselves as for bedwetting ages which could nearly be counted on one hand.

“Oh I’m not-”

“Oh hell n-”

“Now don’t be ungrateful girls. These fit you now, while you’d struggle with using a bathroom. We’re in quarantine, and there’s no toilet paper. Frankly, sharing toilet seats while contagious probably isn’t a good idea anyway. Besides, these will fix another problem you have, since I doubt that either of you bought panties in your new size, after all.”

Elizah gaped, and realized that she’d been awkwardly holding up the side of her pants for goodness knew how long.

“And-” Mrs Sevra added, “You were reported as difficult cases, so will be quarantined to your bed or living room at times, when I might not be there to help you with the toilet. I think the infected are finding that diapers are quite the lifesaver.”

Elizah curled her nose.

“I’m not-” Neira sputtered.

“Yeah there’s no way that-” Elizah began, then stared at how much Neira had shrunk. She looked like she’d been playing dressup in her mother’s wardrobe.

Mrs Sevra gave a sigh, and reached into her bag.

“I expected as much, though didn’t think that I’d need Mrs Hairbrush this quickly.”

She pulled a giant, wooden hairbrush from her bag, with a shimmering, polished finish. Huh? They didn’t need to brush their hair, so what could the woman mean, unless...

“The hairbrush has barely gotten a rest too. I forgot how bad you girls are in the beginning.”

Elizah’s eyes widened. Oh no…

All at once, both Neira and her were running.

“Nuh uh, bad girls. You get back here. You are only making it worse.”

Except, there was nowhere to go. Elizah’s clothes were falling off, and, as it turned out, she’d vastly underestimated the difference in strides.

A strong hand gripped her arm, and all at once she was being marched back, her clothes tumbling beneath her feet. She got a glimpse beyond the woman’s legs of Neira in a similar predicament.

“Nooo!” Elizah wailed, as the woman held both her and Neira’s wrists up high in one giant hand, “But we’re not-”

The first spank landed on her backside, with a loud whap.

She squealed, trying to pull away, only for her arm to be lifted higher, pulling her to her tippy toes.

An identical spank landed on Neira’s backside beside her, and she heard a scream as wood met flesh.

“Are you going to be good?”

“No!” they both shrieked. “This is-”

The spanks began raining down. The girls squealed and danced. Perhaps it could be heard out on the street, but with quarantine, nobody was coming to help.

“This is not at all acceptable girls. We are in a serious situation. And there clearly hasn’t been an adult here in a long time. Look at this place, it’s filthy.”

“I t-t-told you! We were bus-s-s-”

Elizah tried to jump away as the next spank came, having sensed the air moving behind her as the woman warmed up another swing. But the grip was impossible to escape. It landed with a thwap which interrupted her excuses.

It seemed negotiations were over. The woman sped up the spanking, swatting each girl in turn, then surprising the girls with a half dozen quick slaps.

Elizah danced from foot to foot, entirely in the woman’s grip, squealing helplessly. Snot and tears coated her face.

Life became a blur of stinging pain on her backside, when suddenly with a shudder and moan, she realized that she’d had an orgasm, of sorts. It at least wasn’t obvious with the state they were in. The spanks continued on, and the small orgasm faded as she found that the punishment overruled everything.

Elizah wasn’t quite sure when the spanking ended. She remembered lots of sobbing, not only her own, as she was marched along by the wrist. Her roommate was naked beside her, but she couldn’t see a thing through her tear-soaked eyes.

There were crinkles, some stern words. Some questions and further spanks, where she made promises to be good.

Then it happened. She was being sat down on a diaper. Her ass was on fire. She was told that it didn’t matter, and to not disobey. Powders and creams were rubbed into her backside by a giant hand. One moment it would sooth and the next it stung like all hell, but she was warned against any more disobedience.

When she finally began to regain sense of herself, she found herself laying on her back, her legs spread with a giant of a woman wiping her around down there with her big hand.

