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Beckie checked the clock. Fourteen hours until News Years.

She plodded along in just the hotel towel and found Cassie sitting on her own bed.

“Alright Cassie, so have we got everything?”

“Yeah I think so. The train leaves in an hour, but if we’re fifteen minutes early then we can make sure we’re near the front of any queue.”

“Um, well, can I have my… you know?”

Cassie blushed, and plodded over to her suitcase.

“I tried wearing one last night, just to see how it was.”


“I uh had to rip it off after ten minutes.”

“Urgh. Maybe we can wait until we get there to put them on.”

“Nah, I just double checked,” Cassie replied, shuffling around with something plastic in her suitcase. “Times Square will be packed right from the start. Everybody’s holding a spot until the ball drops. If there’s no bathrooms then there’s nowhere to get changed either.”

Beck nodded. She’d known from their planning of course, but had hoped there was maybe a way of delaying this part now that she faced it..

“Well,” she said, watching her friend rise and curling her nose, “I suppose we won’t be the only ones in diapers there tonight.”

Cassie gave a nervous chuckle, and plonked the package down on her bed. “Absolutely. Though some people won’t have done research and are going to find out the hard way.”

There was a small tear down the side of the package, and they both nervously reached in and retrieved their own adult diaper. Doing New Years Eve in Times Square was a strange ritual which she already knew she would likely never do again, now that she faced the cost.

“They’re so… big!”

“Yeah… These are, um, extra absorbent. I wasn’t sure which ones were right and it seemed best to not scrimp. Like we’re going to be there all day with no bathrooms, and uh the goal is to avoid wet pants.”

“Yeesh. There’s no way we can wear pants with these.”

Cassie nodded again.

“K be ready in twenty.”

Beck departed with a frown, feeling the plastic between her fingers and wondering how on Earth she could wear that for the rest of the year until the ball dropped.

In her own room - with the door locked and triple-checked - she produced the small containers of powders and creams which had been recommended on the website. By the time she was done and sitting on the open diaper, she felt positively like a giant baby about to grow down and return to a time she never left, instead of a woman going to celebrate New Years. Or perhaps the New Years was a way of ending the dream of pretending to be a grownup…

She shook her head, and pulled up the diaper over her powdered crotch.

So thick, she winced.

The tapes were tough and noisy, and as the stunned woman diapered herself, she had to wonder if she was really still enthusiastic about Times Square.

Well, she wouldn’t be the only one there in diapers, she reminded herself. Still, she sure as hell wouldn’t be making a game out of guessing who was in them. Just the fact that she and her friend both knew that the other was secretly wearing them like a baby for their underwear made it embarrassing enough. Of course, if she looked at those who ended up with dry pants or not having to go on the street, she might work it out...

Standing up proved to be somewhat difficult with a slippery casing and slightly spread legs to boot. A few steps produced a tell-tale waddle and crinkle, and her face reddened. Was this really how people did New Years Eve at Times Square? Well, she supposed Cassie might have gotten them thicker options, but perhaps it was better to be safe than sorry, they were going to be relying on them for a very long time. The rest of the year in diapers, she chuckled to herself, what a way to send it out. Of course then she’d start the New Year in diapers too, which felt somehow wrong, like a way of cursing herself. She made a face and pushed the notion down.

Digging through her clothing, she had to rule out anything with pants, and eventually settled on a loose red dress. It was a bit short, but would hide the bulk of her garment better than the rest. It felt somewhat childish, finding a flimsy dress which went with ‘her diaper’. But the last thing she wanted was an obvious bulge, especially since she might be on TV tonight. If anybody got footage and it was obvious that she and Cassie were wearing thick diapers, yeesh...

She took a few testing steps with the loose red dress on. The crinkling was still loud, and she still waddled. There was just no way to avoid it, and it would be noisy enough there that it wouldn’t be an issue.

Still, if anybody got a look up her dress it would be clear as day... Beckie dug up a pair of black leggings, and rolled them up over her legs and diaper with some difficulty. Finally came her boots, gloves, a scarf, a beanie, and she rolled down the long, tight sleeves of her thermal undershirt.

She took a few steps, and felt so rugged up now that it all was a bit more right. Who knew, maybe a few high-profile businesswomen were shuffling about in New York in secret diapers all the time, rather than dealing with the public bathrooms and long commutes.

“Are you ready?” she asked, shuffling into the lounge with a slight waddle.

Her and Cass blinked at each other, realizing that they were wearing near identical outfits - one red and one dark blue - and laughed. Even the dark leggings were the same, and probably for the same reason - making sure that none of the diaper’s form was visible in a flashing emergency.

“Yeah, all ready,” Cassie said, pulling her purse over her shoulder. “Let’s do this. And this backup option isn’t so bad. I’ve already forgotten.”

