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Hey guys!

After countless hours of writing, editing, illustrating, and coding, I give to you the final part of chapter 8!

I hope you'll enjoy it, as lots of love and effort went into this one!

Ps. the start button will now take you directly into the newest build.





A great continuation, I'm relief that this took a new turn from any VN I have read so far. I can finally sleep without worry. I'm as childish as Caelan in some ways. I can say that it did make a good point in life. Thank you kael for the wonderful adventure you have been creating.


I love this so much, but I have a few comments on grammar. For example, when talking with the whore, its "rapport" not "report". "Rapport" is what you build with someone, "report" is what you give to someone :p


Your character writing always surprises me, in a good way. Even though the story isn't going how I'd instinctively wish, the characters feel genuine, and I appreciate that. Can't wait to read more!


Great new chapter! Loved meeting all the new characters!


el dolar mejor invertido, :D


I love Caelan's character growth this chapter, he finally got some self reflection and stoped to see the bigger picture (though it was understandable considering their situation. and also those "expressive sounds" from the next room really caught me off guard


I believe that what we saw was a ¨Narrow minded¨ person. And it showed us the actual picture of the whole situation, something that we forget to look. Besides, to be fair to Caelan's point of view, he doesn't have all the knowledge of his previous life to have that conclusion. He only has basic memory, and they pop without him actually remembering. Also, those sounds really caught me off guard too, I know shady inn's then to be a magnet to those situations, but it was still a surprise


I will say this is one of those stories you really can get caught up on a person's plight. I don't think either side of this agreement is wrong for Caelan or Ranok. Though I would see Caelan more easily in my own perspective and experiences. The story makes me think a lot and seeing the bigger picture. Though I am very inclined to the whore take on the world least she is free and that is worth a lot. Great story always enjoy the updates, sad when there is a delay, but always worth when I get to read it. Top topnotch.


This whole VN is an emotional rollercoaster and I can't get enough of it! Amazing work!

I Dare Korval

Well you need to keep in mind that Caelan has knowledge that the other don't or simple don't want to believe. Like that he's from another world (or ancient past of this world) and that something brought him here for a reason. He assumes it to help Ranok, so it's understandable how insistent he is about stay with Ranok. The fact the the Ominous Whispers are working so hard to get Caelan out of Ranok's life strongly suggest separating is a bad idea, but again no one will believe him so it also just gets more frustrating.


I have to say. I am really looking forward to where this story is going. I see potential in so much of this world. Different stories and characters. Loves and points of view. Mostly though I want Caelan and Ranok to be happy and with each other in the end. I don't know what the future holds. But I hope everyone including Tano gets to find happiness 😌

Anxious Oliver

Hullo! Is there a way to play all of chapter 8 without having to download it by parts? I tried downloading Parts 1 and 2 but the links don't have the files anymore.


I am loving where the story is going, I hope Caelan and Ranok reunite later down the line, but this time Caelen defends Ranok. Both are meant to be each other's Path/Destiny.


Hello AO! I don't know if you figured it out on your own (it took me a while) but I had to go in and select the specific chapter to start where I wanted. Beforehand when I clicked start it would launch to 8.3, but if you go into the chapter menu and select 7 or 8, it should start you from the beginning of that chapter.