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WIN: http://www.mediafire.com/file/hswusdclcyx91me/FBTW-0.3-pc.zip/file

MAC: http://www.mediafire.com/file/jom7xd5ckgq5ks3/FBTW-0.3-mac.zip/file

LIN: http://www.mediafire.com/file/8zu4kxkyqpn02ie/FBTW-0.3-linux.tar.bz2/file

AND: http://www.mediafire.com/file/9jsroj7lrevxlqb/farbeyond.com-3-universal-release.apk/file

Hey guys~!

With slight delay, I present build 0.3 - second early release of FBTW =)

As before, some kinks and bugs are to be expected. This is especially true with Andriod build. If you come across any issues, please let me know either here or on our dedicated discord channel:


I will try to be more active on Patreon in the coming weeks, work on the VN takes majority of my time and it's easy to fall into radio silence, but I promise I won't continue to neglect you guys!

You make this dream possible <3

I have plenty in store for the upcoming updates, so this place should start filling up with WiPs, polls and extra goodies.

Lots of love,




I can’t wait to play this!


I love how you use the sprites, you don't see them used in such a way, talk about a way to wake up 😍


Love this episode. I really enjoyed getting a chance to slow down and get to know everyone more.


Refreshing episode ! Wait to see the next ! :-)


This is my first LN to date and I love it so much! It is definitely the immersive journey and I hope to see more of it in the future :D