She turned her gaze to follow the length of the woman’s other long arm, and saw it going down to her roommate who was also on her back beside her, completely naked, and with the wings of a diaper rising up waiting from beneath her butt.

Elizah made an incomprehensible squeak and moan, and quickly glanced away. Only, her gaze took her right back to the giant woman. This awful Mrs Sevra…

And her enormous breasts, which were swinging against her top as she leaned forward… Her necklace was a hypnotic pendulum.

No no no. How small had she gotten? This shrinking thing couldn’t be real, could it??

There was nowhere good to look… She tried glancing down, only to see her naked lower half comfortably waiting upon an open diaper, entirely the right size for her, while a giant hand worked cream into her crotch.

And, oh fuck, to top it off, she was moments away from having another orgasm! She-

“That should do it,” Mrs Sevra huffed, lifting her cursed and blessed hand away. “You girls do not move, do I make myself clear?”

They nodded and mumbled what sounded like agreement.

Mrs Sevra gave them a stern look, but seemed to decide that was enough with a shake of her head.

She began pulling up the diaper. Oh no…

The thickness was inescapable. The woman had added some sort of soaking pads in there, like she actually expected them to use these diapers, and not be able to hold it until the rationed toilet time…

Elizah might have been in a small body, but she was still a big girl. She could hold- Wait, what had Neira said before about the food in her gut not shrinking with her?.. Elizah’s stomach rumbled ominously.

The woman’s hands moved with expertise. She’d obviously done this before.

Elizah gave a testing wiggle of her backside, just to try to make sense of the bulk, then regretted it as Mrs Sevra pulled up her leg by the ankle and delivered a hard smack to her thigh.

“You hold still Elizah. You can bounce around later. There’ll be plenty of time in quarantine.”

The pressure came down hard on her crotch as the woman pinned the diaper into place, then there was the sound of shimmering taut plastic against the floor, and the woman pulled the wing tapes free. Oh god...

Elizah gaped down over her breasts, then had to look away.

She should have gotten more toilet paper… She should have taken it all more seriously at the start…

Mrs Sevra moved with such grace. The diaper was taped up tight, and given a firm pat on the front. It felt so strange beneath all the padding.

She glanced over as Neira was diapered up as well, and tried not to gape too much at her nudity. Wait, had Neira just been watching her get diapered up the same way and seen her fully naked? She’d not even considered she was there all this ti-

Neira gave a squeal as the woman pinched her thigh.

“Stop wiggling. This is serious. We don’t have enough diapers to waste them if you make me tape this one wrong. If you girls had a reasonable supply of toilet paper then I wouldn’t need to put you into these, now would I?”

Mrs Sevra finished diapering up her housemate, who looked ridiculous, like a half-doll and half-woman in that big diaper. Well, it was a normal-sized diaper really, but she’d shrunk to fit it. With how much of a mess they were after their spanking, it might have almost seemed that they were the advertised wearing age if not for their boobs.

Oh god, their boobs. Both she and her housemate had them out, and-

Elizah’s glanced at Mrs Sevra’s real boobs swinging away inside her top, and she realized how insignificant and small her and Neira’s were now. Oh god, she didn’t even have real boobs anymore.

“There,” the woman announced, patting the front of Neira and Elizah’s diapers at the same time, creating a symphony of crinkles. “That will get us through the quarantine. And goodness, don’t you girls look cute.”

The girls gave a few test wiggles, despite their burning bottoms. They were interrupted as Mrs Sevra pulled them to their feet one by one, only to discover what it was like standing with a thick diaper between their legs. Elizah could feel her butt swinging out way too far behind her, while the diaper weighed between her legs with incredible bulk. She glanced over at Neira, who was covering her chest, and looking utterly awkward as she gave a few test swings of her big bottom. Worse was how right it all looked on her with the size of the world behind her, and Mrs Severa’s enormous leg towering up over her.

“What do you say girls? Do I get a thank you?”

“These are uncomfortable!”

“When can we take them ofmmmph!”

The girls blinked as Mrs Sevra inserted something into her mouths, then wiped her hands on a cloth.

