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Well this has been consuming nearly every waking hour for quite some time. New Years is here and it’s still nowhere near done, though it did teach me a great deal about making animations and movies which will be used again. It’s still kind of fun, and ideally these would next time have sound and music. The ending is very rushed sorry, but I figured it best to get it out while it was new years.

In case you're wondering, yes this was based on a true story. The woman in question received a new bedtime, and will now be celebrating the new year by watching a recording of the fireworks at seven o’clock before she's reminded that she obviously cannot handle staying up that late. The stern woman who caught her took quite easily to a motherly role, and the spankings and diapers became a fixture in their house.

The video codec may not play for everybody, it's not quite clear what the best way to go on that is (so much to research when making videos!). If you have any trouble please bear with me and I'll try other methods.




Dang, I tried it on the the app and Safari, but my phone is just treating it like it’s an image.


Heya, do you you mean the attached mp4 file? I just realized it might have been confusing, but the top picture is an image, whereas the attachment is the clip, since Patreon doesn't do video uploads.