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Hey guys, sorry to be the bearer of bad news but the new updates on Chapter 33 of Emma's Corruption and the sex scenes of the last sequence will have to be delayed for a couple days again. It's just one thing after another IRL... After finishing my deck, my AC stopped working for some reason and it's been a nightmare trying to get people to come and replace it. Fortunately I have a portable AC in my room that allows me to work on renders without my computer blowing up in this weather, but it's been slow going, especially since I also found out that I had an ant problem... I cannot begin to tell you guys how much I hate the summer. It's just the absolute worst season. XD

So sorry again guys, and thank you for being so patient and understanding!



Hopefully that gets sorted soon! Maybe AC actually stands for Ant Culler and that's why you suddenly have an ant problem?


No problem we will patiently wait 🙂


no worries, be well


Not a problem. I’m patient.