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also i just posted new poll please remember to vote




I know it gets stuff done faster most likely, if you put more girls on one picture if the vote count is the same but in my opinion it really reduces the quality. If i compare this one with your Tamaki picture for Maasim for example then this one looks kinda cheap.


I quite like this one, although I am biased because this is my favorite outfit from x3 but I agree with you, One of the main problems, in my opinion, with the polls is that maybe there is too many characters on it. If I pick 1 or 2 winners each time, votes will pile very high. I feel that because some girls get 3-4x the number of votes that others get, if I pick only 1-2 winners, it gives the more popular characters another chance to hop ahead in the next poll. but maybe polls need a culling. Another problem is also the issues I had with this render. I had wasted a lot of time working a few things out that made me so frustrated I almost quit blender. I finally fixed the last of the problems and was planning on some solo pictures but I guess you're tired of this set now hehe. Also, another thing is that the pictures I did for maasim, I was working on for several months. It also gave me enough time to experiment with volumetric lighting, which I had tried and failed to use multiples times the past year. I don't have that kind of time to work on patreon polls, although I wish I did. I also feel like can't experiment as much with them in case it ends up failing, I will end up with a render that does not look that good, or I'll need more time to fix it/start over and I feel it is not fair to the patrons if I take too long. Hopefully in the future I can do this full time and run multiple polls a month. Thanks for your criticism!


I think getting rid of some of the less popular girls in the pool would be a nice idea. You could also, if it's not to much work keeping track, let a girl that was recently voted pause for one month for example. Might help with getting to many girls with the same vote count. Also, and that is my bias towards Momiji, i wouldnt mind some solo pictures 🤭 Also also take your time if stuff doesn't work out. I think we'll all agree on that we don't want you to quit out of frustration 😂 and i'll take quality over quantity anytime


Hmm I think the one month pause is a very good idea, I will give it a try in the next polls, thanks for the advice!


I don't mind multiple winners going into the same release, but I think it would be nice to always have them be orgy scenes (orgy/group scenes with multiple guys also seem to gather the most attention in my opinion).