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Hey guys! I've been a bit quiet recently and it's for a good reason. I've actually went ahead and bought a new PC! It's an NZXT custom built PC with an i9-11900k and an RTX 3090, with 64gb of RAM. I wanted this to be a surprise for you guys so I didn't let too many people know. :) 

So now that I've got this beast of a rendering machine, I will be able to fulfill my promise and make the comic in 4k for silver and gold members and 1440p for regular patrons, and all future sequences will be in 4k as well for all patrons. For non-patrons, the comic will stay at 1080p and the sequences in 1440p.

Since my PC just arrived yesterday afternoon, I haven't had a chance to make everything in 4k for the chapter 8 release just yet, and also unfortunately I lost all my renders from my old PC, (most of which I have backed up, but not anything from chapter 8) so I'll have to re-render all of chapter 8, which fortunately won't take too long in 1080p on my new PC. So Chapter 8 will be released as scheduled today, but due to the circumstances only the 1080p version will be released today and it will be a little shorter (30 pages, 31 including cover), and will be much later in the day. I'll do my best to put out the Natalie sex scenes today as well, in 4k. It's gonna be a looooong day for me today haha.

4k and 1440p versions of Emma's Corruption Chapter 8 will be released sometime this week.

All in all, I'd just like to thank you all for being so supportive, and hopefully with this upgrade I'll be able to make better and higher quality works in the future for you all. Thank you!


Mika W

Enjoy your new monster. I am sure we will enjoy the fruits of it.