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No matter how she lay, she could not get comfortable on the hard detention bed. This was getting ridiculous.

She glanced about, but there were no screens or timekeeping devices in her gray cell. Surely a rescue team would arrive soon. She was not some regular-

There was a woosh, and the cell door whisked open. She sighed, and started to get up. Finally.

A figure rushed down the stairs, then paused, as if not quite expecting her to be… all that she was. A stunning young woman wearing a hugging white robe, which did little to hide her curves.

She watched him react, then looked him up and down.

“Aren’t you a little tall to be a space fighter?”

He paused, then looked at himself.

“Huh? Oh. The space armour. Yeah, I’m Duke Spaceminer. I’m here to rescue you.”

She nodded, supposing it made sense, though in truth she didn’t really care.

“Your highness, we really need to-”

There was a blast outside, and somebody yelled something about ‘having company’. She frowned. Who were these people - some sort of mercenary amateurs? A princess needed to expect better.

She sighed.

“Well, let’s get going then, if you’re ready.”

She rolled her shoulders, and reached to take the boy’s zapper. He yanked it back reflexively.

“Er, this is mine. You follow.”

Her mouth tightened, and she nodded. No use arguing. Yet.

He turned and raced back out. She bunched up her robe in fists, then marched after him.

It was chaos outside. Another man in space armour, and an even larger man in a bulky high-g suit, were sending zaps down the corridor at some sort of troublesome opponent.

“Nowhere to go!” the new man yelled.

The rescuer boy hopped from foot to foot.

“Oh, for goodness-”

She snatched the stun stick from him, then jammed it into a vent panel in the wall. She turned its power up to full, and the hatch clicked open.

“Somebody has to get us moving,” she snapped, then nodded at the open hole. “Into the air-chute idiots, now.”

She bunched up her white robe and jumped in. The giant man in the heavy armour came last, and at least had the sense to pull the vent closed behind them, locking it in place with his own zapper.

She realized her mistake as she smelled something awful.

“This is…”

She looked desperately to the others, but they were all sealed in armour and couldn’t smell it. They were already pushing on, even as the liquid seeped into her white robes. It was the tank beneath her own cell’s toiletry. Thankfully she’d only relieved herself in the one less offensive way.

They found a hatch out, though had to call their tech-bot to have it unlocked. The clunky thing met them on the other side.

“You really brought that bucket of bolts to rescue me? Well, fine. We’re heading to the hanger. And would somebody get this walking truck out of my way please?”

She marched around the larger man in the high-g suit, while the other two men gaped at her, or at least she had to presume they were within that armour. She knew the effect she had on men.

The asteroid boy sheepishly caught up with her.

“So. What didya do?”

She glanced over to cooly evaluate him. For a long moment, she just continued walking, then decided to answer.

“I stole their financial records. Hopefully we can find some embarrassing information within them, a weakness to bring the whole system down.”

“What for?”

Her frown grew. “They put an estate tax on star inheritances. Two months’ worth of hydrogen which could be fueling luxury cruises.”

He stared blankly. She’d expected him to not understand.

”That affects the workers aboard the ships too you know.”

“Aren’t, er, the luxury liners operated by robots these days?”

She huffed. “Well, it’s the principle of thing.”

With that she stormed on ahead. They passed a viewport into the hangers, and she had to guess that the ugly ship waiting there was their own. Her face soured.

“I think it’s best we split up.”

“But your highness-”

She waved the objections off.

“It makes sense, since they might have put a tracking device on your ship,” she said, stooping into an escape tunnel and activating the hatch behind her.

She wouldn’t likely see them again, she decided. With how sloppy their rescue had been, they could settle for just the upfront portion of the fee.

“This way you’ll appear completely innocent if pulled over. I’ll meet you at the rendezvous. The Capitol Hotel I expect.”

The hatch clicked closed.

With a bit of privacy, she risked turning attention to her sodden white robe. It was just darkened rather than a telltale yellow. Even if the security cameras had caught her leaving, they couldn’t besmirch her image by making a mockery of her excrement-soaked ankles.

“Pod.” she commanded.

The escape craft whirled awake.

“Get me somewhere else in the galaxy, far, far away, where I can be treated like a princess as I should be. Preferably without government presence.”

The pod whirled up, and slipped from the tunnel into inky space.

The stars were quite pretty, she supposed. However, she was ready to start a war over them rather than pay a molecule more of tax.

The ship’s synthesizer crackled, sounding strained.

Calculating jump.

She glanced to the control screens, and her eyes widened. There were no known jumps that far. The ship must have dug up some ancient knowledge from a forgotten database to satisfy her request.

She grabbed hold of the pod.