“Yeah same,” Beckie lied, shuffling out of the hotel room with her friend.


The train raced through dark tunnels, bumping and jostling around.

Beckie flashed sheepish smiles each time as she jostled, slipping around on the creams and having to hold herself tightly down in place with sheer force of will. The sideways-facing seats had been all that was available, and she tried to be brave as she sat there with her purse on her lap. Could anybody see the bulge? Well, most people were probably drunk for New Years...

They rounded a corner, and she almost slipped right off, digging her boots down at the last moment.

“That was the halfway station wasn’t it?” she whispered to Cassie.

“Um…” Cassit began, biting her lip.

Beckie glanced up to follow her gaze, and saw that the most outrageously handsome man she’d ever seen was walking past in a suit. God, he looked like James Bond, played by Henry Cavill or something. Perhaps this was the right time to be wearing a diaper.

“Hope he’s at New Years,” she whispered with a naughty smile, then gasped as they turned another corner and she wasn’t quite ready for it. She caught herself at the last moment, then returned to her seat with a blush, having had to really push herself against the padding to pin herself down, which was growing a big warm and slick now. Though the cold permeating even New York’s subway was helping alleviate that, which she supposed was good, the last thing she really wanted was a wet diaper in any capacity. The day had barely even begun.

“I think we’re maybe halfway,” Cassie said, checking the map.

She was squeezing her knees together. Did she already need to go? Or was she, like, masturbating herself by squeezing the thick diaper together right there on the train? Ew, why did Beckie’s mind have to go there? Well she supposed it was due to how she herself was being massaged by her strange underwear.

She realized that a strange, dirty woman was looking at her, one who almost looked like an alien to Beckie’s amused mind.

She quickly pushed down any thoughts of her diaper, and decided to just.focus. on the fact that they were going to do New Years Eve in Times Frikkin Square.

“Hey, when we get there-” she began, then the power cut out.



Beckie groaned, coming to from where she was slumped on the chair.

Cassie seemed to be waking next to her, and she realized that it was as if the whole carriage had fallen asleep, with the lights flickering back on now.

Only, there were voices.

“And I’m telling you,” the handsome man in the suit said further down the carriage, “By the Area 51 treaty of 1987, I have the full right to be carrying this device here.”

“Well,” a strange, musical voice said, “One of our agents spotted you with the dis-harmonizer in your jacket pocket. Do you have any idea what damage it could do to the neural weave around here?”

Beckie turned sleepy eyes down the carriage, and saw the agent, as well as a silver glow.

The agent was rolling his eyes.

“Our people don’t even use harmony, at least not on the surface level like you do. Our government knows what we’re doing. There may be a Saluthan spy in our midst, and we like to be prepared for what you aliens are susceptible to.”

“Hrm yes we have detected and captured the Saluthan. As well as having detected several other anomalies. You are welcome.”

He nodded firmly. “Well if you’re done, would you please return this carriage to Earth?”

Beckie gasped and glanced out the windows. They were in some sort of enormous, glowing chamber, and she could see stars through a shimmering field.

“The passengers will need to queue for a short-term memory wipe.”

“Fine fine,” he huffed, “Everybody! If you would please just depart the vehicle at the back there. Yes that’s right. We just need to inspect your eyes for a moment.”

Beckie found herself standing, stunned, and shuffling along with all the others.

So, uh, aliens were real after all. And apparently g-men and all that too.

She glanced to Cassie, who looked back with wide eyes and shrugged.

It would be better not to resist… These people seemed to very much be the authorities…

Ahead, people lined up for a device which flashed before their eyes. They were guided back to the isolated train carriage with blank expressions.

Beckie glanced around, and didn’t see the strange old woman. She knew it! She knew that she was an alien spy!

She and Cassie finally reached the device. Damn, she was going to forget all this.

A glowing silver being held what looked like a scanning device which it quickly ran down her and Cassie, having to crouch to do so. It turned to pick up the apparent memory-wiper from an isolated silver pedestal.

Only, it paused, looking down to the first device as it beeped, then scanned them again.

“Captain,” it spoke, sounding somewhat like wind chimes, “We have a D7D3.”

“You sure you didn’t miss who they were travelling with?”

“Nope. They were unaccompanied, and closest to the Saluthan. It’s possible that it was their effective guardian, and was raising them to fit in better. My scan shows no parental contact in months.”

“Hrm, well, Galactic rights and law supersedes if they’re unaccompanied. Give them the second device and we’ll take them somewhere suitable.”

Beckie blinked.

“No wai-”



Beckie rolled over, and immediately hit something soft. It was nice, she supposed with a smile, and rubbed around.

She paused as she realized that her hand was cupping a bare boob, feeling a nipple between her fingers.

With a gasp she pulled back, rolling away, and sat up.

Or tried to.

There was a slippery pillow beneath her backside, and she flopped around, grabbing the bare naked shoulder beside her for stability.

