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A short story for Daymare, involving a new concept which I don't think I've written much before if at all (it may be a little extreme for some people, but I think I managed a happy medium).


Dina held up the picture in front of the group, replacing the view of the dusty hospital waiting room with a rendered, modern lobby.

She had to hold it quite high, almost above her head.

“As you can see, with a few upmarket chairs and potted plants, this room can look like the most modern hospital in the city, and all well-below budget.”

She blushed at how her voice squeaked when she tried to raise it.

One of the managers leaned down to see the mockup picture. With a fidgeting blush, she lifted it right over her head.

Perhaps she shouldn’t have taken this job. But it was a fast-track option for her career, and Dina was hardly one to slack off. She had another job to get to after.

“It’s very cute,” one of the women said. “Did somebody at your work-experience firm draw it?”

“I did…” Dina insisted, not turning to face the woman.

“Well, a software program does the drawing,” the head manager said, leaning down as he was rather tall, “But Miss Gardiner here did indeed do the mockup as I requested.”

She stood a little taller as he complimented her.

“Indeed. As you can see, I went with ivy plants, which are particularly suited for indoor growth with minimal sunlight. And the waiting chairs are all polypropylene.”

“Excellent. And the cost?”

“Eighty percent of budget.”

“Perfect! That’s just what we wanted to hear. If you’d like, I can offer you a larger project now.”

Dina beamed.

“I’d be happy to design another room.”

“Actually, I think you’ve earned the chance at an entire ward.”

Dina felt her stomach flutter. That was a lot of work. A potential turning point in her career. She’d need to re-arrange months of planned activities.

“I’ll need to see the project.”

“Of course.”

Dina shared a few print-outs of the design, then bundled her things into a case, and followed after the director and some board members.

It felt a bit odd to be around everybody’s hips at most. She didn’t often come to this end of town because of it. Well, that and the sights.

But to do an entire ward… She was already picturing a new apartment, something to show that she was really making it big time.

“In here,” the director said, pushing open a door which hung at an angle.

Well, that would be the first thing to be replaced. Dina began preparing a mental list.

They entered the old hospital ward. The structure itself was fine, and only needed a clean and dusting. The few tables and old machines would need to be replaced however. Some of the tech looked truly outdated. Though, what were those metal tables in the middle of the room for? It was almost like they were arranged in a grid, yet from Dina’s point of view-

“This is the maternity ward,” the director explained, “Which needs to be remodelled by the end of the month.”

Dina’s stomach fluttered. Maternity ward? All those tall silver tables she saw were actually cribs?

She tried not to think about how often somebody like herself might be deemed as belonging in- Well, no, she was a professional businesswoman, and that was undeniably clear. Padded bras and extended high heels helped her get into that mindset.

Dina still remembered the vacation she’d ‘won’, which had turned out to be more of a summer camp, where high heels definitely weren’t suitable… She still remembered the crinkles of ‘just in case nighttime diapers’, the bubbly ‘supervisors’ who were often half her age but twice as tall, the annoying ‘games & activities’, and the looming fences of the kindergarten area for those who proved to be ‘not quite grownup’. She’d never much liked Marissa Thompson, but knowing that the snobby mother-of-two had ended up at the same camp as her, and spent most of the summer in that kindergarten half, before going home with her new ‘Mommy’, seemed off even to her.

Not that it mattered, the new mayor had put in laws to stem adoptions soon after, and Dina had hardly needed to worry about it for the past few years. The enormous man hadn’t done it out of nobility however, he was simply jealously proud of his own 'daughter’. It felt odd to vote for him as a Little, knowing that he always showed off his former political staffer in diapers at his rallies.

Things might change however, and then would Dina then be responsible for how this room might be used? Well that could be years away, and she needed to secure her career. Nobody could hold it against her when she was close to doubling her annual income.

“My first thought is that the cribs should be behind a soundproofed viewing window.”

“Excellent! I’d hoped you would find this one interesting.”

Dina tensed. Was he implying that…

No, it was just that she was getting to step up. She’d mentioned her career aspirations in their first meeting, and he’d encouraged it. She’d checked, and the administrator had no kids of any sort. He seemed quite okay with massive size differences, and not everybody was like that.

“Well Miss Gardiner?”

“Hrm? Oh, yes yes. One month. I can get to work immediately.”

“Excellent. I’ll have the specifications sent to you immediately.”

Dina glanced around the room, then followed the others out. She reminded herself that those cribs were only for newborns - the city’s laws required it - even if she might fit in there with a squeeze. She could do this. She could even make a good maternity ward, it would be an interesting challenge.


“Miss Gardiner? Which diapers?”

Dina stood speechless, her blush growing.