More importantly, a jump that far was likely to cause her to lose conscious-



Nothing really hurt, that was a good sign. The last thing she remembered-

“Oh, our princess is awake!”

The princess’s eyes blinked open, and she sat up in bed, looking for the source of the unfamiliar feminine voice.

A large, airy room in faint blue pastels greeted her. Gauzy curtains fluttered against sunlight at the far end.

A robot rolled toward her on one large wheel. Only, it was unlike any robot she’d ever seen, with a flexible torso, and a screen for a face which showed a simple smiling graphic.

“Where… am I? Who- You should understand that I am a p-”

“Oh yes, a princess! We were able to process your pod’s database dear.”

“Oh, well that’s good. But, uh, how did you get it open? The seal is meant to be quite, er, impenetrable.”

“It was a simple matter for our tools. It’s nothing to worry about.”

She nodded slowly. This seemed an extremely advanced civilization, how could it exist out beyond known space in such a way?

“So, uh, where am I?”

“Well, you made a jump to a special retreat for princesses. It was created long-ago in fact, as an escape destination for some royal family or another. Since then it has evolved, and ancient software in ships has been bringing princesses in distress here ever since.”

She gaped, then huffed a laugh.


“Oh yes. The Huttalese have since moved in, drawn to this world’s unique situation. They really are behind this place’s modern form.”

“Huttalese?” she asked in confusion.

The med bot straightened, then projected a small hologram between them to display one of the locals. Well, it was just a normal-enough looking woman. She, er, maybe had a particularly endowed bosom however, come to look at it. She was dressed exquisitely.

“This is Queen Jabbalacia. She oversees the princesses here, and manages the Huttalese laws and society.”

She strained to inspect the queen in the hologram. Her stomach soured at the notion of an authority figure. She’d somewhat liked the idea of commanding a bunch of serving robots. Still, she herself was royalty, so would be about on par with this Jabbaliaca.

“The Queen will of course need to see you, now that you are recovered from your trip.”

“Of course,” the Princess said, casting aside her grey blanket and swinging her legs over the side of the bed.

Only… She noticed a bright, colourful, soft-flannel top in place of her white robe. She also heard a crinkle, and felt strange as she spun upon the bed. Her hair even swung oddly, no longer in its coils, but perhaps still in the braids as it smacked her cheek.

Her bare legs extended out from a short, yellow skirt, and a furious blush rose upon her cheeks.

She scooted back to cover herself with the blanket again, only, something beneath her caught and bunched up, and there was more crinkling as she became stuck.

She was beginning to quite suspect that she was wearing a toddler’s outfit, with a cartoon lizosaur creature of some kind on her chest, and a real diaper to boot, all scaled up to young woman size.

“Wait…” she asked, even as the robot descended on her with a grasping hand to pull her from the bed. “How uh mature were the princesses who initially had this place constructed for them?”

“About as mature as you dear,” the robot nearly sang, hoisting her to her feet with a powerful tug on her hand.

There was another loud, tell-tale crinkle. She couldn’t remotely close her legs. She somehow sensed her butt poking out enormously behind her, perhaps due to the draft she felt beneath the rear of her raised short skirt, or just the way her centre of gravity swung as she moved.

“I uh,” she began, finding herself being marched away, while her backside swung wildly and she crinkled, “I think there’s been a mistake…”

“Hrm? Oh, you princesses always think that. You didn’t come here to be free of all parental oversight. The Huttalese are far more advanced, and they know what’s right for you.”

“But I’m wearing a d-”

She gasped as they stepped through the curtains into a busy, spacious street. Some sort of sound dampener had kept the noise at bay.

And… Oh dear… The Huttalese looked like normal people, that much was true. Only, three or four times normal-size… They towered to the sky as they marched by in suits and dresses. Everybody looked so… grown up.

One man turned to give her a smile.

She scooted behind her care-bot with a blush.

No no no…

“Now come along little miss - is it Leela?”

“Well no, it’s uh-”

“I’m sure it’s Leela. Our translation computer wouldn’t make a mistake. Now let’s get going Leela. The Queen is most eager to meet you.”

With wide eyes, the princess found herself waddling off down the street, pulled along by a firm hand which gripped both of her own high in front of her.

Her stupid diapered backside crinkled and swung behind her, and now she felt her hair for sure was in childish tails as they smacked against her whenever she tried to counter her waddling gait.

“There’s definitely been a mistak-” the princess started, then paused as they passed a local man leading a smaller figure with a strong grip on her far-smaller hand.

She was another princess, from elsewhere. That much was clear.

Only, she was also dressed like a toddler, with a thick, white, disposable diaper poking out from beneath her short skirted-overalls.