“Well, I should have expected that,” she huffed. “You girls are so difficult at first, just like my former boss. We’re going to spend this quarantine learning manners, to wait to speak, and that mouths can be for more than junk food.”

Elizah couldn’t make heads or tails of what was in her mouth. She glanced at Neira, just as her housemate glanced back, and their eyes widened together as they saw the pacifiers bobbing in front of their cheeks, looking so right above their bare stomachs and big diapers.

“Now,” Mrs Sevra said, “Quarantine is going to last some time, and there’s no need to rush it. You girls are going to spend an hour facing the wall, with your hands on your heads, and then we’re going to see if you can be polite and thankful, and appreciative that I’m getting you through these toilet paper shortages. Understood?”

She held out an arm pointing at the wall, and raised her eyebrows.

The girls hesitated, then quickly waddled over to the wall. They made a point of not looking at the hairbrush on the floor, among all the diaper supplies.

“Hands on head girls.”

The girls whimpered, their bottoms serving as a stark reminder within their diapers, and each raised her arms to interlock their fingers above their head.

“One hour.”

It sounded as though Mrs Sevra left. Elizah wanted to turn around to check, but chickened out each time she got halfway. The weight of her pacifier ring felt odd as it moved beyond her puffed up cheeks. The diaper compressed between her legs each time she even tried to turn, crinkling and rubbing, making it clear that there’d be no way that she’d be doing anything stealthy now while wearing one of these.

She was fortunate not to have turned as Mrs Sevra returned a moment later. Their new hostess wound something up, then placed it down behind them.

“One hour,” she repeated.

Elizah heard the ticking of a clock.

One minute was an eternity. She couldn’t do this! And this was crazy. There was no way she was using diapers.

Elizah didn’t make it to ten minutes before she was hopping from foot to foot, and stealing glances at the ceiling over her swinging pacifier ring. What  had Neira mentioned about the food not shrinking with her? Or maybe it was all in her head.

But she could hold it. There was no way-

Elizah froze mid-way through one of her stomps, then very slowly spread her legs.

Behind her, her diaper crinkled and swelled, then after a short pause, it sagged with a sudden weight. Yet that wasn’t the end of it, and she grunted and groaned as she closed her eyes and bit on her pacifier.

Off to the side, Neira’s diaper began to crinkle and shift too.


The young delivery man rang the doorbell. He wiped a bead of sweat from his forehead, and suddenly panicked that he had the virus, before reminding himself that he was immune. It was just an effort lugging these boxes up the stairs. In truth the air had never been fresher, the days more pleasant, and he’d been pushing himself to a new level of fitness.

After a long wait, the door finally opened. A stunning middle-aged woman with dark, tumbling hair greeted him. She was wearing a bathrobe which was loosely tied, and he gawked for a moment at her half-exposed breasts.

“Oh good. Could you use a drink, young man?”

“Thank you. It’s been a huge day.”

She nodded into the house.

“Just bring it to the table.”

He picked up the huge box, and took a few awkward steps inside.

The place was nice. Very clean. Smelled a bit like lavender.

“Have you been doing well?” he asked, making for the table.

“Yes, thank you. We’ve had a good three weeks. And if it really continues on for another three like some people are suggesting, I think we’ll be fine.”

We? He glanced around, and spotted two highchairs standing by the kitchen wall. Oh, of course. He wondered if the woman had kids, or if it was… the other thing...

He placed the box down with a heavy thud, and began tearing off the tape.

The busty woman approached with a glass of water for him, which she stood ready with. God, her robe was barely tied up.

“Th-thanks. And here we go,” he announced, pulling out a giant package of toilet rolls. “The shortage is officially over.”

She smiled, and handed him the glass.

“Thank you. Was the rest of my order in there?”

“Oh I-?” He peaked in, and realized there was more.

“Ah. Canned beans. Carrots. Peas. Potatoes. Powdered milk. Oatmeal. Ah, an orange juice. Two packs of diapers. Skincare cream. Oh, and some kids’ books.”

