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WIN: https://www.mediafire.com/file/f4w40nscp84xf52/FBtW-4.8.3-pc.zip/file

MAC: https://www.mediafire.com/file/vpccvyb76zmm2xv/FBtW-4.8.3-mac.zip/file

LIN: https://www.mediafire.com/file/bvw6n68x25rrxm6/FBtW-4.8.3-linux.tar.bz2/file

AND: https://www.mediafire.com/file/gsxbxkili535xq5/farbeyond.com-release.apk/file

Hey guys~!

As promised, here is the Alpha Build of Chapter 8 p 2!

Like before, the sprite work and CGs are missing and the polish and editing of the build might change before it hits the general Patreon release.

I’ll gladly await your feedback and discussions here, as well as in the designated channels on the Discord server.




John Rosas

Hey kael I think there might be something wrong with the android version. I turned off my play protect and it still won't install. I have never had trouble with the rest of your installments. I hope to hear from you soon ❤


It wouldn't install for me either until I uninstalled the previous version, then it worked just fine.


Those are still standalone, which means in order to install the new build you need to first remove the previous one. Hopefully, this will change in the first quarter of 22.

John Rosas

Thanks guys, I did just that and it installed fine! Great work Kael! Also kinda feel bad for tano now


Oh this one hurt. Can't wait for another update tho 🙃


I can‘t comprehend what I just witnessed!🥲 Now to wait for the next one🙃


Everytime I try and download it my computer blocks the linked website saying that it's risky, any ideas please?


Sorry for the delayed response, Christmas was a bit of a hectic period for us. Either way, it might be a problem with your Antivirus. Try disabling it while you attempt a download. Alternatively, just refresh the site a couple of times. From experience, MediaFire is quite gimmicky with its links.


As strange as it seems, I saw it coming miles away, but I'm used to overanalyzing the plot and scenario (cues my profile picture for those who recognise it). Be it with Ranok or Tano (when he spoke with Cora was when I understood). No, what impresses me is how you've actually managed to still hurt my soul by how well you brought it up. Cues on that, because not many have been able to make me feel emotional despite me knowing what was coming! At first, I thought it was really sad to not have a choice in romance, but when you look at how good the plot AND world building is, I'd trade any routes for a good ol' emotional and well built story! Keep up the good work!!


That's because it's Alpha build. It's supposed to be like that. Models will be added in the main release.