The nurse was crouching in front of her, holding two different unfolded, white, monstrosities before her, freshly removed from their packaging.

Those would easily fit Dina. Not even all the padding she wore could mask that from everybody else present. Were the nurses all thinking it? Casting glances her way? Or was it just her imagination?

It had been years since she’d worn diapers, and even then they were only in bed, at the end of exhausting ‘camp activities’.

“Well er, which do you think is better, in your professional opinion?”

“Well,” the nurse said, giving the ridiculous thick diaper in her left hand a squeeze, “These are pretty heavy duty, and don’t need to be changed as much. They’re generally for bigger kids.”

Dina wondered if that meant regressed people her own size. When they were in diapers full-time with little expectation of maturing out of them, it made a twisted sense to get economical about changes…

“And the other?”

“Well they are cheaper, but need to be changed more often. I moved my daughter out of those into the first brand.”

Dina shifted about, unsure what kind of daughter the woman meant. She wasn’t wearing a ring. She also had obvious swollen breasts full of milk - would she be breastfeeding for long enough to have time to decide to change diaper brands..?

A power drill roared across the room, bringing her out of her musings.

“Well, maybe we’ll just stock both brands, and let the staff decide as needed.”

The nurse nodded.

“Of course. And there’s two diaper cabinets, so they will divide very neatly.”

Dina nodded slowly. She’d ordered the changing stations, and had seen that detail, though her mind had been foggy as she’d read everything about them. It seemed impossible to get tables without a few restraining straps for ‘safety’.

Oh for goodness sake. She needed to stop thinking about diapers and everybody who wore them. It had been bad enough that she’d been coming to this end of town so much for this job, and seen all the strollers each day. She was quite sure she’d seen Marissa Thompson in one of them, still diapered all these years after camp.

This maternity ward was getting to her. There was far more to think about for the job, and besides, soon she would be done and moving onto other, less diaper-related projects. The mayor had passed another round of laws tightening adoptions even farther. He’d ironically made the announcement with a bouncer hanging in a doorway behind him.

“So are we happy with these?”

“Yes. Now I need to go check on the windows.”

She strode across the ward, her heels clicking. She’d opted for extra-large extensions for this job. The nursers didn’t seem quite as big now...

“Oh!” she scolded, approaching the window where two mid-sized men were working. “Those aren’t the right curtains at all! This just won’t do!”

They looked at her blankly. She huffed, then realized they had glanced to somebody behind her.

She turned, and found herself facing the crotch of one of the largest women she’d ever seen. The amazon giantess was dressed quite professionally, in a grey skirt and matching grey jacket. Even with Dina’s heels, the woman towered over her.

“Yes?” Dina asked, having to look up, and up, and up. “Can I help you?”

The woman arched an eyebrow. It all seemed to take place up in the clouds, and Dina felt dizzy.

“Perhaps. I am looking for Dina Gardiner.”

“I am Miss Gardiner.”

The woman stared, with cool, evaluating eyes. She was picturing Dina in diapers, it was obvious. Or, well, maybe Dina’s imagination was being ridiculous.

“I came down to tell her that the incorrect curtains have been delivered, and that I’ve seen her original order and agree that her original choice is superior. I will be covering the cost of redelivery of the correct design.”

“Oh-h… Well that’s... good. And who are you?”

“Clarice Paxton. The largest sponsor of this hospital.”

“O-Oh,” Dina croaked, wondering what to do. “Well thank you. The original curtains were picked intentionally to go with the rest of the room.”

“Of course, Miss Gardiner. I’m very impressed with how this room has been done. It’s almost ready to be used”

“Oh, well, th-thank you. I’m sure it will all be ready on time.”

“I expect it will. Now I’m sure you’re very busy.”

“Y-Yes Mrs, er Miss, er Ma’am…”

Stupid. Goodness, the woman was so huge. Was she glancing over Dina’s shoulder, checking for the bulge of a diaper back there?

Dina shook her head clear of the disgusting thought, and quickly went back to work. She had a date with Brad tonight, and the last thing he’d probably want to hear was that she was one of those Littles, always obsessed with diapers even in a town where she didn’t need to think about them, and deserved to be treated that way. This whole maternity ward thing was just getting to her. She’d stop thinking about all… that stuff… immediately.

“Miss Gardiner? Where do you want this breast-pump?”

She winced. Oh bother.


Dina plodded down the hospital hall. It was late, and she’d discarded her uncomfortable boosted heels. It was two days until the big opening, and she was actually going to manage it.

She paused as she heard voices coming from the boardroom.

“You know the law Clarice.”

“Yes, well, I’d think that with our connections, we could do away with that.”