“Thank you. I’ll put these away. Would you go put those books in the playpen?”

He followed her pointing hand and nodded, then carried the books through the house. In truth he snuck a look back at her in that robe, god she was hot.

Rounding a corner, he found a living room with a TV and playpen. There were a few toys scattered inside. A lot of houses seemed to have these during the quarantine now. Probably the other type then, since it still looked kind of bare.

He glanced at the books. Something about manners and being good during quarantine, with colourful drawings on simple plastic pages.

He shrugged, and tossed them into the playpen. It knocked over a toy bear, and he felt a bit guilty, rushing to fix it up.

The kitchen was empty when he came back. He glanced the other way and discovered the woman emerging from a room, gently closing the door behind her. He got a glimpse of two cribs.

“Thank you,” she smiled, “You can never have too many diapers in a quarantine.”

He nodded.

“Will that be all?”

“Well,” she said with a sudden breathlessness, loosening her robe, “Perhaps you could come upstairs and help with a little something. That skincare cream isn’t going to put on itself.”

His eyebrows rose, and he followed her upstairs like an obedient puppy.


The reporter walked the streets.

“As you can see,” she said to the camera, “Things have never been cleaner. The grass has recovered with nobody walking on it, and even the trees look happier. And look, some residents are out for the first time, but seem to be taking care with how much nicer everything is now.”

She interviewed a couple, who had been gently stepping on the grass to smell some flowers.

“How are you feeling sir?”

“Oh I’m just glad to be out of there,” the husband laughed.

“It’s like visiting a new world,” the woman said.

The reporter nodded. She crossed the park, and found a dark-haired woman sitting on a bench, opposite a playground. She had a book in her hand, and a wide pram next to her.

“And how about you ma’am? Is this your first day out?”

“Oh it’s wonderful. I’ve already been to all my favourite stores. And the girls are getting some real exercise, we only had a little play course at home.”

The reporter nodded, and the camera panned to the playground.

Two girls were climbing over the yellow frame. They wore short playdresses which showed the full length of their bare legs.

 They noticed the camera on them for the first time, and seemed to scurry faster for the playhouse at the top of the mesh. Their plaited pigtails swung about, and as they climbed over the top into the playhouse door, they flashed their big diapers behind them. 

“Ten minutes girls!” the mother called out, “Then come back for a check. Don’t use the slide if you need a change.”

The reporter smiled. Those who had gotten the shrinking virus were so cute now. Though, her heels had seemed a little loose, and she’d mostly just presumed that she was immune after all those weeks indoors without a proper test...

“Do you think there’ll be another round of quarantine?” the reporter asked, “Like some people are saying?”

The woman shrugged. “Perhaps. But we’ll do fine. We’ve all learned to adapt by now, and make it work. There’s enough toilet paper now at least, since we’ve found how to offset some use of it.”

They laughed, and glanced back to the playground.

The woman furrowed her brow.

“Girls! What did we discuss? No hair-pulling, no shoving, no sliding in a dirty diaper, and take turns.”

She pulled a wooden hairbrush from the pram.

“Excuse me,” she said, and the reporter nodded, quickly leaving the scene.

God, that woman was intimidating. She’d also been feeling a strange looseness of her panties during all that…

“Well folks,” she said to the camera, “There you have it. Quarantine has maybe done society some good, and, uh-”

She paused, seeing a delivery truck drive by with a giant picture of toilet paper on the side, followed by two more for diapers.

“And uh, in the case of another quarantine, it might still be a good idea to stock up on toilet paper.”

She began at a fast pace off after the toilet paper truck, while the camera seemed to follow her in some bewilderment. This wasn’t part of the signoff…

The camera caught her panties suddenly falling out from beneath her skirt, and she crouched, catching them just in time, then looked back with wide eyes.

She set off at a sprint after the toilet paper truck, losing her high heels along the way...


Mrs Sevra ran the bathroom tap, then turned to the plastic stool beside her feet.