With how effective the outfit was, and how large her ‘guardian’ was, it was almost easy to think that she was the real thing. But no, she was a woman, it just took a moment of looking past the unusual presentation.

She made eye contact for a moment, and blushed over her pacifier. Then they were on their way.

She was a princess. She had been here for some time. And there she went waddling in a diaper...

A glance back proved regrettable for three reasons. First, her diaper was even more obvious from behind, and seemed very clearly a practical matter worn and applied with a great deal of familiarity. Second, the red marks on her thighs poking out around her diaper suggested the telltale sign of a spanking - the princess had leered at enough dirty holo-drawings to know that. Thirdly, she herself wasn’t familiar enough yet with waddling to manage the maneuver of looking over her shoulder, and stumbled.

The nanny bot caught her and kept her upright. That’s what it was, wasn’t it? A nanny bot… She had been assigned a nanny bot...

“Now don’t dawdle you naughty girl,” the nanny scolded, “Trying to delay a visit to the Queen will just make me cross. You need to go see her as a new arrival. She will decide what’s best for you.”

She’d like to say she resisted. Instead she was marched through the city with a blush on her cheeks and her hand held like a child, while her diaper swung about behind her in an entirely obvious display. The most dignity she managed was shyly hiding behind the nanny bot as they passed strangers.

The Palace was enormous. It seemed the whole city led to it, with giant spires and round tops. Terraced gardens and pleasant fountains spoke of wealth, and bustling attendants came and went.

She might have found it welcoming, if not for the large, fenced-in, playground area near the entrance, currently packed with smaller women like herself in thick, obvious diapers. The giant locals were supervising and chatting at the edges, looking quite pleased with themselves.

Oh, heck.

They entered the cool interior, thankfully passing the sight.

She was marched across shimmering floors. She caught a reflection of herself from below, directly up her skirt, and wished that she hadn’t. Her own diaper was no longer theoretical. She looked no better than those girls on the playground outside.

Those women, she reminded herself with wavering conviction. They had been truly using that playground, even if they didn’t exactly look entirely enthusiastic about it…

Maybe she should have gone with that asteroid boy after all.. She-

“So this is Leela?”

She glanced up.

A palace butler had come to meet them. A tall pale man with long, creepy fingers. She tried to hide behind the bot, only, she couldn’t quite manage now with his full attention on her.

“Indeed. She has been prepared. I believe the queen will like this one.”

No no no. She tugged at the nanny-bot’s hand, but it was an iron grip and she didn’t even cause the firm machine to budge. She might as well have been leashed by a slave chain.

The great doors were opened, and in they marched. Her eyes widened as she saw the giant woman on the throne smiling at her.

“Ah good. Our latest spoiled brat. Don’t worry dear, we won’t let that continue here. In fact I think I know where you’re particularly suited, probably one of the easiest jobs in the world.”

“A j-job?” she asked nervously. “Well I’m a princess. From a p-powerful part of the galaxy. So I don’t know if I should have a-”

“Oh pish posh. You truly don’t know anything. What an immature, sheltered little experience.”

She’d been urged almost all the way up to the queen’s stage now. Her attempts to recoil proved hopeless.

“Well come here honey,” the giant Queen said, hoisting her up with two strong hands.

An enormous, bared cleavage awaited her, and the princess found herself pulled into a very awkward hug atop those two big pillows. The Queen’s hands pulled her face in to rest against them, and cupped her beneath her diaper.

“There, isn’t that better? Isn’t that what a wild thing like you has been missing? The soft embrace of Mommy. You will come to appreciate it in time.”


Duke Spaceminer waited patiently by the palace doors.

He turned back to the captain.

“Are you sure this is the place?”

“Eh. We tried every other combination she might have put into the pod, didn’t we? Back in the day? The techbot thinks it might have found something, so we’ll investigate it.”

He nodded. The scruffy scoundrel was right.

“If not, I suppose we can move on. There’s a lot of interesting stuff out here.”


A nearby giant carried a platter of fruits off somewhere. It might have been a bit unnerving, but the locals had been reasonably friendly, and they had a rather large member of their group anyway.

It was strange, though, to reopen an old job. Five years ago he might have wanted to have tracked down the princess, but they’d moved onto higher-paying work since then. Plus that princess was frankly a bit of a brat, from what he recalled. To think they might have been stuck with her if she’d actually let herself be rescued, since her planet had declared insolvency during the rescue.

The palace butler finally returned.

“Yes, the Queen will see you. Your permits cover a half-hour meeting. Please be respectful.”

Duke glanced to his boss, who shrugged.

“Might as well ask.”

The enormous doors creaked open, and the three mercs trudged into the spacious throne room.