“Hardly. You’re up against something tougher than misguided-nobility. You’re up against jealousy, and a man’s desire to show off - his most precious thing, at that.”

“Oh. Do you know how much I pay for this hospital?”

“And it’s very appreciated. But there’s no way. Unless…”

Dina plodded off. She didn’t want to hear about anything possibly illegal. They were two days from opening. She was even kind of getting on with these big people. Clarice Paxton had been coming to review her work constantly, with ample praise, not to mention ample other things, Dina had noticed. No, she wouldn’t think about that.

She stumbled into her shoes, and quickly went home.

She tried to look up new apartments, but couldn’t even make basic decisions. Her workload was beginning to cause cracks, and she wondered if she might need to take some sort of stimulant to keep up - she was going to make it in the big leagues soon, so help her.


Dina stood in the entrance of the maternity ward, frowning up at an enormous crate which towered over her.

“What in the WORLD is this?” she demanded.

A nurse appeared over the top, then looked down at her crossly.

“Don’t squeal dear. It’s something which the administration ordered. Something for a special service which the hospital will be offering.”

“O-Oh… It’s not going to be, uh, as big as this crate is it? I designed the rooms in a very specific way.”

“I’m sure it will be fine dear. The administrators wanted this. It’s going to be a major feature of our hospital.”

“Oh, good. It’s just… Well, never mind. Can you get it set up for me? I have to go down to the ribbon cutting.”

“Of course dear. You better run those little legs down there now. I’m sure Miss Paxton will want to see you too.”

Dina blushed. Was it that obvious? Or was the nurse just referring to the excellent rapport they had?

She raced downstairs, just in time to find the welcoming committee moving to cut the ribbon.

“Oh, and here is our designer for the maternity ward and our excellent modern lobby.”

Dina blinked as she rushed into an applauding crowd.

Well, good, she’d worked hard and deserved it. Maybe a bit too hard. Was that a wet patch she felt in her panties?

She glanced around and found Clarice Paxton among those clapping, with a big smile on her powerful face. She’d need to make sure the woman didn’t try to inspect her panties or anything today, she was quite sure the giantess was just waiting to try. Not that she could officially adopt Dina or anything, the designer reminded herself, it just… well, she might still enjoy mothering if she got a chance even for a moment.

Dina blushed, realizing that the woman would find a valid reason to today.

Though if anybody was to adopt her- well, goodness, no, Mrs Paxton would hardly be better than any of the others. She’d seen the giantess casually talking to a woman in the park, a stroller between them with a rather defeated-looking Little inside.

Oh goodness, what sort of thoughts was she having? She waved politely, as expected.

The tour began through the hospital, and Dina didn’t much care about most of it. It was so odd being among so many tall people. There were a lot of betweeners, quite a few giants, and a few littles like herself. About half of them were there with bigger people, and in diapers… One girl in particular, in pigtails and working vigorously on a lollipop while obediently leashed… Oh, it was the mayor’s daughter. Dina scrunched her face, and glanced elsewhere.

That might have been a woman once, but the brat clearly wasn’t now.

She tried to see Mrs Paxton’s reaction to the pigtails and diapers, but couldn’t spot the giantess.

Finally, after what seemed an eternity, they reached the maternity ward.

The nurse from earlier gestured her over as the crowd streamed in.

“Did you get the box unpacked?” Dina asked, glancing around.

“Yes. Come and see.”

Dina blinked, and finally spotted the new addition.

It looked like a large hose, connected to some sort of flexible valve at the other end. Various tubes and vials bubbled with glowing liquid above it.

Miss Paxton approached. She was smiling to the nurse.

Wait, why was she wearing a patient gown? Had she disappeared on the tour?

“Dina,” one of the nurses whispered, gesturing her over.

She stumbled forward, frowning. They’d totally ruined the contrast of the room with where they’d placed that. Was she really considering ‘tattling’ to Mrs Paxton over it? Well she’d wait for a private moment.

“- to show our hospital’s new centrepiece,” Clarice was saying, “A brand new procedure only available here. Dina, would you help me show off our new equipment dear?”

Dina blinked, glancing up, and could almost see up Mrs Paxton’s gown from where she stood. She blushed, and glanced away.

One of the nurses was pulling a curtain closed around them and the device. The crowd disappeared, and Dina huffed. She could tell off the nurses now. Mrs Paxton would be on her side, probably. She certainly had a certain fondness for Din-

“These just need to come off dear.”

Dina blinked, realizing that the nurses were undressing her from every side. It seemed one fluid motion, and suddenly she was naked.


Dina blinked, finding herself placed back down on bare feet.

“It’s alright, just hold still.”

