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Hey there guys, I'm here to give you a heads up.

The update will come between Friday and Sunday, so 11th - 13th.

I'm sorry for the delay, but we had to deal with a streak of bad news in our family.

We've lost a dear family friend to Covid, while another was diagnosed with cancer.

The string of bad news led to Elath's father hospitalisation with imminent heart failure.

He underwent serious surgery today and hasn't yet woken up.

I can appreciate everyone is getting impatient, but I assure you we don't delay builds for the kicks of it.

Hope you can understand our situation.





I’m so sorry! Take your time, focus on family, and stay safe, ok?


Sincerely hope things start taking a turn for the better, take your time and take care of yourselves <3


Your family comes first. Plain and simple. Focus on them, and yourself, then worry about the lesser things and forget those who refuse to understand this. All love and care to you and yours.


We are all with you and your family. Give your family as much time as you need, and we will definitely support you. So take your time and be careful. Ps: sincerely Alex


You and your family’s health is priority #1. Please take all the time you need. We’re here for you <3


My deepest condolences; please feel free to take as much time as needed. We all love you guys, so please take care of yourselves. Family comes first


These are incredibly challenging times for so many people, you and your partner just need to take care of each other and your families! There's no hurry on anything, we know it'll come when the time is right. Please stay safe you two, and take care of yourselves! 💚💚

Aaron Cordova

Hey we can wait! Family is first so don't worry, just take care of you and your love ones and I hope that everything gets better for you and your family <3

Dimitri Jarema

We just wanted to know if everything is okay , take your time .


So sorry to hear that! We're here to support you, please take care of your family first. Best wishes!


No worries, seriously. Take the time you need to deal with all your struggles.

Lady Aelora Vaelius

Hope everything turns out better! Take your time


take your time as long as you need, I'm so sorry to hear that. wish everything turns out ok🙏🙏


just take it easy we are here for you if you need some support :3

Noah Solomon

Take as long as you need. It's not easy losing anybody close.


Hey man, real life comes first, take your time.


Our fix of furry hunks can 10000% wait for RL emergencies and priorities. My hopes go out to you that he wakes up and starts his recovery successfully and soon.


So sorry to hear of your recent turmoil and tragedies, all my heart goes out to you two and your friends and families. As for the build delay, pay it no mind right now, as a fan I can personally say that I would rather wait years for another build then risk having it stress you to the point of hurting you mentally.


Hope everything turns out fine for you guys and the people you love around you ,and I can always wait for the build cuz I know it with be amazing everytime


I hope Elath's father comes out of the hospital fine, I wish you , Elath and your families the best of care.


sending love your way, i hope things will take a turn for the better and please take all the time you need! it's really important to prioritize your own well being and feelings in situations like yours, we can definitely wait a bit longer


Best of luck with the health issues. Do not worry about us. We'll be here for you when you're ready. Take care of family and loved ones.


pleases dont rush yourself time makes perfect! <3


You always make it perfect so I can always wait if needed no worries and I hope your family and friends are all doing well soon❤


recovery and wellness ❤️‍🩹 ‏-רפואה שלמה


My condolences hope things get better


Hope things get better!


I hope things get better soon and that you are all doing ok. Take care of yourselves! <3


Kael said on the discord in the patreon only channel that there was a problem with compiling and it will take around 12 hours (it's been 15). It'll probably be out within 24h or we'll get another major delay.

Shelby The Alpha

Take your time, Kael We appreciate your efforts


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