Perhaps the most interesting facet - at least immediately - was the colourful play area set up to one side of the huge room. Plastic climbing spaces, rocking toys, play houses, and even a huge bouncer seat awaited. Goodness, well these people were big, so it made sense to see things on that scale.

At the other end beneath the dias sat an enormous changing table and highchair with several loose straps currently hanging out. A rectangular porcelain bath was set low, and a partially-opened wardrobe let him glimpse a cavalcade of very well-tailored girls dresses.

It was strange to think, women from his part of the galaxy could almost fit in those, though they would be very short and not cover their underwear.

Well, it seemed that the Queen liked to keep her little ones close.

Duke was taking it all in, when the captain coughed. Duke stopped, and looked up.

An enormous bulbous woman was trying to step around them, dressed in some sort of maid’s uniform.

“Don’t mind me,” the cheery woman said, “I am Nanny Rancor, and was just reporting to the queen the state of the girls who pass through here.”

The huge nanny thundered off with a smile. A wooden spoon swung on her belt, and Duke had to guess that its use was quite corporal.

With the view clear, they could now see the actual Queen atop the throne.

She was perhaps the most beautiful woman Duke had ever seen. She was enormous with a warm smile and soft, yet commanding features. Her breasts were perhaps even larger than that Nanny Rancor’s, since, Duke noticed, one was currently half-exposed while she fed one of her daughters. The girl was cupped by her diaper, while her head moved rhythmically with the faint sound of suckling.

Duke wondered if they realized how awkward that was for smaller outsiders.

The Queen glanced up from her daughter, who she’d been watching with an enormous smile. She spotted the approaching spacers, and her smile grew.

Duke stepped forward.

“Greetings, Exalted One,” he began. They’d decided that he made the best speaker of the group, having acquired a natural charisma on an asteroid farm. “We seek just a moment of your time.”

“Oh, of course, of course! I have gifts for you, since you have provided such gifts to me. A statue of star-crystal, in return for you to keep word of what you’ve seen out here somewhat quiet, as there’s no reason to worry those who imagine themselves a peak of civilization.”

“Oh, yes, we can do that. Nobody would believe us anyway. Though what gifts have we provided to you? And uh, we were here to try to find-”

“Yes yes. Who you seek is indeed here, and she’s quite at home now. This is a retreat for princesses, and she’s quite suited to here more than anywhere else in the universe.”

Duke nodded.

“Well, that sounds like the best outcome. We weren’t sure what to do with her if we found her, in truth.”

The Queen smiled. It was heavenly. Her face was kind, giant, firm, with wise dimples.

“Of course. We know however. Don’t we princess?”

The Queen tickled the girl suckling at her teat. It seemed to cause her to lose some private battle she’d been fighting, and the back of her diaper suddenly grew heavy.

Though, wait, why had the Queen addressed-

“Uh oh. We’ll need to change that diaper before our tour this afternoon, if the princess is very good.”

Duke blushed and glanced away. The whole thing was a bit awkward.

“So regarding the princess-”

The captain coughed beside him, and nudged him in the ribs. Duke frowned, and glanced over, finding the captain gesturing for Duke to look up.

The Queen was placing her daughter in a small, plastic chair beside the throne.

There was something familiar about her. It was almost as if she was-

Duke balked. He knew some people liked to play as babies, but would never have suspected it for the princess. But then, with what a brat she was, it made a sort of sense.

The Queen pushed a large, pink pacifier into the girl’s mouth, and kissed her on the head.

“Well, uh, if the princess is quite happy here then,” Duke stammered.

He glanced to the captain, and the captain shrugged.

A moment later they were marching back out of the palace, perhaps a bit quicker than they’d come in.

“Space is a big place kid,” the Captain said, chewing at a sweet stick. “As long as the princess has what she needed, we’re done. She seemed like she could use a good kiss even back then.”

Duke blushed. He wasn’t quite as unchivalrous towards women as the Captain was, but it was true. The princess was in an expensive place being well taken care of by this Queen Jabbalacia. There were real problems out there in the galaxy to worry about, and, heck, the princess might have been the type to contribute to them if she wasn’t doing this.

As they flew away from the planet, the whole place seemed to disappear from their scanners.

“I suppose they let us find them,” the Captain shrugged. “Maybe the Princess wanted us to know that she was alright and in a good, new, home, now that she’s adjusted.”

“Geeze, there’s some really advanced tech out here,” Duke gaped, “I suppose we’ll never see them again.”

They passed a space-trucker with a shipment of diapers, the logo on the side being quite unmistakable. That ship soon disappeared from their sensors too.

“What a strange place.”



Awsome Story!