They were pulling something over her head. Well, goodness, at least she’d have a gown, but what were they thinking even touching her like-

She blinked, realizing that they were pulling the big hose from the machine over her. Somebody attached something to her belly button, and then there was a rushing of water.


Dina wasn’t quite sure where she was.

She heard Mrs Paxton’s voice.

“You see, the procedure went off without a hitch.”

Dina frowned, squirming in whatever dark, warm, damp place she’d found herself. Well, she was at least comfortable.

There were muffled voices, for some reason they seemed farther away than Mrs Paxton.

She heard Mrs Paxton laugh in reply, and the whole world seemed to shake.

“Oh, for the full nine months. It’s a legitimate birth, recognized under international law after the mysterious unbirthing incident of Tensterville. Isn’t that right Mr Mayor?”

She heard a bemused man say something muffled in reply.


Dina gave an experimental kick. It was difficult, like she was somehow weak, and there wasn’t much room...

“Oh! She’s kicking! Come feel it.”

Dina’s head swum. No no no, that wasn’t possible. Was it? It was just a bad dream. She certainly felt like she was dreaming.

“You see? She fits right in. That must mean she was a premature birth, and at this hospital we can pop her right back in to give a little more time.”


Dina awoke from another of her strange dreams.

A woman was talking in a muffled voice.

“Oh yes, quite alright. The baby was just kicking.”

Dina struggled to hear the other woman, but it was all so distant.

“Oh, only a month now. That’s why we’re buying these.”

Dina heard the crinkles. Mrs Paxton must have been holding them close.

Oh god, she was reminded all over again. It was this strange dream, where she was trapped in a giantess’s vagina.


Dina blinked her eyes open, for what felt like the first time in forever.

The room looked familiar. Grey, with a big, glass window beyond her feet, over the curve of her-

Dina blinked, and lifted a weak hand.

It came down with a thud on the crinkling diaper.

It was two diapers, she realized. A thick brand with a thinner brand over the top. She’d approved those, though hadn’t expected them to be used that way…

At the discretion of the nurses and parents, they’d said…

Her eyes widened, and she glanced to the glass window. Now she saw them, smiling women all up against the glass, beaming at her.

She sucked harder on her pacifier, only realizing for the first time that she’d been doing it all along. They all made cooing faces, though she couldn’t hear them at all on this side of the glass. Well, it was certainly sound proof.

She gave a wriggle of her backside, and decided that the crib was at least comfortable enough.

They’d kept all of her design decisions, that much was obvious. Maybe she could use that, and explain to Miss Paxton that she was better off not being a baby, now that the woman had gotten her fun and showed off the procedure to the world. After all, it wasn’t like Dina was the type to actually-

Dina’s eyes widened, and she felt an awful mush as the seat of her diaper ballooned. 


Dina used to think that eating at a cafe showed that she had truly made it, and could fit in among the top.

Mommy didn’t need to show off or fake it, she truly did belong there. She put down her cappuccino with a clink, which Dina heard behind her head.

She herself was busy feeding on Momma’s breast. She glanced up, over the curve of boob, and only saw that twinkling smile in return. Mommy stroked her hair, and pushed her in a little closer.

Maybe it was for the best. That way she didn’t have to see all the pregnant women in the cafe. They had taken to Mommy’s example over the past few months. The hospital was actually turning a profit now with the optional procedure, and ‘premature births’ were being given ‘a little more time’ across the city.

Her playmate had finished with her own bottle, and was bouncing in annoyance on her booster chair, waiting for Dina to finish so that they could go to the cafe’s playground.

The mayor didn’t seem to mind that Mommy had found a way around his rules. It still kept adoptions rare, among only a dedicated few. His girl looked cuter with a few contemporary playmates as well, he’d seemed to have realized, rather than outshone. Dina still hoped that Mommy wouldn’t agree to her appearing in the mayor’s next ad alongside his daughter. It was bad enough that her silhouette was used in all the promotions for the hospital’s procedure, with the bulge of a diaper every time.

Of course, there was no point pretending that she didn’t belong in diapers. Anybody who saw her now would quickly see it. Dina grunted, and pushed out another solid load. If only she hadn’t approved the thicker diapers which needed to be changed less often - Mommy had taken a full year’s worth from the hospital’s stores.

Well, she’d certainly made it to the big opening, just not the one she’d quite expected. 



Awesome and the last picture are adorable new mommy and baby


Wow, could have been ... disgusting, but you wrote it nice and easy. Good job!


I enjoyed it. Like Xydis said, you played it safe and I understand why you did. Your audience isn't into this type of thing like my audience is. Was nice seeing this subfetish from your point of view. After writing so many of these stories, it is nice to see someone else's take on it.