“Okay girls. You know the drill.”

There were the usual murmurs of reluctance, but the girls climbed up onto the stool, and put their hands out over the sink. Their diapered bottoms stuck out behind them so cutely, with their t-shirts bunched up atop.

Mrs Severa held a soap dispenser over each of their hands, and squeezed.

“Pink bubblegum!” she cried excitedly, as if it wasn’t the same soap which had come out the last few times they’d used this one.

Still, it was good to keep the girls’ spirits up. The playgrounds weren’t really open still, and there was a shortage of toys for now, not to mention hardly any television programs aimed at their unique positions. Nobody wanted to see a little diaper wearer watching something mature, but then they didn’t want to turn their heads to mush. Instead a respectable new type of program was being established, with absolutely no swearing, violence, or nudity, and with special lessons targeted to their demographic.

“Come on girls, sing the song.”

The girls cringed, their diapers catching the motion with a small jiggle.

“We wash our hands every day-”

“From morning to bedtime, hooray…”

“Because to keep things clean-”

“And in quarantine-”

“This is what we say…”

She nodded to the tap, as the girls reluctantly looked at her in the mirror for instructions.

They stepped forward, putting their hands under the running water.

“We wash our hands every day-” they began again.

They sung the song again with their hands under the running water, having spent enough time rubbing in the soap during the first round.

As they were washing, she realized that the jiggle in their diapers wasn’t only because of their little tense tantrums. They were both messy, but probably not enough that it needed to be dealt with before their midnight change. She’d gotten a pretty good handle on such things over the past eight weeks.

“Okay girls,” she announced, as they reached the end of their song, “That’s enough. Down we go.”

She helped them back off the stool. No wonder they were moving so awkwardly, they were both definitely messy. Well, they’d had a big meal with the celebration cake.

“Okay Missy,” she said to their visitor, “You next”

Her former boss hesitated for only a moment, then scooted forward from her bigger sister’s supervision.

Her blonde pigtails swung across her pink princess top. She had a pacifier in her mouth, since she could still be so naughty sometimes, but was getting much better. Her diaper definitely had the tell-tale crinkle of being quite full, once one listened for it.

They sung out the song for Missy, while she washed her hands. Her face was red the whole time, but she obeyed.

Mrs Sevra finally turned off the tap when she was done.

“Good job!” she praised, then leaned down to give a bunch of kisses on her former boss’s cheeks. The blonde blushed, but wasn’t going anywhere while on the stool while wrapped in a hug.

“Alright girls,” Mrs Severa said, “Now we just brush our teeth before bed.”

She handed a toothbrush with paste on it to Missy’s sister, who pulled the pacifier free with a pop.

Missers Sevra herself descended on her two girls, who sulked and pouted, but soon had the toothbrushes in their mouths while she scrubbed away on both. She didn’t quite trust them with this.

She had to smile as they coughed and sputtered and made a dramatic fuss over a simple tooth brushing. They were her favourite girls in the whole world. It was why she wanted them cleaned up before the news tonight. The announcement was coming. She wanted them sitting on her lap in front of the TV, resting against her bosom, her favourite position.

Many shrinkers were already referring to their caretakers as Mommy or Daddy. It only made sense that adoption was coming, and would make it official… Mrs Sevra’s house renovations were almost complete, and soon she was going to take the girls back to an absolute wonderland of princess cribs, rocking horses, doll houses, and a fully stocked changing table which would be seeing use well after quarantine… Some people having access to toilet paper had been overrated anyway, now there was plenty left for the real adults.


Author’s Note: When I started writing this, Australia had just gone through a craze of mass toilet paper buying, which led to a lot of great jokes and Simpsons memes especially. Not long after obviously things got a bit worse, for those in the English-speaking parts of the world at least, and this topic is turning fairly serious. Anybody who actually is infected or knows somebody who is, I hope for your speedy recovery, and hopefully this is just a bit of fun in these troubling times.



Fixed quite a few typos. Editing when tired always backfires.


Definitely an amazing story!