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Well I planned for them all to be interacting with the kitty for at least one picture each........but the kitty is a little bitch and I got angry at it and after I was finished with Rachel's picture, she threw it out the window and it ran off to go bother me some other time in the future.

I also figured out that I accidently rendered the cat with a couple million more hairs than it was supposed to have which is probably why my computer kept crashing trying to render the earlier pictures....gonna have to go back and fix some of those....

anyways enjoy~

edit 220319: I fixed the bracelet for the Fiona image with the book. Please redownload if you already saved it.




I'm calling PETA on Rachel! Poor cat. Anyways nice pictures, you should do more stuff like that


yeah that tamaki pose with her feet up in the air is super sexy, would love to see Rachel in that one, too ;)