Her mind suddenly flooded with memories of her News Years Eve plans, which were fantastic, aside from the part where she would be wearing…

Beckie glanced down. She was mostly naked, and sure enough-

Before she could even process it, she noticed the giant plush toys around her. She climbed to her knees with a desperate shuffle, and found herself holding onto the bars of a crib, looking out into an impossibly large room which was obviously nursery-themed.

There was a giant dollhouse, two enormous rocking-horses, two highchairs tucked into one corner - big enough that she knew with a gulp that she could easily slip behind that tray and beneath those straps - and there was even what appeared to be a huge, double-seated stroller sitting by the door...

It was the damn diapers! she realized.

Somehow those aliens… There’d been a mistake!

But she’d been with...

Two. There was two of everything. Two seats and sets of straps in that oversized stroller...

She glanced back almost hoping not to see...

Sure enough, there was Cassie, naked and on her knees looking out the other side of their shared crib.

No!… If she was here, who was going to tell anybody where they were! Where-

Cassie began to turn back to look at her, and Beckie gasped and quickly covered her chest. With a flinch she realized that her hand had just been all over Cassie’s boob, which she was now rubbing into her own boob…


“This can’t be-”

“It’s because we put on the -”

“But that was just for… I mean we’re not-”

A cheerful woman’s voice carried in.

“-oh they’re still napping after their trip, but will be almost done. Yeah just put it over here. Oh it has three bouncing modes? They’ll love that.”

The pair glanced at each other, their faces pale.

“Are you sure you don’t need it?”

“Oh my boys don’t use it,” a deeper man’s voice said, “I’ve tried it a few times, but it’s really meant to be used by two girls.”

Cassie fell back from the bars, onto her padded bottom with a crinkle. Beckie glanced down at her, feeling as stunned as she looked.

“But we were just meant to going to-”

“OH my new girls are awake!”

They both spun to find an enormous woman standing in the doorway. Her skin was pink, and she was well endowed, but she was otherwise fairly normal looking and quite stunning. Her short polka-dot dress might have even been from Earth, albeit scaled up three or four times.

“OH we’re ready to start a new life!” she cried excitedly, rushing over.

Beckie shuffled her way over towards the woman on just her knees, not taking her hands from her chest and so not making much progress. A giant, handsome man appeared at the doorway behind her, which only slowed her progress as her blush deepened.

“Lady, there’s been some mistake-”

“OH and look at how they try to speak but don’t know Harmony!” the woman cooed.

Before Beckie knew what had happened, she’d been scooped up into a giant hug at the woman’s side.

A moment later, Cassie was being balanced on the other hip. They were so high! And it all went so fast! They did a poor job of keeping their chests covered with all the motion.

Their giant pink ‘captor’ turned back to the man.

“Say Geram, did your boys ever learn Harmony?”

They gasped as the woman bounced them.

“Oh, the basics. They know Yes Daddy, No Daddy, all that. They left Earth a few hours before these ones, some sort of big New Years party there I think, where the Saluthan try to infiltrate and steal some ball.”

“But you’ve had them for-”

“Yeah, time dilation. It’s been centuries here. But I’ve still only made the first few steps with them, I think they could learn a few more Harmonic words in time, at least to ask for diaper changes and humpy times. These Earth humans need a lot of that, it’s why they have the parties and such, to try to find love partners.”

“Oh! Well we better not miss it, I think it’s still New Years there! Crib, activate the girls’ play mode!”

Beckie watched with wide eyes as mechanical tentacles sprung up everywhere around the crib, and fetched both her and Cassie from the giantess’s arms.

They raced towards the mattress, and it all seemed to happen so fast. She was laying on top of Cassie, their faces only inches apart, and then it began.

She began humping Cassie’s diaper with the help of the mechanical arms, which were moving them both to really enhance the effect. The room filled with gasps and squeaks and the rustling of their humping diapers, while the machine gradually moved their faces closer and closer with each hump like they would be expected to kiss.

“Oh Happy New Years Girls!” the giantess chimed. “I’m so glad you got to show off in your New Years Outfits and find love!”

Beckie couldn’t manage to speak even if the giantess would have understood. She’d given up trying to cover her chest, and was instead trying to grab the sheets to resist. Unfortunately she realized too late that it meant their boobs were soon pressed together in a firm squish, and there was no chance of getting her hand back in there now. The pink sheets were too slick, and she ended up grabbing onto Cassie’s naked body.

As the machine made them kiss, and she let loose some fireworks in her diaper, her eyes rolled back in exhaustion. She vaguely heard ‘Mommy’ instructing the machine to give them two more hours of play, but not to worry, New Years would last a very, very long time on this world, and they would get to celebrate it every single day in their chosen diapers and partnership.



This needs a part 2 lol good story